2012 Article IV Consultation, Request for Disbursement Under the Rapid Credit Facility and Cancellation of the Extended Credit Facility Arrangement—Staff Report; Staff Supplements; Public Information Notice and Press Release on the Executive Board Discussion; and Statement by the Executive Director for Mali
Under Article IV of the IMF’s Articles of Agreement, the IMF holds bilateral discussions with members, usually every year. In the context of the 2012 Article IV consultation with Mali and request for disbursement under the Rapid Credit Faciliity and cancellation of the Extended Credit Facility Arrangement, the following documents have been released and are included in this package:
Staff Report for the 2012 Article IV Consultation, request for disbursement under the Rapid Credit Facility and cancellation of the Extended Credit Facility arrangement prepared by a staff team of the IMF, following discussions that ended on November 14, 2012 with the officials of Mali on economic developments and policies. Based on information available at the time of these discussions, the staff report was completed on January 18, 2013. The views expressed in the staff report are those of the staff team and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Executive Board of the IMF.
Debt Sustainability Analysis prepared by the staffs of the IMF and the World Bank.
Informational Annex prepared by the IMF.
Public Information Notice (PIN) summarizing the views of the Executive Board as expressed during its January 28, 2013 discussion of the staff report that concluded the Article IV consultation.
Press Release on the approval of the disbursement under the Rapid Credit Facility.
Statement by the Executive Director for Mali.