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Mali: Mali : Urgence Complexe Rapport de situation n° 34 | le 06 juin 2013

Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country: Mali


  • L’épidémie de choléra à Gao est maintenant contenue. Aucun cas n’a été rapporté depuis le 21 mai.
  • L’insécurité continue de limiter l’espace humanitaire dans certaines parties du nord.
  • Le conflit dans le nord du Mali a entraîné le déplacement de 473 000 personnes dont plus de 298 000 à l’intérieur du pays et environ 175 000 dans les pays voisins.
  • Lors de l’atelier de révision à mi-parcours de l’appel de fonds humanitaire pour le Mali (CAP), les acteurs humanitaires et leurs partenaires ont étudié l’évolution du contexte et revu leurs objectifs stratégiques pour les six mois à venir. La révision du CAP devra être finalisée en juin. Les premières tendances indiquent une augmentation du montant de l’appel.

Mali: Mali: Complex Emergency Situation Report no. 34 | 06 June 2013

Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country: Mali


  • The cholera outbreak is now contained in Gao. No cases have been reported since 21 May.
  • Insecurity continues to limit humanitarian access in parts of the north.
  • The conflict in northern Mali has caused the displacement of 473,000 people including more than 298,000 in the country and about 175,000 in neighboring countries.
  • During the Consolidated Appeal Process (CAP) mid-year review workshop, humanitarian actors and their partners examined changes in the context and reviewed their strategic objectives for the next six months. - The revision of the CAP will be finalized in June. Preliminary trends indicate an increase in the funding requirements of the appeal.

Chad: Sahel Crisis 2013: Funding Status as of 07 June 2013

Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country: Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Gambia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal

Djibouti: Norwegian Ambassador visits Ali Addeh Refugee Camp

Source: Norwegian Refugee Council
Country: Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia

Nashon Tado (07.06.2013)

Norwegian Ambassador to Djibouti and Ethiopia, H.E Odd Inge Kvalheim visited NRC in Djibouti’s Ali Addeh Refugee Camp this week.

The Ali Addeh Refugee Camp is located 170km from Djibouti capital and is currently hosting an estimate of 18,000 refugees mainly from Ethiopia, Eritrea and Somalia. The refugee camp is divided into 8 sections, each with an average of 2,000 refugees, with refugees from Somalia being the majority. So far, 1,100 refugees have been registered in 2013, with an average of 250 refugees arriving each month.

The Ambassador for Djibouti and Ethiopia, H.E Odd Inge Kvalheim visited the Ali Addeh refugee camp on 4th of June 2013 to witness the situation and learn about the challenges that aggravate the human displacement situation. The field visit was organized by the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) and facilitated by the National Office for Assistance to Refugees and Affected Populations (ONARS) and UNHCR Ali Sabieh Office.

He visited the food distribution centre managed by ONARS and UNHCR and went to the new arrivals section of the refugee camp. Here, he visited homes made from plastic sheeting where incoming refugees receive shelter. He also visited homes located at section 5 of the settlement where most of the shelters are made from clothing and are in need of rehabilitation.

“This is a good learning opportunity for me, interacting directly with the refugees of Ali Ade and listen to their issues. I can imagine the difficult condition in which they are living on a daily basis, with the temperatures rising to as high as 40 degrees Celsius, strong winds and lack of basic facilities”, said Kvalheim, who is also an African Union Ambassador.

NRC has opened a field office at Ali Sabieh about 20km to Ali Addeh Refugee Camp in 2013 to respond to the needs resulting from displacement and the refugee situation.

Chad: Newsletter CILSS - N° 19 - avril- mai 2013

Source: Permanent Interstate Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel
Country: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea, Mali, Togo

Dans ce numéro :

  • 16ème Sommet des Chefs d’Etat et de Gouvernement du CILSS : un nouveau management, pour de nouveaux défis !
  • Prévisions saisonnières des pluies, des débits et conseils agroclimatologiques pour la saison des pluies 2013 en Afrique de l’Ouest, au Cameroun et au Tchad.
  • Conférence régionale CORPAO 2013
  • Un atelier pour harmoniser les politiques semencières en Afrique de l’Ouest
  • Représentation théâtrale sur les thématiques de gestion des ressources naturelles et fertilité des sols dans les provinces du Zondoma et du Kourittenga
  • Le CILSS à l’ère du Web 2.0
  • La Banque Mondiale et le CILSS : même combat pour la résilience des populations !
  • Le CILSS enrichi sa plateforme sociale

Mali: Gouvernement et Touaregs négocient sur Kidal en plein regain de tension

Source: Agence France-Presse
Country: Mali

06/07/2013 13:23 GMT

Par Romaric Ollo HIEN

OUAGADOUGOU, 7 juin 2013 (AFP) - Les autorités maliennes et les groupes armés touareg qui occupent la ville de Kidal, dans le nord-est du pays, se retrouvent vendredi à Ouagadougou, en plein regain de tension, pour des négociations en vue de l'élection présidentielle de juillet.

Ces discussions débutent seulement deux jours après que, à l'issue de combats meurtriers, l'armée a délogé les rebelles touareg du Mouvement national de libération de l'Azawad (MNLA) de la localité d'Anefis, à une centaine de kilomètres au sud de Kidal, ville que Bamako entend aussi récupérer.

Médiateur dans la crise malienne au nom de la Communauté économique des Etats d'Afrique de l'Ouest (Cédéao), le président burkinabè Blaise Compaoré "ouvre à 17H00 (locales et GMT) les négociations" en recevant les représentants du pouvoir malien et des mouvements touareg, a indiqué à l'AFP une source proche de la médiation.

La délégation de Bamako, conduite par l'ancien ministre Tiébilé Dramé, conseiller spécial du président par intérim Dioncounda Traoré pour le nord du Mali, est attendue à 16H00. Le MNLA et le Haut conseil pour l'unité de l'Azawad, autre organisation touareg, feront bloc au sein d'une délégation conjointe, déjà sur place.

Les tractations devraient se poursuivre jusqu'à lundi.

Pour la médiation et la communauté internationale, l'enjeu est de trouver un compromis pour permettre d'organiser aussi à Kidal la prochaine présidentielle le 28 juillet, une élection réclamée avec insistance par les partenaires du Mali, France en tête.

Or le MNLA et les autres groupements touareg ont refusé jusqu'à présent à l'armée et à l'administration maliennes d'entrer dans la ville, exigeant la sécurisation du scrutin par la future force de l'ONU attendue en juillet.

Les mouvements touareg armés occupent Kidal, berceau de cette minorité, depuis fin janvier, après qu'une intervention militaire française a mis en fuite les groupes islamistes armés liés à Al-Qaïda qui occupaient tout le Nord malien depuis 2012. Environ 200 soldats français sont stationnés à l'aéroport de la ville.

Crimes et exactions

Les groupes touareg, qui furent un temps alliés aux jihadistes, ont opposé jeudi une fin de non-recevoir à la France en faisant savoir qu'ils ne déposeraient pas les armes "avant le règlement définitif du statut de l'Azawad", nom donné par ces autonomistes à la région nord du Mali. Ils se réservent aussi "le droit de riposter aux agressions de l'armée malienne".

Si des diplomates proches des négociations se montraient il y a peu optimistes concernant un accord intérimaire sur Kidal, la situation sur le terrain a changé la donne cette semaine.

L'armée malienne a créé la surprise en remontant en direction de Kidal: après de violents affrontements, elle a chassé mercredi le MNLA de la localité d'Anefis.

Des arrestations et expulsions de Kidal de membres des communautés noires par le MNLA, qualifiées "d'épuration raciale" par le régime de Bamako, ont précipité la décision de l'armée de reprendre l'offensive.

Cependant, malgré des déclarations guerrières, elle s'est gardée de continuer sur Kidal: sous pression de ses alliés extérieurs, le pouvoir malien laisse sa chance au dialogue.

Il faut un "délai" avant le retour de l'armée à Kidal pour ne pas compromettre une solution "très près" d'être trouvée, a estimé le président sénégalais Macky Sall dans un entretien publié sur le site internet du Figaro.

Mais le climat est encore alourdi par de nouvelles informations sur des exactions.

Deux organisations internationales de défense des droits de l'Homme, Amnesty International et Human Rights Watch (HRW), ont dénoncé vendredi dans deux rapports distincts les crimes et exactions commis par l'armée et les groupes armés au Mali depuis janvier.

"Le bilan des forces de sécurité maliennes en matière de droits de l'Homme est simplement terrible", a accusé Amnesty, évoquant notamment des cas de torture. Et HRW souligne que les forces du MNLA ont arrêté dans la région de Kidal "une centaine de personnes, dont la plupart étaient des hommes à la peau plus sombre appartenant à des groupes ethniques non touareg".

Si un accord intérimaire est trouvé sur Kidal, il restera ensuite à régler le problème de fond des relations entre l'Etat malien et sa région nord, irrédentiste depuis des décennies.

Une fois des autorités légitimes installées à l'issue de la présidentielle, devra se renouer un dialogue entre Bamako, qui ne veut pas entendre parler d'autonomie mais de décentralisation, et les mouvements touareg emmenés par le MNLA, qui estime avoir fait beaucoup en renonçant à sa revendication d'indépendance.


Lesotho: Saudi Arabia donates food to vulnerable people in Lesotho

Source: Government of Lesotho
Country: Lesotho, Saudi Arabia

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has contributed 90 tons of food worth an estimated M1.7 Million (USD$196,000) to the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) for distribution to people affected by drought, floods and crop failure in Lesotho.

A press release from WFP on Friday says, a range of commodities that include white beans, wheat flour, corn flour, vegetable oil, milk powder and sugar was flown into the airport this morning and will now be transported by road to Lesotho.

The commodities were accompanied by a delegation from Saudi Arabia including government officials and journalists.

'The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia hopes the contribution will help the people in their time of need,' Mr. Abdulrahman Alnajjar, Charge d'Affaires at the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia has been quoted as saying at the release, at a ceremony at South Africa's O.R. Tambo airport on Friday.

'The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has shown great support for Lesotho and this donation will help alleviate the hardships facing many women and children in particular,' said WFP Representative Imadeldin O. Salih.

WFP is responding to the deteriorating food security situation in Lesotho through three separate initiatives: school meals, nutrition for those living with HIV and or AIDS, and food or cash for farmers working on projects that prevent soil erosion and rehabilitate farmland.

WFP is the world's largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger worldwide. Each year, WFP feeds more than 90 million people in more than 70 countries.

Mali: Mali: Humanitarian Snapshot (as of 6 June 2013) [EN/FR]

Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country: Algeria, Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauritania, Niger

Food Security

The food situation is still of concern. The number of persons affected by food insecurity is estimated to be around 3.5 million, including 1.4 million people in need of immediate food assistance and 2.1 million that are under pressure.


Humanitarian organizations are only covering 542 out of 1,265 nutritional rehabilitation units due to insufficient resources. For the time being, this situation does not allow to insure the transition to the scale of activities related to the nutritional management of malnutrition.


Since May 22, no cases of cholera have been recorded. Notwithstanding prevention measures, the resurgence of cholera remains a threat. Risk factors include the consumption of contaminated water, the precariousness of hygiene and sanitation conditions, and the ongoing epidemic in neighbouring Niger

Mali: UNW Mali Humanitarian Bulletin, 3-4 June 2013

Source: UN Women
Country: Mali


• Violence and insecurity persist in North Mali as hostilities resumed on the 4 June 2013 between MNLA forces and the Malian Army in Kidal.
• Ms. Alwata Ishata Sahi Malian Minister for Women Affairs launched UNW support program to women and girls affected by the conflict in Gao Region
• UNWOMEN Programme Mali amounts up to 32 509 839 USD. So far, UN Women received 8 205 504 USD from CERF, Netherlands, Switzerland and UN Women Core funds, which represents only 25% of required total funding.
UN Women Mali requires 4.645 million USD in the CAP Mali 2013 and got 153,652 USD from CERF, representing

Mali: ONUFemmes Mali Bulletin Humanitaire, 3-4 juin 2013

Source: UN Women
Country: Mali

Faits saillants

• La violence et l'insécurité persistent dans le nord du Mali et on assiste à la reprise des hostilités le 4 Juin 2013 entre les forces du MNLA et l'armée malienne à Kidal. Les femmes sont dans une situation de précarité et toutes les infrastructures nécessitent une réhabilitation du fait des destruction.

• Mme Alwata Ishata Sahi, Ministre de la Femme, de la Promotion de la Femme et de l’Enfant, a lancé le sous programme d’assistance aux femmes et aux filles affectées par le conflit et la participation des femmes à la consolidation de la Paix à GAO le lundi 03 Juin 2013.

• le Programme de UNWOMEN Mali est estimé à 32 509 839 USD . Jusqu'à présent, 8 205 504$ US ont été reçus du CERF, du Pays Bas, de la Suisse et des fonds Core de ONU Femmes, ce qui représente seulement 25% du financement requis. Les fiches CAP n’ont reçu que 3,3% de financement en 2013.

Mali: Mali government talks with Tuareg postponed indefinitely

Source: Agence France-Presse
Country: Mali

06/07/2013 20:25 GMT

OUAGADOUGOU, June 7, 2013 (AFP) - Talks scheduled to be held Friday between Malian authorities and armed ethnic Tuareg groups who hold the northeastern town of Kidal have been postponed indefinitely, a source close to mediators said.

"The opening of the discussions has been put off," the source told AFP in the capital of Burkina Faso.

Bamako's emissary for north Mali, Tiebile Drame, met at his request with Burkina Faso's President Blaise Compaore, a mediator for West Africa, the source said, without providing any explanation for the sudden change of plans.

The UN Secretary-General's Special Representative to Mali spoke earlier of his optimism that talks between the government and armed rebels would ease the way for elections, despite recent heavy fighting.

Asked by AFP whether deadly clashes between Tuareg rebels and Malian soldiers in the country's north this week had undermined the dialogue in Burkina Faso, Bert Koenders replied: "No, I don't think so."

Koenders told reporters in Bamako he placed "great hope in the Ouagadougou negotiations", which have brought together Malian officials and Tuareg leaders to hammer out a deal on organising free and fair elections.


Mali: Mali: CAP 2013 - Suivi des Financements (au 07 Juin 2013)

Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country: Mali

Yemen: Danish Refugee Council Annual Report 2012: Horn of Africa & Yemen

Source: Danish Refugee Council
Country: Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Yemen

Insight & overview: 2012 Annual Report from DRC Horn of Africa & Yemen

Danish Refugee Council Horn of Africa & Yemen looks back at 2012 - a year that stands out in the history of the organisation. The 2012 Annual Report is offering new and detailed insight into programmes and activities in the region.

For Danish Refugee Council 2012 was a year that held significant achievements in terms of new donor support allowing for expanded aid activities in the Horn of Africa and Yemen. The year also challenged the organisation on multiple levels - both in terms of developing and implementing new and innovative programmes, and with regard to coping with a changing security environment and the increased need for protection of staff in the region.

Danish Refugee Council’s mandate is to assist people affected by war and armed conflict. This commitment requires that Danish Refugee Council is at the forefront of understanding ground realities and that the resources and capacities required are in place in order to be able to reach out to people in need of aid in the region. Read more in the 2012 Annual Report from Danish Refugee Council Horn of Africa & Yemen.

Hard copies of Danish Refugee Council’s 2012 Annual Report for the Horn of Africa and Yemen can be obtained from Danish Refugee Council’s Regional Office in Nairobi, Kenya.
For further information, please contact Regional Information and Communications Adviser Alexandra Strand Holm at alexandra.strand.holm@drc.dk or +254 71 77 22 351

Nigeria: Conflict trends (no. 15): Real-time analysis of African political violence, June 2013

Source: Armed Conflict Location and Events Dataset
Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa

Welcome to the June edition of the Armed Conflict Location & Event Dataset (ACLED) Conflict Trends. Each month, realtime conflict event data is collected, published through our research partners at Climate Change and African Political Stability (CCAPS), and presented in a report which contrasts continental, regional, national and subnational data on political violence in contemporary and historical perspective. Data from 1997 to 2012 is available at acleddata.com, along with previous Conflict Trends reports, country profiles for key conflict-affected states, thematic special features, and information on the data collection and publication process.

This month’s report looks at the ongoing conflict in Nigeria, which intensified this month with the declaration of a state of emergency in the northeast of the country and a renewed commitment on the part of the federal government to oust the northern Islamist militant group, Boko Haram.

Conflict events fell slightly in DR-Congo, which is also profiled, although high fatality levels - both in terms of contemporary, historical and continental trends - mean the conflict is still very much ongoing in spite of talks of a potential settlement between the government and the M23 on the horizon. Political violence in Niger, Senegal and South Africa is also detailed.

Mali: Sahel Humanitarian Dashboard (June 2013)

Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country: Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Gambia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal

Mali: L'UE "soutient activement" les pourparlers d'Ouagadougou

Source: Agence France-Presse
Country: Mali

06/11/2013 10:42 GMT

BRUXELLES, 11 juin 2013 (AFP) - L'Union européenne a indiqué mardi qu'elle soutenait "activement" les pourparlers engagés à Ouagadougou entre le régime malien et les rebelles touareg, car ils constituent "une avancée cruciale" avant l'élection présidentielle de juillet au Mali.

"L'UE soutient activement les pourparlers à Ouagadougou entre l'émissaire du gouvernement du Mali, Tiébilé Dramé, et les représentants du Mouvement national de libération de l'Azawad et du Haut conseil pour l'unité de l'Azawad", a déclaré Michael Mann, le porte-parole de la Représentante pour les Affaires étrangères, Catherine Ashton.

"Ces pourparlers constituent une avancée cruciale pour parvenir à un accord intérimaire qui rendra possible le redéploiement de l'autorité de l'Etat du Mali sur l'ensemble du territoire et la tenue d'élections au mois de juillet, conformément au calendrier établi", a-t-il ajouté.

Entamés samedi, les pourparlers se poursuivaient mardi à Ouagadougou, où le président burkinabé, Blaise Compaoré, a proposé aux deux parties un projet d'accord. Ce dernier doit permettre la tenue à Kidal, ville du nord du Mali contrôlée par les rebelles touareg, de la présidentielle prévue le 28 juillet, une élection destinée à aider le pays à sortir de la crise.

L'UE soutient cette médiation "en qualité de témoin et de facilitateur", aux côtés de la CEDEAO, des Nations unies et de l'Union africaine notamment, a précisé M. Mann.


Niger: Nigeria’s crisis sees more than 6000 people displaced into neighbouring countries

Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Country: Cameroon, Chad, Niger, Nigeria

The crisis in northeastern Nigeria has forced more than 6,000 mainly women, children and elderly people to seek safety in neighbouring Niger. Those UNCHR has spoken to say they escaped for fear of being caught in the government-led crackdown on insurgents linked to the Boko Haram sect, particularly in the Baga area of northern Nigeria, close to the Niger border.

Refugees report that air strikes by Government forces are continuing from time to time, and that planes are regularly flying over the states of Borno, Yobe and Adamawa where the state of emergency has been in force since May 14th.

People arriving in Niger also mention the increasing presence of roving armed bandits in several States in Nigeria. Rising commodity prices coupled with pre-existing food insecurity is also becoming a major concern for the populations of the affected States.

Niger has so far received 6,240 people, comprising Nigerian nationals (2,692) returning Niger nationals (3,544), and 94 people of other nationalities (mainly Chadians). New arrivals have settled mainly in Bosso, Diffa, Kablewa, Maine, Tam, Tcoukoujani and Garin Amadou. Once their families are secure in Niger, men are returning to Nigeria to work and to sustain their families’ needs.

Many new arrivals have walked into Niger, taking refuge in villages located only a few kilometers away from the border. Others, who fled areas located as far as 300 kilometers away such as Maidougouri in Nigeria, have used cars or motor-cycles.

New arrivals are either renting houses or staying with host families, who are themselves living in very precarious conditions. UNHCR staff have who visited several border villages hosting new arrivals also met some Nigerian families living out in the open, under trees.

Although the local population has welcomed those who have newly arrived, the presence of newcomers is also putting a strain on meager local food and water resources. Niger, a country in the Sahel, itself struggles with food insecurity due to years of drought. UNHCR plans to deliver some relief to the new arrivals as well as to the host community. We are also helping the local authorities to register new arrivals.

UNHCR has also seen arrivals in Cameroon and Chad in the past weeks. There are 155 Nigerian asylum seekers in Chad along with 716 Chadian nationals. In Cameroon there are 1,200 returned nationals.

Meanwhile in Nigeria, the security situation remains extremely difficult. UNHCR is not present in the parts of the northeast that are under a state of emergency, due to the prevailing insecurity. Information about the humanitarian situation and displaced people in the northeast is consequently limited.

In Adamawa State, insecurity is reportedly worst in the areas of military operations close to the Cameroonian border. Most of the Northeast suffers from chronic and periodic insecurity due to conflict and insurgent activities (from Borno State to Kaduna Sate).

For more information on this topic, please contact:

In Dakar: Helene Caux (Regional) on mobile + 221 77 333 1291
In Geneva: Fatoumata Lejeune-Kaba on mobile +41 79 249 3483

Senegal: GIEWS Country Brief: Senegal 10-June-2013

Source: Food and Agriculture Organization
Country: Senegal


  • Above-average precipitation expected in 2013

  • Cereal production recovered significantly in 2012 from previous year’s low level

  • Coarse grain prices show mixed trends, while imported rice prices remain mostly stable

Lesotho: GIEWS Country Brief: Lesotho 10-June-2013

Source: Food and Agriculture Organization
Country: Lesotho


  • Significant recovery of cereal production in 2013

  • Maize price remain generally high but stable

  • Food security conditions improve as the new 2013 harvest increase food availability

Burkina Faso: Burkina Faso : Aperçu humanitaire (Mai 2013)

Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country: Burkina Faso, Mali

Suite aux conflits dans le nord du Mali, le Burkina Faso a enregistré un afflux de près de 50 000 réfugiés maliens. La majorité de ces réfugiés qui se sont installés dans la région du Sahel, une zone aride, sont des éleveurs.

La présence des réfugiés et leurs betails augmente la pression sur les ressources naturelles. Cette situation pourrait, à long terme, être source de conflits entre réfugiés et communautés locales.

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