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Malawi: Southern Africa - Assumptions for Quarterly Food Security Analysis, July 2014

Source: Famine Early Warning System Network
Country: Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe

To project food security outcomes, FEWS NET uses scenario development. Commonly used by planners and researchers to forecast likely events, this methodology takes a set of informed assumptions about the future and compares their possible effects. Scenario development cannot predict exact outcomes but it structures the analysis and helps minimize uncertainty. This report, developed by FEWS NET analysts based on current evidence, outlines assumptions at the regional level. Analysts also develop assumptions at the country level, which are specific to that country and likely to be more detailed. Together, the regional and national assumptions are the foundation for the integrated analysis reported in FEWS NET’s Food Security Outlooks and Outlook Updates. Learn more about FEWS NET and scenario development at www.fews.net.

FEWS NET’s Food Security Outlook reports for July to December 2014 are based on the following regional assumptions:

Markets and Trade

  • Given the above average 2013/14 seasonal harvest prospects in most parts of the region, cereal availability in the region is expected to be 10-15 percent above the previous year and above the five-year average as surplus-producing countries announced above-average harvest estimates and expect significant carryover stocks. This is expected to reduce household dependence on the markets for the July to September period as households will be consuming from their own production. Given significant seasonal food price drops between April and May, it is expected that prices of staple cereals will trend below 2013 levels, but will remain above the five-year averages given tight supplies over the previous 2012/13 and 2013/14 marketing seasons.

  • Intra and extra regional exports are expected to remain robust, given that regional exportable surpluses are projected to be at higher levels than the previous year. South Africa expects an exportable maize surplus that is approximately 11 percent higher than last season, despite significantly lower (by 64 percent) carryover stock as of May 1st 2014. This is on account of the above-average 13.55 million MT harvest expectation for the 2013/14 season. Structurally grain deficit neighboring countries will continue to access their maize import requirement from South Africa. However, competition with overseas import demand (mainly Asian countries) is expected to remain high as South African traders aggressively look for markets to off-load excess supplies. Export volumes to neighboring countries from July to December will be atypically low since domestic availability in most of these countries is good and should continue to provide supplies throughout the July-September period.

  • Zambia, another major maize producer, is projecting above-average exports due to favorable harvests that are twice last year’s levels. While the Government of Zambia lifted the export restrictions in April of 2014 to allow for more robust cross-border exports, actual exports have been limited since neighboring countries experienced good harvests this season. Average and above-average harvests in neighboring countries, and the suspension of import licenses in Zimbabwe – the main destination of Zambia maize exports -- is likely to reduce the amount of maize that Zambia can potentially export regionally from July-December.

  • Zambia’s Food Reserve Agency (FRA) is expected to start its purchase of 500,000 MT of maize for the strategic grain reserve in July at a price that is slightly higher (8 percent) than last year’s purchase price. Given the large surplus, the removal of the export ban, and FRA’s plan to enter the market only in July, along with the fact that they do not pay cash on delivery, farmers have already started selling to private sector participants at market prices that are below the FRA’s selling price of K70/50kg bag. Maize prices are expected to fall significantly between July and December, but will remain above average given the high prices maintained from last season, as well as high transport costs. During the FRA maize purchase period from July to September, informal maize imports from Tanzania, Mozambique, and Malawi are likely to increase because of the price differential since FRA is expected to continue offering above market prices.

  • Tanzania is the second largest cereal producer in the region and is expected to have ample availability of maize and rice at relatively low prices owing to significant carryover stocks from the May to August 2013 harvest and the ongoing May to August 2014 harvest. The highly productive southern region is expected to realize above average maize production with surplus production at levels similar to the 500,000 MT realized in 2013. Given the high demand from neighboring East African countries, Tanzania is expected to have unusually high exports between July and December, especially to the southeastern and coastal regions of Kenya as well as Rwanda.

  • Malawi is expected to have increased domestic cereal availability as compared to the 2012/13 season, but surplus stocks will remain limited on account of localized shocks of dryness and the early cessation of rains. These localized shocks, coupled with reports of good production in nearby traditional marketing areas across Malawi’s borders with Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia, will likely lead to reduced informal outflows. Atypical drops in informal trade volumes were observed between April and May, at a time when historical trends indicate that volumes typically increase steeply because of the favorable price differentials across borders. This trend is likely to continue throughout the outlook period.

  • Maize prices on the South African Futures Exchange (SAFEX) are expected to fall steadily as the 2014 harvests boost available stocks. SAFEX Spot prices are expected to trend lower than their 2013 levels, following seasonal patterns, rising typically from October onwards. SAFEX maize price levels which have a bearing on regional food access will also continue to be influenced by global maize price trends (which are currently stable due to good global supplies). Additionally, the fluctuations in the local currency against major currencies, and the speculative behavior of grain exporters as they source for more lucrative markets further afield could influence SAFEX prices. Lower price levels during the July-December period might vary or fluctuate if the local currency continues to depreciate due to prevailing macro-economic conditions. This depreciation has happened in recent months, dropping 17 percent year-on-year since May 2013.

  • International crude oil prices, which are currently stable (according to the World Bank), are expected to decline slightly due to expanded output in non-traditional exporting countries. However, in FEWS NET countries, fuel price trends from the July to December period will vary depending not only on the international market conditions, but also on the evolution of local exchange rates in relation to the U.S. Dollar, as well as the design and implementation of local fuel import and price policies.

Start of season (SOS)/ Agroclimatology

  • There is an 80 percent chance that an El Niño will develop by the start of the 2014/2015 season. The El Niño phenomenon is generally associated with below average rainfall (40 percent chance) in many southern parts of the region. While El Niño increases chances of below average rainfall, the affected areas vary with every El Niño occurrence. Figure 2 shows the number of El Niño years (out of a total of ten) in which less than 80 percent of average rainfall was received during the October to December period. In Figure 2, the areas in yellow had below average October to December rainfall for 5-7 years out of the possible last ten El Niño events.

  • With the forecast, El Niño is expected to be in progress by the start of the season. It is expected that parts of Tanzania will likely receive above normal rainfall during the October to December period. The good rains in the bimodal areas of Tanzania will enhance recovery, especially in areas that were negatively affected by poor rains during the past Vuli and Masika seasons. Similarly, northern Malawi, northern Mozambique, and eastern Zambia may also receive above normal early season rains, in-line with observed El Niño trends; enhancing chances for early planting.

  • In contrast, southern and central Mozambique, southern Zambia, southeastern Zimbabwe, southern-most Malawi, and northeastern South Africa are more likely to receive below average October to December rainfall, as this is a more frequent occurrence in these areas during El Niño years.

  • As Governments and private traders embark on the importation of key agricultural inputs in the period leading up to the start of the new cropping season, it is likely that demand for foreign exchange will increase thereby exerting more pressure on available import cover, the value of local currencies, and potentially resulting in depreciation and high inflationary effect on food. This is more likely in Malawi, Zimbabwe, and to some extent Zambia where Governments are implementing large annual input subsidy schemes.

Farm and off-farm labor opportunities and remittances

  • In general, agricultural labor opportunities are expected to remain at levels typical for the July to September period. With the start of land preparation during the October to December period, given the El Niño conditions forecast, and the associated impacts on rainfall performance, it is likely that the start of season will be delayed, and/or erratic, thus affecting availability of labor opportunities at a time when these are typically expected to start increasing.

  • Migrant labor opportunities in South Africa are expected to remain constrained as labor costs continue to rise due to demands for increased minimum wages, and the protracted labor disputes in the farming and mining sectors. While most households typically rely less on remittances between July and September, it is likely that remittance levels from October to December to neighboring countries with significant migrant populations (Lesotho, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe) will fall below typical levels.

Pest Infestations and Disease Outbreaks

  • The May 2014 International Red Locust Control Organization for Central and Southern Africa (IRLCO-CSA) report, states that that armyworm outbreaks are not expected in Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe in the first half of the outlook period since it falls within the dry season. Only northern Tanzania will remain at risk as favorable climatic conditions for outbreaks will continue to exist until August.

  • The IRLCO-CSA also indicates that Red Locust swarm formation is expected to intensify in the period up to August in the outbreak areas of Tanzania, Mozambique, and Zambia due to widespread vegetation burning. The situation in all outbreak areas, including Malawi’s outbreak areas located in Lake Chilwa plains, is potentially dangerous as swarms, if not controlled, are likely migrate from the outbreak areas into adjacent or even further afield into neighboring countries.

  • In Madagascar - which has faced a migratory locust infestation crisis since April 2012 - the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) June 2014 Locust Situation Update reported that, with the rainy season coming to an end, weather and ecological conditions would soon be unsuitable for locust breeding. It is expected therefore that no further massive breeding will occur before the next rainy season, in October 2014. Following intensive and large-scale aerial control operations carried out in April and May, the number and size of the locust swarms has decreased significantly throughout the country, both in the invasion and outbreak areas. Nevertheless, conditions still require that monitoring of all locust populations, as well as limited control operations continues over the winter period.

Humanitarian Assistance

  • Humanitarian assistance needs are expected to be Minimal (IPC Phase 1) throughout the region, especially during the July-September period, as most poor households will still rely on stocks from own production, food from labor exchange and reasonably priced food accessed from local markets. The ongoing vulnerability and food security assessments will determine the number of people likely to face (or already facing) acute food insecurity in the 2014/15 consumption period and the level of humanitarian assistance that may be required.

  • Opportunities for Local and Regional Purchases (LRP) for humanitarian food commodities will improve this 2014/15 consumption year given current national demand/ supply projections which show improved availability of tradable maize this year, especially from Zambia (the main source of LRP), and Tanzania. Based on levels of LRP purchases of non-GMO maize in the recent past by the World Food Program (WFP), the available after trade surpluses will be more than sufficient to cover any local procurement requirement that WFP may have for its programs in the countries that have strict policies on GMO maize.

World: Global Weather Hazards Summary July 11-17, 2014

Source: Famine Early Warning System Network
Country: Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Chad, Costa Rica, Côte d'Ivoire, Dominican Republic, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Honduras, Kazakhstan, Liberia, Mali, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Turkmenistan, World, South Sudan

Flooding possible in Mali, Sudan, and South Sudan; dryness continues in Central America and Haiti

Africa Weather Hazards

  1. Heavy and above-average rains since May has oversaturated ground conditions in southern Mali and resulted in rainfall surpluses greater than 200 percent of normal in some locations. With heavy rain forecast for the next week, the risk for new flooding across the region will be increased.

  2. Above-average rain during the past 30 days has saturated ground conditions and caused localized flooding in parts of South Sudan and southern Sudan. Above-average rain is forecast during the next week, increasing the risk for localized flash flooding.

Mali: Nord du Mali: concentrations de groupes armés avant le dialogue d'Alger

Source: Agence France-Presse
Country: Mali

07/11/2014 10:27 GMT

BAMAKO, 11 juillet 2014 (AFP) - Des groupes armés se concentraient vendredi dans le nord du Mali, à moins d'une semaine des pourparlers d'Alger pour le retour de la paix dans cette région, a-t-on appris de source officielle malienne.

"Des informations concordantes font état de concentrations militaires et même d'avancées de troupes des groupes armés dans certaines localités du nord du Mali", indique un communiqué du gouvernement malien publié vendredi par l'Agence malienne de presse (Amap, publique).

Aucune précision n'a été cependant apportée sur l'identité de ces groupes armés et leur nombre.

Pour le gouvernement, "de tels actes sont inadmissibles car constituant des violations de l'accord de cessez-le-feu du 24 mai 2014" entre Bamako et les groupes armés, à la suite d'une médiation du dirigeant mauritanien et président de l'Union africaine, Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz.

Ce cessez-le-feu avait été obtenu après des affrontements meurtriers à Kidal (nord-est) entre l'armée et des groupes armés.

Selon Bamako, les mouvements de troupes observés ont lieu "à quelques jours de l'ouverture du dialogue inclusif prévu à Alger à compter du 16 juillet".

Le ministre des Affaires étrangères algérien Ramtane Lamamra, dont le pays est l'un des médiateurs dans le conflit au Mali, a proposé mercredi soir à Ouagadougou la tenue le 16 juillet à Alger d'une réunion régionale sur cette crise, qui dure depuis plus de deux ans.

Le gouvernement malien, "face à la gravité de la situation" dans le nord du Mali, a appelé vendredi la communauté internationale à "assumer toutes ses responsabilités" pour notamment protéger les civils, selon le communiqué.

Par ailleurs, des affrontements étaient en cours vendredi entre deux groupes armés devant prendre part aux pourparlers d'Alger, dans le nord-est du Mali, ont indiqué à l'AFP des sources concordantes.

Le Mouvement national de libération de l'Azawad (MNLA, rébellion touareg) attaque "nos positions" a affirmé Mohamed Ould Mataly, responsable d'une frange du Mouvement arabe de l'Azawad (MAA), député à l'Assemblée nationale.

"Nous combattons actuellement les narco-jihadistes. Les affrontements se déroulent entre Anefis et Tabankor", deux localités de la région, a déclaré de son côté Mohamed Ag Rhissa, un sympathisant du MNLA basé à Kidal.

Une source militaire africaine au sein de la mission de l'ONU dans le nord du Mali a déclaré, sans plus de détail, que "les affrontements se déroulent principalement entre des groupes armés qui doivent bientôt prendre part aux discussions d'Alger".


© 1994-2014 Agence France-Presse

Mali: Sahel Crisis 2014: Funding Status as of 11 July 2014

Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country: Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Gambia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal

Burkina Faso: Burkina Faso: SRP 2014 Suivi des Financements au 11 juillet 2014 (montant en million de $US)

Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country: Burkina Faso

Malawi: Southern Africa Humanitarian Bulletin: Issue 16, July 2014

Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country: Angola, Botswana, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe


  • Resilience refers to the ability of a system, communities and households to endure stresses and shocks.

  • Southern Africa as a region is characterized by high levels of vulnerability.

  • Recent momentum around the resilience building agenda in Lesotho and Malawi shows great promise.

  • A groundbreaking resilience framework is being developed to guide future activities in the region

Figures (SADC)

No. of countries - 15 Population* - 212 m Ave. life exp. - 55.1 yrs HIV Prev. rate (15 – 49 yrs.) - 12.6% Food insecure population* - 8.65 m Stunting rates - 18 – 53% Asylum seekers* - 272,000 Refugees * - 134,000


297 million committed/contributed in 2013 (US$)*

Niger: Niger: PRS 2014 État du financement en date du 11 Juillet 2014 (montant en millions de $US)

Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country: Niger

Mali: Sécurité alimentaire et implications humanitaires en Afrique de l'Ouest et au Sahel - N°57 - juin 2014

Source: World Food Programme, Food and Agriculture Organization
Country: Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Côte d'Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal


  • La saison des pluies connait un démarrage tardif avec des pauses pluviométriques après les semis dans des zones localisées de la région
  • Les prix mensuels des céréales restent globalement stables dans la région mais connaissent de légères hausses saisonnières localisées et des niveaux très élevés dans les zones affectées par les conflits et les mouvements massifs de populations
  • La période de soudure se poursuit dans la région et affecte les populations pastorales, les ménages pauvres et très pauvres ainsi que les populations réfugiées, déplacées et hôtes

Cameroon: UNICEF Cameroon Humanitarian Situation Report, June 30, 2014

Source: UN Children's Fund
Country: Cameroon, Central African Republic, Nigeria


UNICEF continues to be engaged in providing humanitarian response in four regions of Cameroon – Far North, North, Adamaoua and East – which have been facing recurring emergencies.

  • CAR REFUGEES: As of 22 June 2014, 106,119 people have been officially registered as refugees since January 2014 and about 84% of these are women or children. UNICEF is focused on providing Integrated Emergency Response for CAR refugees as part of the coordinated humanitarian effort. Lack of sufficient funding and established local or international NGOs on ground are affecting the delivery of response to scale.

  • NIGERIAN SECURITY CRISIS and REFUGEES: An outbreak of violence between Boko Haram and government forces in Nigeria bordering Northern Cameroon has now spilled over into Cameroon. Around 24,000 Nigerian refugees are in Northern Cameroun; with about 3,000 Nigerian refugees in Minawao refugee camp located 130 km east of the Nigeria-Cameroon border. Many Nigerian refugees refuse to be transferred to the camp, preferring to stay near the border in order to better monitor the situation in the Northeast with the hopes of returning (1 July 2014, UNHCR and UNCT NE Nigeria Sit Analysis)

  • NUTRITION RESPONSE: Over 16,000 children with SAM have been admitted for therapeutic care to date through UNICEF and partners as part of the Sahel response.

  • POLIO RESURGENCE: Cameroon has been declared as country with active transmission of wild Polio virus after 7 cases were confirmed in the country between October 2013 and March 2014.

  • CHOLERA RESURGENCE: In 2014, 258 cases of cholera have been reported at the national level with 14 deaths in North region.


CAR REFUGEES (as of June 30, 2014)

48,778 SAM
92,794 MAM
(targeted caseloads of children)

(1 July 2014, UNHCR and UNCT NE Nigeria Sit Analysis)

UNICEF Funding Requirements 2014*
US$ 23 million

Mali: 750 Iftar food baskets distributed in Mali

Source: Government of Saudi Arabia
Country: Mali, Saudi Arabia

Since the advent of the holy month of Ramadan, the International Islamic Relief Organization (IIRO), an affiliate of the Muslim World League, has begun implementation of its Iftar Project in Mali. On the first day of the initiative, 750 poor families were provided with 750 food baskets in four different areas located in the suburbs of the city of Bamako. The food baskets contained large quantities of rice, sugar, tea, oil and other supplies.

World: IDMC Annual report 2014

Source: Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre
Country: Afghanistan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burundi, Central African Republic, Colombia, Côte d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Georgia, Indonesia, Iraq, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Mali, Mexico, Nigeria, occupied Palestinian territory, Philippines, Russian Federation, Serbia, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, World, Yemen, South Sudan

From the director

I had the pleasure of joining the IDMC team in 2013, taking the helm from Kate Halff, who after four years of the excellent work and dedicated service, left the organisation in May.

2013 was another year of turmoil for many. Conflicts and disasters worldwide forced millions of people to flee their homes, leaving many stuck in limbo within the borders of their own country.

Relatively new crises, such as those in Syria and the Central African Republic, raged alongside long-standing conflicts in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria and Sudan, and innocent men, women and children continued to bear the brunt of the violence. We reported the highest ever number of people displaced as a consequence of conflict and violence - a staggering 33.3 million as of the end of year (reported in 2014).

In terms of disasters induced by natural hazards, we closely monitored the displacement fall-out from typhoon Haiyan, which forced more than four million people to flee their homes in the Philippines. We have increasingly been exploring the impact of both conflict and disasters, and the many issues those displaced in such complex situations face, particularly in the Philippines and flood-and-drought-prone African countries.

2013 marked our 15th year of monitoring internal displacement worldwide. Set up in 1998 to provide an information database, today we use our unique depth of knowledge on the issue to provide more analytical, innovative and advanced information, not only on internally displaced peoples’ needs at the local level, but also about how displacement patterns and trends can tell us something wider about the world we live in.

During the year, we continued to develop our cutting-edge work with systems dynamics modelling, a methodology which looks at a wide variety of factors that influence displacement - such as the interrelated effects of conflict, natural hazards, poverty, food and livelihood insecurity - and capacities to manage them. It also allows practitioners to simulate adjustments to these variables with the aim of preventing displacement from happening in the first place.

Our close collaboration with our parent organisation, the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), has allowed us invaluable access to the field, and with their support we sent our analysts on 17 fact-finding and three training missions in 2013. We also conducted a further 27 fact-finding and seven training missions with partners such as the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) in countries where NRC was not present.

IDMC’s flagship reports, the Global Overview and Global Estimates, analyse displacement caused by conflict and disasters worldwide, providing key statistics and analysis of trends. As the world’s leading sources of information on internal displacement, they are widely cited by UN bodies and receive significant media coverage.

We publish a significant amount of other new research each year, such as country overviews, briefing papers and blog posts, and we also use our information to influence positive change for people affected by or at risk of displacement, though much of this work takes place behind closed doors.

In 2013 it included ongoing engagement with, and the provision of expert advice to, national authorities; giving training on legal issues surrounding displacement; reviewing draft laws and policies; submitting recommendations via human rights mechanisms; and providing an expert voice at numerous roundtables and other events. As a result of our sustained efforts at the country level, often over many years, we saw positive steps in Afghanistan, Somalia and the Philippines, which all adopted policies, or initiated processes towards such policies, on internal displacement during the year.

At the global policy level, IDMC has taken part in wider debates to ensure that areas such as humanitarian reform and the international cluster system, the ratification and implementation of the Kampala Convention, climate change and disaster risk reduction are viewed through a displacement lens. In 2013, for example, our evidence and advocacy positioned displacement issues in the chair’s summary of the Fourth Session of the Global Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction, and for consideration in the development of a post-2015 global policy framework on disasters, or Hyogo Framework for Action 2, a process that we continue to be involved in.

We also engaged on a global level on housing, land and property issues, including via the integration of a displacement perspective into work on tenure security led by the special rapporteur on adequate housing.

That IDMC is able to carry out its work, research and analysis at so many different levels is down to the incredibly generous support of our funding partners. Your commitment, and the fact that you share our vision of ending the suffering of people living in, or at risk of displacement, has helped to ensure that we are able to strive ever further in our efforts to ensure that the voices of the world’s 33.3 million internally placed people are raised to the people who need to hear them. Thank you.

Alfredo Zamudio, Director of IDMC

Guatemala: Gobierno de Guatemala entrega Mi Bono Seguro a 75.790 mujeres en Alta Verapaz

Source: Government of Guatemala
Country: Guatemala

Written by Mildred Morales/AGN

Alta Verapaz, 12 jul (AGN).- El presidente de Guatemala, Otto Pérez Molina entregó hoy 75.790 transferencias monetarias condicionadas a igual número de mujeres del departamento norteño de Alta Verapaz, lo que corresponde al segundo pago del programa Mi Bono Seguro, informó una fuente oficial.

A finales del 2012, el dignatario se comprometió a realizar cuatro transferencias a las madres que formen parte del programa adscrito al Ministerio de Desarrollo Social (Mides), la primera fue en marzo y abril y se canceló en todo el país.

Pérez Molina agradeció la presencia de la población y aseguró que están cumpliendo con lo que asumieron y que además restan dos pagos por realizar.

"A las mamás les digo que tienen que utilizar bien ese dinero, es para ustedes y los niños, les quiero decir que tienen también la responsabilidad de ver que los menores vayan a la escuela y al puesto de salud para asegurarse de que el niño esté bien", pidió a las madres.

Agregó que ninguna persona tiene que cobrar "un solo centavo, esto es derecho de cada una de ustedes, es una obligación de nosotros como Gobierno. Si alguien les pide vayan a denunciar, porque los vamos a sacar".

Se tiene planificado realizar una tercera entrega en septiembre y una última en diciembre, pero si el presupuesto del Mides lo permite, se tiene previsto realizar un quinto pago.

Mi Bono Seguro es una iniciativa de Gobierno que busca mejorar las condiciones de vida de las familias por medio de pagos trimestrales de 300 quetzales que deben ser utilizados en la salud y educación de los niños.

Cada madre que recibe las transacciones monetarias debe comprometerse a enviar a sus hijos a los planteles educativos y a los menores de cinco años a los centros de atención médica para asegurar la buena salud de los niños y niñas de la nación centroamericana.

Solo en el municipio de San Pedro Carchá se entregarán 11.398 bonos seguros a igual número de madres usuarias del programa.

El departamento también forma parte de las iniciativas Mi Beca Segura, en la que 530 niños y adolescentes son favorecidos, así como del programa Jóvenes Protagonistas, que apoya a 518 personas de esa región.

"Es de verdad un privilegio estar aquí con ustedes (...) pueden estar seguras de que cada una de las beneficiarias va a continuar en el programa porque estamos honrando la palabra del Presidente de la República", expresó Leonel Rodríguez, ministros del Mides.

Agregó que los programas sociales no tienen ningún costo y pidió que se denuncie a la gente que esté realizando cobros a los usuarios. "Nosotros pagamos cabal y puntual, pero queremos que ustedes lleven a sus hijos a los centros de salud y a la escuela, es el compromiso que hemos adquirido", dijo.

Mali: Le nord du Mali face à l'adversité

Source: IRIN
Country: Mali


  • 1,9 million de personnes ont besoin d’une aide alimentaire
  • Les affrontements entre rebelles entraînent des déplacements de populations
  • L’insécurité entrave l’approvisionnement

GAO, 14 juillet 2014 (IRIN) - Les habitants du nord du Mali, qui se remettent à peine de l'occupation islamiste, sont à nouveau confrontés à des ravages causés par de récents affrontements entre les forces rebelles séparatistes et les troupes du gouvernement. Les violences ont augmenté l'insécurité, entravé une intervention humanitaire déjà difficile et entraîné une hausse du nombre de personnes souffrant de la faim.

Certains secteurs du nord du Mali sont retombés entre les mains de trois mouvements rebelles séparatistes depuis les affrontements qui ont eu lieu en mai dans la région de Kidal. Plus de 18 000 personnes ont dû fuir. Les combats et l'impact durable de la crise alimentaire de 2012-2013 ont eu de graves conséquences pour la population, limitant l'accès à la nourriture et aux moyens de subsistance pour les plus vulnérables.

Les tensions entre communautés, l'insécurité persistante et les rumeurs et craintes de nouvelles violences ont également entraîné des déplacements.

« Les récents combats ont fait régresser la situation humanitaire et ont accentué la crise. Les services dans le nord sont toujours limités, tout comme l'accès aux soins de santé, à l'éducation et aux marchés, sans parler de l'insécurité alimentaire, renforcée par les récents déplacements », a dit Erin Weir, conseiller en protection et plaidoyer auprès du Conseil norvégien pour les réfugiés.

« Les personnes qui tentent avec difficulté de reconstruire leur maison et leur vie après des années de conflit reçoivent très peu d'aide. Les crises qui ont lieu ailleurs font de l'ombre à la terrible situation dans le nord et le Mali est rapidement en train de devenir une crise oubliée », a dit M. Weir.

« Il y a un énorme écart entre les besoins et ce que nous pouvons offrir, » a dit Salamatou Ba, du Bureau de la coordination des affaires humanitaires des Nations Unies (OCHA). « Nous savons que la situation va continuer à empirer et nous aimerions faire plus, mais nous manquons tout simplement d'argent. »

Interruption de l'aide

Le Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR) a interrompu ses distributions alimentaires à l'extérieur de Gao, Kidal et Tombouctou à la suite d'une attaque contre des membres de son personnel plus tôt cette année.

« Après l'attaque et l'enlèvement de trois de nos employés en mai, nous avons suspendu toutes les opérations à l'extérieur des principales villes [...] Depuis, nous étendons progressivement nos opérations pour atteindre à nouveau notre niveau d'activité d'avant l'attaque », a dit Valery Mboah Nana, du CICR, à Bamako.

Environ 1,9 million de personnes, soit 11 pour cent de la population, ont besoin d'une aide alimentaire. Selon OCHA, ils étaient 1,3 million début 2014.

L'insécurité et les attaques contre des travailleurs humanitaires et des camions transportant des denrées alimentaires ont également interrompu les distributions de nourriture du Programme alimentaire mondial (PAM). Qui plus est, les opérations du PAM au Mali n'ont obtenu qu'un tiers des financements nécessaires.

« Les distributions alimentaires régulières ont été suspendues pendant environ une semaine [après les heurts du mois de mai], puis elles ont repris progressivement à mesure que les conditions de sécurité s'amélioraient. L'évènement a cependant poussé 18 000 personnes à fuir, augmentant ainsi les besoins humanitaires », a dit Emmanuel Bigenimana, coordinateur d'urgence du PAM au Mali.

Hahadou Ag Kaoussane, le maire de la localité de N'Tilit, près de Gao, a été obligé de fuir lorsque des hommes armés qui affirmaient être des membres du Mouvement national pour la libération de l'Azawad (MNLA) ont pris le contrôle du village. Il a décrit ces hommes comme des « voleurs et des bandits » déterminés à faire régner la peur.

« Ils sont partout dans le village. Certains d'entre eux sont responsables du pillage de boutiques et d'habitations à Gao lors de la prise de contrôle de la ville par les rebelles. Pendant l'occupation, ils ont fui dans des camps de réfugiés au Burkina Faso et maintenant ils sont de retour », a-t-il dit à IRIN.

Depuis que ces hommes armés ont envahi N'Tilit, les organisations non gouvernementales humanitaires ne se sont pas approchées.

Plus de personnes dans le besoin

Selon une évaluation de la sécurité alimentaire réalisée en mars, 945 284 personnes sont actuellement en situation d'insécurité alimentaire dans le nord du Mali. Ce chiffre comprend 257 859 en phase IV, ou phase d'urgence, et 687 425 en phase III, définie comme une crise. L'enquête inclut les régions de Gao, Kidal, Tombouctou et quatre districts de la région de Mopti, qui accueille toujours de larges communautés de personnes déplacées à l'intérieur de leur propre pays (PCIP).

Si les déplacés du nord du Mali rentrent progressivement chez eux depuis la déroute des insurgés islamistes début 2013, après neuf mois d'occupation, nombre d'entre eux craignent encore pour leur sécurité et certains ont dû fuir à nouveau.

« En raison des tensions entre communautés et de la peur des représailles, les gens ne se sentent pas en sécurité pour rentrer chez eux. À cause des changements de pouvoir constants - un jour, un secteur appartient aux rebelles et le lendemain, il est repris par les forces du gouvernement - les gens se sentent en sécurité et la minute d'après, ils sont tentés de fuir à nouveau », a dit M. Weir, du Conseil norvégien pour les réfugiés.

Les conflits entre factions rebelles ont également poussé certaines personnes à partir de chez elles. Husseini Dicko et sa famille ont fui les affrontements entre rebelles et se sont installés en plein air, le long des rives du fleuve Niger, près de Gao, où leur survie est une lutte quotidienne.

« Ces terres ne nous appartiennent pas. Nous n'avons pas le droit de cultiver ici. Même s'il y a du poisson dans le fleuve, nous ne pouvons pas le pêcher, car il appartient aux villageois » , a dit Halima Dicko, la femme d'Husseini.

Une survie difficile

À Bandiagara, un district de la région centrale de Mopti, l'une des plus touchées par les pénuries alimentaires, la population a été obligée de réduire ses portions alimentaires et de vendre des objets pour survivre. L'année dernière, les pluies ne sont pas tombées dans de nombreuses régions du Mali. Alors que la pluviométrie est habituellement la plus forte de juin à septembre, les pluies sont arrivées tard et ont pris fin tôt à Bandiagara.

« Des gens ont déjà commencé à quitter Bandiagara pour partir en quête de travail en ville ou dans les fermes des districts voisins », a dit Fatoumata Maiga, qui travaille avec Oxfam à Gao. « Certaines familles ont commencé à vendre leur bétail à prix bas juste pour survivre. La plupart ont réduit leur consommation alimentaire. La majorité des foyers ne font plus qu'un repas par jour au lieu de trois. »

Les éleveurs n'ont pas assez d'eau pour leurs bêtes, a dit Wanalher Ag Alwaly, qui travaille pour l'Agence des États-Unis pour le développement international (USAID) à Gao. « Déjà obligés d'abattre leurs bêtes pour nourrir leur famille l'année dernière, ils n'ont pas d'autre choix maintenant que de les vendre à des prix très bas. »

Algateck Ag Ouwaha, un notable de N'Tilit, a dit à IRIN que de nombreux éleveurs avaient trop peur des attaques de bandits pour s'aventurer à plus de quelques kilomètres de leur village. Ils se concentrent donc dans de petites zones où les pâturages disparaissent rapidement.

« Les pâturages se font rares et les éleveurs sont parfois obligés de s'introduire sur des terres appartenant à d'autres éleveurs pastoraux, avec les risques de conflits que cela entraîne », a-t-il dit.

Les marchés font eux aussi face à des pénuries. Les commerçants ne peuvent en effet pas sortir des villes, car les routes sont trop dangereuses à cause du banditisme. Les péages routiers pour les camions allant de Kidal à Gao ont par ailleurs doublé depuis l'année dernière, ce qui décourage de nombreux routiers.

« Nous prenons de grands risques, tout d'abord en quittant Kidal, où nous avons des chances d'être attaqués par des bandits, et ensuite on ne sait jamais qui monte la garde à ces postes de contrôle », a dit un chauffeur routier de Gao qui n'a donné que son prénom, Soumeila.

Les affrontements récurrents, la difficulté à résoudre la crise dans le nord, les déplacements et les attaques ont compliqué les opérations humanitaires et aggravé les souffrances des civils dans cette vaste région aride.

La mission de maintien de la paix des Nations Unies au Mali, qui est chargée d'aider le pays à se remettre sur ses pieds après la crise politique et sécuritaire déclenchée par le coup d'État armé de mars 2012, doit faire avec 3 000 soldats de moins que sa pleine capacité de 12 000 hommes.


Mali: Mali Bulletin humanitaire, Juin 2014

Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country: Mali


  • Le nombre de personnes ayant besoin d’une assistance alimentaire risque d’augmenter pour la période juin-août 2014.

  • Les restes explosifs de guerre ont fait 101 victimes depuis le début 2012.

  • Plus de 7,5 millions d’enfants ont été vaccinés contre la polio.

  • La Journée Mondiale des Réfugiés a été célébrée au Mali le 20 juin.

La réponse à l’insécurité alimentaire reste une priorité

Près d’un million de personnes assistées par les acteurs humanitaires De janvier à mai 2014, les organisations humanitaires membres du cluster Sécurité Alimentaire et le Comité International de la Croix Rouge (CICR) ont assisté 961 791 personnes touchées par l’insécurité alimentaire à travers des distributions générales de vivres, des programmes de filets sociaux, un appui à l’agriculture, l’élevage et la pêche, des activités génératrices de revenus, et des transferts monétaires.

Au total, près de 2 millions de personnes recevront une assistance entre juillet et septembre, période la plus critique de la soudure.

Ce chiffre inclut 1 106 896 personnes qui seront assistées par le Gouvernement à travers le Commissariat à la Sécurité Alimentaire.

Mali: L’UA offre 20 véhicules au ministère malien de l’Intérieur et de la Sécurité

Source: African Union
Country: Mali

Bamako, le 14 juillet 2014 – M. Pierre Buyoya, Chef de la Mission de l’Union africaine (UA) pour le Mali et le Sahel (MISAHEL) a remis ce lundi 14 juillet 2014 à M. Sada Samaké, ministre de l’Intérieur et de la Sécurité, les clefs d’un premier lot de treize véhicules sur vingt offerts par l’UA. D’une valeur marchande d’un million de dollars américains soit 481,642,430 francs CFA, le don est composé de treize (13) camionnettes pick-up, quatre (4) ambulances et trois (3) camions.

Ce don contribuera, entre autres, au renforcement des capacités des Forces de défense et de sécurité de la République du Mali (FDSM). En sa qualité de Haut représentant de l’UA pour le Mali et le Sahel, dans son allocution, M. Buyoya, a tenu à réitérer «la ferme détermination de l’UA à appuyer les autorités maliennes pour le retour à la paix et à la stabilité du pays ». En effet, la sécurité dans la région du Sahel constitue un des trois principaux piliers de la Stratégie de l’UA pour le Sahel. Ce pilier vise notamment la promotion de la sécurité collective dans la région, à travers le Processus de Nouakchott, une initiative regroupant onze (11) pays du Sahel, dont le Mali.

«Des projets sont également en cours d’exécution pour le renforcement de l’échange d’information entre les services de sécurité et de renseignement des pays de la région ainsi que la mise en place de mécanismes opérationnels pour la lutte contre le terrorisme et la criminalité transfrontalière, » a annoncé M. Pierre Buyoya.

Au-delà de l’appui dans le secteur de la sécurité, la MISAHEL et les autres structures pertinentes de l’UA continueront d’apporter leur appui dans d’autres domaines aussi importants que le processus de dialogue inclusif inter malien et la réconciliation nationale.

Pour sa part, M. Sada Samaké s’est félicité de « ce don qui marque la solidarité de la communauté africaine et internationale » en faveur du Mali.

Contact :
Mme Yaye Nabo SENE
Chargée de communication
Tel : +223 20 22 18 22 - Ext 120
Cell: +223 75 94 12 70
Courriel: seney@africa-union.org ou epsilone10@gmail.com Site web : www.peaceau.org

Malawi: Changes in Food and Nutrition Security in Malawi

Source: International Food Policy Research Institute
Country: Malawi

Analysis of recent survey evidence

A large proportion of Malawian households are caught in a trap where poverty and food insecurity reinforce one another and where periods of food deficits and severe food crises are frequent occurrences. In recognition of this, the Malawian government has since 2005/06 implemented a large-scale Farm Input Subsidy Program (FISP), which supplies half of smallholder farmers with sufficient fertilizer and maize seeds to satisfy the maize consumption needs of an average-sized family. While the program boosted maize production and lowered maize prices, thus ensuring increased caloric availability at the household level, its effect on overall food consumption, dietary diversity, micronutrient deficiency, and child nutrition is less clear. This study evaluates household expenditure survey data to measure changes in nutrition outcomes between 2004/05 and 2010/11. While the study is not an evaluation of the nutritional impact of FISP per se, it does shed some light on the possible nutritional effects of the program. The results are disconcerting. For example, we find evidence of rising consumption inequality associated with a rise in extreme poverty and a significant increase in income among the urban non-poor. Although calorie deficiency declined—including among the rural poor, dietary diversity among the rural poor decreased and mineral and vitamin deficiencies increased nationwide, especially in rural areas. The various child nutrition indicators reveal mixed results. For example, chronic child malnutrition declined substantially, whereas acute malnutrition increased. The study also highlights several concerns related to data quality and inconsistencies in estimated changes in food and nutrition indicators when compared to results from alternative datasets.

Mali: Mali government, rebels meet for peace talks

Source: Agence France-Presse
Country: Mali

07/15/2014 03:50 GMT

by Serge Daniel

BAMAKO, July 15, 2014 (AFP) - Malian government negotiators come to the table with rebel groups on Wednesday hoping to strike an elusive peace deal with the country mired in conflict a year after returning to democracy.

Riven by ethnic rivalries, a separatist rebellion and an Islamist insurgency in its vast desert north, the west African nation has struggled for stability and peace since a military coup in 2012.

The talks in the capital of neighbouring Algeria will be the first to bring together the various warring factions since an interim agreement last June paved the way for nationwide elections.

However. since President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita came to power negotiations have stalled, and northern Mali has seen a spike in violence by Islamist and separatist militants.

The talks follow skirmishes in May between the Malian army and a coalition of rebels from the National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad (MNLA) and the High Council for the Unity of Azawad (HCUA) which saw at least 50 soldiers lose their lives in the Tuareg region of Kidal.

A ceasefire obtained by Mauritanian leader and African Union (AU) chief Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz has been in place since, but the Malian government has denounced the "concentrations of armed groups" in the desert.

Some of those groups, including the MNLA, the HCUA, and two branches of the Arab Movement of Azawad (MAA) will be represented in Algiers, where a government delegation will be led by Foreign Minister Abdoulaye Diop.

But Mali has excluded several Islamist groups linked to Al-Qaeda which occupied northern Mali for close to 10 months in 2012 before being ousted by the French-led Serval military offensive.

Negotiations will take place in three phases, according to former prime minister Modibo Keita, the president's envoy at the talks.

The different sides will begin by thrashing out a "roadmap" for the negotiations, before beginning the talks themselves and finally signing a "final peace agreement", Keita said.

The negotiations will be overseen by a "college of mediators" including Algeria, the AU and the 15-member regional bloc ECOWAS, and a "college of facilitators" made up of delegates from the European Union, France, Niger and Nigeria.

'Red line'

Malian Premier Moussa Mara has warned that the process will "require effort" and "compromises on both sides".

While he has suggested that the government is willing to make concessions, he says there is a "red line" it is not willing to cross -- any talk of compromising Mali's territorial integrity or secular status.

A source from the United Nations peacekeeping mission in Mali, MINUSMA, stressed the need for urgent action, with the security situation deteriorating and inter-communal violence in the north presenting a threat "more dangerous than anything else".

Sections of the media and opposition politicians have questioned the choice of Algeria as a venue for the talks, however.

"Every time we run to (Algeria) and it's always the same result: nothing. Algeria is the country that has been most involved in the resolution of the crisis in Mali and has never been able to find solution," the weekly newspaper Nouvelle Liberation said in a recent editorial.

Djiguiba Keita, from the opposition Party for National Rebirth, invoked the terminology of medieval feudal Europe in a withering description of Mali as Algeria's "vassal", or subordinate.

The talks begin with French Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian arriving in Bamako to sign a defence agreement with Mali, after Paris said on Sunday that it was winding up the Serval offensive after 18 months.

It will be replaced by a wider counter-terrorism operation, codenamed Barkhan, to be implemented in partnership with Mauritania, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger and Chad.

Le Drian said around 3,000 French soldiers would be part of the operation, 1,000 of whom would stay in northern Mali.

Drones, helicopters, fighter jets, armoured vehicles and transport planes will also take part in Operation Barkhan -- the name of a crescent-shaped sand dune in the desert -- which will have its headquarters in the Chadian capital N'Djamena.


© 1994-2014 Agence France-Presse

Mali: Négociations à Alger pour la paix dans un Mali en crise

Source: Agence France-Presse
Country: Mali

07/15/2014 06:09 GMT

Par Serge DANIEL

BAMAKO, 15 juillet 2014 (AFP) - Des négociations entre le gouvernement et les groupes armés maliens s'ouvrent mercredi à Alger pour trouver un accord de paix au Mali où, malgré une intervention armée internationale en cours depuis un an et demi, l'instabilité demeure.

Ces négociations sont les premières à rassembler l'ensemble des parties prenantes au conflit depuis celles qui avaient abouti à un accord intérimaire le 18 juin 2013 à Ouagadougou, au Burkina Faso, ayant ouvert la voie à la tenue d'élections présidentielle et législatives.

Mais depuis l'élection du président Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta en août 2013, les pourparlers piétinent et les groupes armés continuent à mener des actions meurtrières dans le nord du Mali.

En mai, des hommes du Mouvement national de libération de l'Azawad (MNLA, rébellion touareg), du Haut conseil pour l'unité de l'Azawad (HCUA, au sein duquel sont recyclés d'ex-jihadistes) et du Mouvement arabe de l'Azawad (MAA), ont combattu pendant plusieurs jours à Kidal, fief des Touareg dans le nord-est du Mali, l'armée malienne qui a perdu au moins 50 soldats.

Un cessez-le-feu obtenu par le chef de l'Etat mauritanien Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, président en exercice de l'Union africaine (UA), tient toujours. Mais le gouvernement malien vient de dénoncer des "concentrations de groupes armés" dans le Nord où des affrontements ont par ailleurs lieu entre le MNLA et une branche du MAA.

Le MNLA, le HCUA, deux branches du MAA et des milices d'autodéfense proches du pouvoir de Bamako, seront représentés à Alger où la délégation du gouvernement malien sera dirigée par le ministre des Affaires étrangères Abdoulaye Diop.

En sont exclus les "groupes terroristes" liés à Al-Qaïda qui - à un moment alliés du MNLA - ont occupé pendant plus de neuf mois le nord du Mali avant d'en être partiellement chassés par une intervention armée internationale lancée le 11 janvier 2013 par la France, toujours en cours via la mission de l'ONU au Mali, la Minusma.

Les négociations vont se dérouler en "trois phases", selon l'ancien Premier ministre malien Modibo Keïta, représentant du chef de l'Etat pour le dialogue inclusif inter-malien: "Valider une feuille de route des négociations", puis "négociations proprement dites (...) pour aller au fond des problèmes et obtenir un pré-accord" avant la signature d'un accord de paix définitif.

  • Le role de l'Algérie en question -

Ces négociations seront accompagnées par un "collège de médiateurs" et un autre "de facilitateurs".

Outre l'Algérie, l'UA et la Communauté économique des Etats d'Afrique de l'Ouest (Cédéao) feront partie des médiateurs, tandis que l'Union européenne (UE), la France, le Niger et le Nigeria seront parmi les facilitateurs.

Moussa Mara a déclaré qu'"un processus de paix nécessite des efforts" et "des compromis de part et d'autre", laissant présager que le gouvernement est prêt à faire des concessions. Mais il a déjà tracé "la ligne rouge"à ne pas franchir: la remise en cause de l'intégrité territoriale du Mali et la laïcité de l'Etat.

Après des revendications indépendantistes, aujourd'hui officiellement abandonnées, certains des groupes rebelles réclament désormais une forme d'autonomie ou un statut particulier pour le nord qu'ils appellent Azawad.

Selon un expert de la Minusma, il faut faire vite, car "la situation se dégrade de plus en plus dans le Nord: à côté du différend gouvernement malien/groupes armés, des affrontements inter-communautaires sont en cours et c'est plus dangereux que tout le reste".

Une partie de la presse et de l'opposition du Mali s'interroge cependant sur le choix de l'Algérie pour ces pourparlers de paix.

"A chaque fois, on accourt vers elle et c'est le même résultat: aucun (...). L'Algérie est le pays qui a le plus été impliqué dans la résolution de la crise malienne et n'a jamais pu trouver de solution", écrit l'hebdomadaire Nouvelle Libération.

Les pourparlers débuteront le jour de la visite à Bamako du ministre français de la Défense, Jean-Yves Le Drian, pour y signer un accord de défense avec le Mali après l'annonce par Paris de la fin de son opération "Serval" lancée dans ce pays en janvier 2013.

Elle sera remplacée par "Barkhane", opération plus large et permanente de lutte contre le terrorisme au Sahel, qui mobilisera 3.000 militaires français.


© 1994-2014 Agence France-Presse

Mali: Mali govt, rebels swap prisoners ahead of peace talks

Source: Agence France-Presse
Country: Mali

07/15/2014 19:34 GMT

by Serge Daniel

BAMAKO, July 15, 2014 (AFP) - Tuareg rebels and the Malian government on Tuesday exchanged dozens of prisoners in a goodwill gesture on the eve of peace talks opening in Algiers.

Forty-five Malian soldiers and police captured during clashes at the end of May in the west African nation's restive northeast arrived at Bamako's airport, where they were welcomed by Prime Minister Moussa Mara.

They were replaced on the plane by 41 militants captured during patrols of the north by security forces, with the rebels due to be to returned to their homeland, known by the Tuareg as "Azawad".

"In total today the Malian government and armed groups in the north have released 86 prisoners on both sides, in the context of an easing of tension," security ministry official Aliou Toure told AFP at the airport.

The exchange had been agreed as part of negotiations between the two sides ahead of the talks, a separate official source told AFP on condition of anonymity.

"The Malian government has released 41 prisoners from the ranks of armed groups from the north, and they have released 45 members of the security forces of Mali. All prisoners released from both sides are healthy," the source said.

The freed Tuareg, captured during clashes in the rebel bastion of Kidal from May 17 to 21, are members of the National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad (MNLA), the High Council for the Unity of Azawad (HCUA) and the Arab Movement of Azawad (MAA).

The skirmishes resulted in the deaths of 50 soldiers in a humiliating defeat for the army.

Government negotiators are due to meet the rebels on Wednesday in Algiers in a bid to strike a peace deal which has eluded the conflict-wracked country since its return to democracy last year following a military coup.

  • Suicide bombing -

The talks will be the first since an interim agreement last June paved the way for nationwide elections.

Since President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita came to power negotiations have stalled, however, and northern Mali has seen a spike in violence by Islamist and separatist militants.

A ceasefire obtained by Mauritanian leader and African Union (AU) chief Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz has been in place since May's clashes, but the government has continued to voice concern about the "concentrations of armed groups" in the desert.

A French legionnaire was killed on Monday in what Paris described as a suicide car bomb attack near the northern town of Gao.

The MNLA, the HCUA, and two branches of the MAA will be represented in Algiers, where a government delegation will be led by Foreign Minister Abdoulaye Diop.

But Mali has excluded several Islamist groups linked to Al-Qaeda which occupied northern Mali for close to 10 months in 2012 before being ousted by the French-led Serval military offensive.

The talks begin with French Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian arriving in Bamako to sign a defence agreement with Mali, after Paris said on Sunday that it was winding up its Serval offensive after 18 months.

It will be replaced by a wider counter-terrorism operation, codenamed Barkhane, to be implemented in partnership with Mauritania, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger and Chad.

Le Drian said around 3,000 French soldiers would be part of the operation, 1,000 of whom would stay in northern Mali.


World: Global Emergency Overview Snapshot 9 - 15 July

Source: Assessment Capacities Project
Country: Afghanistan, Angola, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Guatemala, Guinea, Haiti, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Liberia, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Myanmar, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, occupied Palestinian territory, Pakistan, Paraguay, Philippines, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Uganda, World, Yemen, South Sudan

Snapshot 9–15 July

oPT: 178 Palestinians have been killed since the launch of Israel’s Operation Protective Edge on 8 July. Around 17,000 people have sought shelter in UNRWA schools. Rockets from Syria and Lebanon have hit the north of Israel, raising fears of the conflict spreading.

Democratic Republic of Congo: More than 30,000 people are estimated to have been displaced in North Kivu, South Kivu, and Katanga in June, due to FARDC military operations and fighting between armed groups.

Syria: Host populations are struggling to cope with growing camp populations, and people in informal settlements are receiving very little assistance. The population of Lattakia and Tartous has grown by 50%. The conflict death toll has passed 170,000.

Updated: 15/07/2014. Next update: 22/07/2014

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