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South Sudan: South Sudan Regional Refugee Response Plan January – December 2017

Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Country: Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, South Sudan, Sudan, Uganda



Conflict in South Sudan has further intensified since July 2016 and continues to be characterized by international human rights and humanitarian law violations, including: reports of extrajudicial killings of civilians; enforced disappearances; rape and other forms of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV); recruitment and use of children in armed conflict; looting and destruction of civilian and humanitarian assets; and curtailment of freedom of movement. Reported incidents appear to have an ethnic dimension and may indicate wider-scale atrocities, including ethnic cleansing. In a statement delivered following his last visit to South Sudan in November 2016, the UN Special Advisor on the Prevention of Genocide cautioned that. “As the conflict is becoming ever more complex, the effects of the December 2013 outbreak of violence linger, and human rights violations committed at that time have not been accounted for. On the contrary, there is renewed violence on a daily basis, and any hope of reconciliation is elusive”.

Alarmingly, 4.8 million people in South Sudan – more than one-third of the total population – are food insecure. The prevalence of global acute malnutrition (GAM) has reached above the 15 per cent emergency threshold in 7 of 10 states, and is approximately double the emergency threshold in Unity and Northern Bahr el-Ghazal. The country has also suffered a cholera outbreak for the third consecutive year.

The Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan, signed by the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) and SPLA in Opposition in August 2015, remains fragile. A Transitional Government of National Unity (TGoNU) was formed in April 2016. However, effective implementation of the agreement has been repeatedly derailed by political fragmentation, defection of various actors, and increasing polarization. Lack of progress on the political agreement has in turn undermined the mandate of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) to effectively protect civilians.

Economically, the South Sudanese Pound (SSP) currency depreciated rapidly in 2016, reaching an all- time low of more than 100 SSP to 1 USD in November 2016. The cost of living has risen exponentially, with the South Sudan annual consumer price index increasing by 835.7 per cent from October 2015 to October 2016, the highest year-on-year inflation rate in the world. Insecurity along main roads has crippled trade and the ability of traders to access hard currency for imports.

The combined factors of increased insecurity compounded by faltering mediation by the UN, IGAD Plus and the AU, which have yet to restore a tenable peace, have resulted in 1.7 million internally displaced people (IDPs), 75 per cent of whom reside in the three hardest-hit conflict areas of Unity, Upper Nile and Jonglei States. With the advent of the dry season, it is expected that fighting will continue in various parts of Greater Upper Nile and Greater Equatoria, precipitating further displacement, both internally and across borders, into 2017. As the conflict enters its fourth year in 2017, food insecurity is expected to remain extremely high, compounded by an economic decline exacerbating humanitarian needs. An unprecedented 1.2 million South Sudanese are refugees in the region, making forced displacement from South Sudan the largest scale refugee movement in Africa.

South Sudanese refugees have been granted asylum in the region by the Governments of the Central African Republic (CAR), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan and Uganda. The generous asylum policy of those countries is noteworthy given that they, such as CAR, the DRC and Sudan, are ranked among the 10 most fragile states according to the 2016 Fragile State Index of the Fund for Peace. Upholding their exemplary solidarity is an overarching strategic and cross- cutting priority of the refugee responses in 2017. As such, the 2017 Regional Refugee Response Plan (RRRP) for South Sudan seeks to support host States to continue to maintain their asylum obligations and meet minimum standards for assistance and protection of South Sudanese refugees, whose exodus shows no sign of abating. In November 2016, Uganda continued to witness a daily arrival rate averaging 2,000-3,000 refugees coming through various entry points along its border with South Sudan. Ethiopia registered over 30,000 new arrivals in September alone, while the total number of South Sudanese in the DRC has reached 60,000. In Ethiopia, the DRC and Uganda, the South Sudanese refugee population as of October have already surpassed projected planning figures for 2016.

Humanitarian needs of South Sudanese refugees has continued to rise over the past three years. The original RRRP for South Sudan was launched in the immediate aftermath of the outbreak of the conflict in December 2013, and was revised in 2014, 2015 and in July 2016. During this period, the level of refugee displacement surged from 115,000 in December 2013 to 400,000 in 2014, 973,000 in July 2016, and to 1.28 million as of October 2016. By the end of 2017, the projected planning figure is more than 1.8 million South Sudanese refugees. Despite the compelling needs, the funding levels for respective versions of the RRRP have remained around 25 per cent. A paradigm shift in resource mobilization is urgently called for among the international community, including partners, donors, regional organizations and other stakeholders, to increase assistance to a level commensurate with the solidarity shown by the host Governments whose resources are increasingly overstretched and depleted. Addressing the spiralling needs of South Sudanese refugees in a comprehensive and timely manner has become a regional imperative, especially considering that the majority are women, children and youth who have been rendered extremely vulnerable by protracted exposure to violence, food insecurity, and multiple displacements, as well as protection risks including SGBV and forced recruitment.

With the limited availability of infrastructure, the influx is straining reception capacities in under-served hosting areas, triggering tensions and critical shortfalls across all sectors, in particular food, water, shelter, health, education and access to arable land, which can enhance the capacity for self-reliance. Furthermore, an inability to shore up the requisite level of timely support would not only result in an highly complex humanitarian crisis, but poses a tangible threat to stability in the Eastern Africa and the Great Lakes subregions which, if left unaddressed, could result in onward movements of refugees in search of assistance and durable solutions. The risks posed by the South Sudanese forced displacement situation is further underscored by the “2016 Regional Outlook for The Horn of Africa and the Great Lakes Region”, a document elaborated on a UN inter-agency basis and endorsed by IGAD and other stakeholders.

Strategic Objectives

Against this backdrop, the following four strategic objectives underpin the 2017 South Sudan RRRP:

  1. Uphold the quality of asylum for South Sudanese refugees in the region by meeting their lifesaving needs according to applicable minimum standards, in particular through:
  • Mitigation of heightened protection risks faced by women, children and youth, who constitute an overwhelming majority of the South Sudanese refugee population, and provision of adequate services to victims of violence and other protection risks;
  • Full integration of community-based protection mechanisms into refugee assistance programmes to strengthen food and nutritional security and existing coping mechanisms of refugees;
  • Increasing refugee access to quality and inclusive education and basic health services by maximizing synergies with national systems which address the needs of vulnerable host communities;
  • Broadening economic opportunities available to refugees by supporting policies that offer alternatives to camps and access to self-reliance activities benefiting both refugee and host communities;
  • Implementing environmentally sound refugee site planning that ensures sustainable access to water and sanitation;
  • Supporting peace education and other initiatives aimed at encouraging co-existence among refugee communities of different ethnicities, as well as between refugees and their hosts;
  1. Anchor the response within national and regional multi-year protection frameworks, policies, laws, and standards which address legal and physical protection needs of South Sudanese refugees.

  2. Enhance biometric registration, documentation and data management in collaboration with host Governments to support implementation of durable solutions strategies. Aggregate socio-economic data on livelihoods and skills profiles to improve evidence-based joint programming with line ministries, humanitarian partners, the World Bank, the African Development Bank (AfDB) and other multilateral development agencies.

  3. Proactively explore and, where applicable, pursue innovative approaches stemming from participatory assessments with refugees, Governments, humanitarian and development actors, private sector, and civil society, with a view to introduce cash-based interventions (CBIs) and other initiatives to alleviate the dependency of refugees on aid.

Chad: Tchad : Rapport de Mission conjointe dans la région du Kanem (août 2016), novembre 2016

Source: Catholic Relief Services, UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, World Food Programme, Action Contre la Faim France, Médecins du Monde, Government of Chad, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Country: Chad

I. Généralités

1.1 Contexte

La région du Kanem connait un réel déficit des données de base sectorielles (baseline data). L’absence ou l’insuffisance desdites données pose des difficultés pour les analyses et prises de décisions en vue de répondre efficacement aux besoins réels des populations. Dans ce contexte, les interventions des organisations humanitaires et de développement se fondent sur des évaluations rapides parcellaires conduites dans les zones de leur choix sans un lien avec le contexte global de la région. La conséquence est que des localités, notamment du Département du nord Kanem, sont laissées pour compte ou sont très peu couvertes tandis que d’autres localités bénéficient de paquets d’interventions et ce de façon continue. Cette situation constituait une contrainte pour l’établissement de politiques d’intervention et de plaidoyer.

En 2016, le besoin de données a été rendu encore plus criard avec la période de soudure puis la campagne agricole 2016/2017 dont les résultats, selon les services de l’agriculture, semblent s’annoncer très mal au regard de la pluviométrie médiocre et les invasions de sautereaux.

C’est dans ce contexte que la mission conjointe a été initiée par la communauté humanitaire en concertation avec le Comité Régional d’Action (CRA) qui avait dans son plan d’action 2016, l’évaluation de la campagne agricole avec l’appui des partenaires humanitaires.

Cette mission conjointe organisée et coordonnée par OCHA a connu la présence des ONG et agences (MDM, SECADEV, SOS Sahel, CRS, ACF, ASRADD, ARNUT, PAM, FAO et OCHA), des services techniques étatiques membres du CT/CRA (délégations de l’agriculture, santé, environnement, hydraulique, SISAAP) et des organisations de la société civile (Union des Femmes, AFEED et Union des producteurs)

Chad: Points forts du projet Tchad : "Appui à la réinsertion des retournés de la République centrafricaine et soutien aux communautés hôtes au Tchad"

Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Country: Central African Republic, Chad

Numéro du projet : OSRO/CHD/501/EC Donateur: Union européenne
Contribution : 742 337 USD
Date du projet : 21/02/2015‒27/08/2016
Région ciblée : Logone Occidental, Logone Oriental, Mandoul, Moyen Chari et Salamat

Contact : Mansour N’Diaye, Représentant de la FAO au Tchad. Mansour.Ndiaye@fao.org
Dominique Burgeon, Directeur, Division des urgences et de la réhabilitation. TCE-Director@fao.org

Objectif : Identifier les moyens nécessaires pour améliorer la sécurité alimentaire et les moyens d’existence des ménages vulnérables (retournés et communautés hôtes) affectés par la crise en République centrafricaine.

Partenaires: Bénéficiaires : Les organisations non gouvernementales et la Délégation régionale d’élevage et de l’hydraulique.

Activités réalisées :

  • Identification des régions et des bénéficiaires.

  • Formation de 75 auxiliaires communautaires de santé animale (ACSA) et distribution des matériels didactiques.

  • Traitement (déparasitage et vaccination) de 4 875 animaux par les agents ACSA formés.

  • Vaccination de 435 594 animaux contre le charbon bactéridien au profit de 4 032 ménages bénéficiaires.

  • Déparasitage de 91 196 animaux au profit de 1 425 ménages bénéficiaires.

  • Distribution de 120 tonnes d’aliment pour bétail à 857 ménages bénéficiaires pour nourrir 2 000 animaux.

  • Organisation de deux fora d’échange sur la cohabitation pacifique dans les lieux les plus à risque avec la participation de 207 personnes.

  • Organisation de trois sessions de dialogues intercommunautaires avec la participation de 186 personnes.

  • Distribution de 37,5 tonnes de semences de maïs, 120 tonnes de semences de riz, 18 tonnes de semences de sorgho ainsi que d’outils à 4 410 ménages bénéficiaires.

  • Distribution de 150 kg de semences maraîchères et d’outils à 1 201 ménages bénéficiaires.

  • Formation de 827 bénéficiaires sur les itinéraires techniques et la protection des cultures.

  • Organisation de 18 séances d’éducation nutritionnelle, démonstration culinaire et hygiène alimentaire avec la participation de 110 personnes.

  • Organisation de trois ateliers de capitalisation des leçons apprises pour les partenaires opérationnels.

  • Suivi et évaluation des activités.

Résultats :

  • Emblavement de 1 700 ha et production estimée à 1 004,7 tonnes de riz ; emblavement de 1 800 ha et production estimée à 1 710 tonnes de sorgho ; emblavement de 2 000 ha et production estimée à 2 400 tonnes de maïs ; et emblavement de 0,5 ha et production estimée de 697 882,1 kg de légumes dont 465 254,7 kg ont été vendus pour une valeur marchande de 48 697 908 XAF (74 234,6 EUR).

  • Génération de 74 EUR par bénéficiaire grâce à la partie de production maraîchère vendue permettant d’acheter trois sacs de céréales de 100 kg pour couvrir un besoin alimentaire d’un ménage pour trois mois.

  • Augmentation de la production agricole ainsi que du revenu monétaire des ménages.  Renforcement des capacités techniques des bénéficiaires.

South Sudan: South Sudan: Humanitarian Dashboard (September 2016)

Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country: Ethiopia, South Sudan, Sudan, Uganda


As of end of September 2016, more than 2.7 million people had fled their homes in South Sudan since fighting broke out in December 2013, with over 1.7 million internally displaced people inside the country and 1 million who had fled as refugees to neighbouring countries. This represents an increase of about 200,000 people newly displaced. There were about 202,020 people sheltering in Protection of Civilians (PoC) sites in United Nations bases.

In September 2016, an average of 2,854 people fled across the border to Uganda each day, compared to 1,594 in August and 1,727 in July. In addition to the outflow to Uganda, increased arrivals were reported in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and in Ethiopia, where more than 32,000 South Sudanese arrived in Gambella following reported fighting in parts of Upper Nile, including Nasir, Maban, Mathiang and Maiwut. Inside South Sudan, sporadic clashes in Unity displaced civilians from Kaljak, Ding-Ding, Jazeera, Koch and Buaw into swampy areas. In Central Equatoria, an estimated 30,000 people fled into Yei following deadly attacks and looting in nearby villages in mid-September. At the same time, communicable diseases continued to spread, with a new measles outbreak reported in Gogrial West in Warrap and cholera cases confirmed in Fangak in Jonglei.

The operating environment remained difficult, with 81 access incidents reported in September. About 73 per cent of incidents reported involved violence against humanitarian personnel and assets. This included a substantial increase in assaults, ambushes and armed attacks, with 11 recorded in September compared to 5 in August. The eruption of clashes in multiple locations in Unity forced the relocation of more than 60 aid workers.

Despite the many challenges, about 4.2 million people had been reached with humanitarian assistance by 139 organizations by the end of September. Funding levels for the 2016 Humanitarian Response Plan continued to increase, bringing the total received as at the end of the month to $734 million; 57 per cent of the total requirement.

Nigeria: Report of the Secretary-General on the activities of the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (S/2016/1072)

Source: UN Security Council
Country: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cabo Verde, Cameroon, Chad, Côte d'Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo

I. Introduction

  1. In a letter dated 23 December 2013 (S/2013/759), the Security Council extended the mandate of the United Nations Office for West Africa until 31 December 2016 and requested me to submit a report every six months on the implementation of its mandate. Following my letter to the Council dated 14 January 2016 (S/2016/88) on the strategic review of the Office of my Special Envoy for the Sahel, the Council requested me, on 28 January 2016, to proceed with the merger of the two offices into the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS) and asked me to provide an update on the implementation of the mandate of UNOWAS in my next report (see S/2016/89). The present report covers the period from 30 July to 31 December 2016 and provides an overview of developments and trends in West Africa and the Sahel. It also outlines the activities of UNOWAS and the progress made in the implementation of the United Nations integrated strategy for the Sahel (S/2015/866).

II. Developments and trends in West Africa and the Sahel

A. Political and governance trends

  1. Since my most recent report (S/2016/566), efforts to consolidate democracy and stability continued in the region. Noticeable progress was made in the political dialogue process in Guinea and in the development and implementation of key political, institutional and constitutional reforms in a number of countries, including Benin and Senegal. Elections were held in Cabo Verde, the Gambia and Ghana.

  2. Cabo Verde successfully conducted peaceful local elections on 4 September and a presidential election on 2 October. Observers from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the African Union applauded the elections as professional, fair, inclusive and transparent. With a 35 per cent turnout, incumbent President Jorge Carlos De Almeida Fonseca secured 74 per cent of ballots cast, while the opposition Movement for Democracy party reversed the 15-year dominance of the African Party for the Independence of Cabo Verde by winning the majority of seats in Parliament.

Nigeria: Nigeria Emergencies Response Plan 2017

Source: World Health Organization
Country: Nigeria

Funding requirements

Health sector funding requirements for 2017
US$ 93.8 million (health partners including WHO)

WHO funding requirements for 2017
US $37,170,501

Beneficiaries targeted by health partners in 2017
Health partners will target 5.9 million people in 2017. These include: 4.2 million people in host communities;
1.7 million internally displaced people (IDPs); 54% of the targeted population are female and 59% are children.


The humanitarian crisis in the six states of north-eastern Nigeria has intensified after eight years of violent conflict. In 2016, this was compounded as Government forces took back territory previously held by Boko Haram. The conflict caused widespread forced displacement, acute food and nutrition insecurity and serious human rights violations. Large areas of Borno state, the most-affected state, remain inaccessible to humanitarian assistance. The security situation remains highly volatile. Violence caused mass displacement of people to neighbouring Lake Chad Basin countries.

Health sector situation

There is a high prevalence of severe malnourishment, morbidity and mortality. Lack of basic shelter, water, latrines and shower facilities increase the risks of communicable diseases, including cholera. This also exacerbates malnutrition among children under five. Water, Sanitation and Hygiene infrastructure must be urgently rehabilitated/rebuilt to minimize waterborne diseases. After two years without a recorded case of wild polio virus, four cases were confirmed in 2016 in Borno, and indicate the urgent, escalating health needs.

Humanitarian Response Plan strategic objectives

  1. Support lifesaving activities and alleviate suffering through integrated and coordinated humanitarian response focusing on the most vulnerable people

  2. Enhance access to humanitarian assistance and protection services through principled humanitarian action

  3. Foster resilience and durable solutions for affected people through restoration of livelihoods and basic social services

WHO projects

Strengthen Health Sector coordination, information management and filling critical gaps in the life saving health response (NGA-17/H/100594/122) Requested funds US$ - 15,657,401

Establish, expand and strengthen disease surveillance, outbreak prevention, disease control and response in north-eastern Nigeria (NGA-17/H/102496/122) Requested funds US$ - 4,873,927

Provision of life-saving and life-sustaining health interventions to IDPs and host communities in Borno, Yobe and Adamawa states (NGA-17/H/102498/122) Requested funds US$ - 15,654,400

Health system restoration in north-eastern Nigeria in Adamawa, Borno and Yobe states (NGA-17/H/102501/122) Requested funds US$ - 984,773

2016 Achievements

In Borno state, 160 sites are using the WHO Early Warning Alert Response System (EWARS), which covers around 85% of IDPs.

From January – August 2016, life-saving health services were delivered to 2.7 million people.

Over 83 000 children aged 9 to 59 months were vaccinated against measles and 1.9 million vaccinated against polio.

Over 200 health facilities are receiving essential medicines and equipment.

Supported 24 mobile health teams that provide services including vaccination, treatment for diarrhoea, malaria and other diseases, and other basic services in IDP camps and communities across 14 local government areas –around 500 000 people were reached through mobile medical services.


In 2016 WHO received financial contributions to supports its humanitarian work in Nigeria from the Contingency Fund for Emergencies, the Central Emergency Response Fund and the European Commission Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection.

Mali: Les Nations Unies appuient la création d’une première unité malienne d’intervention sur Engins Explosifs Improvisés

Source: UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali
Country: Mali

Dans le cadre des résolutions successives du Conseil de Sécurité des Nations Unies au Mali, et en synergie avec les partenaires nationaux et internationaux, la MINUSMA appui les autorités maliennes pour le développement d’une capacité interministérielle de gestion et de réponse (prévention/intervention) à la menace liée à la présence de mines, restes explosifs de guerre (REG) et tous types d’engins explosifs improvisés (EEI).

Le Ministère de la Sécurité et Protection Civile a sollicité l’assistance de la MINUSMA pour l’organisation de la formation « Intervention sur Engins Explosifs Improvisées (I-EEI) » au profit de la Police Nationale.

Après 10 semaines de formations, du 17 Octobre 2016 au 23 Décembre, une cérémonie conjointe a été tenue le 23 décembre au siège du Ministère de la Sécurité et Protection Civile, au cours de laquelle les stagiaires de la police nationale qui ont bénéficié de cette formation ont reçu une attestation de suivi de formation ainsi que l’ensemble de l’équipement d’intervention pour une valeur de près de 500.000 USD.

La Cérémonie a eu lieu en présence du Ministre de la Sécurité et de la Protection Civile, le Général Salif Traoré et du Représentant spécial adjoint du Secrétaire général des Nations Unies au Mali, M. Koen Davidse, ainsi que de hauts responsable des institutions sécuritaires de l’Etat Malien.

Dans son discours, Monsieur Davidse a noté que la présence de restes d'explosifs de guerre ainsi que l’utilisation croissante d’engins explosifs de toutes sortes font chaque année de nombreuses victimes et impactent lourdement les communautés dans le nord et le centre du Mali, indépendamment des ravages qu’ils provoquent dans d’autres parties du monde. « Les dernières attaques à Bamako nous rappellent que la lutte contre le terrorisme ainsi que le renforcement des capacités nationales pour y faire face demeurent un défi permanent. Ces actes mettent en danger le processus de paix et plus généralement, la sécurité du pays à moyen et long terme », a souligné M. Davidse.

S’adressant aux stagiaires, il a déclaré que dans le contexte prévalant, la formation et l’équipement de cette première équipe d’intervention spécialisée sur Bamako restait un enjeu national. « Vous recevez aujourd’hui cette attestation, première étape d’un processus de formation continue exigeant. Vous êtes également doté de l’ensemble de l’équipement d’intervention nécessaire pour mener à bien vos missions futures. Cet équipement exposé devant vous comprend un camion d’intervention, un robot pour intervenir à distance et des tenues de protection pour opérer en toute sécurité. Sachez que la MINUSMA entend poursuivre son appui en mettant en place un programme de mentorat de 6 mois, suivi d’une phase d’accréditation opérationnelle », a ajouté M. Davidse.

Pour le responsable onusien, cette équipe est un maillon essentiel de la chaine de réponse face à un événement explosif. Il a estimé cruciale la coopération entre intervenants mais également l’interopérabilité des modes opératoires et techniques opérationnelles. « Cette équipe sera amenée à intervenir dans un cadre urbain aux côtés d’équipes de Reconnaissance NEDEX, d’équipes de la Police Technique et Scientifique. Elle jouera également un rôle de conseiller auprès du commandement dans le domaine des actions de protection et de sauvegarde d’installations et de personnels », a-t-il rappelé.

M. Davidse a tenu à renouveler au Ministre l’engagement de la MINUSMA aux côtés des services maliens pour appuyer le développement d’une capacité interministérielle de gestion et de réponse face à la menace des engins explosifs improvisés, devenue l’arme de choix des groupes armés terroristes

Burkina Faso: Lutte contre la mortalite maternelle au Burkina Faso

Source: Government of Burkina Faso
Country: Burkina Faso

Un nouvel outil de formation des médecins et des sages-femmes

Le lancement du Projet d'utilisation du film "Aux Frontières de la vie" est intervenu le jeudi 08 décembre 2016 à Ouagadougou. C'est le ministère de la Santé en collaboration avec l’Institut de santé globale de l’Université de Genève qui ont procédé au lancement dudit projet.

En présence du directeur général de la Santé Dr Salifou Konfé, de la réalisatrice du film, la sociologue Sophie Inglin, représentant l’institut et bien d'autres acteurs intervenants dans le domaine, le top départ de l' utilisation film "Aux Frontières de la vie" a été donné au Burkina Faso.

Conçu par l’institut de santé global de l’Université de Genève en collaboration avec le ministère de la Santé, le film « Aux frontières de la vie » est un outil pédagogique innovant basé sur un apport de l'audio-visuelaudio-visuel audio-visuel.dans l'enseignement des élèves et étudiants sur la mortalité maternelle. Cette technique complémentaire vise à sensibiliser et à renforcer les compétences des professionnels de santé notamment les médecins et les sages- femmes dans la lutte contre la mortalité maternelle.

Selon le Directeur général de la santé, la lutte contre la mortalité maternelle est une exigence de l' heure pour le ministère de la Santé mais aussi de l' Etat burkinabè à travers le programme présidentiel.

En outre, il a révélé que l’Institut de santé global de l’Université de Genève, en plus du film pédagogique, a consenti un montant de 4 millions de F CFA pour l’achat d’équipement (vidéos projecteurs et enceintes sonores) afin faciliter le travail des formateurs sur le terrain.

Le film, à en croire le Pr Blandine Bonané/Thiéba, retrace les difficultés liées au parcoursdes femmes pour avoir accès aux formations sanitaires et propose des solutions pour réduire les souffrances des femmes lors des accouchements. « Aux frontières de la vie est aussi utilisé comme support de cours pour améliorer l’enseignement dans le domaine », a ajouté Pr Blandine.

Sophie Inglin, représentant de l’institut de santé globale de l'université de Genève a affirmé que l' outil pédagogique est une méthode déjà expérimentée dans certains universités et collèges. Il permet aux étudiants de mieux fixer les problématiques d'accès aux soins de qualité.

Nigeria: Nigeria’s farmers return home to rebuild lives shattered by Boko Haram

Source: Guardian
Country: Nigeria

As the power of the insurgency slowly fades in north-east Nigeria, many people are going back to their ruined villages, intent on rebuilding

Emmanuel Akinwotu in Dabna

They shot at everything,” says Isaak Amos*, pointing to the walls of his home in Dabna, a small village in north-east Nigeria. “We had a sense that Boko Haram was going to do something, but there was nothing we could do to prepare for it.”

Read more on the Guardian

World: Poll - Lake Chad most neglected crisis in 2016 despite hunger on "epic scale"

Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation
Country: Cameroon, Chad, Iraq, Libya, Niger, Nigeria, South Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, World, Yemen

For out and out human suffering and almost zero media coverage, the food crisis sparked by Boko Haram in Nigeria and Niger was the pits, but Yemen shames us all

By Emma Batha

LONDON, Dec 22 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - The humanitarian catastrophe in Lake Chad basin, where conflict has left over 8 million people destitute with many "teetering on the brink of famine", was the most neglected crisis in 2016, according to a survey of aid agencies.

Following Lake Chad in a Thomson Reuters Foundation poll of 19 leading aid groups were Yemen, where children are starving, and South Sudan where U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon fears genocide is about to start.

Overshadowed by the wars in Syria and Iraq and the global refugee and migrant crisis, Lake Chad barely made the headlines this year, but aid organisations said the crisis was "on an epic scale" with "terrifying rates of child malnutrition".

"Syria broke my heart, but for out and out human suffering and almost zero media coverage, the food crisis sparked by Boko Haram in Nigeria and Niger was the pits," said Suzanna Tkalec, humanitarian director at Caritas.

Boko Haram militants have displaced 2.4 million people across Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad and Niger during a seven-year campaign to create an Islamist caliphate.

Oxfam said parts of northern Nigeria were already experiencing famine and Action Against Hunger warned many children were at risk of dying.

Almost 7 million people lack food but insecurity makes it hard for aid agencies to reach the most vulnerable.

International Medical Corps' programmes director, Ognjen Radosavljevic, said border closures had disrupted markets, agriculture was collapsing and food was unaffordable.

"It is essential that the global community wakes up to the horrors ... in this region," he added.


Aid workers also warned of famine in Yemen where nearly two years of war between a Saudi-led Arab coalition and the Iran-allied Houthi movement has pushed the Middle East's poorest country to breaking point.

The crisis, exacerbated by restrictions on imports, has left over four fifths of the population struggling to find enough food and water to survive.

"That's the highest level of humanitarian needs in the world and yet Yemen has received negligible media attention," said Laurie Lee, head of CARE.

Eight in 10 children are stunted and every 10 minutes a child dies from preventable diseases, agencies say.

Some have warned that Yemen could run out of food within months.

"It is heart-breaking to already witness starving children," said Jan Egeland, head of the Norwegian Refugee Council, adding that all sides in the conflict were hampering aid deliveries.

"We must put an end to this man-made disaster that shames us all. If the situation is allowed to continue to deteriorate, it will result in famine across Yemen in 2017."


Several agencies sounded the alarm over South Sudan where there have been calls by the head of a U.N. human rights commission to deploy a 4,000-strong protection force to stop a "Rwanda-like" genocide.

"South Sudan passed the one million refugee mark this year, yet it is a crisis that has barely made the front pages," said Mercy Corps' director Craig Redmond, adding that the world's youngest country had overtaken Afghanistan as the most dangerous place to be an aid worker.

More than 3 million people have been uprooted by fighting, with 1.2 million seeking shelter in nearby countries.

Agencies said the response was chronically underfunded with the regional refugee plan getting only a third of the support it needed.

"In sheer scale it has become Africa's biggest displacement crisis. And as 2017 approaches the signs are ominous that more suffering is to come," U.N. refugee chief Filippo Grandi said.

The International Federation of the Red Cross (IFRC) and World Vision named the fallout from the powerful 2015-2016 El Nino weather phenomenon as the most neglected crisis, saying over 60 million people remained affected worldwide.

In southern Africa, El Nino-induced drought has devastated farms, killed off livestock and crippled food production, with "alarming consequences", said Garry Conille, IFRC's head of operations.

"It is the poor and vulnerable once again who are suffering disproportionately and far too quietly," added Conille, a former Haitian prime minister.

Libya and Myanmar, where renewed violence has uprooted many Rohingya Muslims, were also flagged up in the poll.

International Rescue Committee's policy director Sanjayan Srikanthan said Libya, which has made headlines for the refugees and migrants leaving its shores for Europe, was in crisis.

Instability and fighting has left more than one in five Libyans needing humanitarian assistance and displaced 240,000 people, he said, adding that the healthcare system was on the brink of collapse.

Several agencies expressed alarm at the sheer number of neglected crises.

Christian Aid said 2016 was notable for "an emerging chasm between need and response" which threatened to undermine the foundations of humanitarian aid.

(Additional reporting Umberto Bacchi. Editing by Katie Nguyen. Please credit the Thomson Reuters Foundation, the charitable arm of Thomson Reuters, which covers humanitarian news, women's rights, trafficking, corruption and climate change. Visit news.trust.org to see more stories.)

South Sudan: South Sudan: Shelter Cluster Factsheet, November 2016

Source: International Organization for Migration, World Vision, Shelter Cluster
Country: South Sudan


  • Thousands of people fled their home to seek refuge in safer places due to the recent clashes in various locations in Leer and Rubkona County, in Unity State. While hundreds of them are displaced in the Temporary Protection Area of UNMISS Temporary Operating Base in Leer Town, thousands of them are still hiding in the bushes. Likewise, thousands more IDPs arrived in Southern Mayendit seeking refuge and humanitarian assistance. The cluster partners supported the displaced population with basic household items through the mobile teams and survival kits modality.

  • The food insecurity, depreciation of local currency and disruption of livelihoods continued in South Sudan. People are struggling with the high cost of living due to rocketing of food prices in the market. This worsening situation kept forcing population to move to UN Bases for humanitarian assistance.

  • Taking the advantage of the dry season months, the cluster is coordinating with the Logistics Cluster on the nationwide prepositioning plan maximizing road transport.


  • In 2016, Cluster partners have reached 191,881 households with NFI and 49,265 households with shelter materials. These represent 77% and 79% of respective target in Cluster Response Plan (CRP) Plus Target 2016.  The Cluster pipeline managed to dispatch an about 3,143 of Survival Kits (SK) to Leer County, Unity State. However, the distribution still pending due to the insecurity. In 2016, a total of 15,555 Survival Kits have been distributed in Unity and Eastern Equatoria states.

  • 557 individual shelters have been constructed in UN House PoC 3. The cluster is planning to construct additional 210 individual shelters to accommodate 1,050 IDPs.


  • Limited access due to physical and political reasons remains to be one of the main challenges to the provision of humanitarian aid in South Sudan. Continuous fighting in some locations such as in Greater Equatoria and Unity between the government and opposition forces are creating very fluid dynamics in population movements and political stability that are challenging effective humanitarian operations.

Nigeria: WASH Operational Presence Adamawa and Yobe: Who Is Doing What & Where? Updated on the 12th December 2016

Source: UN Children's Fund, WASH Cluster
Country: Nigeria

Nigeria: WASH Operational Presence Borno State: Who Is Doing What & Where? Updated on the 12th December 2016

Source: UN Children's Fund, WASH Cluster
Country: Nigeria

Nigeria: Nigeria: IDPs and Returnees by LGA (Households), November 2016

Source: International Organization for Migration, UN High Commissioner for Refugees, CCCM Cluster, Shelter Cluster
Country: Nigeria

Nigeria: Nigeria - 2015: Emergency Shelter and NFI Support Summary

Source: International Organization for Migration, UN High Commissioner for Refugees, CCCM Cluster, Shelter Cluster
Country: Nigeria

Niger: Niger HRP 2016: Funding Status as of 27 December 2016

Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country: Niger


All Figures in US$
2016 REQUIREMENTS 260 million
FUNDING 136 million

Niger: Diffa: (3W) Qui Fait Quoi et Où? (octobre - décembre 2016)

Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country: Niger

Mali: Mali : Mise à jour sur la sécurité alimentaire - décembre 2016

Source: Famine Early Warning System Network
Country: Mali

La bonne disponibilité alimentaire favorise l’accès des ménages aux denrées


  • La hausse de la production agricole de 11 pourcent par rapport à 2015/2016 et de 35 pourcent par rapport à la moyenne quinquennale favorise une disponibilité céréalière auprès des ménages et un approvisionnement satisfaisant des marchés avec des prix stables ou en baisse par rapport à la moyenne. La majorité des ménages du pays se trouve actuellement dans une situation d’insécurité alimentaire Minimale (Phase 1 de l’IPC) jusqu’en mai 2017.

  • Les ménages pauvres victimes des inondations liées aux pluies et ou à la crue des fleuves dans les cercles de Djenné, Gourma Rharous, Bourem, Gao, San, Bla, Sikasso, et Ségou ne pourront satisfaire leurs besoins alimentaires et non alimentaires qu’en ayant recours à des stratégies d’adaptation atypiques de migration, de main d’œuvre, et d’emprunt par exemple. Par conséquent, ils seront en insécurité alimentaire de Stress (Phase 2 de l’IPC) à partir de mars 2017.

  • La baisse de la demande du bétail par les Algériens à cause de la maladie de la vallée du Rift qui sévit au Niger et aussi du côté du Nigeria à cause de la dépréciation du Naïra affecte négativement les revenus pastoraux dans les régions de Kidal et de Ménaka. La baisse de revenus pastoraux limitera l’accès des ménages aux marchés à cause de la baisse du pouvoir d’achat.


Campagne agricole:

Les activités principales de la campagne agricole restent marquées par les récoltes et le battage des céréales. Les travaux de maraichage ont aussi démarré et les perspectives sont bonnes à travers le pays. La production céréalière nationale 2016/2017 est supérieure de 11 pourcent par rapport à celle de l’année dernière et d’environ 35 pourcent par rapport à la moyenne des cinq dernières années (Source :
CPS/SDR). Cependant, des poches de déficits localisées (Djenné,
Bourem, Rharous, San, Bla, Mopti et le Sahel Occidental) sont observées par endroits à cause de l’arrêt précoce des pluies, des inondations et des déprédateurs. Des dégâts causés par des inondations ont touché environ 18000 personnes selon la DGPC, notamment dans les cercles situés le long du fleuve Niger de Djenné, Bourem, Rharous, San, Bla et Mopti ainsi que Sikasso et Ségou où les ménages connaissent une baisse de leur production agricole par rapport à la normale. La hausse de la production céréalière nationale permet une disponibilité céréalière auprès des ménages et sur les marchés.

La situation pastorale est caractérisée par des conditions d’élevage favorables grâce à un bon état des pâturages et des points d’eau pérennes fournis. L’état d’embonpoint des animaux et le niveau des productions animales sont globalement moyens. Les mouvements des animaux sont normaux et la situation zoo sanitaire est relativement calme dans l’ensemble.

Marchés et prix:

Les marchés céréaliers renouent avec leur dynamisme grâce à l’augmentation du niveau d’offre de céréales due à l’arrivée de nouvelles récoltes ; ce qui favorise un état d’approvisionnement satisfaisant des marchés. La demande est en baisse saisonnière en cette période avec la disponibilité de la propre production qui réduit la dépendance aux marchés surtout dans les zones de production. L’évolution des prix des céréales suit la tendance saisonnière à la baisse. Les prix des céréales en fin novembre sur la plupart des marchés suivis est en baisse ou stable par rapport au mois passé grâce à l’augmentation des offres de céréales et à la baisse de la demande de consommation des ménages sur les marchés. Par rapport à la moyenne quinquennale, la tendance générale est à la baisse notamment pour le mil à Koulikoro (-9 pourcent), Ségou (-8 pourcent), Mopti (-5 pourcent) et Niafunké (-19 pourcent) mais en hausse de 6 pourcent à Gao et 21 pourcent à Bourem. La hausse du prix du mil à Bourem et à Gao affecte négativement l’accès des ménages pauvres à cette denrée.

Les marchés à bétail sont bien approvisionnés. Cependant, la demande est en baisse dans le Nord du pays à cause de la baisse des exportations vers l’Algérie liée à la maladie de la vallée du Rift et de la dépréciation de la Naira nigériane, ce qui affecte négativement les revenus pastoraux. Le prix en décembre de la chèvre est pratiquement stable par rapport au mois passé. Par rapport à la moyenne quinquennale, il est en baisse de 26 pourcent à Gao, 29 pourcent à Bourem et 21 pourcent à Ménaka. Par conséquent, les termes de l’échange chèvre/mil sont en baisse d’environ 30 pourcent sur la plupart des marchés. La baisse des prix du bétail et des termes de l’échange affecte négativement l’accès des ménages pasteurs aux marchés.

Mouvements des populations et insécurité:

Les mouvements de populations restent marqués par la poursuite du retour des personnes déplacées et des réfugiés dans leurs localités d’origine. Selon le rapport de la CMP (Commission Mouvements des Populations), le nombre de déplacés internes est de 36 690 personnes contre 39 182 en fin juillet 2016 grâce à la relative amélioration de la situation sécuritaire bien que des attaques isolées perturbent parfois la libre circulation des personnes et des biens. Ces personnes déplacées et retournées se trouvent dans des besoins d’assistance alimentaire et de renforcement des moyens d’existence.

Nigeria: Nigeria Weekly Humanitarian Situation Report No. 16, 15-21 December 2016

Source: UN Children's Fund
Country: Nigeria


  • 153,936 children under 5 with severe acute malnutrition (SAM) have been admitted to therapeutic feeding programmes with a recovery rate of 86 per cent.

  • In 2016, so far, 4.06 million people have been reached with primary health care services through UNICEF-supported, Government-run health centres and clinics in both IDP camps and affected communities.

  • With UNICEF support, 722,997 people have access to safe water. Over one million people have access to sanitation facilities as per agreed standards and more than one million people benefitted through hygiene promotion and distribution of hygiene kits/NFI.

  • Psychosocial support through Child Friendly Spaces (CFSs) and child clubs, reached 183,180 children.

  • With UNICEF’s support, 102,456 children are accessing education through Temporary Learning Spaces and schools, and 187,142 children have benefitted from the provision of learning materials.

Situation Overview & Humanitarian Needs

The IOM Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) round XIII recorded new displacement and significant return, with and overall three per cent decrease in IDPs in Adamawa, Bauchi, Borno, and Yobe states. The trend of IDPs returning to their Local Government Areas (LGAs) of origin is mainly due to relative improvements in security combined with food shortages in IDP camps.

Other places with a decrease in IDPs are witnessed in Bama, Gwoza, Jere and Konduga. In Gwoza, 14,368 IDPs have left, reportedly due to lack of food. IDPs are moving towards Maiduguri to access aid in IDP camps there. This trend highlights the need for an intensified humanitarian action in Gwoza.

Maiduguri Metropolitan Council (MMC), the largest host of IDPs witnessed almost 10% reduction in the number of IDPs with 55,188 IDPs left MMC to return to their LGA of origin, registering an increase in IDPs in those areas. The DTM assessment registered them as ‘returnees’; however, the majority are not returning to their place of origin but rather to the LGA headquarters, creating a situation of secondary displacement. The areas where people are returning to are in need of additional support and intensified humanitarian aid. The returns may exacerbate other issues, including conflicts and an increase people’s vulnerability, especially sincethis is not a return to their place of origin. The Borno State Protection Sector Working Group has identified this as an issue in Borno and recently established a sub-working group of Housing, Land and Property. UNICEF is continuing to respond to needs in the returnee areas as scale-up response.

Food and nutrition insecurity has reached extreme levels in parts of Borno, Adamawa and Yobe with 5.1 million people in IPC Phases 3 to 5, an increase of 50 per cent severely food insecure since March 2016. In the worst affected and least accessible areas of Borno and Yobe severe forms of hunger and even famine-like conditions were reported. 66 per cent of IDPs report food as their most unmet need (IOM, DTM Round XIII).

Protection issues remain a major concern. Sexual abuse and exploitations (SEA) is reported on rise, including in temporary IDP sites in Maiduguri. Vulnerability screening by UNHCR found that 56 percent of gender-based violence (GBV) cases in North East Nigeria were associated with survival sex. The government has launched an investigation into the alleged SEA cases.

Nigeria: Local Voices for Peace in Northern Nigeria

Source: Peace Direct
Country: Nigeria

Hope amidst the horror in Northern Nigeria

28 December 2016: A range of conflicts are causing devastation across Northern Nigeria. Shifting to a more locally-led approach, by engaging and supporting civil society groups, will increase the chances of reducing their impact, says Ruairi Nolan.

The peacebuilder I was talking with had just travelled to meet us from the far north east of Nigeria. He was right. What has been happening in his region in recent years defies comprehension. Even in an era when we have been numbed by news and images of atrocities around the world, the scale and brutality of the violence that has been unleashed by Boko Haram and other violent groups there still has the power to shock.

The kidnapping of 276 schoolgirls from Chibok mobilised the world against the cruelty and brutality of Boko Haram, but this is only one incident in a series of atrocities. Even the headline incidents – 645 unarmed prisoners executed in 2014; the bombing of the central mosque in Kano; the use of children as suicide bombers – are only of a pattern of violence that has devastated the region. There are over two million internally displaced people, a fragile local economy has been shattered, and deep divisions have opened up within communities, shattering coexistence between groups that have lived together for generations.

I met this peacebuilder and many others this month as part of a ‘Peace Exchange’ event that Peace Direct organised in Kano, the largest city in the north of Nigeria in July this year. This brought together 17 local peacebuilding organisations to collectively analyse the conflicts facing their communities, and develop joint strategies to help local groups build peace and prevent more mass atrocities in the region.

I had the privilege of spending three days with this group of remarkable peacebuilders. As we talked together, they shared stories of the impact of conflict on their communities and even their families. Their communities had been devastated by acts of violence large and small, and in some cases forever changed.

And yet, despite the fact that we were discussing such painful and shocking topics, I came away with an increased sense of hope, both for Northern Nigeria and more profoundly for the ability of humans to survive and rebuild even in the midst of violence. The peacebuilders told remarkable stories of how they were inspired to work for peace. In many cases, it was a personal experience of conflict.

One man, a Christian, told me how he had narrowly escaped being killed by a mob in the mass violence that erupted in Kano in 2004. He was saved only by his Muslim neighbour who sheltered him. The experience motivated him to quit his job and form a peacebuilding initiative together with other people similarly affected. Another man, also from Kano, was back in the city of his birth, from where he had had to flee three years ago because he was on a list of targets for Boko Haram. He is now based in another state, but still working for interfaith understanding.

Another reason for optimism are the community perceptions coming from the ground. The participating organisations also surveyed members of their community, and more than half declared that they feel a more peaceful future for Northern Nigeria is either ‘very likely’ or ‘quite likely’.

In part, this may be due to the fact that over the past few years the Nigerian army has succeeded in pushing back Boko Haram, albeit with serious human rights violations along the way. Surveyed community members were also overwhelmingly aware of the work of local peacebuilding organisations, and they tended to view these interventions as very successful. Local groups have made a real contribution to improving the prospects for the region, bringing greater optimism for the future.

It would be wrong to talk of the impact of Boko Haram alone. The viciousness of Boko Haram’s attacks, combined with their media savvy, has meant their attacks have dominated international attention. But in Northern Nigeria there are a range of interweaving conflicts that affect the region and predate the emergence of Boko Haram.
In the week of our event, more than 80 people in Benue State were massacred in the last attacks in a bloody conflict between herders and pastoralists that claimed over 1,200 lives in 2014 alone.

Michael Olufemi Sodipo, our Local Peacebuilding Expert for Nigeria who planned and organised the event said, “If the international community needs to learn one thing to better help resolve the conflict in Nigeria, it is to better understand the situation here. It is not just ‘the Christian south against the Muslim north’. There are many causes to the conflict in Nigeria, and many divisions, but also many things that bring us together that we need to build upon.”

A shift to a more locally-led approach, directly engaging and supporting civil society groups like those we met with, will increase the chances of reducing the devastation caused by the range of conflicts that affect Northern Nigeria.

Read and download our report: Local Voices for Peace in Northern Nigeria.

This is the first in a series of reports Peace Direct will be producing on the views and strategies of local peacebuilders in conflict zones in order to highlight local expertise and capacities for peace.

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