Period covered by this Ops Update: This is the third update of the appeal covering the period 1 January to 23 May 2013.
Appeal target (current): The Population emergency appeal seeks to raise CHF 10,439,107 in cash, kind or services to support Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS) to assist an estimated 76,000 beneficiaries for an extended time frame up to October 2013. This Operations Update 3 informs of a small increase in the budget of CHF 1,025,151, making the total budget CHF 11,464,258.
Appeal coverage: 120% against the initial budget and 109% against the revised budget. The appeal has received funding beyond its initial target, and is currently in the process of being revised with an updated plan of action to meet the needs. This operation update is to inform about a small revision of the budget in order to facilitate the continuation of program activities.
Appeal history:
A Preliminary Emergency Appeal was launched on 19 October 2011 for CHF 27,618,017 (plus an estimated CHF 3,050,000 for emergency response units) to assist 60,000 beneficiaries for 12 months.
Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF): CHF 500,000 was initially allocated from the Federation’s DREF to support the national society set up the operations in Dadaab.
An Emergency Appeal was launched on 29 November 2011 for CHF 26,154,197 for 12 months to assist 76,000 beneficiaries for 12 months.
A Revised Emergency Appeal was launched 31 December 2012, reducing the appeal amount to CHF 10,439,107 and extending the time frame until October 2013.
This Operations Update 3 informs about a small budget revision made to facilitate the continuation of the much needed program activities during the process of appeal revision. The additional amount is CHF 1,025,151, reaching a total budget of CHF 11,464,258.