Nairobi, Kenya [ACTED News] – One million people still require aid to meet their basic needs, and 1.7 million people who recently emerged from a crisis could fall back without sustained support. In this alarming context, the UN announced on 16 July a CERF (Central Emergency Response Fund) allocation of $20 million to Somalia, aimed to provide life-saving services to people affected by insecurity, displacement and drought.
In May 2013, the Somalia Common Humanitarian Fund (CHF) released its first standard allocation for the year, totaling $30 million across 8 sectors, including $4.8 million for Food Security and $3.9 million for water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) interventions. This allocation was in line with the CAP (Consolidated Appeal Process) strategic priorities (2013-2015), which focus on resilience building. ACTED participated in the original CAP and revised its projects in the mid-year review. At mid-year, however, only about a third of financial requirements had been covered with certain humanitarian clusters having received less than a quarter of their requirements. Although the humanitarian situation has improved in 2013, the Somalia crisis remains one of the largest and most complex in the world.
ACTED continues to provide assistance to those in need in South Central Somalia and is currently implementing a cash transfer programme to 1,100 vulnerable households in Baidoa district.