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Nigeria: Nigeria Weekly Humanitarian Situation Report No. 13, 24 – 30 November 2016

Source: UN Children's Fund
Country: Nigeria


  • Nearly 5.1 million people face acute food insecurity in north east Nigeria. If humanitarian assistance is not provided, an estimated 400,000 children will suffer from severe acute malnutrition over the next 12 months across the states of Adamawa, Borno and Yobe.

  • The upcoming Humanitarian Response Plan for 2017 targets 6.9 million people living in the three most affected states of Adamawa, Borno and Yobe, who require immediate, life-saving assistance.

  • 136,387 children under 5 with severe acute malnutrition (SAM) have been admitted to therapeutic feeding programmes with a recovery rate of 86 per cent.

  • In 2016, so far, 3.55 million people have been reached with primary health care services through UNICEF-supported, Government-run health centres and clinics in IDP camps and affected communities.

  • Under the scale-up plan, UNICEF support has reached 405,365 people with access to safe water, 604,217 people with improved sanitation facilities, and 557,407 people with hygiene promotion activities.

  • 70,370 children have been reached with psychosocial support through the scale-up plan, 4,270 children and women associated with armed conflict and victims of SGBV have received reintegration support, and 4,428 unaccompanied and separated children (UASC) have been supported through case management and alternative care arrangements.

  • With UNICEF’s support, 95,621 children are accessing education through Temporary Learning Spaces and schools, and 170,302 children have benefitted from the provision of learning materials.

Situation Overview & Humanitarian Needs

With an estimated 13 million people in areas affected by Boko haram violence, Nigeria’s north-east continues to face a complex and extremely challenging humanitarian situation. As more areas become accessible to humanitarian partners, critical life-saving assistance is reaching the most vulnerable populations. In newly accessible areas, both internally displaced persons (IDPs) and vulnerable impoverished host communities are in dire need of assistance including food, nutrition, water, sanitation, protection, education and health services.

The latest Cadre Harmonisé, a food security report, estimates that there are 5.1 million people living in conditions between Crisis (Phase 3) levels in which at least 20% of households have significant food consumption gaps or are only somewhat able to meet basic food needs with irreversible coping strategies, and Famine (Phase 5), in which at least 20 per cent of households face extreme food consumption gaps, resulting in very high levels of acute malnutrition and excess mortality (FEWSNET 2016). If timely humanitarian assistance is not provided, an estimated 450,000 children will suffer from severe acute malnutrition over the next 12 months across the states of Adamawa, Borno and Yobe; with 244,000 severely malnourished children in Borno state alone.

Intensified fighting in northern areas has resulted in new population displacements. Nearly 17,000 people were displaced to Nganzai LGA joining an existing 5,000 displaced people, in dire need of access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene. In previous weeks, UNICEF dispatched hygiene kits and chlorine for water purification, and is mobilising cluster partners for additional support.

In the three most directly affected states of Borno, Adamawa and Yobe, 8.5 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance, with 1.7 million IDPs, including nearly 1 million children. In an area already economically deprived with extreme poverty and underdevelopment, more than 78 per cent of IDPs are living among host communities (IOM, October 2016).

The upcoming Humanitarian Response Plan for 2017 will target the 6.9 million people living in the three most affected states of Adamawa, Borno and Yobe, who require immediate life-saving assistance. Of these, 1.7 million are IDPs living in camps, informal settlements and host communities with 75,000 children at risk of severe acute malnutrition. In line with the 2017 Humanitarian Response Plan, UNICEF’s focus remains on these three states to provide critical life-saving humanitarian assistance to nearly 4 million people in Nutrition, Health, WASH, Child Protection and Education sectors.

South Sudan: Yei local official calls for continued humanitarian assistance

Source: UN Mission in South Sudan
Country: South Sudan

The Acting Director of South Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (SSRRC) Archangelo Sebit has decried a shortfall in humanitarian assistance and the increasing number of displaced people as a result of ongoing military offensives in the Yei area.

Mr. Sebit told a visiting UNMISS team that the population is facing severe insecurity in the town, leaving them in a precarious situation as they roam from one part of the town to another in search of safety.

According to Sebit, the number of people trapped in Yei town could exceed 100,000, as reported in the past, compared to the 52,000 confirmed by the World Food Programme (WFP) in July.

While he appreciated the enormous endeavours of the various UN agencies in supporting the displaced people in the state, Mr. Sebit stated that huge food gaps remain.

He said that at least 1,000 of the confirmed internally displaced persons never received food in early November, during the first WFP food distribution exercise in the area.

“The rations were meant to last for a month. Without more humanitarian support, the population will soon be heading towards hunger and starvation”, Mr. Sebit warned.

“There are people who live outside Yei Town in places such as Mukaya, Lasu, Otogo and Tore without access to Yei, which has some life-saving basic services,” he added.

Charity Dudu, a resident of Yei, said that the town was facing hunger because prices for the scarce food items available are skyrocketing on a daily basis.

Ms. Dudu said that the hunger is a result of rampant insecurity in the state since peasants are denied access to their farmlands.

“Our crops and farmlands are trapped between government forces and the opposition forces,” she said.

“I believe that a permanent UNMISS presence in the town will help build confidence in the population because the local people have lost trust in the security forces.”

Chad: Mise à jour des chiffres des personnes déplacées en lien avec la crise nigériane - 16 novembre 2016

Source: International Organization for Migration, CCCM Cluster, Shelter Cluster
Country: Chad, Nigeria

Chad: Tchad Bulletin Humanitaire N° 07 | novembre 2016

Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country: Central African Republic, Chad, Sudan


  • En 2017, plus de 4,7 millions de personnes auront besoin d’assistance humanitaire au Tchad.

  • Selon l’enquête nutritionnelle SMART de novembre 2016, 10 régions ont enregistré des taux de malnutrition aigüe sévère (MAS) au-dessus du seuil d’urgence de l’OMS (2%).

  • Le Tchad perd chaque année environ 9,5 pour cent de son Produit intérieur brut (PIB), soit plus de 578 milliards de FCFA à cause de la sous-nutrition.

Plus de 4,7 millions de personnes auront besoin d’assistance humanitaire au Tchad en 2017

Des crises humanitaires multiples Le faible développement humain exacerbé par les risques climatiques et sanitaires associés à la forte insécurité alimentaire et les déplacements de population précipitent la majorité de la population tchadienne, environ 8 millions de personnes, dans une vulnérabilité aigüe ou chronique. Selon l’aperçu des besoins humanitaires (HNO) en 2017, plus de 4,7 million de personnes, dont 52 % de femmes, auront besoin d’une assistance humanitaire l’an prochain.

En ce qui concerne la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition, malgré les bonnes perspectives de la campagne agricole 2016/2017 par rapport à la campagne précédente, l’analyse du Cadre harmonisé en novembre 2016 estime que près de 3,9 millions de personnes seront en situation d’insécurité alimentaire, dont plus d’un million en insécurité alimentaire sévère pendant la prochaine période de soudure (juinaoût 2017). Ceci représente une hausse de 100 000 personnes par rapport à la période de soudure 2016.

Plus de 2 millions de personnes seront en insécurité alimentaire à partir du mois de juin dans les 8 régions de la bande sahélienne (Batha, Kanem, Barh El Ghazal, Ouaddai, Sila, Wadi Fira, Guerra, Hadjer Lamis) dont environ 702 000 personnes en insécurité alimentaire sévère. Ces personnes auront besoin d’une assistance alimentaire d’urgence ainsi que d’un appui à la production agricole et à l’élevage pour les aider à sortir de leur situation de vulnérabilité. A ces personnes s’ajoutent près de 500 000 personnes en situation de déplacement qui ont toujours besoin d’une assistance alimentaire.

La situation nutritionnelle reste préoccupante avec près de 438 101 cas de malnutrition attendus en 2017 (une détérioration par rapport aux 410 314 cas attendus en 2016), dont 237 8073 cas de malnutrition aigüe modérée et 200 294 cas de malnutrition aigüe sévère touchant les enfants de moins de 5 ans qui auront besoin d’une prise en charge nutritionnelle urgente. Etant donné la corrélation entre insécurité alimentaire et malnutrition, l’assistance alimentaire devra être combinée au traitement et à la prévention de la malnutrition chez les enfants et les femmes enceintes et allaitantes. Pour réduire la prévalence de la malnutrition aigüe, une réponse intégrée nutrition – santé – éducation - eau, hygiène et assainissement est nécessaire.

Près de 600 000 personnes en situation de déplacement

Les mouvements de population concernent 581 000 personnes au Tchad, dont 389 000 réfugiés, 105 0004 personnes déplacées internes, 87 000 retournés tchadiens , et 322 ressortissants de pays tiers.
Ces personnes vivent à l’est (réfugiés soudanais) et au sud (réfugiés et retournés de la République centrafricaine) en raison de l’instabilité et des conflits dans les pays voisins, mais aussi du fait de l’insécurité et des opérations militaires dans la région du Lac (réfugiés et retournés du Nigeria et déplacés internes). Les conditions sécuritaires volatiles dans ces pays voisins et dans la région du Lac n’offrent pas de perspectives de retour pour 2017, et pourraient même engendrer de nouveaux mouvements de population.

Ces populations déplacées ont besoin d’une assistance multisectorielle d’urgence. Par ailleurs, l’absence de perspectives immédiates de retour et la durée prolongée des crises requièrent la mise en place de solutions durables favorisant l’intégration et l’autonomisation de ces populations. Une approche intégrée permet par ailleurs de garantir la prise en compte de 734 0006 personnes parmi les populations hôtes fragilisées par ces déplacements, afin de répondre à leurs vulnérabilités exacerbées et d’éviter les tensions intercommunautaires. Enfin, un dialogue continu entre les acteurs humanitaires et de développement afin de lier la réponse humanitaire aux autres types d’interventions structurelles de moyen et de long terme assurant la résilience et le développement local est essentiel.

Nigeria: Nigeria - Yobe State, General Overview (30 Nov 2016)

Source: World Food Programme, Logistics Cluster
Country: Nigeria

Nigeria: Nigeria - Adamawa State, General Overview (30 Nov 2016)

Source: World Food Programme, Logistics Cluster
Country: Nigeria

Cameroon: Cameroun : Réponse WASH, Septembre 2016

Source: UN Children's Fund, WASH Cluster
Country: Cameroon

South Sudan: Upper Nile State - Movement Tracking Trend, 26 November 2016 - 02 December 2016

Source: Danish Refugee Council, International Organization for Migration
Country: South Sudan

Malakal POC

IOM DTM team conducts two types of population movement monitoring exercises in the POC; Movement Tracking Trend (MTT) analysis and a Full Gate Count. The gate count measures the flow of people in an out within a day regardless of whether they are leaving permanently or just going out for the day (to the market or to collect firewood etc.); essentially this count is a measure of the traffic at the gate. The MTT tracks the movement of people who are moving on a semi-permanent to permanent basis. These people are identified as people moving with luggage.

The MTT recorded a total of 797 individual exits were recorded this last week, this is a significant increase compared to the 59 individuals of the week prior. 98% of the movement was women and children. The majority of families are going to stay in Wau Shilluk (61%), and some are transiting through the Makal / Fashoda area on the west bank en-route to Khartoum (39%). Most families moving are only partial, since the major reason behind the movement for both those going to Wau Shilluk and to Khartoum is to join family (71%). Education, Managing farmland, employment opportunities, lack of food an uncomfortable living conditions were the other ‘push’ factors mentioned in relation to the movement. No semi-permanent / permanent entries were observed.

The gate count mapping the ‘gate traffic’ is detailed in the graphs below. Peak time for exit was between 9am and 10am with peak entry time between 4pm and 5pm. Exits rose towards the end of the week with the bulk of movement occurring between Wednesday and Friday.

Wau Shilluk

A marked increase of movement has been noted in this last week of November after conditional allowed access of civilian movement between the POC and Wau-Shilluk. 671 individuals were reported to have arrived in Wau Shilluk through the Ogod port; of these 78% were women and children. 58 vessels were recorded to have been used in this transport giving an average of 11-12 persons per boat. 66 individuals indicated that they were making this move permanently. The two reasons given behind entry to Wau Shilluk was to visit family or to trade.

537 individuals were reported to have left Wau Shilluk between 26th and 30th November; of these 79% were women and children. 14% (76 individuals) indicated that they were making this move permanently. The overwhelming reason behind leaving Wau Shilluk was to visit family.


69 individuals were recorded in the MTT as entering into Khoradar this week, with no exits recorded. 64% the new arrivals were coming from Balliet with 36% coming from Juba (with their place of origin being either Balliet () or Malakal ()). The majority of entries happened in the first half of the week between the 27th and 29th of November. 49% of the incoming groups were children with the women and men represented equally.

Of those entering 19% were moving as partial families and 81% as whole families. All families suggested they would stay in Kho radar for 6 months or more. A number of vulnerabilities were observed within the group with 6 of the total 16 families entering having a member of the family displaying signs of malnourishment as well as 5 families having a physically / mentally disabled person or a serious medical condition in their family. Health was the overwhelming reason for the movement into Khoradar, followed by food and education and finally by employment opportunities.

135 individuals entered the camp this week. The majority of these people were originally from Balliet. The place of displacement was largely Balliet (43%); however we are also seeing people arriving also from Malakal (14%), Juba (16%) and Yei (18%); though these people still listed their place of origin as Balliet and Malakal. The majority of entries were service driven with education and food being the major pull factors.

In terms of exit there were 56 individuals exiting. All the exits but one family were from Balliet county, the remaining family was from Malakal. Everyone was returning to their place of origin. The main reasons for exit were management of farmland or employment opportunities.

Dethoma 2:

62 individuals entered into Dethoma 2 this week, coming from Canal (66%), Balliet (26%) and Juba (8%) though all identified their place of origin as either Balliet or Malakal. 44% of the entries were children, 31% women and 26% men. Food was the biggest driver of entry this week, followed closely by education. All indicated that they would stay 6 months or more. There were no exits recorded this week from this site.


284 individuals entered Renk this week, most indicated that they will stay in Renk for 6 months plus. 407 individuals exited Renk this week with 38% going to another location in South Sudan while the majority 62% was headed to Sudan. Most said they were going to stay for 6 months plus and the overwhelming reason for going was to join families.

South Sudan: Wau - Movement Tracking Trend (MTT), 26 November 2016 - 02 December 2016

Source: International Organization for Migration
Country: South Sudan

POC (mid-November population count: 28,851)

In the reporting period, the number of new arrivals decreased compared to last week, while the number of exits remained similar to last week.

There were 66 new arrivals to the POC this week, compared to 87 last week. Most came due to insecurity (82%) and the rest came for reasons related to food (28%). All 87 new arrivals said that they intended to stay in the site for six months or more. Most came from neighborhoods inside Wau town (82%) and the rest came from surrounding areas (18%). Seven people also came from the South Sudan Red Cross site. In general, all of above was very similar to last week.

Only 28 people left the POC this week. Nearly all of them cited uncomfortable living conditions (82%) as their reasons for leaving. For the second straight week, most of those exiting the site were heading for the neighborhood of Hai Daraja (39%), which has seen improved security over the past 2 weeks. Seven people intended to leave the area altogether and relocate to Juba.

Cathedral (mid-November population count: 8,511)

This week the numbers of new arrivals and exits returned to normal levels witnessed several weeks ago. There were 68 new arrivals in Cathedral this past week, compared to 117 last week and 323 the week before. The vast majority of new arrivals came due to insecurity in their neighborhoods (78%). Other came for health reasons or to rejoin family. Most came from neighborhoods inside Wau town.

There were 37 exits from Cathedral site this week, compared to 37 the previous week. The reasons they gave for leaving included rejoining family, health, rejoining family, and education, with most citing the latter (62%). Most were headed outside of the Wau area entirely (76%). All 37 of those exiting the site indicated that they intended to return. This corroborates reports from the community leaders at Cathedral, who state that many people in the site move fluidly back and forth between their homes and the site, often spending 3-4 days at home or the site.

Nazareth (mid-November population count: 1,568)

The number of weekly new arrivals to Nazareth dropped below one hundred for the first time in four week, with 66 entries recorded last week. Most came for food (62%) or due to insecurity (24%). All 66 new arrivals said they intended to stay at the site more than 6 months.

There were a total of 40 exits over the reporting period, compared to 38 last week. Most people cited insecurity inside the site as their reason for leaving (50%), with others citing or rejoining family outside the site (28%) and food (23%). Only 16 of the 40 departures intended to return.

Most of the new arrivals came from nearby Hai Kosti, while most of those exiting the site were heading outside of Wau entirely, with a few others going to Hai Nazareth or Hai Kosti.

St. Joseph (mid-November population count: 612)

Movements in and out of St. Joseph site continue to be the lowest of any of the five IDP sites in Wau. Over the reporting period there were only 9 entries and 7 exits, with both citing insecurity as the main reason for coming.

Those entering St. Joseph cited insecurity, uncomfortable living conditions and food as their reason for coming. Those exiting said they were leaving due to uncomfortable living conditions, insecurity, and for education reasons.

Lokoloko (mid-November population count: 1,467)

There were 18 new entries and 23 exits from Lokoloko in the past week, showing a slight uptick from last week. Those entering cited insecurity and food as their reasons for coming, while those exiting did so primarily because of food or health reasons. Nearly all of the movements in an out were between neighborhoods inside Wau town.

Chad: Panalpina affrète un cargo de 81,2 tonnes pour la réponse humanitaire de l’UNICEF au Tchad

Source: UN Children's Fund
Country: Chad

N’DJAMENA, le 8 décembre 2016 – Pour la quatrième année consécutive, UNICEF et Panalpina ont unis leur force pour affréter des produits indispensables à la réponse humanitaire dans un pays où les conflits dans les pays voisins, l’afflux de réfugiés et les taux élevés de malnutrition ont conduit à une situation précaire. Tôt en matinée, l’avion cargo s’est posé sur le tarmac de l’aéroport international de N’Djamena avec un chargement de 81.2 tonnes de produits de premières nécessité pour les programmes d’accès à l’eau potable, d’hygiène et de nutrition.

Le cargo affrété par l’entreprise de fret Panalpina a quitté la Belgique la veille au soir avec à son bord 81.2 tonnes de produits pour répondre aux besoins les plus urgents dans le domaine de la santé, de l’hygiène et de la nutrition mais aussi pour les loisirs des enfants particulièrement dans les camps de réfugiés.

« Comme les années précédentes, nous avons décidé qu'un geste humanitaire sous la forme d'un avion affrété pour l'UNICEF aurait plus de valeur que des cadeaux de Noël pour les clients et les employés. Le but de ce cargo reste le même : apporter un peu de soutien à ceux qui sont moins chanceux que nous, surtout les enfants, » a déclaré le PDG de Panalpina, Stefan Karlen.

Quatre crises majeures affectent directement 3,9 millions de personnes au Tchad. Plus de 3,4 millions de personnes sont affectées par l’insécurité alimentaire et la malnutrition. Plus de 600 000 personnes sont directement affectées par les mouvements de population incluant les réfugiés, retournés et déplacés internes. La situation sanitaire est caractérisée par la prévalence de maladies à potentiel épidémique telles que le choléra et la rougeole et d’autres maladies comme le paludisme. Enfin, les catastrophes naturelles (inondations, sécheresse, ennemis des cultures) sont récurrentes et de plus en plus fréquentes.

L'accès aux soins médicaux, mais aussi à l'eau potable et aux installations sanitaires est très limité en raison de l'insuffisance des ressources financières et humaines, ainsi que des équipements pour les services de santé. En outre, les taux de vaccination sont parmi les plus bas au monde, seulement un enfant sur quatre est totalement vacciné au Tchad.

Le matériel humanitaire transporté au Tchad par le cargo affrété par Panalpina comprend des équipements médicaux utilisés pour la vaccination, des traitements contre le paludisme, du paracétamol, des tablettes de purification de l'eau et des kits d'hygiène pour les femmes. Cette livraison d'urgence a également apporté plus de 15 tonnes de sachets de lait thérapeutique utilisé pour traiter la malnutrition aiguë sévère chez les enfants de moins de cinq ans. Les couvertures et les bâches utilisées pour les abris représentent 22 tonnes de la cargaison. Puisque les loisirs sont très importants pour les enfants déracinés par les conflits, des milliers de ballons, de cordes à sauter et de frisbees ont également fait partie du cargo.

« L’UNICEF a pour objectif de soutenir et de soulager les populations en état d’urgence, pour ce faire le soutien de nos partenaires est primordial. » a déclaré Philippe Barragne-Bigot, Représentant de l'UNICEF au Tchad. « L’appui apporté par Panalpina, depuis ces dernières années, est essentiel pour accomplir notre mission au Tchad. »

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À propos de l’UNICEF L’UNICEF promeut les droits et le bien-être de chaque enfant, dans tout ce que nous faisons. Nous travaillons dans 190 pays et territoires du monde entier avec nos partenaires pour faire de cet engagement une réalité, avec un effort particulier pour atteindre les enfants les plus vulnérables et marginalisés, dans l’intérêt de tous les enfants, où qu’ils soient.

Pour plus d'informations sur l'UNICEF et son travail : www.unicef.org Suivez-nous sur Twitter et Facebook

Pour retrouver le communiqué de presse en ligne, cliquez ici : https://yalna.org/2016/12/07/panalpina-affrete-un-cargo-tchad/

Pour plus d’informations, veuillez contacter

Sandro Hofer I Chargée de Communication I Panalpina
+41 61 226 11 66 I sandro.hofer@panalpina.com

Maria Fernandez I Chef de la Communication I UNICEF Tchad
+235 66 36 00 42 I mfernandez@unicef.org I www.unicef.org/chad

World: Crop Prospects and Food Situation, No. 4 December 2016

Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Country: Afghanistan, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Guinea, Haiti, Iraq, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Swaziland, Syrian Arab Republic, Timor-Leste, Uganda, World, Yemen, Zimbabwe

Ongoing conflicts continue to intensify food insecurity

Global agricultural prospects are improving but lean seasons loom in near future

8 December 2016, Rome - Civil conflict and weather-related shocks have severely stressed food security in 2016, increasing the number of countries in need of food assistance, according to a FAO report. The new edition of the Crop Prospects and Food Situation report, released today, highlights 39 countries that are in need of external assistance for food.

While the outlook for global cereal supplies is improving due to generally favourable growing conditions for crops, the legacy of recent droughts persists, as do the negative effects of a spate of conflicts.

Agricultural forecasts suggest robust grain harvests are on the horizon, but hunger will likely intensify in some regions during the lean seasons before the new crops have matured.

In Southern Africa, where El Niño effects sharply curtailed food production in 2016, the number of people requiring outside assistance from January through March 2017 is expected to significantly increase compared to the same period a year ago. Child stunting rates are "significantly high" in the most troubled areas, notably Madagascar, Malawi and Mozambique, the report notes.

In some regions, inadequate stocks of cereal and legume seeds due to two consecutive poor harvests may limit plantings. FAO and governments are implementing agricultural support programmes to improve access to key farming inputs.

Conflicts cast a long shadow on food security

To facilitate humanitarian response planning, the report identifies the primary causes of local food crises. These range from exceptional shortfall in food production and widespread lack of access - due to low incomes, high prices or disrupted distribution networks - to the impact of conflicts on local food security conditions.

Civil conflicts and their consequences, including refugee movements that are burdening host countries such as Cameroon and Chad, are cited in 21 of the 39 countries. Widespread conflict can lead to the loss and depletion of households' productive assets, as in Central African Republic, and to security concerns that hinder farming activities, as in South Sudan.

In parts of South Sudan, improved harvests are likely to have only a short-lived effect as ongoing conflict has reduced the ability to engage in agriculture, posing extra risks for the most vulnerable communities.

Continuing civil conflict in Syria has led to 9.4 million people requiring food assistance. This year's wheat production is estimated to be around 55 percent below its pre-crisis level. The ongoing conflict in Yemen has likely increased the number of food-insecure people from the 14.2 million people assessed in June, the report said. The recent escalation of conflict in Iraq is triggering a widespread internal displacement. Acute food insecurity affects more than 8 million people in Afghanistan and their numbers are likely to increase with the return of around 600,000 refugees from Pakistan before the end of 2016.

The number of food insecure people in Nigeria is above 8 million and is projected to increase to 11 million by August 2017. The ongoing conflict in northern states curtailed plantings, while the sharp depreciation of the Naira currency has raised domestic food prices and affected regional trade as more Nigerian cereals are exported while fewer livestock are imported.

Agricultural trends appear poised to improve after rough 2016

Droughts and weather effects linked to El Niño triggered significant crop shortfalls in 2016 in several countries. Africa's aggregate cereal production declined in 2016 despite some sub-regional gains, notably in West Africa and the Sahel region, which is on track for a record cereal production. Maize output in Southern Africa decreased sharply, severely stressing food security conditions.

Poor harvests triggered sharply higher prices for staple maize in Malawi, where 6.5 million people are expected to be food insecure during the upcoming lean period. On a positive note, with El Niño over, preliminary estimates point to a 27 percent increase in maize plantings for South Africa's 2017 crop, by far the region's largest producer.

While much of Asia benefited from robust food production in 2016, led by a sharp recovery in India, the impact of long-running conflicts in several Near Eastern countries continues to severely depress agricultural production despite generally beneficial weather conditions for staple grain crops.

In Latin America and the Caribbean, expectations of a production rebound in Central America in 2016 are welcome, following the drought-affected outputs in the previous year, while the 2017 planting season in South America is off to a favourable start after a reduced 2016 crop mostly due to droughts in Bolivia, Brazil and Paraguay.

The 39 countries currently in need of external food assistance are Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Guinea, Haiti, Iraq, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Swaziland, Syria, Uganda, Yemen and Zimbabwe.

Mali: Mali's foot-dragging traps peace mission in unending conflict

Source: Reuters - Thomson Reuters Foundation
Country: Mali

  • 100 UN peacekeepers killed in operation costing almost $1 bln/yr

  • Government and rebels in no rush to implement peace deal

  • Security forces remain dependent on foreign firepower

By Tim Cocks

BAMAKO, Dec 8 (Reuters) - Last week, the offices of the U.N. peacekeeping mission in the desert city of Gao in northern Mali were flattened by a truck bomb. On Tuesday, just five suspected Islamist militants succeeded in freeing 93 inmates from a jail in the town of Niono.

"Peace" in Mali looks increasingly like war by another name. As both rebels and government go slow on implementing a deal signed last year, it is the U.N. peacekeeping mission, which has lost 100 lives and is costing nearly a billion dollars a year, that is paying the price.

Read the full article on the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

Nigeria: West Africa Regional Supply and Market Outlook December 7, 2016

Source: Famine Early Warning System Network
Country: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cabo Verde, Chad, Côte d'Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo

Key Messages

  • Aggregate regional cereal production is expected to be above average in 2016/17, contributing to generally stable supply and prices. Regional maize and rice production reached record high levels.

  • Areas experiencing below average production include import-dependent Gambia, Liberia, and Mauritania. While national-level production in Nigeria is expected to reach record-high levels, production in conflict affected Northeastern Nigeria (Borno States) is expected to be well below average, but slightly above 2015/16 levels.

  • Despite the recent depreciation of many regional currencies, imports from international markets will fill structural regional rice and wheat deficits. International markets are expected to remain well supplied and prices stable despite the La Niña conditions.

  • Staple food prices are expected to remain well above average in Nigeria and in Ghana. Trade with Nigeria will remain disrupted by the atypical import and export parity prices, driven by the depreciation of the Naira. Trade flows from Burkina Faso and Mali in the Central Basin are expected to help offset deficits in neighboring countries.

  • Regional institutional procurement is expected to take place at average levels. Local and regional procurement may be particularly feasible in the Central Basin, and possible in the Eastern marketing basins as well.


Regional production for 2016/17

  • Overall, rainfall was above average and well distributed across time and space during the 2016/17 cropping season, contributing to favorable crop development conditions.
    This is the despite the delayed onset of rains in the western Sahel and below average rainfall in parts of the pastoral and agropastoral areas of Niger and Chad (Figure 3).
    Preliminary estimates suggest that 2016/17 cereal (rice, maize, millet, and sorghum) production for West Africa will increase by 10 percent compared to 2015 levels and 18 percent compared to the five-year average.

  • Total cereal production in all four regional trade basins (Figure 4) is expected to increase compared to the recent five year average (Table 1). Millet production in Nigeria is well below long term historical trends, as production declined sharply in 2010 when many farmers switched to other, more profitable crops. Cereal production increased by at least seven percent compared to average in the region’s main producing countries. Production in some of the region’s marginal producing countries declined by up to 25 percent compared to average (Gambia, Liberia, and Mauritania). In Nigeria’s Borno State, where ongoing conflict has persistently disrupted market and trade activities, production was above 2015 levels, but well below average.

  • Regional trader opening (carryover) stocks are above average (with the majority concentrated in the Central Basin) following several consecutive years of cereal production that exceeded local consumption requirements. Regional carryover stocks are estimated at 1 million MT for rice and 1.6 million MT for coarse grains (millet, sorghum, and maize). These stocks contribute to good local market supply and favorable price differentials, strengthening trade flows between the Central Basin and the rest of the region. In addition, the availability of above average harvests of tubers (23 percent above average) and legumes (three percent above average) further contribute to regional staple food supplies.

Niger: Population de réfugiés et fluctuations diverses (Période du 01 au 30 November 2016)

Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Country: Niger

World: Les conflits en cours continuent d’aggraver l’insécurité alimentaire

Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Country: Afghanistan, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Guinea, Haiti, Iraq, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Swaziland, Syrian Arab Republic, Uganda, World, Yemen

Les perspectives agricoles mondiales s’améliorent malgré la menace de saisons maigres dans un futur proche

8 décembre 2016, Rome - Selon un nouveau rapport de la FAO, les conflits civils et les chocs liés aux conditions météorologiques ont fortement pesé sur la sécurité alimentaire en 2016, faisant augmenter le nombre de personnes ayant besoin d'une assistance alimentaire. La nouvelle édition du rapport «Perspectives de récolte et situation alimentaire», publiée aujourd'hui, souligne que 39 pays ont besoin d'une aide extérieure pour couvrir leurs besoins alimentaires.

Alors que les perspectives sur les approvisionnements céréaliers dans le monde s'améliorent en raison de conditions de croissance favorables pour les cultures, les séquelles des dernières sécheresses persistent, tout comme les effets négatifs ressentis suite aux conflits.

Les prévisions agricoles suggèrent que les prochaines récoltes de grains seront bonnes mais que la faim va probablement s'intensifier dans certaines régions et ce, pendant les saisons maigres, avant que les nouvelles cultures n'arrivent à maturation. En Afrique australe, où les effets du phénomène El Niño ont fortement contribué à réduire la production agricole en 2016, le nombre de personnes ayant besoin d'une assistance extérieure de janvier à mars 2017 devrait augmenter de manière significative, comparé à la même période l'année précédente. Le rapport indique que les retards de croissance sont «beaucoup plus répandus» dans les zones connaissant des troubles telles que Madagascar, le Malawi et le Mozambique.

Dans certaines régions, les stocks de semences de céréales et de légumes, devenus inadéquats à la suite de deux récoltes insuffisantes et consécutives, pourraient limiter les campagnes de semis. La FAO et les gouvernements travaillent à la mise en œuvre de programmes de soutien agricole visant à améliorer l'accès aux intrants agricoles essentiels.

Les conflits jettent une ombre sur la sécurité alimentaire

Afin de faciliter la planification d'une intervention humanitaire, le rapport identifie les causes premières des crises alimentaires locales.** **Cela va du déficit exceptionnel de la production agricole au manque d'accès généralisé (en raison des faibles revenus, des prix élevés ou des perturbations des réseaux de distribution), en passant par les effets du conflit sur les conditions de sécurité alimentaire locale.

Les conflits civils et leurs conséquences, y compris les mouvements de réfugiés qui pèsent sur les pays d'accueil tels que le Cameroun et le Tchad, sont cités par 21 des 39 pays concernés. Les conflits généralisés peuvent conduire à la perte et à la diminution des moyens de production des ménages, comme cela est le cas en République centrafricaine, et à des problèmes de sécurité qui auront pour effet de freiner les activités agricoles, à l'image du Soudan du sud. Dans certaines zones du pays, les récoltes, bien que meilleures, vont probablement avoir un effet éphémère en raison du conflit en cours, qui limite la pratique des activités agricoles, posant ainsi davantage de risques pour les communautés les plus vulnérables.

En Syrie, 9,4 millions de personnes ont besoin d'une assistance alimentaire, en raison de la poursuite du conflit civil. Cette année, le niveau de la production de blé devrait être environ 55 pour cent moins important que celui précédant la crise. Selon le rapport, le conflit en cours au Yémen a clairement contribué à faire augmenter le nombre de personnes en situation d'insécurité alimentaire, dépassant largement l'évaluation de juin qui les estimaient à 14,2 millions. En Irak, la récente escalade du conflit provoque des déplacements internes massifs. L'insécurité alimentaire aiguë affecte plus de 8 millions de personnes en Afghanistan et ce nombre est appelé à augmenter après le retour de 600 000 réfugiés du Pakistan, avant la fin de l'année 2016.

Au Nigéria, le nombre de personnes en situation d'insécurité alimentaire dépasse les 8 millions et devrait atteindre les 11 millions d'ici le mois d'août 2017. Les conflits en cours dans les Etats du Nord du pays ont limité les campagnes de semis, tandis que la forte baisse du Naira a contribué à faire monter les prix des produits alimentaires intérieurs et a affecté le commerce régional, alors que l‘exportation de céréales nigérianes est en hausse et que l'importation de bétail diminue.

Les tendances agricoles appelées à s'améliorer après une année 2016 difficile En 2016, les sécheresses et les effets climatiques induits par le phénomène El Niño ont provoqué d'importantes pertes de récoltes dans plusieurs pays. L'ensemble de la production céréalière africaine a baissé en 2016 malgré quelques gains sous-régionaux, notamment en Afrique de l'Ouest et dans la région sahélienne, qui est en passe de battre un record avec sa production céréalière. En Afrique australe, la production de maïs a connu une forte baisse, menaçant gravement les conditions de sécurité alimentaire.

Les faibles récoltes ont entra_î_né une forte hausse des prix de l'incontournable maïs au Malawi, où 6,5 millions de personnes devraient vraisemblablement se retrouver en situation d'insécurité alimentaire lors de la prochaine saison maigre. D'un point de vue positif, avec la fin du phénomène El Niño, les estimations préliminaires font état d'une hausse de 27 pour cent des semis de maïs pour la campagne agricole sud-africaine de 2017, de loin le plus grand producteur de la région.

Alors que la plupart des pays d'Asie ont bénéficié de productions agricoles plutôt généreuses en 2016, notamment grâce à une nette relance en Inde, l'impact des conflits toujours en cours dans les pays du Proche-Orient continue d'amoindrir la production agricole et ce, malgré des conditions climatiques globalement favorables pour les cultures céréalières de base.

En Amérique latine et dans les Caraïbes, un rebond de la production en Amérique centrale en 2016 serait apprécié, après des rendements diminués par la sécheresse l'année précédente, tandis que la campagne de semis de 2017 en Amérique du sud devrait bien démarrer après avoir enregistré une baisse des récoltes en 2016, due en grande partie aux sécheresses qui ont sévi en Bolivie, au Brésil et au Paraguay.

Les 39 pays ayant actuellement besoin d'une aide alimentaire extérieure sont: l'Afghanistan, le Burkina Faso, le Burundi, le Cameroun, la République centrafricaine, le Tchad, le Congo, la République populaire démocratique de Corée, la République démocratique du Congo, Djibouti, l'Erythrée, l'Ethiopie, la Guinée, Haïti, l'Irak, le Kenya, le Lesotho, le Liberia, la Libye, Madagascar, le Malawi, le Mali, la Mauritanie, le Mozambique, la Birmanie, le Népal, le Niger, le Nigéria, le Pakistan, la Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée, la Sierra Leone, la Somalie, le Soudan du Sud, le Soudan, le Swaziland, la Syrie, l'Ouganda, le Yémen et le Zimbabwe.

World: Los conflictos continúan agravando la inseguridad alimentaria

Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Country: Afghanistan, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Guinea, Haiti, Iraq, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Swaziland, Syrian Arab Republic, Uganda, World, Yemen

Mejoran las perspectivas agrícolas mundiales, pero las temporadas de carestía acechan en un futuro inmediato

8 de diciembre de 2016, Roma - Los conflictos civiles y el impacto de una meteorología adversa han afectado gravemente a la seguridad alimentaria en 2016, aumentando el número de países que necesitan ayuda alimentaria, según un informe de la FAO. La nueva edición de Perspectivas de cosechas y situación alimentaria, publicada hoy, subraya que 39 países necesitan de ayuda externa para conseguir alimentos.

Aunque las perspectivas para los suministros mundiales de cereales están mejorando debido a las condiciones de crecimiento para los cultivos en general favorables, persisten aún los efectos de las recientes sequías, al igual que el impacto negativo de diversos conflictos.

Las previsiones agrícolas anuncian abundantes cosechas de cereales en el horizonte, pero el hambre probablemente se intensificará en algunas regiones durante las temporadas de carestía, antes de que los nuevos cultivos hayan madurado. En África austral, donde los efectos de El Niño redujeron drásticamente la producción alimentaria en 2016, se espera que el número de personas necesitadas de ayuda externa entre enero y marzo de 2017 aumente de forma notable en comparación con el mismo período del año anterior. Las tasas de retraso de crecimiento infantil son "significativamente elevadas" en las zonas más problemáticas, en particular en Madagascar, Malawi y Mozambique, señala el informe.

En algunas regiones, las reservas insuficientes de semillas de cereales y leguminosas a causa de dos malas cosechas consecutivas pueden limitar la siembra. La FAO y los gobiernos están implementando programas de ayuda para mejorar el acceso a insumos agrícolas claves.

Los conflictos: una amenaza para la seguridad alimentaria

Para facilitar la planificación de la respuesta humanitaria, el informe identifica las causas primarias de las crisis alimentarias locales. Estas oscilan desde un déficit excepcional en la producción de alimentos y una amplia falta de acceso a los mismos -debido a los bajos ingresos, los altos precios o la interrupción de las redes de distribución- al impacto de los conflictos en las condiciones locales de seguridad alimentaria

En 21 de los 39 países necesitados de ayuda externa el informe señala conflictos civiles y sus consecuencias, incluidos movimientos de refugiados que ejercen presión sobre países anfitriones como Camerún y Chad. Un conflicto generalizado puede conducir a la pérdida y el agotamiento de los activos productivos de los hogares, como sucede en la República Centroafricana, y a problemas de seguridad que obstaculizan las actividades agrícolas, como en Sudán del Sur.

En algunas áreas de este país africano, la mejoría de las cosechas tendrá probablemente un efecto de corta duración, ya que el conflicto en curso ha reducido la capacidad de realizar tareas agrícolas, lo que representa un "riesgo concreto de hambruna" para las comunidades más vulnerables.

El permanente conflicto civil en Siria ha hecho que 9,4 millones de personas necesiten ayuda alimentaria. La producción de trigo de este año se estima en un 55 por ciento por debajo de su nivel anterior a la crisis. El conflicto existente en Yemen ha podido incrementar el número de personas que sufren inseguridad alimentaria desde los 14,2 millones de personas evaluadas en junio, según el informe. La reciente escalada del conflicto en Irak está provocando un desplazamiento interno generalizado. La inseguridad alimentaria aguda afecta a más de 8 millones de personas en Afganistán y es probable que su número aumente con el regreso de unos 600 000 refugiados de Pakistán antes de finales de 2016.

En Nigeria la población con inseguridad alimentaria supera los 8 millones y se prevé que aumente a 11 millones en agosto de 2017. El actual conflicto en los estados del norte ha reducido la siembra, mientras que la fuerte depreciación del naira ha hecho subir los precios internos de los alimentos y afectado el comercio regional, ya que se exportan más cereales nigerianos al tiempo que se importa menos ganado.

La agricultura tiende a mejorar tras un difícil 2016

Las sequías y el impacto climático relacionados con El Niño provocaron importantes pérdidas en los cultivos en 2016 en varios países. La producción total de cereales en África ha bajado este año, a pesar de algunas mejoras subregionales, en especial en África occidental y en la región del Sahel, que va camino de lograr una producción de cereales récord. La producción de maíz en África austral disminuyó bruscamente, amenazando gravemente las condiciones de seguridad alimentaria.

Las malas cosechas llevaron a precios muy altos para el maíz –un alimento básico- en Malawi, donde se espera que 6,5 millones de personas padezcan inseguridad alimentaria durante el próximo período de carestía. En una nota positiva, con El Niño terminado, las estimaciones preliminares apuntan a un aumento del 27 por ciento en la siembra de maíz para la cosecha de Sudáfrica en 2017, con diferencia el mayor productor de la región.

Aunque gran parte de Asia se benefició de una abundante producción de alimentos en 2016, impulsada por una fuerte recuperación en la India, el impacto de los conflictos de larga duración en varios países del Próximo Oriente continúa afectando gravemente a la producción agrícola, a pesar de las condiciones climáticas generalmente favorables para los cultivos de cereales básicos.

En América Latina y el Caribe, las expectativas de un repunte de la producción en América Central en 2016 suponen buenas noticias, tras unos resultados menguados por la sequía del año anterior. Por otro lado, la temporada de siembra de 2017 en América del Sur comienza de forma favorable tras la cosecha reducida de 2016, debido principalmente a las sequías que afectaron a Bolivia, Brasil y Paraguay.

Los 39 países que necesitan en la actualidad ayuda externa son: Burkina Faso, Burundi, Camerún, República Centroafricana, Chad, Congo, Djibouti, Eritrea, Etiopía, Guinea, Haití, la República Popular Democrática de Corea, Iraq, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Malí, Mauritania, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Níger, Nigeria, Pakistán, Papúa Nueva Guinea, Sierra Leona, Somalia, Sudán del Sur, Sudán, Swazilandia, Yemen y Zimbabwe.

Christopher Emsden
Oficina de prensa, FAO (Roma)
(+39) 06 570 53291

World: Nearly a quarter of the world’s children live in conflict or disaster-stricken countries: UNICEF

Source: UN Children's Fund
Country: Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Haiti, Nigeria, South Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, World, Yemen

The new figure is a stark reminder of why UNICEF was established, as the organization marks 70 years of work for the most vulnerable children

NEW YORK, 9 December 2016 – An estimated 535 million children – nearly one in four – live in countries affected by conflict or disaster, often without access to medical care, quality education, proper nutrition and protection, UNICEF said today.

Sub-Saharan Africa is home to nearly three-quarters – 393 million – of the global number of children living in countries affected by emergencies, followed by the Middle East and North Africa where 12 per cent of these children reside.

The new figures are released as UNICEF, on Sunday 11 December 2016, marks 70 years of relentless work in the world’s toughest places to bring life-saving aid, long-term support, and hope to children whose lives and futures are threatened by conflict, crises, poverty, inequality and discrimination.

“UNICEF was established to bring help and hope to children whose lives and futures are endangered by conflict and deprivation, and this enormous figure – representing the individual lives of half a billion children – is a sharp reminder that our mission is becoming more urgent every day,” said UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake.

The impact of conflict, natural disasters and climate change is forcing children to flee their homes, trapping them behind conflict lines, and putting them at risk of disease, violence and exploitation.

  • Nearly 50 million children have been uprooted – more than half of them driven from their homes by conflicts.

  • As violence continues to escalate across Syria, the number of children living under siege has doubled in less than one year. Nearly 500,000 children now live in 16 besieged areas across the country, almost completely cut off from sustained humanitarian aid and basic services.

  • In northeastern Nigeria, nearly 1.8 million people are displaced, almost 1 million of them are children.

  • In Afghanistan, nearly half of primary-aged children are out of school.

  • In Yemen, nearly 10 million children are affected by the conflict.

  • In South Sudan, 59 per cent of primary-aged children are out of school and 1 in 3 schools is closed in conflict affected areas.

  • More than two months after Hurricane Matthew hit Haiti, more than 90,000 children under five remain in need of assistance.

The emergencies faced today by the most vulnerable children threaten to undermine immense progress made in recent decades: Since 1990, the number of children dying before their fifth birthday halved and hundreds of millions of children have been lifted out of poverty. Out-of-school rates among primary-school-aged children have reduced by more than 40 per cent between 1990 and 2014.

Despite significant progress, too many children are being left behind because of their gender, race, religion, ethnic group or disability; because they live in poverty or in hard-to-reach communities; or simply because they are children.

“Whether children live in a country in conflict or a country in peace, their development is critical not only to their individual futures but also to the future of their societies,” said Lake.


Notes to Editors:

Please note that the figures refer to the number of children living in countries affected by conflict, crisis and disaster. The figures have been calculated by using population data for countries where UNICEF has a humanitarian appeal.

For further information, please contact:

Georgina Thompson, UNICEF New York, Tel: +1 917 238 1559, gthompson@unicef.org Melanie Sharpe, UNICEF New York, Tel: +1 +1 917 251 7670, msharpe@unicef.org

UNICEF by numbers


In the 1940s, UNICEF began providing emergency nutrition aid, mainly in the form of milk, to children in post-World War II Europe. In 2015, UNICEF and partners worldwide treated 2.9 million children for severe acute malnutrition.


In the 1950s, UNICEF’s first immunization campaigns targeted diseases such as tuberculosis and yaws. In 2015, UNICEF procured 2.8 billion doses of vaccines, helping to protect 45 per cent of the world’s children under age 5 from deadly diseases.

In 1998, UNICEF became a founding member of the Roll Back Malaria Partnership to support malaria treatment and research, and expand prevention measures such as long-lasting insecticide-treated bed nets. In 2015, UNICEF procured 22.3 million bed nets to protect children and families in 30 countries.


In 1961, UNICEF expanded its programmatic focus to include children’s education. In 2015, UNICEF provided 7.5 million children aged 3 to 18 with access to formal or non-formal basic education.

Child protection

In 1989, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which specifies that all children should be registered at birth to establish their existence under the law and safeguard many of their rights. In 2015, more than 9.7 million births were registered in 54 countries with support from UNICEF.

Water, sanitation and hygiene

In 1953, UNICEF launched its first efforts to improve access to water, sanitation and hygiene for children and families in need, and it has expanded that work with many partners over time. Between 1990 and 2015, 2.6 billion people gained access to improved drinking water sources and 2.1 billion gained access to improved sanitation facilities.

Humanitarian action

Since its founding, UNICEF has never stopped responding to humanitarian emergencies affecting children – particularly those already burdened by poverty and disadvantage.

In 2015, UNICEF and partners:

  • Vaccinated 11.3 million children against measles in countries affected by crisis.

  • Provided 4 million children in emergency situations with access to formal or non-formal basic education.

  • Provided psychosocial support for 2 million children caught in conflicts and natural disasters.

General Comparative Facts

In 1955, UNICEF was assisting 92 countries and territories. In 2016, UNICEF works in 190 countries and territories.

The first National Committee for UNICEF was formed in the United States in 1947 to raise funds and awareness on the agency’s behalf. In 2016, there are 34 National Committees around the world.

In 1972, UNICEF employed about 1,000 international and locally recruited staff members. In 2016, it has a global staff of approximately 13,000.   About UNICEF

UNICEF promotes the rights and wellbeing of every child, in everything we do. Together with our partners, we work in 190 countries and territories to translate that commitment into practical action, focusing special effort on reaching the most vulnerable and excluded children, to the benefit of all children, everywhere.

World: 2016 Africa Report on Internal Displacement

Source: Norwegian Refugee Council, Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre
Country: Côte d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Malawi, Nigeria, World

The Africa Report on Internal Displacement, launched with the support from the African Union and the Norwegian Refugee Council, is the first IDMC’s report focusing on a single continent. The report expands on data and analysis available in our annual Global Report on Internal Displacement including new figures from the first half of 2016.

Africa Report at a glance

On the Radar: Africa’s Internal Displacement Crisis

New Displacement

In 2015 alone, conflict, violence and rapid-onset disasters caused 3.5 million new displacements in the continent.

  • 2.4 million internal displacements were caused by conflict and violence, making Africa second only to the Middle East for violence as a cause of flight.

  • 1.1 million displacements were caused by rapid-onset disasters, a million caused by flooding alone.

Total headcount

In total, 12.4 million people were living in ongoing displacement in Africa as a result of conflict and violence, this figure is 30 per cent of the total number of people internally displaced by conflict globally (40.8 million people) and twice the total number of African refugees (5.4 million).

Behind these figures there are millions of personal tragedies, each one representing a challenge for local, national and international responders.

Figures from the first half of 2016 suggest that the figures’ trend will not change. Additionally, climate change in future will only exacerbate this trend, with recurrent floods, drought, rising temperatures and environmental degradation amplifying people’s exposure and vulnerability.

Off the radar: Africa's overlooked IDPs

The figures understate the total number of internally displaced people

The figures in the report paint an incomplete picture as data on internal displacement linked to slow-onset disasters and development-projects is not available.

Also, the cumulative number of people living in ongoing displacement following disasters is also unknown although case studies suggest the number to be significant.

These gaps in the data hamper efforts to provide effective protection and assistance to those displaced, let alone to prevent it from happening in the first place.

More and better data on internal displacement currently off the radar is needed to bring the ‘invisible IDPs’ into focus and to ensure they are better protected and lasting solutions are found.

Improving Data on IDPs: bringing unseen displacement into focus

Monitoring of IDPs has improved over past 30 years, yet significant gaps remain.

More and better data on IDPs is needed to meet African governments’ commitments to the Kampala Convention, the Sendai framework for disaster risk reduction, the UN’s Agenda for humanity, the Africa regional strategy for disaster reduction and the Sustainable Development Goals.

IDMC encourages the African Union, regional economic communities and national governments to build capacity in data collection using robust methodologies and to explore innovative approaches such as using satellite images and anonymised phone data.

Better data can ensure more timely and well targeted operational and policy responses to displacement.

World: 2016 Rapport sur les déplacements internes en Afrique

Source: Norwegian Refugee Council, Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre
Country: Côte d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Malawi, Nigeria, World

Plus de 12 millions de personnes déplacées à l’intérieur de leur propre pays en Afrique, selon le nouveau rapport de l’IDMC

Selon le Rapport sur les déplacements internes en Afrique, présenté aujourd’hui à Addis-Abeba, au cours de la seule année 2015, 3,5 millions de personnes ont été déplacées à l’intérieur de leur propre pays par les conflits, la violence et les catastrophes soudaines en Afrique. Ce chiffre équivaut en moyenne à plus de 9500 personnes forcées d’abandonner leur foyer chaque jour. À la fin de cette même année, 12,4 millions de personnes au total vivaient en situation de déplacement dans 21 pays africains du fait des conflits et de la violence. Chaque cas représente un drame personnel et un défi de plus pour les intervenants locaux, nationaux et internationaux.

Au vu des premiers chiffres disponibles, 2016 ne devrait malheureusement pas déroger à cette règle. À l’avenir, le changement climatique ne fera qu’aggraver ces tendances, les épisodes récurrents d’inondation, de sécheresse, de hausse des températures et de dégradation de l’environnement aggravant l’exposition et la vulnérabilité des populations aux risques qui y sont liés.

« Ces 12,4 millions de personnes déplacées à l’intérieur de leur propre pays (PDI) représentent plus du double de la population de réfugiés du continent, qui s’élève à 5,4 millions. Ce chiffre est révélateur du caractère prolongé des nombreux conflits qui agitent l’Afrique. Néanmoins, il reste bien en deçà de la réalité et ne rend pas pleinement compte de l’ampleur de la crise de déplacement interne qui touche l’Afrique. En effet, on ne dispose pas de données dans le temps concernant les millions de personnes qui se retrouvent prises au piège du déplacement du fait de catastrophes et de projets de développement », déplore Alexandra Bilak, Directrice de l’Observatoire des situations de déplacement interne (IDMC).

Par ailleurs, ce chiffre ne tient pas compte des personnes déplacées par les aléas à évolution lente, comme les sécheresses récentes et actuelles aux effets dévastateurs, qui sont à l’origine d’innombrables mouvements de population en Éthiopie, à Madagascar, au Malawi et au Mozambique.

« Ces “angles morts” occultent notre compréhension du phénomène, entravant ainsi les efforts entrepris pour fournir une assistance et une protection efficaces aux personnes affectées et, a fortiori, pour prévenir ces mouvements de population », explique Alexandra Bilak.

Pour Maya Sahli Fadel, Rapporteur spécial de l'UA sur les réfugiés, demandeurs d'asile, migrants et personnes déplacées, « le suivi des déplacements internes a progressé ces dernières décennies, mais nos connaissances en la matière restent encore trop lacunaires. Même les informations les plus élémentaires sur les répercussions de la sécheresse et des projets de développement, deux des principaux facteurs de déplacement en Afrique, font défaut ».

Et de conclure : « ce rapport vient nous rappeler à point nommé l’ampleur et la complexité de ce problème à l’heure où nous célébrons l’anniversaire de l’entrée en vigueur de la Convention de Kampala, cet engagement historique pris par l’Afrique de prévenir les déplacements et de protéger les droits des personnes déplacées à l’intérieur de leur propre pays ».

Le dernier rapport de l’IDMC est le premier qui réunisse des analyses et des données globales sur les déplacements internes en Afrique. Lancé avec le soutien politique de l’Union africaine et du bureau de représentation du NRC auprès de l’UA à Addis-Abeba, il examine également certaines des causes profondes qui sont à l’origine de formes plus larges de déplacement et de migration en Afrique et ailleurs. En publiant ce rapport, l’IDMC, qui fait figure de chef de file mondial du suivi des déplacements internes, s’engage à mettre à la disposition des décideurs politiques nationaux, régionaux et internationaux son savoir-faire et les outils nécessaires pour les aider à trouver et à mettre au point des solutions durables au déplacement.


Mme Sian Bowen, Directrice de communications

Courriel : sian.bowen@idmc.ch

Tél. : + 41 22 552 3612

Mobile : + 41 78 630 16 78

Mme Francesca Da Ros, Coordinatrice des communications

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Niger: Synthèse Globale des données des réfugiés maliens au Niger (30-nov-2016)

Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Country: Mali, Niger

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