Source: Famine Early Warning System Network, Food Security and Nutrition Analysis Unit
Country: Somalia
Key Messages
- The numbers of population in crisis (IPC Phase 3 and 4) in post Deyr 2012/13 reduced by over 50% from the post Gu 2012 (Feb‐Jun 2012) due to improved access and availability of food. In most areas poor food utilisation (e.g. lack of safe water, feeding practices for children, etc.) remains a major limiting factor of food security
- In the projection period up to June 2013, 1.05 million people are es:mated in acute food insecurity IPC Phases 3 and 4; this indicates a slight deterioration from the current situation (Feb 1, 2013) of a total of 1.0 million people in crisis (IPC Phases 3 and 4) nationwide.
- 1.3mln people are also estimated in acute food insecurity IPC Phase 2 (Stressed), of which about 80% are in the South. Stressed phase (IPC Phase 2) implies that at least 20% of the population in the analysed area can meet food needs but is not able to cover some essential non‐food needs and has reduced ability to invest in livelihoods
- Majority of IDP semlements are in Emergency situation due to high morbidity and limited food access; high malnutrition rates and elevated death rates in Alert to Critical (5 IDP settlements, o/w 4 in the South‐Central) are evident in these settlements
- A total of 215,000 (14.3% of 1.5m) children <5 are acutely malnourished, of which two‐thirds are in the South; Overall nutrition situation is likely to remain unchanged across the country in the coming three months