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Mali: Mali : Rapatriés spontanés enregistrés par cercle (31 mai 2014)

Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Country: Algeria, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Mali, Mauritania, Niger

Mali: Civilians in Northern Mali in Need of Protection

Source: Norwegian Refugee Council
Country: Mali

In 2012 discontent over the government’s handling of separatist rebels in the north of Mali triggered a coup in the capital, and opened the door to an Islamist takeover in the north. Hundreds of thousands of Malian people fled the harsh treatment and gross human rights abuses perpetrated by Islamist forces as they took control of towns and cities throughout the north of the country.

After months of limited progress towards the stabilization of the north events in recent months have dampened optimism about the future of Mali. The recent outbreak of violence in Kidal was triggered when the President of Mali visited Kidal in a bid to demonstrate government control of the north. The net result has been a re-assertion of separatist control in Kidal region, as well as Menaka and Anderamboukane towns in Gao region.

As funding plummets, the humanitarian needs in Mali continue to be immense. There are currently over 151,000 people displaced inside Mali and over 137,000 continue to live as refugees in neighbouring countries, unable to return home.

Roughly 1.5 million people are at imminent risk of running out of food and lack of adequate water is a persistent concern. Government services such as health care and education are weak or non-existent in the north, and roughly 50% of Malian people do not possess the identity cards necessary to access services, to move safely around the country, or to reclaim property abandoned during the conflict.

Ongoing clashes, breaches of ceasefire agreements and divisions within and amongst non-state armed groups have brought the peace process to a halt. Renewed violence, displacement, and a steady escalation of the use of asymmetric attacks – including landmines, IEDs and suicide attacks - against international targets has fundamentally changed circumstances in the north of Mali. The humanitarian crisis has been amplified, and humanitarian actors have been forced to adapt to these new, more dangerous context.

UN Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA):

The UN Stabilization Mission in Mali – known by the French acronym MINUSMA – operates at the invitation of government, and the mission’s mandate is to provide political, security and other stabilization support to the country.

As such, MINUSMA forces have become a target for numerous armed groups opposed to the government. MINUSMA is also mandated to facilitate access of humanitarian organizations to communities in need and to provide protection for Malian people under threat.

The mandate is demanding, the geographical scale is huge and the scope of the challenges facing MINUSMA military, police and civilian staff is daunting. Resources are not adequate for the task. As of June, the mission is still roughly 3,000 troops short of its authorized strength of 11,200 soldiers. Support capacities such as mobility and transport of goods is weak, a fact that is compounded by the large areas to be covered in Mali, and the harsh climate that wears down equipment.

The role and responsibility of the mission is unclear to most Malian people, and this lack of communication between the mission and local communities has lead to suspicion and outright scapegoating. When non-government armed forces perpetrate attacks against Malian forces or civilian targets, MINUSMA is often blamed. When government forces were defeated in Kidal and Menaka, Malian people protested against MINUSMA throughout the country, blaming them for failing to support government forces and calling for a MINUSMA withdrawal.

This misunderstanding of the MINUSMA mandate and capacity, and the mistrust of the peacekeepers is largely due to a real lack of communication and contact between MINUSMA forces – the most visible part of the mission – and local communities.

At present, MINUSMA military do some patrolling, but rarely venture outside of larger population centers, and there is no regular channel for ordinary people to engage with the mission. Allegations of serious indiscipline – including sexual exploitation and abuse, looting, and intimidation – by MINUSMA forces has also served to lower public opinion of the peacekeepers and raises questions as to the utility of the presence.

Even if allegations are untrue, a lack of communication and a lack of appearance of taking these issues seriously will continue to erode MIUSMA’s reputation. Protests and open hostility against MINUSMA forces are likely to escalate if MINUSMA does not develop a communication strategy that allows for Malian people throughout the deployment areas to have regular, reciprocal communication with the peacekeepers.

Positive Developments for the Protection of Civilians:

In a positive development, the mission appointed a senior Protection of Civilians focal point in early April, tasked with the development of a mission-wide protection of civilians (PoC) strategy to ensure that protection is prioritized by all aspects of the mission. The Human Rights section – tasked with monitoring human rights abuses – is also being strengthened throughout the country. Both of these departments engage actively with protection coordination mechanisms. and directly with national and international NGOs, and the strengthening of these capacities is to be applauded.
However, strategy demand political support and capable staffing to ensure that is it actively implemented, and – in addition to communication needs, MINUSMA military forces require s direct line to communities in order to better understand shifting protection threats and civilian vulnerabilities at the field level.
In order to address these gaps, the UN Security Council, the UN Department of Peacekeeping Operation (DPKO) and senior MINUSMA leadership should;

• Hire dedicated Protection of Civilians Officers to be based in each MINUSMA field office to provide support to the HoO and ensure that a PoC perspective permeates the mission at the operational and tactical levels.

• Appoint a senior Harm Mitigation Adviser to report and institute the development of a civilian casualty tracking capacity and amends mechanism. These would support MINUSMA military to minimize the civilian harm brought about by MINUSMA military operations, and to make amends in a culturally appropriate manner.

• Prioritize the deployment of the Community Liaison Assistants (CLA) – a capacity already under discussion. The CLA concept was first piloted within the MONUC/MONUSCO mission in the Democratic republic of Congo and produced excellent results. CLAs are local staff based within UN peacekeeping military units in the field, working closely with both the community and the unit commander to ensure a free flow of information and a better understanding of community perspectives and protection needs.

The Norwegian Refugee Council is providing food and shelter assistance, education, legal assistance and referral information for Malian people in Central and Northern Mali and Burkina Faso.
For more information, or for press interviews please contact Erin A. Weir – erin.weir@nrc.no– +223 75 99 75 22

Mali: Secrétaire Générale de NRC : Le Mali risque de devenir une « crise de protection oubliée »

Source: Norwegian Refugee Council
Country: Mali

Les récents combats dans le nord du Mali ont poussé plus de 18 000 personnes au déplacement ; ce qui porte à plus de 151 000 le nombre total de personnes déplacées. Les pénuries d'eau et de nourriture sont énormes et persistantes et plus de 1,5 million de personnes sont en besoin urgent d’assistance alimentaire dans le nord du pays. Après des années de conflit, des milliers de maisons abandonnées ont été pillées, détruites et certaines sont tombées en ruine suite à la fuite des familles vers les régions plus sécurisées vers le sud du Mali et les pays voisins.

Jan Egeland, Secrétaire Général du Conseil Norvégien pour les Réfugiés, est en visite au Mali pour rencontrer ses collaborateurs locaux qui ont perdu deux de leurs collègues en mai dernier, victimes d’une explosion sur la route entre Tombouctou et Goundam. Cette visite permet au SG de NRC de palper du doigt l'appui de son organisation en faveur des populations qui reconstruisent leur vie après des années de conflits.

M. Egeland a tenu les propos suivants à Tombouctou : "Aujourd'hui, j'ai rencontré un groupe de veuves exposées à une extrême vulnérabilité; qui manquent le nécessaire pour assurer l’avenir de leurs enfants ici à Tombouctou. Tant que les besoins des gens ordinaires ne sont satisfaits, la stabilité au Mali ne sera pas garantie."

Les violences et déplacements en cours au Mali, couplés d’actes de banditisme persistant et de l'utilisation croissante des mines et engins explosifs improvisés sur les principaux axes routiers rendent de plus en plus difficile et dangereux les efforts des acteurs humanitaires visant à fournir aux personnes dans le besoin une assistance régulière.

Hier, le Conseil de Sécurité des Nations Unies s'est réuni avec à l’ordre du jour l'avenir de la MINUSMA, la Mission Multidimensionnelle Intégrée des Nations Unies pour la Stabilisation au Mali. La mission a pour mandat de soutenir le retour des services de base et de l’autorité de l’Etat au nord et, d’user de « tous les moyens nécessaires » pour protéger les civils exposés aux menaces. Malheureusement, les ressources sont limitées et les besoins sont immenses.

« La mission de l'ONU a besoin d'avoir la capacité d'assurer la protection des civils », a déclaré M. Egeland. «Pour beaucoup de maliens, le rôle de maintien de la paix n'est pas suffisamment clair. Une meilleure communication et collaboration avec les communautés, un appui politique fort au plus haut niveau sur les capacités et stratégies de protection des civils est nécessaire ".

Le Conseil Norvégien pour les Réfugiés, qui mène des activités au profit des maliens déplacés et populations locales vulnérables dans le nord, le centre et le sud du Mali ainsi que au Burkina Faso, mène auprès du Conseil Sécurité de l'ONU, au Département des Opérations de Maintien de la Paix des Nations Unies et à la haute direction de la MINUSMA le plaidoyer suivant :

  • Donner la priorité au déploiement des Assistants de Liaison Communautaire, pour améliorer la communication et accroître la mission de sensibilisation en besoins de protection;

  • Désigner un Haut Conseiller en Réduction des Menaces et améliorer la capacité de traçage des victimes civiles;

  • Renforcer en personnel et moyens l'unité de la Mission en charge du développement de la Stratégie de Protection des Civils.

Les autorités communautaires de Tombouctou ont déclaré à Egeland : « Nous sommes inquiets que les groupes d’aide internationaux nous ont oublié ici a Mali ». «Nous sommes conscients de la gravité de la situation dans d'autres pays également, mais ce conflit nous a dépouillé de tout. Nos populations ont du mal à reconstruire leurs maisons et leurs vies. Nous avons besoin de votre aide.»

Le Conseil Norvégien pour les Réfugiés fournit de l’assistance alimentaire, l’abri, l'éducation, l'assistance juridique et l'information de référence aux populations maliennes.

Contacte de Presse: Erin Weir – erin.weir@nrc.no - +223 75 99 75 22

Nigeria: World Bank Supports More Irrigation and Farm Services to Boost Food, Jobs, and Incomes in Northern Nigeria

Source: World Bank
Country: Nigeria

WASHINGTON, June 19, 2014— The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors today approved a US$495.3 million International Development Association (IDA*) credit to improve farmers’ access to irrigation and drainage services, strengthen institutional arrangements for integrated water resources management and improve delivery of agricultural services in selected, large-scale public schemes in northern Nigeria.

The Transforming Irrigation Management in Nigeria (TRIMING) project will improve existing irrigation on 27,000 hectares, irrigate an additional 23,000 hectares, and benefit more than 140,000 farmers while mobilizing private sector investment. It marks a transformational effort to improve large-scale public irrigation for expanding food production and catalyzing economic growth in rural areas necessary to end poverty and boost prosperity, as well as enhance resilience of agriculture production systems.

“Unlocking Africa’s development potential requires interventions in key sectors such as energy and water,” said Jamal Saghir, Acting Vice President for the Africa Region, World Bank. “By taking a comprehensive approach, the TRIMING project will increase farm productivity, build climate resilience, reduce flooding risks and improve the lives and well-being of millions of Nigerian citizens in Africa’s largest economy.”

Agriculture is a key sector of the Nigerian economy accounting for 22 percent of gross domestic product in 2012. The Government of Nigeria’s Agricultural Transformation Agenda (ATA) is a major initiative to drive rural income growth, accelerate achievement of food and nutritional security, and generate employment. The Bank’s portfolio of projects in agriculture, including on agriculture research, extension and technology dissemination, as well as market access and value addition, is fully geared towards supporting the implementation of the ATA. Reaching the ATA’s goals requires pursuing an ambitious policy and institutional reform agenda, and transforming public irrigation will play an important role for securing sustainable growth of food production.

Given Nigeria’s determination to diversify and integrate its national economy to benefit all Nigerians, this project will help to advance this ambition in three vital ways, by restoring agricultural productivity, creating job opportunities for a large number of unskilled young people, as well as creating conditions for growth and peace in northern Nigeria,” said Marie Francoise Marie-Nelly, World Bank Country Director for Nigeria.

The project will help to set-up Water User Associations (WUAs) and engage local communities in in setting, collecting, and allocating water user fees. The project will also help support the design of a comprehensive reform package for water resources management and irrigation in Nigeria.

“The project’s innovative approach seeks to improve sustainability by promoting autonomy at scheme level and empowering Water Users Associations (WUAs) organization, ” said David Casanova, World Bank Task Team Leader for the TRIMING project. “We look forward to effective implementation of this important project.”

The project will be implemented by the Federal Ministry of Water Resources (FMWR) is planned to become effective on October 1, 2014.

Media Contacts

Sarwat Hussain
Tel : 202 473 4967

Aby K. Toure
Tel : 202-473-8302

In Abuja

Obadiah Tohomdet
Tel : +234-703-583-0641

Burkina Faso: Canada Announces New Support to Women Entrepreneurs in Burkina Faso

Source: Government of Canada
Country: Burkina Faso, Canada

During his third trade mission to Africa, Minister Fast announces a new Canadian contribution that will improve the professional capacities and living conditions of women rice producers in Burkina Faso

June 19, 2014 - Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso - Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada

The Honourable Ed Fast, Minister of International Trade, on behalf of the Honourable Christian Paradis, Minister of International Development and La Francophonie, today announced new funding to promote the integration of Burkinabè women into the local rice market by professionalizing women’s rice parboilers’ organizations.

Rice parboiling refers to a processing technique that increases the value of rice in the local market. By supporting women rice parboilers’ organizations in five regions of Burkina Faso, Canada is contributing to create thousands of jobs for vulnerable women, and increase the income of thousands of families.

“It is essential to help women better prepare to participate in the economy as workers, entrepreneurs, and leaders so that they can take charge of their own economic futures”, said Minister Fast. “Not only does it help women improve their own living conditions, but it also can help whole communities rise out of poverty.”

Today's announcement further demonstrates Canada's continued support for women entrepreneurs. It is part of Canada's international development priority to stimulate sustainable economic growth and advance gender equality. It is also helping to achieve some of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) such as MDG1 to reduce poverty and MDG3 to empower women.

Quick Facts •Women's economic empowerment is fundamental to inclusive and sustainable economic growth, poverty reduction, food security, and the achievement of gender equality. •Canada recognizes that women play a central role as income earners in lifting themselves, their families and their communities out of poverty.

Mali: Fast, Coordinated Multi-platform Efforts Critical to Overcoming Recurrent Crises, ‘Fragile’ Humanitarian Situation in Sahel, Special Envoy Tells Security Council

Source: UN Security Council
Country: Chad, Libya, Mali, Niger, Nigeria


Security Council
7203rd Meeting (AM)

The recent deterioration of the political and security situation in the Sahel region was a cause for alarm, the senior official there told the Security Council today, emphasizing that implementation of the United Nations Integrated Strategy would require sustained political will on the part of neighbouring Governments, and profound transformations on all political, economic and social platforms.

"Acting fast, and in a coordinated manner, is necessary to overcome the current patterns of recurrent crises and move towards a future of stability and development in the region," said Hiroute Guebre Sellassie, Special Envoy for the Sahel, characterizing the humanitarian situation in the Sahel as “extremely fragile”, with at least 20 million people at risk of food insecurity and nearly 5 million children at risk of acute malnutrition.

The United Nations Integrated Strategy for the Sahel, endorsed by the Council last year, had raised high expectations among the people of the region, with many of whom were looking for tangible benefits as quickly as possible, she pointed out. The Strategy’s implementation would require sustained political will on the part of the Governments of the Sahel countries, and more broadly, profound political, economic and social transformations in the region.

In her briefing to the 15-nation body, she also voiced concern about the fragile situation in Libya, political and security challenges in Mali and persistent terrorist attacks throughout the region, including those carried out by Boko Haram in Nigeria.

Nigeria’s representative, calling the situation in the Sahel "precarious", said that multiple challenges, including political instability, and the presence of extremist armed groups, were significantly contributing to the current security situation. However, those challenges could not be met by any one country acting alone. The cooperation of all countries in the region, and indeed, the international community, would be essential in order to achieve stability.

Chad’s representative urged that women in the region be given support through financing and land use credit. He also encouraged investment in pastoral groups and the creation of "development epicentres" to help improve the quality of life. In addition, it was essential to resolve the Sahel’s energy crisis, including through large-scale investments in geothermal, wind and other efficient technologies.

Rwanda’s representative, emphasizing that the pace of implementing concrete projects must be accelerated, stressed that national ownership, political will and trust among the Governments in the region was of paramount importance. Several other delegations echoed that sentiment, including the representatives of Argentina and Lithuania, as well as the Russian Federation, who welcomed the creation of a regional ministerial coordinating platform.

Also speaking today were representatives of France, Republic of Korea, Australia, Chile, Jordan, Luxembourg, United Kingdom, United States and China.

The meeting started at 10:04 a.m. and ended at 11:58 a.m.


HIROUTE GUEBRE SELLASSIE, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for the Sahel, said that her short time as Envoy, she was struck by the region’s deterioration of the political and security situation. She voiced concern about the situation in Libya, the political and security challenges in Mali and the persistent terrorist attacks throughout the region, including those carried out by Boko Haram in Nigeria. The humanitarian situation in the Sahel remained extremely fragile, with at least 20 million people at risk of food insecurity and nearly 5 million children at risk of acute malnutrition.

She stressed that the implementation of the United Nations Integrated Strategy for the Sahel required sustained political will on the part of the Governments of the Sahel’s countries, and more broadly, profound political, economic and social transformations in the region. At every level, the quality of governance was crucial for effectively reducing the risk of identity-based conflict, religious radicalization and the recruitment of youth into terrorist or other criminal networks. The Integrated Strategy had raised high expectations among the people of the region, many of whom were looking for tangible benefits as quickly as possible.

The dramatic surge in Boko Haram’s terrorist acts in northern and central Nigeria was now threatening Cameroon, Niger and Chad, she went on to say. The conflict and State collapse in the Central African Republic had led to higher insecurity in Central Africa. North, West and Central Africa had formed a contiguous geopolitical region where short-term, as well as mid- and long-term multidimensional responses to threats to peace and security needed to be implemented collectively.

Last November, the Ministers of the region had established a Coordination Platform for the Sahel, entrusted with the overall coordination of initiatives in the region, she said. The broad membership of the Platform, including Capo Verde, Sudan, Cameroon and Tunisia, reflected a flexible geographical definition of the region, which was necessary for the successful implementation of the Integrated Strategy. Moving forward, it was important to support the Platform to strengthen coordination and cooperation among all concerned regional and international actors.

Although the United Nations had significantly improved internal coordination and promoted a more coherent response, she emphasized that more needed to be done to effectively respond to the persistent challenges facing the Sahel. If the international community did not improve coordination, then the limited resources that had been made available so far would not have the desired impact. "Acting fast, and in a coordinated manner, is necessary to overcome the current patterns of recurrent crises and move towards a future of stability and development in the region," she said. The United Nations priority during the next year must be to amplify joint actions by harmonizing and aligning political, security, development and humanitarian efforts throughout the region.


MAHAMAT ZENE CHERIF (Chad) said political crisis, drought, proliferation of weapons, youth unemployment and other challenges in the Sahel had made an already precarious situation more complicated. The High-level Meeting on the Sahel in September 2013, and the visit to the region by the Secretary-General and the World Bank President shortly after were welcomed support, as was the announcements of investments of $6.78 billion from the European Union and $1.5 billion from the World Bank to the region. He also acknowledged the multi-dimensional efforts of the United Nations aimed at solving the region's governance problems, including conflict prevention, job creation, risk assessments, and birth certificates and registration. The deployment of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilisation Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) had helped stabilize Mali, but ongoing clashes between Government forces and rebels in Kidal had made an already fragile situation worse. Welcoming the recent ceasefire agreement between the parties, he strongly condemned last week's attack in Aguelhok that killed four Chadian peacekeeping soldiers.

He went on to say that in Libya, despite progress in transitional justice and elections, enormous challenges remained. In Nigeria, terrorist attacks and the kidnappings of children were extremely worrisome and he hailed regional projects to install security in Nigeria, including those of United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the Department of Political Affairs. Strengthened cooperation with Maghreb through police and intelligence services was also needed. However, security alone would not be enough. Urging that particular support be directed towards women, including financing and credit for land use, he also encouraged investments in pastoral groups and creation of "development epicentres" to help such groups improve quality of life. It was essential to resolve the energy crisis in the Sahel, including through large-scale investments in geothermal, wind and other efficient technologies. He counted on the support of the World Bank, the Islamic Development Bank and other multilateral institutions toward that end. The post of the Special Envoy should be elevated to the level of Under-Secretary-General.

GÉRARD ARAUD (France) said the Integrated Sahel Strategy must define a transnational approach for all the Organization's agencies and a common approach to combating terrorism. Without security, there was no development and vice versa. All United Nations actors must coordinate efforts. The multiple initiatives on the Sahel must be coordinated effectively and the Special Envoy played an important role in that regard. In security, terrorist attacks in the Maghreb-Sahel region had increased exponentially since 2012. France was very involved in helping the region's countries. In December 2013, it had sponsored the Paris Summit on Peace and Security to encourage greater cooperation for the region. The United Nations could contribute to that effort. He welcomed the launch by the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs of a three-year, $2 billion consolidated appeal for the Sahel. France would increase its commitment to the Sahel to €900 million for the 2015-2016 period. The Integrated Strategy must serve the interests of the region's people and lead to concrete achievements.

EUGÈNE-RICHARD GASANA (Rwanda) said that the deteriorating situation in Libya and Mali, as well as the activities of Boko Haram, provided an enabling environment for potential instability in the subregion. The pace of implementing concrete projects and the creation of a resilient population must be accelerated. National ownership, political will and trust among the Governments in the region was of paramount importance. The development of the Implementation Strategy was encouraging, including the areas that addressed the participation of women, initiatives for youth and job creation. The region was facing chronic humanitarian needs, but the response to those needs was less than hoped for. The countries of the Sahel, and in fact, all African countries must improve the management of natural resources. Terrorism and extremism had not spared the Sahel and there must be increased coordination in counter-terrorism efforts due to the interconnected nature of the threat.

PAIK JI-AH (Republic of Korea) said the Sahel region faced many complex and inter-connected challenges, while remaining vulnerable to food insecurity, terrorism and drugs and arms-tracking. The security challenges in Libya, clashes in northern Mali and the activities of Boko Haram in Nigeria all had a negative impact on the economies and people of the region. The full and timely implementation of the Integrated Strategy was of utmost importance. It was critical to strengthen the long-term capacities of the Governments in the region. Given the seriousness of security challenges, capacity-building in the areas of border control and counter-terrorism needed to be urgently implemented. The numerous on-going efforts in the Sahel must be coordinated, with a view towards building synergies. More focus must also be placed on the role of women and youth, who had great potential to spur future development in the region.

GARY QUINLAN (Australia) said that just as violence, food insecurity, terrorism and organized crime transcend borders, “so, too, must their solutions”. The Sahel Strategy not only provided a truly cross-regional platform, but was also a tool for coordination both within the United Nations and internationally. It was vital to ensure complementarity and synchronization between the Ministerial Coordination Platform and the “Sahel G5” consisting of Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania and Niger. Africa had become a central theatre in the fight against terrorism. Regional Governments must diminish the appeal of terrorism to youth, the largest constituency in the region. The Council’s Al-Qaida sanctions regime could be effective if affected States used it as part of their national and regional strategies. Underscoring that, in the Sahel, over 20 million people, including 5 million children — nearly the population of Australia — were threatened by food insecurity, he said that Australia’s humanitarian assistance had aimed to bridge the gap between humanitarian relief and development, while building community resilience and addressing the root causes of chronic malnutrition.

EDUARDO GÁLVEZ (Chile) called for concerted efforts to strengthen the rule of law and institutions in the Sahel, saying that the elections in the region over the next two years needed to be credible, transparent and clean. Furthermore, the full, effective participation of women in all aspects of the electoral process, and in the political and public spheres, was vital. The 60 per cent increase in terrorist attacks in the Maghreb-Sahel region between 2012 and 2013, and the increased presence of extremist group required a redoubling of efforts by the international community. Mechanisms and instruments must be set up to enable the region to respond to those threats. He welcomed the first meeting on border control of police, customs and intelligence agencies from the region's 11 countries, and voiced hope that the first-ever triennial plan intended to create a multisectoral response would lead to more coordinated efforts, drawing on lessons learned. In the midst of donor fatigue, it was necessary to rethink mechanisms. The risk of not responding appropriately to situations could create voids that extremist organizations would exploit to their own advantage. All aspects of the Integrated Strategy must be duly coordinated.

MAHMOUD HMOUD (Jordan) said the countries of the Sahel were in dire need of sustainable support in order to build appropriate Government structures. Stability and security were prerequisites for that process. Security challenges were not confined to containing or ending civil conflicts; they also were the result of the smuggling of small arms and livestock, which were being used to finance terrorist activities. Inclusiveness and partnerships among ethnic and religious groups was vital to build strong, cohesive States. Addressing the difficult humanitarian situation required concerted national and international efforts to lessen the suffering. The burden must be shared among national, regional and international partners. Jobs must be created, especially for youth and for diaspora populations, through promotion an enabling investment climate. It was important to bolster and rebuild judicial institutions to ensure the rule of law. He stressed the importance of accurately measuring the Integrated Strategy's impact in the field and of channelling resources appropriately.

SYLVIE LUCAS (Luxembourg) said terrorist groups operating in the Sahel were trans-border threats to peace and security, undermining the authority of States and hampering the development of the region. The strengthening of regional coordination and the help of the international community was needed. It was important that the States of the Sahel make concerted efforts to come up with sustainable solutions. There must also be continuous efforts to address the structural humanitarian crisis, including food insecurity. Special attention should be paid to border regions and the infrastructure that facilitated regional integration. The strengthening of democracy and the establishment of governance structures conducive to development, the fight against corruption, and the pursuit of reconciliation and decentralization must be at the very heart of peace and security initiatives. A pragmatic approach was needed, with the Coordination Platform for the Sahel playing a key role.

DOUGLAS WILSON (United Kingdom) said recent events underscored the deep interconnected nature of the Sahel’s countries. The complexity and scope of the challenges in the region justified the Integrated Strategy's flexible definition of the broader Sahel and Sahara region. He voiced full support for the Integrated Strategy's three-pillar approach, noting that governance, security and resilience issues were all linked. Without improvement in those areas, it would be difficult to make overall progress. More still needed to be done, including efforts to alleviate the hardship of food insecurity. The international community must help the Sahel’s countries manage their porous borders more efficiently, while encouraging the development of the “Sahel G5”.

MARÍA CRISTINA PERCEVAL (Argentina), noting that the Sahel region had one of the world's lowest human development indicators, emphasized that religious beliefs in themselves were not a cause of conflict. Rather, they were politicized. Poverty and inequality themselves were not a threat to security, but a challenge to sustainable development. She stressed the importance of the Integrated Strategy and called for greater effective coordination of the many national and regional programmes aimed supporting the Sahel. The focus should be on the women and children living in poverty. Although national ownership by countries in the region was essential and that the countries themselves had primary responsibility for development and security, the United Nations’ support was essential to deal with challenges, such as climate change, the economic and financial crisis, and inadequate financing for humanitarian aid. Many of the region's problems were due to deep-rooted scenarios that required meaningful, not palliative solutions. She also called for details on the World Bank's $1.5 billion disbursement to the region and objective data on the financial totals aimed toward the Integrated Strategy's pillars.

DAVID DUNN (United States) stressed that the immediate crises in the region, such as those in Libya and Mali, and the growing threat posed by Boko Haram in Nigeria, required a coordinated response. It was estimated that Boko Haram had killed more than 1,800 civilians this year alone. United States President Barack Obama recently announced a counter-terrorism partnerships fund to respond to the violent threat of extremism, including in the Sahel. As youth were the hardest hit by growing unemployment and were at risk of being recruited by terrorist groups, opportunities for them must be expanded. The various regional and multilateral approaches for the Sahel were essential, but the actors involved must avoid overlap and prioritize resource. Investment was needed in prevention and resilience. In addition, the international community must do a better job of addressing long-term chronic problems. In February, the United States Agency for International Development announced the creation of the Resilience in the Sahel Enhanced Initiative, aimed at helping the region's countries address drought, floods and other unforeseen natural disasters. The Government had dedicated $132 million to the programme in its first two years, which was already working to produce heartier crops in Niger and to reduce malnutrition in Burkina Faso.

DAINIUS BAUBLYS (Lithuania) said that coordinated international engagement was of utmost importance as the Governments in the Sahel region had limited capacities to address the multifaceted, cross-cutting security, political and humanitarian challenges there. Yet, the primary responsibility and ownership for fostering peace, security and development should be in the hands of those countries. With so many tools and initiatives aimed at addressing the root causes of the region’s crises, including the Ministerial Coordination Platform and the “Sahel G5”, it was crucial to ensure their coherence and avoid duplication. The United Nations Integrated Strategy and its implementation plan were proper tools to ensure the cooperation and coordination of the activities of various actors. Setting clear benchmarks would be useful for monitoring progress and identifying issues requiring more international attention. The Council should be regularly informed on the status of the Strategy’s implementation.

WANG MIN (China) said that, in recent years, the situation in the Sahel region had stabilized and positive progress had been made in the implementation of the Integrated Strategy. However, the Sahel’s countries still faced multifaceted challenges, including uneven development, ethnic tensions, the threat of terrorism, the proliferation of illegal weapons and the rise of transnational organizations crime. He expressed support for efforts by regional organizations to maintain peace and security. Those initiatives would be key to improving the overall security and humanitarian situation. Focus must be given to addressing the root causes of conflict, such as poverty and underdevelopment, for they were the very basis upon which lasting security and development could be achieved. The international community, through regional cooperation, must actively help the countries in the Sahel through capacity-building efforts in the areas of security, such as the recent initiatives undertaken by the African Union.

KAYODE LARO (Nigeria) noted that more needed to be done by the Sahel’s countries in the area of governance to promote greater inclusiveness and increase the participation of marginalized groups, including women and youth. Security, regional integration and economic development were all negatively affected by ineffective State institutions and weak border management. Voicing concern that the situation in the Sahel remained "precarious", he noted that multiple challenges, including political instability, the activities of organized groups, terrorist activities and the presence of extremist armed groups were significant contributors to the current security situation. Those challenges could not be met by any one country acting alone. The cooperation of all countries in the region, and indeed the international community, would be essential in order to achieve stability. Countries in the area had formed a regional intelligence fusion unit to combat terrorist organizations, most notably Boko Haram. In addition, the fragile humanitarian situation was of great concern, and she urged the United Nations and other humanitarian actors to remain engaged and supportive.

PETR V. ILIICHEV (Russian Federation) said problems in the Sahel required comprehensive, continuous solutions by the international community, including ones that addressed sustainable development challenges. The load-bearing architecture of the Integrated Strategy had been crafted properly, but more time was needed to have it operate properly. He welcomed creation of a coordination platform for the region at the ministerial level, and the work of the “Sahel G5” forum, and stressed the need to create a common vision to eliminate the root causes of instability. Regional initiatives should be backed by a broad spectrum of international measures. While global and regional financial institutions should be involved, the Sahel’s States must have the leading role in implementing the Integrated Strategy. Efforts must be coordinated at all levels to avoid fragmentation. He expressed serious alarmed over the growing risk of the region turning into hub for terrorist organizations. Youth were at risk for being recruited by them. It was also vital to agree on common approaches to combat transnational crime. The results of the Arab Spring, which were not certain before, were now blatantly clear. Chaos in Libya continued to spill over. The crisis in Mali posed serious challenges to the region’s other States. There was no positive trend in the region. An Integrated Strategy was vital to address that.

World: Global Weather Hazards Summary June 20-26, 2014

Source: Famine Early Warning System Network
Country: Afghanistan, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Chad, Costa Rica, Côte d'Ivoire, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea, Haiti, Honduras, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Liberia, Mali, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Pakistan, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Togo, Turkmenistan, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Uzbekistan, World, South Sudan

Dryness continues in East Africa, Honduras and Nicaragua, with flooding possible in West Africa and Guatemala

Africa Weather Hazards

  1. Poor rainfall distribution during the March-May rainfall season hurt agricultural and pastoral activities throughout western Kenya, parts of northeastern Uganda, southeastern South Sudan, and northwestern Tanzania. Southern Ethiopia and northwestern Kenya are forecast to receive limited rains during the next week, which could sustain poor agricultural and pastoral conditions.

  2. Dry spells since mid-April has led to a rapid deterioration of ground conditions throughout portions of southern Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, and parts of northwestern Tanzania. The negative impacts of this dryness may persist, as seasonal rainfall is expected to decrease over the next few months.

  3. Heavy downpours have led to flooding over Kita Region of southwestern Mali during the past week. Above-average rains have led to large rainfall surpluses during the past few weeks, and the additional rains forecast for the next week maintain the risks for flooding over the region.

  4. Frequent and above-average rains over the past several weeks have increased moisture surpluses over the far western areas of the Gulf of Guinea. High rainfall is expected over Sierra Leone, Liberia, and coastal Côte d’Ivoire during the next week, increasing the likelihood for flooding over many local areas.

Mali: Sahel Crisis 2014: Funding Status (as of 20 June 2014)

Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country: Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Gambia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal

Niger: Niger SRP 2014: Funding Status as of 20 June 2014

Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country: Niger

Mali: D’Importants besoins humanitaires persistent au Mali – plus d’efforts doivent etre faits pour que la paix devienne une realite, a dit le Directeur des operations de l’OCHA

Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country: Mali

(New York, le 19 juin 2014): John Ging, le Directeur des Opérations du Bureau de la Coordination des Affaires Humanitaires, a dit aux medias à la suite d’une visite de trois jours au Mali qu’une assistance pour sauver des vies reste un besoin urgent dans le pays et plus d’efforts doivent être faits pour construire une paix durable. “Les besoins humanitaires continueront d’augmenter au Mali s’il n’y a pas un total engagement de tous pour la paix et la stabilité, ” a prévenu M Ging. “Dans plusieurs parties du pays, des centaines de milliers de personnes ont besoin désespérément d’eau, de vivres et de se sentir en sécurité. Les violences récentes à Kidal soulignent le besoin de trouver une solution au conflit armé et à la protection des civils.” Au Mali, près d’un demi-million d’enfants âgés de moins de cinq ans souffrent de malnutrition – 85 pour cent d’entre eux vivent dans le sud du pays- tandis que 1,5 million de personnes n’ont pas assez à manger.

Dans le nord, la crise alimentaire est aggravée par la récente détérioration de la situation sécuritaire qui limite sévèrement l’accès des populations aux services essentiels tels l’eau, la santé et l’éducation. La protection contre les violences et particulièrement les violences sexuelles contre les femmes doit être une priorité.

Plus de 150 000 personnes restent déplacées et plus de 18 000 sont nouvellement déplacées à cause des affrontements survenus à Kidal en mai. La semaine dernière, John Ging s’est rendu à Gao et Ménaka où il a rencontré les familles déplacées et les travailleurs humanitaires. “Les populations à Ménaka sont très affectées par la crise au Mali. Les besoins sont urgents et sévères: l’eau, les vivres et les moyens de subsistance constituent une demande commune. “Les femmes que j’ai rencontrées ont demandé de l’aide pour mettre un terme à la violence à laquelle elles font face. Leur sort est choquant et inacceptable. Plus d’efforts doivent être faits pour les protéger, ” a-t-il dit.

Malgré les ressources financières limitées et les conditions opérationnelles dangereuses, cette année, les organisations humanitaires des Nations Unies et leurs partenaires ont pu fournir de l’aide alimentaire à plus d’un demi-million de personnes, de l’eau potable en permanence à plus de 200 000 personnes et des soins de santé à plus de 150 000 personnes. “Les perspectives pour un Mali pacifique dépendent du courage des leaders politiques à démontrer leur total engagement au processus de paix, ” a noté John Ging. “La communauté internationale doit donner un soutien fort pour les populations du Mali à cette étape cruciale et nous avons aussi besoin de leur générosité pour nous aider accroitre l’aide humanitaire”.

Pour plus d’informations, veuillez contacter:
Amanda Pitt, OCHA New York, pitta@un.org, Cell +1 917 442 1810
Katy Thiam, Chargée de l’Information Publique, thiamk@un.org, Cell +223 75 99 34 97
Les communiqués de presse de OCHA sont disponibles sur www.reliefweb.int, http://www.unocha.org, http//mali.humanitarianresponse.info et www.unocha.org/mali

Mali: Sécurité alimentaire et implications humanitaires en Afrique de l'Ouest et au Sahel - N°56 - Mai 2014

Source: World Food Programme, Food and Agriculture Organization
Country: Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal


  • Les déplacements de population dus aux violences en République Centrafricaine, au nord du Nigéria et au Nord du Mali, posent un risque humanitaire dans la región.
  • Des milliers de réfugiés continuent à arriver au Cameroun dans des conditions extrêmes.
  • La campagne agricole démarre avec de fortes précipitations le long du Golfe de Guinée.
  • Les prix des céréales sèches (mil, sorgho) sont supérieurs à la moyenne quinquennale dans la plupart des pays de la région.
  • La période de soudure a débuté pour la majorité des ménages ruraux qui dépendront des marchés pour assurer leur sécurité alimentaire.

Malawi: Japan’s Support In Dzaleka Refugee Camp In Malawi

Source: World Food Programme
Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Japan, Malawi

LILONGWE – The Japanese Ambassador to Malawi, His Excellency Shuichiro Nishioka, yesterday visited Dzaleka refugee camp, ahead of World Refugee Day today. Some 18,000 refugees live at Dzaleka. They come from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and other countries in central and east Africa. Many have lived in the camp for more than a decade, while others have fled recent conflict in the region.

In addition to meeting refugee representatives, Ambassador Nishioka visited a warehouse belonging to the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP). This holds Japanese-funded commodities ready for distribution. These include Super Cereal Plus, a fortified corn soya blend being distributed for the first time to address micronutrient deficiencies in children at the camp.

Ambassador Nishioka also visited a WFP-funded community centre where refugees, particularly women, can engage in income-generating activities. Refugees at Dzaleka have limited access to arable land or any means of earning a living, rendering them largely dependent on assistance from WFP, the UN refugee agency UNHCR, non-government organisations and the Government of Malawi.

In 2014, Japan contributed US$ 2.1 million to WFP operations in Malawi. Of this, US$500,000 ensured that WFP could give food assistance to refugees, while the remaining funds enabled WFP to provide emergency food relief and early recovery support to food-insecure Malawians.

“Japan is pleased to support WFP in Malawi, including for its refugee operations,” said Ambassador Nishioka prior to his visit to Dzaleka. “We know that such assistance not only maintains food security but also contributes to a safer environment as it eases tensions in a place where violence against women is especially high.”

A recent upsurge in violence in the DRC has prompted up to 400 new refugee arrivals each month, pushing the population of Dzaleka to its highest level in 10 years. For the first few months of 2014, lack of funding obliged WFP to reduce refugee food rations by more than half.

“The Japanese contribution came at a critical time when funds to support the refugees were becoming severely depleted,” said WFP Representative Coco Ushiyama before the visit. “We are counting on the international community to follow Japan’s example in supporting one of the most vulnerable groups in Malawi.”

WFP, UNHCR and partner agencies are seeking the economic self-reliance of at least part of the refugee population, as well as solutions including voluntary repatriation, resettlement and local integration. To meet the needs of refugees in Malawi until mid-2015, WFP requires an additional US$ 580,000.

WFP is the world's largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger worldwide, delivering food in emergencies and working with communities to build resilience. In 2013, WFP assisted more than 80 million people in 75 countries.

WFP provides RSS feeds to help journalists keep up with the latest press releases, videos and photos as they are published on WFP.org. For more details see: http://www.wfp.org/rss

For more information please contact: Sarah Rawson, WFP/Lilongwe, Tel. +265 1774666 ext. 2402 sarah.rawson@wfp.org

Burkina Faso: Building livelihoods, strengthening resilience in Burkina Faso

Source: World Food Programme
Country: Burkina Faso

WFP is carrying out a number of activities to support rural populations in Burkina Faso and strengthen their resilience to shock. A lack of funding, however, threatens the continuation of these programmes.

In Burkina Faso, WFP is working to strengthen the resilience of the poorest communities by reducing their vulnerability to shocks such as drought, recurrent floods and high food prices. From water conservation projects to agricultural training, these efforts are helping communities across the country escape crisis and sustain themselves in the aftermath of shocks.

Asset-creation activities are being implemented in six of Burkina’s 13 regions—including Sahel, North, East, Central West, North Central and Central East. Projects include the creation of stone bunds, half moons, structures and techniques that help retain water and protect crops from erosion.

Jean-Charles Dei, WFP Representative in Burkina Faso, emphasizes the dual impact of these cash transfer activities. “In addition to the immediate results of these projects, including increased agricultural production and improved living conditions, activities help to strengthen the resilience of targeted communities.”

Seydou Ramde, a facilitator for WFP’s partner “Organisation Evangelique pour le Developpement” in the Sanguie province of Burkina’s Central West region, highlighted the importance and efficacy of these projects. “Vegetable production is possible even with only a little water. We encourage WFP to support these kinds of activities because here—as well as elsewhere—there is limited groundwater. We expect to reduce unemployment in the targeted rural areas during the dry season (October to April).”

WFP’s Purchase for Progress initiative is also increasing productivity by strengthening the production and marketing capacity of smallholder farmers. Support from WFP and its partners has allowed smallholders to sell their surplus to WFP for distribution to vulnerable people. The participants also gain access to credit as well as inputs and agricultural tools.

Between 2009 and 2013, WFP has purchased 4,580 mt of cereals from smallholder farmers—including 72 percent women—for a total of US$ 1.65 million (825 million F CFA). 85,000 farmers (56 percent women) have also benefited from training in agricultural techniques, quality, storage, farm management and gender.

Cash-for-Assets activities are carried out in collaboration with the government and thanks to generous donations from Italy, United Kindom, Finland and USAID

To continue these activities, WFP needs a total of US$ 26.5 million. Due to a lack of funds, these interventions may not resume after the rainy season in September, compromising the success of the initiative and potentially losing progress already made. Burkina Faso faces a difficult lean season this year, as households in several regions have already depleted their food stocks.

World: SOS Children's Villages International Annual Report 2013

Source: SOS Children's Villages International
Country: Central African Republic, Ghana, Kenya, Lebanon, Mali, Nigeria, Philippines, Syrian Arab Republic, Uzbekistan, World

A new focus on measuring the impact SOS Children´s Villages has on the children, families and communities where the organisation is active can be found in our 2013 annual report, which is just published today.

20 June 2014 - Today SOS Children’s Villages published its International Annual Report 2013.

The report, themed ‘Child at the Crossroads’, gives an overview of the organisation’s work in support of the child at risk and documents our financial performance in 2013.

This year´s report provides more information than previously available regarding the impact SOS Children´s Villages has on communities in the 134 countries in which we operate.

Included are data reflecting improvements in children’s lives, and case studies that describe how the organisation works with the people affected and local partners to find long-term solutions according to local needs.

The report also provides statistics on our global reach, with breakdowns on the more than 400,000 children, young people and adults that SOS Children's Villages helps to have a loving home.

In keeping with the organisation’s commitment to transparency, significant detail on financial performance is included, as are lists of corporate and institutional partners.

Facts & Figures 2013 is an abridged version of the report, providing the most important data and stories.

Downloads of both publications are freely available here.

Guatemala: Guatemala Actualización de la Perspectiva de Seguridad Alimentaria Junio 2014

Source: Famine Early Warning System Network
Country: Guatemala

Clasificación de Crisis continúa debido a lluvias erráticas y altos precios

Key Messages

  • Actualmente, municipios de oriente y el altiplano altamente dependientes del café están en Estrés (Fase 2, CIF). De julio a septiembre, hogares residentes en estas áreas implementarán estrategias de respuesta negativas para contrarrestar el déficit de alimentos, provocado por dos años de menores cosechas e ingresos, clasificándose en Crisis (Fase 3, CIF).

  • Hasta septiembre, el resto de municipios de oriente y el altiplano occidental se encontrarán en Estrés (Fase 2, CIF) pues tendrán un déficit de alimentos que deberán compensar. No obstante, existen bolsones de población en Crisis, menores el 20 por ciento del total.

  • Se prevén pobres cosechas de Primera y Postrera por fenómeno de El Niño y una mala distribución de lluvias. Menos reservas y altos precios de los granos básicos reducirán el acceso a los alimentos de los hogares afectados por dos años consecutivos de pérdidas de cultivos e ingresos provenientes del café.

Mali: WFP Helps Get Children Back To School After Conflict

Source: World Food Programme
Country: Mali

In Northern Mali, a lot more children are finishing the school year than started it. This is in part thanks to WFP School Meals, with funding from the European Commission’s Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department (ECHO).

BAMAKO - In 2013, as security began to improve in Mali, the government started working towards post-war recovery with an ambitious back-to-school campaign. The “Peace is back, school is back” campaign aimed to help 500,000 children, whose education had been disrupted, get back to school and back on track.

WFP’s emergency school feeding programme aims to ensure that children can count on regular, healthy meals and get the micro-nutrients they need. By providing children who attend school with two meals-a-day, parents can count on their children returning home, not only with an educated mind, but also a full belly.

Positive Results

Since December of 2013, in the 617 schools assisted by WFP in northern Mali, there has been an increase in student enrolment of almost 20 percent. While this increase can’t be attributed solely to school feeding, partners and educators alike said that they believe it makes a significant difference.

“I can tell you that lots of my friends and I come to school regularly thanks to the canteen. It also encourages students to come on-time because we know we’ll get breakfast when we arrive”, explained Ousamane Soumaila, a grade 6 student from Gao city.

The principal of the primary school in the village of Dendedjer in the Timbuktu region said that few children were attending chool before WFP started providing school meals. Since the announcement that school meals would resume, the number of students enrolled at his school increased significantly.

“Out of a total of 123 students, 122 have perfect attendance. The meals have really improved attendance and have also encouraged children to arrive on-time.” he said.

WFP partners have also stressed the importance of the return of school meals to bringing a sense of normalcy to children’s lives. “Parents of the students really appreciate WFP for its school feeding programme. From their point of view, it is a stabilizing factor in every sense” said a WFP partner in a recent report.

Barriers to Education

In Mali, particularly in the North, barriers to education are numerous: lack of teachers, damaged schools and chores at home can all contribute to the decision to keep a child at home.

Even before the crisis, the education situation in Mali was difficult. According to national statistics, just 33 percent of adults can read.

Building on Success Thanks to funding from ECHO, the WFP emergency school feeding programme currently covers 130,000 children in 617 schools in Gao and Timbuktu.

As the security situation improves and schools are rebuilt to meet safety and quality criteria, WFP will continue to increase its school feeding programme. In 2014, WFP expects to feed 200,000 children in northern Mali.

Mali: Malian refugees: no safety awaits back home

Source: European Commission Humanitarian Aid department
Country: Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauritania, Niger

Caught between the hammer and the anvil, is a good way to describe how Malian refugees feel two years after the Tuareg rebellion was hijacked by extremist groups and the country descended into civil war. The destruction of centuries-old scrolls and ancient shrines in the historic city of Timbuktu were among the first casualties of war, provoking international outcry. Scores of people fled the North into other parts of the country or across borders.

Many of them ended up in camps in neighbouring Mauritania, Niger and Burkina Faso which vary in size, the number of refugees and aspect. However, what they do have in common is the scorching heat, the sudden sand blizzards, and the plight of their inhabitants. The Mauritanian camp of Mbera is home to some 60 000 refugees. It is compact and surrounded by a trench to protect against possible intruders. In Burkina Faso, the largest refugee camp there, Mentao, counts 13 000 inhabitants; its tents are spread out as is the custom among communities with a semi-nomadic lifestyle.

“I’d like to go home to Timbuktu, but I don’t have the means. Maybe I could return with the neighbour who helped me get here, but he wants there to be total security first,” says Yana Walet Abacha, a Songhai mother-of-five who has been in Mbera since January 2013. Helped by someone who can write, she has since sent five letters to her husband who stayed behind. She has never received a reply. The only news she has of him and the situation back home is the little she finds out from people with phones or those moving back and forth between Mali and the camp. Unable to pay for extra food to complement the food rations, she tries her best to feed her children three times a day. She grows some vegetables in one of the communal gardens. The water comes from wells dug more than 100 meters deep, which was made possible thanks to European Commission funding.

As she plies open a small tin of tomato paste with a blunt knife, she concedes, having lost all appetite. Yana is one of the many women in the camp who try to get by while their life is on hold.

The Tuareg refugees, regardless of the camp they live in, are more eloquent in summing up all that’s wrong with today’s situation. “The rations are too small, we don’t get any meat or milk which is what we’re used to, and there aren’t enough medicines,” an elder in Mentao camp laments. “We’d return if we could, but security back home is not guaranteed. They continue to hunt for certain skin colours. Some people do go back, but that’s because of the conditions here, not because it’s safe to return,” he snaps.

The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) acknowledges that the conditions in Mali are still not conducive for repatriation. Despite the progress towards rule of law in Mali and plans for accelerated development of the North, the region with breakaway ambitions still counts many no-go areas. Conditions for returning refugees are near to impossible to monitor there.

“We won’t hold refugees back, but we think it’s important to inform them about the situation in their home regions. We will facilitate returns with a small sum [equivalent to €53] for transport and other costs, on condition that refugees take an informed decision and sign the voluntary repatriation form,” says Angèle Djohossou, UNHCR’s deputy Representative in Burkina Faso.

That all is not well in northern Mali is not surprising, and it is not aided by the fact that negotiations seem to have stalled. Following the clashes between the Malian army and armed groups in the town of Kidal in mid-May 2014, the drums of war are rumbling again. In addition to the suicide-attacks, the kidnappings and inter-communal clashes that make the headlines, many incidents go unreported.

One leader acknowledges that in his region of origin, Goundam, things seem relatively calm for now, but that one ‘spark’ is sufficient to bring things ‘back to zero’. Another one talks of ‘arbitrary arrests’ and of people who, after having left the camp, returned because they felt unsafe in Mali. “The same chaos that has chased us continues today. This camp will not move as long as there is no agreement between the different parties. We want lasting peace,” says Assideye Ag Mohamed Elmoctar.

As abandoned as they may feel by an international community that has turned its attention to other crises, they cherish the safety they enjoy in the camps. Having been refugees in this region before, during the “first flight” in 1991, this camp is a second home to some of the older Tuareg refugees.

While security is their number one concern, the prospect of returning ‘to square one’, having lost most of their animals and often their houses, is equally daunting. Mali’s UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) reports that a majority of displaced people who return to the North find their property and houses looted, destroyed or occupied by others. And whatever progress there has been in restoring basic services such as health care, water supply and education, many civil servants have yet to return and a severe food crisis is looming once again.

The European Commission’s Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection department (ECHO) is still the major contributor to humanitarian aid in Mali, but needs are substantial and access to affected populations in the North remains problematic. Several northern regions have already entered an emergency phase, long before the next harvest. The crisis is expected to last beyond the harvest season as trade and agriculture have been severely disrupted by the conflict. The refugee camps, for their part, are set in regions of the Sahel with near-permanent food insecurity. Safety, food and livelihoods make up the push and pull of refugees’ daily deliberations. But whether back home or in the camps, aid dependency seems to be their unenviable lot for the next months, if not years to come.

Anouk Delafortrie Regional Information Officer for West Africa EU Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (ECHO)

Mali: Table ronde sur l’accès et l’espace humanitaire au Mali - Bamako, les 18 et 19 Février 2014

Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Groupe Urgence - Réhabilitation - Développement
Country: Mali


Introduction générale

Le contexte malien peut être caractérisé par celui d’une crise multidimensionnelle, à la fois humanitaire, sécuritaire, sociale, économique et politique, affectant de façon très variable les différentes zones du pays. La conduite d’opérations militaires dans la partie Nord du Mali à partir de 2012, le coup d’Etat d’avril 2012, les attaques asymétriques perpétrées par les groupes armés, l’absence d’autorités administratives et judiciaires, l’existence de tensions inter et intra-communautaires, ou encore les autres crises auxquelles fait face le Mali en particulier et le Sahel en général (crise alimentaire et nutritionnelle notamment), sont autant d’éléments qui font du Mali un milieu extrêmement complexe et évolutif. Dans ce contexte, des tensions peuvent rapidement surgir entre les différents acteurs opérant sur le terrain, lesquels, en particulier dans le Nord, sont nombreux et avec des mandats différents (acteurs politiques, acteurs armés étatiques tant nationaux – FAMa - qu’internationaux – Serval et MINUSMA-, acteurs armés non-étatiques, acteurs humanitaires, acteurs internationaux, nationaux, locaux, etc.). En conséquence, bien que des positionnement aient déjà été pris par l’EHP7 , l’organisation d’une table ronde sur l'espace et l’accès humanitaire réunissant les autorités nationales maliennes, la communauté humanitaire dans son ensemble, la société civile, Serval et la MINUSMA pourrait permettre de réconcilier les positions des différents acteurs et de clarifier les responsabilités, contraintes, rôles et mandats de chacun.

La défense de l’espace humanitaire et l’amélioration de l’accès aux populations au Mali qui l’accompagne nécessitent une approche contextuelle et une coordination efficace entre tous les acteurs. Cela implique une adaptation continue, tout en restant fidèle aux principes humanitaires.

L’organisation d’une table ronde, grâce à une remise à plat des débats et des mandats, une analyse du contexte actuel, une clarification de certains éléments et l’élaboration de solutions pratiques, permettrait de faire le point sur les enjeux sécuritaires et les pratiques humanitaires mises en œuvre dans un tel contexte. L’objectif général de la table ronde est donc d’échanger des informations et des expériences sur l’espace humanitaire et l’accès humanitaire dans un environnement complexe et évolutif comme le Mali et dans un contexte de mission intégrée des Nations Unies en vue d’améliorer les politiques et les pratiques. L’objectif ultime est une meilleure compréhension et opérationnalisation du respect de l’accès et de l’espace humanitaire au Mali par tous les acteurs.

Mali: "La paix est de retour, l'école est de retour"

Source: World Food Programme
Country: Mali

Dans le nord du Mali, le nombre d’enfants scolarisé n’a cessé d’augmenter au long de l’année, en partie grâce aux repas scolaires du PAM.

BAMAKO - En 2013, la sécurité a commencé à s'améliorer au Mali, le gouvernement a alors lancé une ambitieuse campagne pour que les enfants retournent à l’école. "La paix est de retour, l'école est de retour" a encouragé 500 000 enfants dont l'éducation avait été perturbé à reprendre le chemin de l'école.

Le programme des cantines scolaire d'urgence du PAM vise à donner aux enfants l’assurance d’avoir des repas sains et réguliers ainsi que des nutriments dont ils ont besoin. En donnant deux repas par jour aux enfants qui fréquentent l'école, les parents savent que leurs enfants reviendront le soir avec des connaissances, et un ventre plein.

Des résultats positifs Dans les 617 écoles assistées par le PAM dans le nord du Mali, le nombre d’étudiant a augmenté de près de 20% depuis décembre 2013. Cette augmentation ne peut pas être attribuée uniquement à l'alimentation scolaire mais les partenaires et les éducateurs soulignent que le programme fait une différence significative.

"Je peux vous dire que je viens à l’école grâce aux cantines, et c’est le cas de beaucoup de mes amis. Les cantines incitent aussi les écoliers à venir à l’heure pour ne pas louper le petit déjeuner", explique Ousmane Soumaïla, un étudiant de la ville de Gao.

Selon le directeur de l'école primaire du village de Dendedjer dans la région de Tombouctou, peu d’enfants venaient à l’école avant que le PAM distribue des repas scolaires. Après l'annonce de la reprise des repas scolaires, le nombre d'étudiants inscrits à son école a augmenté de façon significative.

"Sur les 123 étudiants, 122 sont présents tous les jours. Les repas ont vraiment amélioré l’assiduité et ont également encouragé les enfants à arriver à l’heure" dit-il.

Les partenaires du PAM ont aussi souligné que les repas scolaires permettaient aux enfants de retrouver un sentiment de normalité dans leur vie. "Les parents d’élèves apprécient vraiment le PAM pour son programme d'alimentation scolaire car celui-ci est un facteur de stabilité".

Des obstacles à l'éducation Au Mali, en particulier dans le Nord, les obstacles à l'éducation sont nombreux: il y a un manque d'enseignants, les écoles sont endommagées et les parents préfèrent parfois garder leurs enfants à la maison pour qu'ils travaillent.

Même avant la crise, l’accès à l’éducation était difficile. Selon les statistiques nationales, seulement 33% des adultes savent lire.

Le PAM veut étendre son programme Grâce au financement de l’Office Humanitaire des Communautés Européennes (ECHO), 130 000 enfants dans 617 écoles à Gao et Tombouctou bénéficient du programme d'alimentation scolaire d'urgence du PAM.

Alors que la sécurité s'améliore et que les écoles sont reconstruites, le PAM continuera à étendre son programme d'alimentation scolaire. En 2014, le PAM prévoit de nourrir 200 000 enfants dans le nord du Mali.

World: Global Emergency Overview Snapshot 18-24 June

Source: Assessment Capacities Project
Country: Afghanistan, Angola, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Guatemala, Guinea, Haiti, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Myanmar, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, occupied Palestinian territory, Pakistan, Paraguay, Philippines, Rwanda, Senegal, Solomon Islands, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Tajikistan, Uganda, World, Yemen, South Sudan

Iraq: 1.2 million people have been displaced by the ISIL June offensive and the Anbar crisis. Humanitarian access to militant-held areas remains a challenge. The security situation in Anbar, Ninevah, Salah al Din and Diyala is volatile and unpredictable. Host communities are facing difficulties assisting new IDPs and over 226,000 Syrian refugees.

Pakistan: The military offensive against the Taliban in North Waziristan has reportedly killed up to 30 Taliban and displaced at least 300,000 people to neighbouring provinces as well as Afghanistan.

Syria: OCHA has increased its estimates of people in need in Syria to 10.8 million, nearly half of Syria's population. Conflict continues to intensify in many parts of the country while the Syrian Government is at loggerheads with the UN Security Council over aid access.

Sudan: 31,000 of 85,000 arriving from South Sudan have not received any humanitarian assistance, and 67,000 IDPs in West Kordofan urgently need aid. In Red Sea state, a dengue outbreak has been reported. In Central Darfur, 130 people have been killed in intercommunal violence.

Updated: 24/06/2014. Next update: 01/07/2014

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