This report covers the period 1 January 2012 to 31 December 2012
Overview Programme outcome The Africa Zone comprises the Africa Zone Office, plus 13 regional and country representations, in 2012, which in turn support 49 African National Societies. The broad objectives address IFRC business lines to help raise humanitarian standards (Business Line 1), strengthen National Societies (Business Line 3), and deepen the Red Cross Red Crescent‟s tradition of togetherness (Business Line 5). It also provides technical assistance to services in disaster and crisis management (Business Line 2) and sustainable development (Business Line 3). Part of this support is through programmes managed by the Africa Zone Office, including in Humanitarian Diplomacy and Leadership, Disaster Management, Health, Disaster Law, an Africa „Digital Divide‟ project, and in Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting. The strategic direction for the period 2012-2015 is spelled out in the Long –Term Planning Framework (
The year 2012 was dominated by the transition of the Africa Zone office from Johannesburg to Nairobi and Addis Ababa. By Q4 2012, necessary staffing had been carried out, resulting in greatly expanded capacities and stabilized structures providing a solid base for the future. In addition to strengthening itself, the Africa Zone Office zone office coordinated or directly implemented activities designed to build capacities and achieve the LTPF objectives, including:
8th Pan African Conference
Formulation of a DM Framework for Africa
Training workshops for Finance, Communications, Resource Mobilization and PMER
Africa Health Meeting
Support to Disaster Law arrangements and Humanitarian Diplomacy