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Nigeria: Nigeria Humanitarian Sitrep No. 4 - 16-28 February 2017

Source: UN Children's Fund
Country: Nigeria


  • A case of Lassa fever was reported on 28 February 2017 in Borno’s capital Maiduguri.

  • UNICEF’s multi-sectoral team conducted a joint mission with WFP to Monguno in the frame of the Rapid Response Mechanism from 20-25 February 2017.

  • In Borno, 114 cases of measles were reported in UNICEF supported health facilities across Borno, Yobe and Adamawa, mostly among children who had not been vaccinated against measles and new arrivals.

  • In 2017 so far, nearly 14,000 children with severe acute malnutrition (SAM) were treated in Borno and Yobe States.

  • Emergency Primary Health Care (PHC) services reached 756,300 people in the three most affected States in the Northeast.

  • A total of over 18,100 people gained access to safe water.

  • Psychosocial support was provided to over 17,800 conflict affected children, while 952 unaccompanied and separated children received specialised support services.

  • More than 405,700 children were enrolled and gained access to education in a safe learning environment.

  • In 2017, UNICEF is requesting US$ 146.9 million to reach four million people, including 2.1 million children. Funds available amount to US$ 39 million representing a 73 per cent funding gap.

Situation Overview & Humanitarian Needs

During the reporting period, 114 cases of measles were reported in UNICEF supported health facilities across Borno, Yobe and Adamawa. More than 75% of the cases were reported among children who had not been vaccinated against measles and mostly new arrivals. No death resulting from measles was reported.

A confirmed case of Lassa fever was reported on 28 February 2017 in Borno’s capital Maiduguri. Prior to confirmation, WHO ensured that the index case was isolated in a private ward at the Umaru Shehu Hospital. Since confirmation, the State Ministry of Health (SMOH) supported by WHO has identified 54 contacts with the index case, who will be monitored over the next 21 days. WHO will provide logistics support to the SMOH and Hospital management, including personal protection equipment, and will also train healthcare workers on case management, contact tracing, and community sensitization. A Task Force was established and daily meetings are taking place under the SMOH leadership with the technical expertise of WHO and other relevant agencies. UNICEF has started social mobilization efforts and awareness sessions in key locations which are still underway. So far, in collaboration with SMOH and WHO, two Lassa Viral Hemorrhagic Fever orientation sessions were conducted for a total of 400 persons comprising of VCMs, VWS, Bulamas, representatives of youth organizations, religious leaders, women leaders, Youth Vanguard and members of the CJTF (Civilian Joint Task Force) from Madinatu community and Zabarmari settlement.

The overall security situation remains volatile, with continued attacks and ambushes by the Boko Haram insurgents and ongoing military operations in Ngala, Nganzai, Chibok, Damboa, and Monguno LGAs in Borno State, and in Yunusari and Gubja LGAs in Yobe State. As a result, various areas are difficult to access by humanitarian staff; movement restrictions are significantly hampering UNICEF and humanitarian partners’ response in these areas.

South Sudan: Humanitarian partners step up action to help communities rebuild lives in Leer

Source: UN Mission in South Sudan
Country: South Sudan

Birungi Machrine and Sebit William

“The most striking image that we have seen on the ground is the image of desolation, you see abandoned villages, abandoned houses, the markets that are not functioning anymore; to me this was the most striking image, " says Alyona Synenco, ICRC communication delegate in South Sudan of the situation in Leer county in South Sudan.

Alyona spoke to Miraya Breakfast show on Tuesday, stressing that the situation is dire, very difficult, and the needs are numerous.

The International Committee of the Red Cross is one of the agencies that is on the ground in Leer, trying to provide vital emergency assistance to the people who need it. In this interview, Alyona Synenco, begins by describing the urgent needs for the communities in Leer, and how the ICRC is responding to the needs.

Listen to the interview.https://audioboom.com/posts/5680960-icrc-steps-up-action-to-help-communities-rebuild-lives-in-leer

South Sudan: South Sudan situation: Regional update 1 – 15 February 2017

Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Country: Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, South Sudan, Sudan, Uganda


South Sudanese arrivals in 2017, based on field reports as of 15 Feb

Total South Sudanese refugees as of 15 Feb 2017 (pre and post Dec 2013 caseload and new arrivals)

Refugees in South Sudan

1.853 M
Internally Displaced People (IDPs) in South Sudan, including 223,994 people in UNMISS Protection of Civilians site


USD 781.8 M
Requested by UNHCR in 2017 for the South Sudan situation

USD 47.9 M
Received by UNHCR as of 28 Feb 2017

Funded 6%
Gap 94%

*The population and arrival figures are based on best available information at the time of production. UNHCR continues to verify the numbers in all countries and future updates may vary as new information becomes available. The arrivals into Uganda since July 1 are based on manual emergency registration or head-counts/wristbanding. Actual population to be confirmed upon biometric registration by the Government.


  • High numbers of South Sudanese refugees continue to flee South Sudan to neighbouring countries. In the first half of February, over 60,000 new arrivals were reported in asylum countries, including some 48,000 arrivals to Uganda where the daily arrival rate peaked at 6,765 on 1 February. Refugees report that fire is being used to clear the bush in South Sudan and the population have been urged to move to towns and cities, with anyone found in the countryside being charged with supporting opposing groups.

  • In Sudan, UNHCR is working with local authorities to verify arrivals figures after reports of over 20,000 new South Sudanese refugee arrivals between 1 and 26 February. The initial population planning figures anticipated 60,000 new arrivals to Sudan in 2017, which will likely be exceeded if the currently high rate of refugee influx witnessed to White Nile, South and West Kordofan and East Darfur continues unabated

Niger: En visite au Niger, le Conseil de sécurité promet d'apporter son soutien aux populations affectées par Boko Haram

Source: UN News Service
Country: Niger, Nigeria

5 mars 2017 – Une délégation du Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU se trouvait dimanche au Niger afin d'apporter son soutien à ce pays, dont la région de Diffa, au sud-est, fait partie des zones touchées par l'instabilité sécuritaire liée aux activités du groupe Boko Haram.

La délégation, qui a entamé sa tournée dans la région du bassin du lac Tchad jeudi au Cameroun, est co-dirigée par le Royaume-Uni, qui occupe la Présidence du Conseil pour le mois de mars, et le Sénégal pour l'ensemble de cette tournée qui se terminera le 7 mars au Nigéria. La France co-dirige la délégation pour les étapes au Cameroun, au Tchad et au Niger.

Lors de sa visite au Niger, la délégation a rencontré les autorités, notamment le Président Mahamadou Issoufou, avec qui elle a discuté de la sécurité, du développement et de la crise humanitaire. Elle a également rencontré des représentants des agences humanitaires de l'ONU et d'ONG qui ont souligné le caractère catastrophique de la situation dans la région de Diffa.

« Nous sommes venus manifester notre engagement à soutenir davantage le Niger dans ses efforts remarquables à rétablir la stabilité sécuritaire des localités du pays situées dans le bassin du lac Tchad mais également à apporter la protection et l'assistance nécessaires aux populations affectées par la crise, » a déclaré Matthew Rycroft, Ambassadeur du Royaume Uni auprès des Nations Unies, lors d'une conférence de presse.

« L'effort sécuritaire dans le bassin du lac Tchad ne servira que s'il est couplé avec, à la fois, une action humanitaire urgente et un effort pour des actions politiques durables, » a souligné de son côté François Delattre, Ambassadeur de la France auprès des Nations Unies.

Aujourd'hui, plus de 340.000 personnes vivant dans la région de Diffa, soit près d'une personne sur deux, ont besoin d'assistance humanitaire. Plus de 241.000 personnes déplacées internes, nigériens retournés et réfugiés nigérians ont été obligés de se déplacer dans la région pour fuir les violences liées aux activités de Boko Haram.

« Les échanges avec les autorités nigériennes et la communauté humanitaire nous ont permis de mesurer la sévérité de la souffrance des populations civiles à Diffa. Cette situation nous interpelle tous et requiert une attention sérieuse de la part des Etats et des bailleurs de fonds. La solidarité et la générosité dont le Niger et ses partenaires font montre méritent d'être soutenues pour une meilleure réponse aux besoins humanitaires actuels et un meilleur avenir aux générations futures », a plaidé Fodé Seck, Ambassadeur du Sénégal auprès des Nations Unies.

Cette visite de haut niveau intervient une semaine après la conférence d'Oslo durant laquelle les donateurs ont promis d'allouer 458 millions de dollars pour 2017 aux quatre pays du bassin du lac Tchad touchés par les violences causées par Boko Haram à savoir : le Cameroun, le Tchad, le Nigéria et le Niger.

« Le Niger, pays qui lutte pour relever les défis liés au changement climatique, à la pauvreté et à un faible indice de développement humain, doit figurer parmi les priorités de la communauté internationale d'autant que ce pays fait face en plus, à des mouvements forcés de populations et à des défis sécuritaires énormes ayant un impact négatif sur ses finances publiques et son développement. Malgré tout, les communautés hôtes déjà vulnérables montrent une grande solidarité envers les populations déplacées », a déclaré Fodé Ndiaye Coordonnateur résident du système des Nations Unies, Coordonnateur humanitaire pour le Niger.

World: Global Food Security Cluster 2016 Annual Report

Source: Food Security Cluster
Country: Haiti, Iraq, Nigeria, South Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, World, Yemen


The annual report is a global Food Security Cluster accountability product that must be read in conjunction with the evolving global humanitarian environment.

In 2014, the Joint FAO/WFP Evaluation of the Food Security Cluster Coordination was endorsed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Programme Committee and the World Food Programme (WFP) Executive Board, recommendations of which formed the backbone of the global Food Security Cluster (gFSC)
Strategic Plan 2015–2016.

Two years later, in 2016, the follow-up of the recommendations and Strategic Plan 2015–2016 revealed progress and impacts with regard to a number of aspects. One of the impacts was a more robust roster maintenance that led to quick and longer-term deployments of Cluster Coordinators and Information Management Officers (IMOs) in the countries. This ensured more effective coordination solutions. Another impact was more predictable funding, resulting in more stable cluster coordination teams at both global and country levels. An additional achievement was a more systematic support to country food security clusters and an increased leadership role played by governments in coordination, particularly in sudden-onset crises.

The annual report 2016 is one additional product of the global Food Security Cluster’s accountability towards its global partners and donors, whereby achievements against each of the six results of the Strategic Plan are presented qualitatively and quantitatively.

The humanitarian context in which gFSC and country clusters operated remained challenging. In 2016, 92 million people were targeted through country and regional coordinated humanitarian appeals, including 78 million in need of food security interventions. They were farmers, agropastoralists, pastoralists, urban dwellers, internally displaced people (IDPs) and refugees, among which 51 percent were women. All of them were a—ected by conœicts, economic crises and natural hazards, and they faced incredible challenges to buy or produce food and could not meet minimum food intake requirements. For the people in need, food assistance and productive livelihoods-based interventions were an absolute necessity. By end-year 2016, US$4.67 billion was allocated by donors to address food security needs. This corresponds to 61 percent of the funding requirement. In other words, three out of five food insecure people were assisted in 2016.

In 2016, the system-wide Level 3 emergency was prolonged in Iraq, South Sudan, Syria and Yemen. El Niño resulted in large-scale emergencies in Ethiopia and Madagascar, while Hurricane Matthew devastated coastal areas in the north-west, south-west and south of Haiti. In Nigeria, a famine-like situation occurred between April and August in some IDP enclaves (Bama and Banki towns) and in other nearby inaccessible areas of Borno State. Despite government and partners’ efforts to assist the population in need, an elevated risk of famine persists in inaccessible areas of Borno State.

Over the past twelve months, the global Food Security Cluster provided coordination solutions to 30 countries plus the Pacific region (14 additional countries), wherever possible, in support of existing government-led mechanisms. This is a 12 percent increase compared with 2015. Responding to coordination needs at the country level in an efficient and timely manner was made possible thanks to donors’ support to Cluster Lead Agencies (WFP and FAO), as well as to international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) who acted as cluster co-chairs in ten countries or operated as stand-by partners.

At the global level, international NGOs further enhanced their support to the global Food Security Cluster through staff secondments, their engagement in the Strategic Advisory Group (SAG), acting as chair of working groups or the direct financing of activities. Secondments were provided by CashCap, GenCap, Norwegian Refugee Council’s expert deployment capacity, Samaritan’s Purse, and Welthungerhilfe. The SAG members include Action Against Hunger, Welthungerhilfe, and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. The Federal German Agency Technisches Hilfswerk hosted one training for Information Management Officers and one for Cluster Coordinators with the support of the German Government.

Finally, the first-ever World Humanitarian Summit, held in Istanbul, Turkey, on 23 and 24 May 2016, was the opportunity for the global community to assume its shared responsibility to save lives, alleviate suffering and preserve human dignity. People were put at the centre of humanitarian action, and local actors’ role as Ÿrst responders was acknowledged.

Burkina Faso: IOM Burkina Faso Opens New Boreholes in Béguédo

Source: International Organization for Migration
Country: Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso - IOM Burkina Faso – in partnership with the governments of Italy and Belgium and the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) – has opened two new boreholes in the rural commune of Béguédo, located in Bulgou province in Central-East Burkina Faso.

A borehole is a hole driven into the ground to release drinking water in areas where access to potable water is scarce. The Central-East region of Burkina Faso is suffering from land degradation and faces significant challenges, including inadequate agricultural and pastoral land, low agricultural yields, riverbank erosion and silting up of the Nakambé River.

This region in Burkina Faso is the country’s largest migration area and many people migrate, hoping to reach Europe, especially Italy.

IOM Burkina Faso’s Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (AVRR) programme shows that at least 80 percent of assisted migrants in 2016 came from the Central-East region.

The boreholes are also part of a EUR 243,000 IOM project funded by the governments of Italy and Belgium: “Support for sustainable land management and improved livelihoods in the Béguédo area through incentive mechanisms with the commitment of the diaspora.”

The project aims to mobilize diaspora resources for sustainable land management in the Central-East region through income-generating activities and access to drinking water.

The project informs the local population of Béguédo about the diaspora, migration issues, and implementation of water systems for sanitation. It also examines how to recover degraded lands through techniques adapted to each type of soil, training activities and diversification of production and farm income.

The project is implemented by the Global Mechanism of the UNCCD in partnership with IOM.

For further information, please contact Cindy Nouria Zongo at IOM Burkina Faso, Tel: +226 67711366 Email: czongo@iom.int

Tunisia: IOM Tunisia Helps Stranded Migrants from West, Central Africa Return Home

Source: International Organization for Migration
Country: Chad, Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea, Libya, Senegal, Tunisia

Tunisia - Today IOM helped 61 stranded migrants from Senegal, Guinea, Chad and Côte d’Ivoire to return home from Tunisia through its assisted voluntary return programme.

The migrants arrived at the Southern border of Tunisia several weeks ago, having fled on foot from insecurity in Libya. Like many others, they stayed temporarily in a migrant shelter managed by the Tunisian Red Crescent (TRC), where they asked IOM for support to safely travel home.

IOM works in coordination with its partners in the southern Tunisia to provide migrants with humanitarian assistance, providing dignity kits, which are based on the specific needs and vulnerabilities of each migrant. Many of the migrants reported physical and psychological abuse, labor exploitation and discrimination against them while in Libya.

IOM offers migrants pre-departure assistance, including coordination with their embassies for the delivery of travel documents, social and medical assistance, in partnership with TRC and Doctors without Borders (MSF), during their short stay in Tunisia.

“I am excited to soon reunite with my family, especially with my daughter Khady,” said Ibrahim, a 32-year-old Senegalese migrant. “It has been a very difficult journey. Once back in Senegal, my main objective will be to let my family and friends know about the risks of irregular migration through Libya,” he continued.

“I am glad to return back home and get back to my life in Senegal, after all the troubles I went through during my time in Libya,” said Mohamed, 22 years old. “I won’t try to reach Europe by boat again – it is too risky and this is not a solution for myself, or my family,” he explained.

This year, the number of migrants arriving in Tunisia from Libya has increased. Many migrants see no other option but to come to Tunisia to find safety and eventually return home. Since the beginning of January 2017, IOM Tunisia has helped 128 vulnerable and stranded migrants to return home. IOM will assist around 100 more people with voluntary return in the coming weeks.

IOM assists stranded migrants in cooperation with the Tunisian authorities, local partners and the governments of their countries of origin. It is also supporting government and civil society through capacity-building activities, as well as the strengthening of referral and assistance mechanisms for vulnerable migrants in Tunisia.

This voluntary return programme is funded by the US State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration and the European Union’s Regional Development and Protection Programme for North Africa.

For further information, please contact Lorena Lando at IOM Tunisia. Tel: +216. 28 54 29 54, Email: llando@iom.int.

World: Informe anual de la Representante Especial del Secretario General para la cuestión de los niños y los conflictos armados (A/HRC/34/44)

Source: UN Human Rights Council
Country: Afghanistan, Central African Republic, Colombia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Iraq, Mali, Myanmar, Nigeria, Philippines, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, World, Yemen

Nota de la Secretaría

La Secretaría tiene el honor de transmitir al Consejo de Derechos Humanos el informe de la Representante Especial del Secretario General para la cuestión de los niños y los conflictos armados, Leila Zerrougui. En el informe, que abarca el período comprendido entre diciembre de 2015 y diciembre de 2016, la Representante Especial resume las actividades emprendidas para cumplir su mandato y los avances realizados en la lucha contra las vulneraciones graves de los derechos del niño. La Representante Especial también examina las dificultades para reforzar la protección brindada a los niños afectados por los conflictos armados, entre otras cosas abordando la repercusión de los conflictos armados en las niñas, los problemas nuevos y recurrentes relativos a la privación de libertad de niños en situaciones de conflicto y los avances para poner fin a las violaciones graves de los derechos cometidas contra los niños, en particular mediante la comunicación directa con las partes en conflicto. Por último, la Representante Especial formula recomendaciones dirigidas al Consejo de Derechos Humanos y a los Estados Miembros a fin de reforzar la protección de los derechos del niño.

I. Introducción

  1. Este informe, que abarca el período comprendido entre diciembre de 2015 y diciembre de 2016, se presenta de conformidad con lo establecido en la resolución 70/137 de la Asamblea General, en la que se solicitaba a la Representante Especial del Secretario General para la cuestión de los niños y los conflictos armados que presentara un informe al Consejo de Derechos Humanos sobre las actividades emprendidas en cumplimiento de su mandato, con información de sus visitas sobre el terreno, y sobre los progresos realizados y los problemas que subsistían en relación con la cuestión de los niños y los conflictos armados.

II. Progresos y desafíos en la lucha contra las violaciones graves de los derechos del niño en los conflictos armados

  1. El presente informe se presenta al Consejo de Derechos Humanos 20 años después de que Graça Machel presentara sus conclusiones acerca de las repercusiones de los conflictos armados sobre los niños (A/51/306) a la Asamblea General, que, posteriormente, mediante su resolución 51/77, creó el mandato del Representante Especial. La Asamblea también pidió en su resolución que se transmitiese a la Comisión de Derechos Humanos un informe anual en que figurase información pertinente sobre la situación de los niños afectados por los conflictos armados. Así pues, el aniversario constituye una importante oportunidad para hacer balance de los logros a más largo plazo desde el primer informe y para destacar al Consejo de Derechos Humanos algunos aspectos en los que aún se requiere avanzar para mejorar la protección de los niños y de sus derechos durante los conflictos armados.

  2. A pesar de los avances que se han realizado en esos dos decenios, los derechos fundamentales de los niños se han vulnerado con frecuencia durante el período que abarca el informe. En el Oriente Medio, además de las consecuencias directas de los conflictos actuales sobre los niños, en los que miles de ellos han sido muertos, mutilados, reclutados y utilizados, se produjo rápidamente la aparición y evolución de varias crisis humanitarias que son motivo de grave preocupación en el momento de redactar el presente informe, en diciembre de 2016. En el Iraq, el Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia (UNICEF) estimaba que más de medio millón de niños y sus familias estaban atrapados en Mosul, donde los alimentos y medicamentos se estaban agotando y el agua potable escaseaba. En el mismo sentido, se estimaba que en la República Árabe Siria, al final del período sobre el que se informa, casi 500.000 niños vivían en zonas asediadas en las que el acceso a la ayuda humanitaria sostenida estaba completamente cortado. En el Yemen, la intensidad del conflicto ha dado lugar a una falta de alimentos y de agua, que ha puesto a un millón y medio de niños en riesgo de malnutrición aguda.

  3. La República Centroafricana fue también motivo de preocupación especial en 2016 y en la última parte del período sobre el que se informa la situación empeoró considerablemente. Como consecuencia de los enfrentamientos entre facciones ex-Seleka en noviembre en la parte oriental del país, muchos civiles, incluidos niños, han resultado muertos o heridos y, según se informa, más de 11.000 personas se han visto desplazadas. Esos enfrentamientos se han sumado a la tensión y los estallidos de violencia que se han producido de forma continuada durante el período que abarca el informe. La situación de inseguridad imperante dio lugar a la suspensión de las actividades humanitarias en determinadas zonas del país, lo que amenazó gravemente el derecho de los niños a la salud y el bienestar.

  4. Con la reanudación en julio de 2016 de los combates entre el Ejército de Liberación del Pueblo del Sudán y el Ejército de Liberación del Pueblo del Sudán en la Oposición, los niños en Sudán del Sur también han seguido soportando la peor parte de un devastador conflicto en curso. En los tres años transcurridos desde el inicio de las hostilidades, los niños han visto vulnerados a diario su derecho a la vida, a la supervivencia y al desarrollo, y en el momento de redactar el presente informe apenas puede vislumbrarse el final del conflicto.

  5. Los derechos de los niños a la libertad y a la seguridad personales se vieron afectados por las respuestas gubernamentales en materia de seguridad y muchos niños fueron privados de su libertad por su presunta vinculación o la de sus padres con grupos armados. Si bien la labor de promoción ha tenido resultados positivos y se ha puesto en libertad a algunos niños, muchos más siguen privados de libertad en situaciones de conflicto armado. En el período que se examina, los procesos de examen para la detección de civiles durante las operaciones militares también fueron un nuevo motivo de preocupación en relación con la privación de libertad en varias situaciones relativas a la cuestión de los niños y los conflictos armados, que se detallan en el presente informe.

  6. En el Afganistán, la República Árabe Siria y el Yemen, el derecho del niño a la salud se ha visto gravemente perjudicado por los ataques contra hospitales y profesionales de la salud. En 2016 se han producido varios ataques a los que se dio amplia difusión, que son indicativos de las tendencias de los últimos años de aumentar el número de ataques y las amenazas de ataques a la atención de la salud. El derecho de las niñas a la educación también ha seguido viéndose afectado, y se han producido ataques o amenazas de ataques contra escuelas, docentes y alumnas en situaciones como las del Iraq, Nigeria y la República Árabe Siria, así como en el Afganistán y Malí.

  7. A pesar de estas preocupaciones acuciantes y sus repercusiones en los niños, en los últimos 12 meses se ha avanzado en la protección de los derechos de los niños afectados por conflictos armados, lo que se describe ampliamente en el informe. Entre esos progresos figuran las mejoras en el marco normativo, los acuerdos adicionales con las partes en conflicto a fin de proteger a los niños y las medidas concretas adoptadas para separar y liberar a los niños que presuntamente tuviesen vínculos con las partes en conflicto.

World: Rapport annuel de la Représentante spéciale du Secrétaire général pour le sort des enfants en temps de conflit armé (A/HRC/34/44)

Source: UN Human Rights Council
Country: Afghanistan, Central African Republic, Colombia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Iraq, Mali, Myanmar, Nigeria, Philippines, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, World, Yemen

Note du secrétariat

Le Secrétariat a l’honneur de transmettre au Conseil des droits de l’homme le rapport de la Représentante spéciale du Secrétaire général pour le sort des enfants en temps de conflit armé, Leïla Zerrougui. Dans le présent rapport, qui couvre la période allant de décembre 2015 à décembre 2016, la Représentante spéciale décrit les activités qu’elle a menées en application de son mandat et les progrès réalisés en matière de lutte contre les violations graves commises à l’égard d’enfants. Elle y étudie également les difficultés liées au renforcement de la protection des enfants touchés par les conflits armés, et traite notamment des effets des conflits armés sur les filles, des difficultés nouvelles ou récurrentes posées par la privation de liberté des enfants en temps de conflit, et des progrès réalisés s’agissant de mettre fin aux violations graves commises à l’égard d’enfants, en particulier au moyen d’une action directe auprès des parties aux conflits. En dernier lieu, elle formule des recommandations à l’intention du Conseil des droits de l’homme et des États Membres pour améliorer encore la protection des droits de l’enfant.

I. Introduction

  1. Le présent rapport, qui couvre la période allant de décembre 2015 à décembre 2016, est soumis en application de la résolution 70/137 de l’Assemblée générale, par laquelle l’Assemblée a prié la Représentante spéciale du Secrétaire général pour le sort des enfants en temps de conflit armé de présenter au Conseil des droits de l’homme un rapport sur les activités entreprises en application de son mandat, notamment sur les visites qu’elle effectue sur le terrain et sur les progrès réalisés et les obstacles restant à surmonter dans le cadre de l’action menée en faveur des enfants touchés par les conflits armés.

II. Progrès réalisés et difficultés rencontrées dans la lutte contre les violations graves commises à l’égard d’enfants en temps de conflit armé

  1. Le présent rapport est soumis au Conseil des droits de l’homme vingt ans après que Graça Machel a présenté ses conclusions sur les effets des conflits armés sur les enfants (A/51/306) à l’Assemblée générale qui, par la suite, a créé, par sa résolution 51/77, le mandat du Représentant spécial. L’Assemblée a également demandé, dans sa résolution, qu’un rapport annuel contenant des informations pertinentes relatives à la situation des enfants touchés par les conflits armés soit transmis à l’ancienne Commission des droits de l’homme. Cet anniversaire est donc l’occasion de faire le point sur les progrès réalisés à plus long terme depuis le premier rapport, et d’attirer l’attention sur les domaines relevant de la compétence du Conseil des droits de l’homme dans lesquels des progrès sont encore nécessaires pour améliorer la protection des enfants et de leurs droits durant les conflits armés.

  2. Malgré les avancées de ces deux dernières décennies, les droits fondamentaux des enfants ont été régulièrement bafoués pendant la période couverte par le rapport. Au Moyen-Orient, s’ajoutant aux effets directs des conflits en cours sur les enfants − dont des milliers étant tués, mutilés, enrôlés ou utilisés −, avaient lieu au moment de la rédaction du présent rapport, en décembre 2016, des crises humanitaires extrêmement préoccupantes qui se développaient et évoluaient rapidement. En Iraq, selon les estimations du Fonds des Nations Unies pour l’enfance (UNICEF), plus d’un demi-million d’enfants, ainsi que leur famille, étaient piégés dans Mossoul, et leurs réserves de vivres, de médicaments et d’eau potable étaient presque épuisées. Dans un registre similaire, en République arabe syrienne, à la fin de la période à l’examen, on estimait à presque 500 000 le nombre d’enfants vivant dans des zones assiégées et n’ayant aucun accès à une aide humanitaire régulière. Au Yémen, un conflit intense a entraîné une pénurie d’eau et de nourriture, exposant un million et demi d’enfants à un risque de malnutrition aiguë.

  3. La situation de la République centrafricaine était aussi particulièrement préoccupante en 2016, et elle s’est considérablement détériorée à la fin de la période à l’examen. De nombreux civils, y compris des enfants, ont été tués ou blessés lors d’affrontements entre des factions ex-Séléka en novembre, à l’est du pays, et plus de 11 000 personnes auraient été déplacées. Ces affrontements ont ajouté à la tension et à la violence qui n’avaient pas cessé durant toute la période à l’examen. L’insécurité ambiante a entraîné la suspension des opérations humanitaires dans certaines zones du pays, ce qui a gravement compromis le droit des enfants à la santé et au bien-être.

  4. Les combats ont repris au Soudan du Sud entre l’Armée populaire de libération du Soudan (APLS) et l’Armée populaire de libération du Soudan dans l’opposition (APLS dans l’opposition), et les enfants sont toujours les plus durement touchés par ce conflit dévastateur. Au cours des trois années d’hostilités, les droits des enfants à la vie, à la survie et au développement ont été enfreints quotidiennement, et, au moment de la rédaction du présent rapport, la fin du conflit n’était pas en vue.

  5. Les opérations gouvernementales de sécurité ont eu des effets sur les droits des enfants à la liberté et à la sécurité de leur personne, et de nombreux enfants ont été détenus car leurs parents ou eux-mêmes étaient accusés d’avoir des liens avec les groupes armés. Si les activités de plaidoyer ont été efficaces et certains enfants ont été relâchés, beaucoup d’autres restent privés de liberté dans les situations de conflit armé. Durant la période à l’examen, dans un certain nombre de cas, le contrôle des civils pendant les opérations militaires a également été un sujet de préoccupation grandissante dans le domaine de la détention, du point de vue du sort des enfants en temps de conflit armé, ce que nous verrons plus en détail dans le présent rapport.

  6. En Afghanistan, en République arabe syrienne et au Yémen, les attaques contre des hôpitaux et des professionnels de santé ont gravement porté atteinte au droit des enfants à la santé. De nombreuses attaques très médiatisées ont eu lieu en 2016, et sont le reflet de l’augmentation du nombre d’attaques et de menaces visant les structures de santé ces dernières années. Le droit à l’éducation des filles a lui aussi continué de pâtir, puisque des attaques ou des menaces ont visé des écoles, des enseignants et des écolières en Iraq, au Nigéria, en République arabe syrienne, ou encore en Afghanistan et au Mali.

  7. Malgré ces problèmes urgents et leurs effets sur les enfants, des progrès, décrits en détail dans le présent rapport, ont été faits dans les douze derniers mois pour protéger les droits des enfants touchés par les conflits armés. On a notamment enregistré des améliorations du cadre normatif, la conclusion avec les belligérants de nouveaux accords visant à protéger les enfants, et l’adoption de mesures concrètes pour démobiliser et libérer les enfants qui auraient été associés à des parties au conflit.

World: The human cost of uncontrolled arms in Africa: Cross-national research on seven African countries

Source: Oxfam
Country: Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Libya, Mali, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, World

Prolonged conflict, proxy wars, and inter-communal strife characterize many regions in Africa. This violence has caused untold atrocities, deaths, sexual violence, and displacement, as well as accelerating poverty and shattering lives and communities across the continent. Uncontrolled arms in Africa fuel this violence and are increasingly putting lives at immense risk.

This report provides evidence about the human costs of uncontrolled arms: injuries and fatalities, internally displaced people and refugees, gender-based violence, and erosion of social cohesion and communal trust. Covering Mali, Central African Republic, South Sudan, Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Somalia and Libya, it provides arms control recommendations to African states, the African Union and Regional Economic Communities, donor communities, and the private sector.

Mali: Her business is only an ID card away

Source: Norwegian Refugee Council
Country: Mali

Ingvild Vetrhus

Fatouma wants to open her own shop. A simple ID card is all that stands in her way.

“Without the ID card, I can’t go to school. I can’t even vote,” says the 27 year old.

Fatouma has not been able to walk since she was diagnosed with polio at the age of three. For decades she has been bound to her three-wheel bicycle to move around on her own. Nevertheless, she dreams of starting her own business.

Fatouma is one of several thousand Malians without legal identity documents. Many lost their papers while fleeing the radical groups that ravaged northern Mali in 2012. Since then, 350,000 people have been displaced within the country. 

A community of violence and harassment

Malian women without a legal identity are particularly susceptible to police harassment. The police are known for threatening unjust fines or demanding bribes from those who fail to produce identification papers. The one-dollar penalties are usually too expensive for women, who often have no money.

Fatouma, who has never held a birth certificate or an ID card, is one of many paperless women who feel unsafe when going to the market for errands.

“If I get ID documents, I will be happy,” she says. “I will be able to go everywhere without getting in trouble.”

Applying for new documentation is a long and draining process. It has been hard for Fatouma to support herself and her family without a job. As long as she lacks documentation confirming her identity, she has limited rights in her home country. 

An ambitious woman

Fatouma uses her hands to turn the pedals on her bicycle, which have replaced the handlebars. That’s how she gets around the Walirde village, where she currently lives. The village, which is located just outside the city of Mopti, is one of several host communities providing shelter for the country’s internally displaced people. Fatouma lives in a building with 20 other people. There is no electricity.  

Her dream is to open her own mobile salt shop, where she can wrap the good into bags and sell them from her bicycle. She hopes that one day she will have the means to make that first purchase of supplies.

“If I got the ID card, I would be a good trader,” she says. But she is not eligible to apply for seed money without identity documents.

A bright future

The Norwegian Refugee Council’s (NRC) legal teams are working to secure the rights of refugees. Through free legal counselling, displaced people can enrol their children in school, open bank accounts, and gain the right to shelter.

In 2016, NRC helped 36,000 people with their missing ID documents. Among them were 19,500 women.  

South Sudan: Direct Relief Aims to Alleviate Medical Pressures from War, Famine in South Sudan

Source: Direct Relief
Country: South Sudan

The tragedy of South Sudan is among the most well-known in humanitarian and foreign policy circles. Established to great fanfare and aid commitments as the world’s newest independent nation in July of 2011, South Sudan has since fallen into perpetual emergency. The culprits are many, including war, ethnic conflicts and endemic problems of poverty, poor health care, sparse population, rugged geography, and lack of fresh water or functional sanitation.

As of February 2017, the United Nations formally declared famine in parts of Southern Sudan. The global Famine Early Warning System (Fews.net) forecasts food security crisis conditions over roughly 80 percent of the country throughout the period from February to May this year. In the Northern Bahr and Unity states, food security crisis verges on catastrophe. Many households in these areas are unable to cope with basic needs on a daily basis absent rapid and large-scale humanitarian assistance.

The South Sudanese famine is an extreme crisis in its own right, producing severe malnutrition throughout areas long considered safe from conflict, along with deep physical and emotional stresses for children and pregnant women in particular.

But famine doesn’t occur in a vacuum; it is produced by complex social forces and abetted by the state failure.

In the context of the ongoing South Sudanese war, the famine is both the product and the accelerant of larger systemic failures cascading throughout the country’s social life. In terms of infectious disease alone, South Sudan has within the past year been hit by significant outbreaks of cholera, malaria, leishmaniasis and hemorrhagic fever, among other conditions.

Each one of these disease outbreaks has required targeted and coordinated international public health emergency response based on the degrees to which national and local health care systems have been overwhelmed.

In this stark context, Direct Relief is stepping up efforts to bolster the South Sudanese medical system in some of the most at-risk areas by supporting the professional medical outreach teams of Dr. Joseph Dumba and the Healing Kadi Foundation. Dr. Dumba came to the United States as a refugee in the late 1990s and put himself through medical school. He formed the Healing Kadi Foundation in 2013 as a way to give back to his home country some of what he gained through his life as a refugee in the United States.

Based in the southern district of Kajo Kadi on the Ugandan border, an area of critical food insecurity and persistent low-level violence, Healing Kadi sends teams of medical professionals to remote areas to provide high-quality frontline health care for the most vulnerable. Often these mobile medical workers are the only linkage between remote communities and formal health care provision of any kind.

Since 2013, Direct Relief has provided roughly $3 million of life-saving medicines to communities in Kajo Kadi. The current shipment to Healing Kadi, which will be received in country by Mar. 15, is valued at over $600,000 and includes critical medical materials for wound care, blood pressure control, anti-infective agents and birth control. Corporate partners like GlaxoSmithKline, Ethicon, Inc., and Teva have all made critical donations to support ongoing healthcare in South Sudan.

Together with Dr. Dumba’s mobile medical outreach efforts, the materials in this shipment will go towards strengthening the operations of the foundation’s clinic, helping to build a functional referral network in one of the world’s toughest conflict zones.

By Andrew Schroeder on March 7, 2017

World: Sweden contributes $80 million to UNICEF’s work in 2017

Source: UN Children's Fund
Country: Bangladesh, Myanmar, Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, Sweden, Syrian Arab Republic, World

Quarter of funds will go towards humanitarian work, including famine response

STOCKHOLM, 7 March 2017 – The Government of Sweden has just announced an $80 million contribution to support UNICEF’s life-saving work around the world. A significant part of the new funds – $20 million– will be allocated to UNICEF’s humanitarian work in countries affected by wars and other emergencies.

“Wars and conflicts are hitting children the hardest. Today we hear alarming reports around the world, from South Sudan, Somalia and Yemen about severe malnutrition and from inside war-torn Syria. The world must act. Sweden works closely together with UNICEF and we call upon other countries to step forward,” said Isabella Lövin, Minister for International Development Cooperation and Climate.

Most of the new funds – $60 million – are non-earmarked, giving UNICEF flexibility to use them where the needs are highest. The remaining $20 million will cover humanitarian programmes in 13 countries including:

• $4.5 million to help provide nutrition and health support in Somalia and South Sudan where 185,000 and 270,000 children, respectively, will be suffering from severe acute malnutrition this year. A famine has been declared in parts of Unity State in the northern central part of South Sudan, home to 20,000 children.

• $3.3 million to support UNICEF’s response in Syria where the conflict is about to enter its seventh year.

• $2.8 million to support UNICEF’s efforts to provide health, water, sanitation and hygiene services to families affected by the Boko Haram violence in northeast Nigeria.

• Half a million dollars to provide 7,500 refugee children in Bangladesh with non-formal basic education in makeshift settlements for six months and help 50,000 Rohingya refugees access maternal, neonatal and child health services.

“Sweden is one of UNICEF’s strongest partners, helping us reach millions of vulnerable children with life-saving assistance,” said Justin Forsyth, UNICEF Deputy Executive Director. “As children around the world continue to flee conflicts, suffer from hunger and endure abuse, this support is more critical than ever.”

Sweden is among UNICEF’s Top 5 government donors, with a donation of nearly $220 million in 2016 for both humanitarian and development programmes. Last year, the country doubled its contribution to UNICEF’s core funding, offering more flexible, long-term resources to help UNICEF react more quickly in emergencies and plan more strategically.


UNICEF promotes the rights and wellbeing of every child, in everything we do. Together with our partners, we work in 190 countries and territories to translate that commitment into practical action, focusing special effort on reaching the most vulnerable and excluded children, to the benefit of all children, everywhere. For more information about UNICEF and its work for children, visit www.unicef.org.

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For more information, please contact: Najwa Mekki, UNICEF New York, +1917 209 1804, nmekki@unicef.org

Central African Republic: UNHCR - Central African Republic Situation - 2017 Funding Update as of 7 March 2017

Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Country: Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo

209.2 M required for 2017

9.7 M contributions received, representing 5% of requirements

199.6 M funding gap for the Central African Republic Situation

All figures displayed in USD

South Sudan: Transcription of UNMISS Press Briefing on the International Women Day, 08 March 2017

Source: UN Mission in South Sudan
Country: South Sudan

Introduction – Deputy Spokesperson Shantal Persaud - Morning all, and welcome to the United Nations weekly press briefing, which is also being broadcast live on UN Radio Miraya, and good morning to all our listeners out there. Also Happy International Women’s day to all, and this week’s briefing will focus very much on what is being done by the UN family in South Sudan in respect to supporting the rights of women and girls and how it benefits everyone. The theme which is being marked globally is “Women in the Changing World of Work: Planet 50-50 by 2030”

I am joined this morning by a number of colleagues, her on my left we have from Ms. Kasumi Nishigaya Head of the UNMISS Gender Unit, who has also worked for UNDPs Global Program on Women Peace and Security, and has also served as Senior Gender Advisor for JICA the Japan International Corporation Agency. Ms. Nishigaya is joined by her team Ms. Ruth Kibiti , Gender Affairs Officer and Major Bettina Military Gender Advisor on my right

Good morning to you all and welcome…………….,

Before we begin I would like to read the message from the Secretary General on IWD. Women’s rights are human rights. But in these troubled times, as our world becomes more unpredictable and chaotic, the rights of women and girls are being reduced, restricted and reversed. Empowering women and girls is the only way to protect their rights and make sure they can realize their full potential.

Historic imbalances in power relations between men and women, exacerbated by growing inequalities within and between societies and countries, are leading to greater discrimination against women and girls. Around the world, tradition, cultural values and religion are being misused to curtail women’s rights, to entrench sexism and defend misogynistic practices.

Women’s legal rights, which have never been equal to men’s on any continent, are being eroded further. Women’s rights over their own bodies are questioned and undermined. Women are routinely targeted for intimidation and harassment in cyberspace and in real life. In the worst cases, extremists and terrorists build their ideologies around the subjugation of women and girls and single them out for sexual and gender-based violence, forced marriage and virtual enslavement.

Despite some improvements, leadership positions across the board are still held by men, and the economic gender gap is widening, thanks to outdated attitudes and entrenched male chauvinism. We must change this, by empowering women at all levels, enabling their voices to be heard and giving them control over their own lives and over the future of our world.

Denying the rights of women and girls is not only wrong in itself; it has a serious social and economic impact that holds us all back. Gender equality has a transformative effect that is essential to fully functioning communities, societies and economies.

Women’s access to education and health services has benefits for their families and communities that extend to future generations. An extra year in school can add up to 25 per cent to a girl’s future income.

When women participate fully in the labour force, it creates opportunities and generates growth. Closing the gender gap in employment could add $12 trillion to global GDP by 2025. Increasing the proportion of women in public institutions makes them more representative, increases innovation, improves decision-making and benefits whole societies.

Gender equality is central to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the global plan agreed by leaders of all countries to meet the challenges we face. Sustainable Development Goal 5 calls specifically for gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls, and this is central to the achievement of all the 17 SDGs.

On International Women’s Day, let us all pledge to do everything we can to overcome entrenched prejudice, support engagement and activism, and promote gender equality and women’s empowerment.

Kasumi Nishigaya: - Thank you very much Shantal good morning to my colleagues from the media, how do you do, and my name is I Ms. Kasumi Nishigaya I work as Chief of Gender Unit of UNMISS, Gender unit has a mandate to implement U.N Security Council Resolution 1325 Women, Peace and Security. Recognizing that men, women ,boys and girls experience of peace and conflict are quite different our role is to promote the participation of women in public decision making and also preventing the occurrence of SGBV against them and also protecting them from those atrocities as well . Within the mission, we work closely with the forces and other substantive sections like senior women protection advisor’s office, and we do provide advisory technical support and also training activities for all the Mission to be able to acquire capacity, to be able to address gender concerns in peace keeping contexts. I would like to highlight that we have a presence not only in the mission’s headquarters but also in the ten field offices. Our gender officers, who are mostly females, are part of the first root on the ground, to reach out to the women to hear their experiences, hear their voices, and bring their opinions to the table of UN Security Council through the medium of SRSG’s good offices. It is my pleasure to share with you that the Global Open days Initiative which is important dialogue process between the women and civil societies of South Sudan and SRSG is already opened. So our colleagues are already facilitating this dialogue in sub-national levels in ten different locations so that their voices are heard in peace building activities. What I want to suggest to you is that according to the rule of law survey of UNDP women in this country have literacy gap and also gap in access to information. So we do recognize the challenges that women face whenever they embarked on public decision making laws and participating in peace building activities, so in this regards we have made a strong support in accessing women through electronic media especially Radio Miraya, through which we normally share our key messages from time to time.

Shantal: Ok, a little bit of background there from my colleague Kasumi on what the UN is doing in regard to Security Council resolution 1325 to have more inclusive participation of women. Next over to you Bettina, to talk a little bit about what the forces are doing?

Major Bettina Stelzer (Military Gender Advisor)- I am currently the gender advisor for the military in UNMISS. Part of our work is to protect the civilians here in South Sudan, conduct patrols and also report on sexual and gender based violence. The challenges that the forces face with regard to female members is the limited amount of members that are deployed. The office of the military affairs of the UN is continually working on it. They have recently launched an initiative to increase the number of female members deployed. As we know how important it is to include women in the patrols to interact with the local community, we consistently noted that lack of women peace keepers’ impacts on the ability of the forces to engage with local women. So during patrol and dialogue with women as well as men it is essential to have a good understanding and have good situation awareness. The inclusion of women in operation and security patrolling actions is also necessary from an operational view point, as we know that cultural practices prevent some women engaging or even speaking or confiding with male peace keepers. We also know that security assessments that are provided by women can vary and can be significantly different to those provided by men.

We also know that because women and girls are disproportionally affected in conflict and are the majority targets of sexual and gender based violence, it is absolutely imperative to engage and speak with women as well as men in order to understand the area of operation so that we can acquire this security information, then it enables us to plan and make the appropriate security decisions to better protect civilians. So therefore we need to listen to the security concerns for the women and girls and we are working towards ensuring that more females are deployed in order for this to be achieved. And this is imperative to show that the military side of UNMISS achieves our mission mandate.

Deputy Spokesperson Shantal Persaud : Thank you Betina, Ruth

Ruth kibiti – I am sitting here representing the Office of the Senior Women Protection which is a thematic office and our main objective is to implement Security Council Resolution 1888 on Women Peace and Security and this office is basically coordination, an advisory, thematic, entity which works closely with Human Rights Division where we have women protection advisors and we also work closely with gender unit which has also women protection advisors. Our main objective is to focus on uniform personnel who commit various types of conflict related sexual violations, we are at the moment focusing on six, forced rape, and gang rape, forced prostitution, forced sterilization forced abortion, all these are issues that we are focusing on when we are training SPLA and also South Sudan Police Services. The reason why we are focusing on these uniform personnel is because they have been identified as committing the highest number of crimes linked to conflict and that is why we are helping them to be able to understand the implications and consequences of the crimes they are committing when they are doing their work. His excellency the President of the Republic of South Sudan on the 11 of October 2014 signed a Joint Communique on with the Special Representative of the Secretary General on sexual violence in to conflict and also Riek Machar signed a Communique, but he did not sign the Communique Jointly with the SRSG for sexual violence because he was not with the government then.) But the Joint Communique lists a number of things the government should do and how they should clean up the armed forces and the specialized forces to stop committing conflict related sexual violence in order for the SPLA in government and SSPNS to be removed from the black list, but now the process is slow but we are beginning to see some positive signs that actually they could eventually begin to implement. What we are saying is that forced marriage when it occurs after a rape incident and the soldier is made to marry the woman, it does not exonerate him from committing an international crime. And when we engage with the SPLA we are trying to help them understand, remember the levels of literacy and so on and we are hoping that at one point the army will be a proper army and will be called a national army.

UNMISS Deputy Spokesperson – To our Radio Miraya listeners who’ve just tuned in ,you’ve come into the weekly UN Press briefing and we are joined by colleagues from the UNMISS Gender unit who have been talking about the security council resolution 1325 which is a mandate to have a more inclusive participation of women in peacekeeping to better identify associate and deal with some of the issues women in conflict societies endure and we also heard from Major Bettina who is from our force side on some of the activities we are doing on PoC sites and women community groups and also how more female peacekeepers are being deployed to deal with some issues . We’ve also heard from Ruth Kibiti who also talked about the extensive training given to SSNPS and SPLA on violence being committed against women . So now we will open up the floor for questions from the media

Question and Answer

MBC TV – There are a lot of women right violations in South Sudan. Do you have a clear strategy to fight and combat this behavior? Do you have a budget for that, how much?

Catholic Radio Network- There was an incident in Kubi village along the Juba-Nimule road, it happened last month, we never heard from UNMISS nor the Gender Section, have you taken any action? Because a big number of women have been raped by uniformed men, and they identified the culprits last week on Friday, and some of them are afraid to speak out, they are hiding in the bush. It’s a big challenge for women and they are taking it as a taboo. What actions are you taking to help those women so they can speak out and help them, and avoid the STDs from that sexual violence?

Ruth Kibiti - Thank you, issues of sexual violence, under the Security Council resolution 1888, which focuses on conflict related sexual violence, and as I indicated earlier, we are focusing on rape and gang rape, forced marriage, forced prostitution and forced pregnancy, forced sterilization, and forced of abortion in the case of South Sudan only. So yes, we have come up with a strategic initiative on how to engage with various government institutions, specially armed institutions, armed forces and police to be able to help them understand. Because you see, the point is that most of these military officers don’t seem to even know their own code of conduct, or the rules and regulations of operations, so when they go into operations they are not aware, nobody is giving them instructions on what to do and what not to do.

The senior leadership of SPLA argues that when they go into operations, it’s always an emergency; they don’t have time to engage in giving them any instructions. So when they commit all these kinds of crimes they even don’t know that they are committing crimes. Some of them are saying: “but we will end up marrying the girl”. But traditionally we would pay something, some compensation and she becomes a wife. We are telling them that the international criminal law and the international humanitarian law does not allow you, nor exonerates you from being a criminal even when you marry her as a wife. You will have her in the house as a wife but the law will still require that the perpetrator be prosecuted. He has committed a crime, it is against her wish, he has violated her human rights and on top of that they have continued to re-victimize her by forcing her to stay with someone who raped her. So we are explaining all this to them so they can understand, we are not doing it alone; we are doing this with the military themselves.

The SPLA in South Sudan has a lot of challenges; when you see an officer wearing a uniform you would imagine that he attended a military academy but none of them have attended a military academy. You hear that the army is integrated with the forces of David Yauyau, where did they train the forces of David Yauyau? He defects from SPLA as a captain and comes back to SPLA as a general after three years. Where did he get the skills to become a general? To be able to function at that level? To be able to manage the command and responsibilities?

As a result we are going to help them, the Office of the SRSG on sexual violence in conflict together with a team of experts on rule of law and conflict related sexual violence is helping South Sudan come up with an action plan for eliminating conflict related sexual violence and clean up the army to that it can become a professional army and be de-listed from the list they are now sitting on. And because they are sitting on this list, not only the army but also individuals sitting on the list, individuals with command responsibilities such as Paul Malong the general chief of staff of the SPLA. He has issued several command orders in December on ending violence against women and recently appointed a focal point on sexual gender based violence to monitor how the trainings are proceeding. By the end of this year we want to see the rates of sexual violence coming down because most of the staff would have been reached with the right information.

For the training; the budget is coming from the Office of the SRSG on sexual violence in conflict, we are providing technical expertise, and we are also providing the materials. All we need to do is train them so they can train their lower ranks in return. We are training senior commanders with command responsibilities. We have trained about 180 and by the end of next month we should have covered all nine centers in South Sudan.

Human rights are following up on these investigations. Thanks to the trainings, the SPLA has already identified some of the perpetrators of the Kubi rapes. You must recall that when we are handling survivors of sexual violence, we are very careful; we don’t want to re-victimize the survivors. To be able to interview a survivor of sexual violence you must get the consent from the survivor, consent is paramount and if the survivor wants you keep that information and not share it, you must respect her confidentiality.

For those who are in the bush at the moment, it’s because of the stigma attached to rape; any raped woman in South Sudan has her future as a married woman jeopardized. If they have stayed more than two – three weeks in the bush and have contracted STI, it is maturing. If they have contracted HIV AIDS then it’s becoming complicated. But if we have accessed them before 72 hours these issues would have been taken care of. They would have been given Pep treatment to stop them from getting HIV infection, STI infection and any pregnancy that might occur at that particular stage.

Human rights are talking to the communities to be able to get the right information so that we begin to engage the SPLA. The bishop was very clear; it was the SPLA that raped and the SPLA has identified some of the soldiers who raped and they are currently under arrest. We have also made it very clear that when an SPLA officer commits that kind of incident of rape they cannot be tried in a martial court because they have raped a civilian, so they should be taken to the statutory courts.

Juba Monitor newspaper – My first question goes to the military. You’ve talked about the inclusion of women in the peacekeeping force, which you said will improve the working relationship within the UN peacekeeping force. What is the proportion of women in the peacekeeping forces in South Sudan compared to men? And how many, according to you, should be added?

The second question goes to the gender officer: There are cultural practices that sometimes prevent women from raising issues that are of concern. For example, women are not allowed to speak in gatherings, what they say will not be taken into consideration. So what are you doing to clear out these kinds of things?

Asahi Shimbun- Under what international law do you prosecute those criminals who have committed rapes and all atrocities committed in the war here in South Sudan? You have mentioned earlier that you can trial them locally or internationally, how do you do that? Internationally in South Sudan?

Major Bettina Stelzer ( Military Gender Advisor)- About your questions in regards to force composition and females currently deployed; we currently have 3% of the force deployed are women, we are in the process of increasing that to 15% by the end of 2017, and that’s under the initiative that I stated previously from the office of military affairs. The UN is working with all member states and other countries to increase that percentage. It is very important to get as many females on the ground so that we actually interact with the local community. The force in some cases are the first people on the ground that contact some of the villages, particularly in the remote areas so therefore it is imperative that we do deploy more females so that the female population has that ability to discuss their security concerns that they otherwise wouldn’t discuss with some other male force members. Just in light of the last questions we’ve had; on the force’s challenges that we have, particularly here in South Sudan is trust given the fact that the majority of the perpetrators, particularly in relation to sexual gender based violence are uniformed personnel, particularly being SPLA and IO; we need to gain that trust because we are wearing a uniform and that can have an impact on the peace of mind. So that is one of the challenges we face; getting the local community to actually trust uniformed personnel. We have to continue increasing our levels of females deployed so we can gain that trust.

Ruth Kibiti – For example a cultural practice in South Sudan of early marriage for the girl child .We are saying to them that let’s allow the girl child to go to school. Education is a tool for the empowerment of women. We should not force girls to be married early even if it’s their culture. And we also explain to South Sudanese that culture is dynamic. It keeps on changing. And when they send the boy child to school leaving the girl child at home, they are committing a serious international violation of human rights. They are discriminating against the girl child. And we are helping them to understand through awareness creation, through advocacy, role plays, so that the community can understand that girls have rights and that girls have to enjoy certain freedom. And one of the freedoms is to allow the girls to go to school because education is empowering, and to stop forcing the girls to marry at an early age. We are not saying that South Sudanese culture is not developed, it’s a strong culture. But we insist that the cultures around the world are dynamic, they keep changing. We cannot talk about gender equality in South Sudan unless we have a significant proportion of women who have gone to school and are ready to take up certain responsibilities.

There are also other cultural traditions also such as scarification, which is a violation of their rights because none of these children gave their consent. According to the convention of the rights of children, a child below the age of 18 years cannot give consent to any particular initiatives to happen in their bodies’ .So we have identified several cultural practices which we tell the communities this should not happen in the new era, because it doesn’t add value to the lives of girls. We are also looking at forcing girls out of school to get married for parents to get cows. You know the girls are performing very good at school, she is number one in the class and yet the father will come and say she has to get married. if you want to gather evidence on the number of girls who have been forced out of school and some of them are refusing go to the prison . You can see how many girls are in the detention centers because their parents brought them for disciplinary mechanisms. They are not charged for any offence but they keep them there until they agree to marry the person. So we see there are very many that we need to talk about through awareness raising.

As journalist you may have been following the story of Bosco Ntaganda, he was one of the leaders of the armed groups in the DRC. When he was arrested and taken to The Hague, all charges were dropped, but he was convicted for sexual violence. It’s the same thing in South Sudan, the international human rights law, the international criminal law will be used. If the law of South Sudan will not be strong enough to try them, they will be tried in international court, most likely The Hague, because you see they have violated an individual’s human dignity and her right to life and when this rights are violated it is like the when you are raped as a woman half of you has died, the one that is still living is the one that you are breathing in. There is a lot of stigma in South Sudan associated with rape. So there are very few incidents where the survivor is taken through psychosocial support and been able to pick up and lead a normal life. We are also helping them to get out of this stigma, consider it like any accident that had happened.

As for the SPLA once a person is identified as perpetrator of sexual violence, he cannot continue to serve in the SPLA, he cannot get pension in the SPLA , he cannot perform any in other uniformed security institution military institutions and at the end of the day he cannot get any benefits from a DDR . The person cannot be given any amnesty because that is a very serious offence. And we are also saying the SPLA must pay compensation for the women that have been raped and the must pay for their medical treatment. Because the responsibility falls now on SPLA to ensure that these women receive proper medical treatment.

The Dawn –My question goes to the Gender Advisor, you did mention that lack of proper training in the military as to why they commit rape and other human rights violations against women. Do you have some statistics on woman who have gone through sexual violence? And how would you rate gender equality in the country?

Ruth Kibiti – We don’t have any statistics as of now, because we haven’t combined them, we are pulling them together , and for us to issue statement on statistics we must have evidence that if the person goes to court tomorrow ,he must be convicted on that evidence . So it is too early for us to come up with the evidence, investigations are still going on for cases that have been identified, and for us to share the information with the external world, we should be a 100% sure that the evidence is comprehensive and can convict a perpetrator on that. So we are yet to release a statistics but once they are released of course we share them through the human rights report and as of now the cases are still under investigation, the figures given are still under investigation, the evidence is not yet there.

In terms of gender equality the transitional constitution on this is very comprehensive on this .It gives us 25% in the Republic of South Sudan , but the crisis is the 25 percent is being implemented at the top , but once you get into the county , the statistics really disintegrates and you don’t see the women . As you go to the local government you don’t see the statistics of 25% , they kind of disappear . So at the higher level, national assembly, government, you see the statistics. But this statistics we are talking about terms of the women in leadership. We are not even looking at the number of women who are Director Generals, undersecretaries, occupying other key positions, ambassadorial positions; we haven’t gone to that kind of statistics. As you go through those specialized positions, you’ll see the number of women shrinking, because they are talking, “O they don’t have the right qualifications ...”

MBC TV – How can you describe the human rights situation in South Sudan?

Ruth kibiti – we describe it as very serious and needs urgent attention, not only from the international community but urgent attention from all South Sudanese. Everybody must talk about ending violations of human rights. When we were doing the joint implementation plan for the joint communique, where we had representatives from the Ministry of defense and we said we had identified six cases of males who had been sodomized and had the evidence, people argued that can’t happen in South Sudan. A particular officer who heard this was so shocked that we realized that he needed attention. This is because some of the things are against your tradition. So we are saying the Human rights violations in South Sudan, a young man raping an old woman who could be his grandmother , would you say that’s a normal situation ? But we are also saying when you rape or gang rape a woman, you don’t even know her health status, she could be HIV positive or have other STIs . When the guns are silent and the war is over , you are going to see former SPLA , SSNPS and national security agents who will go down with illness that you will not be able to explain . When you steal cattle for example the shame will be on you , but when you rape a woman , the woman will be victimized . But after the guns are silent, the shame will be on perpetrators.

UNMISS Deputy Spokesperson – Thank you, in case you have just tuned in to the press briefing, we have been listening to colleagues from the Gender Advisor’s unit talking about some of the gender issues across the country. That brings as to the end of our press briefing today. Just before we wind up we would like to apologize on behalf of our colleagues from UN Women who were also supposed to participate in the press briefing. They were called on by the government for a women’s day event . But for the media here, let me just alert you to the fact that UN women are partnering with Facebook to feature a 24 hour live chat and you can learn more about that by visiting the UN women website and that is taking place today. Once again thanks for joining us , that brings us to the end of today’s press briefing .

Cameroon: Cameroun: Weekly Notes #78 20 fév. – 04 mars 2017

Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Country: Cameroon, Nigeria


La situation sécuritaire dans la région de l’Extrême-Nord demeure volatile et imprévisible. Un attentat kamikaze, perpétré par un enfant nigérian de 8 ans, a causé la mort de trois personnes et blessé deux autres à Amchidé le 22 Février. Le 28 février, un berger a été enlevé par les combattants de Boko Haram à Goneri à Mora, et un homme abattu à son domicile à Millemari, à 10 km de Fotokol. La frontière récemment ouverte sur l’axe Fotokol a été momentanément refermée suite à une attaque du poste frontière nigérian de Gambaru séparé de la localité camerounaise de Fotokol par un pont. Les consignes de prudence et de sécurité émises par les autorités demeurent en vigueur.

Développements majeurs

Les Gouvernements du Cameroun, du Nigéria et le HCR ont signé le 2 mars l’Accord Tripartite relatif au rapatriement librement consenti des réfugiés nigérians vivant au Cameroun. Il s’agit d’un cadre juridique qui définit les modalités du retour volontaire de plus de 85 000 réfugiés nigérians présents dans la région de l’Extrême Nord et dont environ 62 000 vivent dans le camp de Minawao. Il stipule que le rapatriement, qui est une décision volontaire, n’interviendra que sur la base de la volonté librement exprimée des réfugiés et suppose que ceux-ci disposent d’une bonne connaissance de la situation prévalant au Nigéria. Le rapatriement se fera dans le respect absolu des conditions de sécurité et de dignité des réfugiés. Les réfugiés qui n’opteront pas pour le rapatriement ne seront ni directement, ni indirectement contraints à retourner au Nigéria et leur statut de réfugié continuera à être reconnu par les trois signataires. Une commission tripartite qui supervisera la mise en œuvre de cet Accord a également été mise sur pied.

Une délégation des quinze pays membres permanents du conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies s’est rendue à Maroua le 3 mars après s’être entretenue avec le Président de la République à Yaoundé. La mission, en visite dans les pays du Bassin Lac Tchad, a pour objectif de se rendre compte et d’évaluer les défis de la lutte contre Boko Haram, de l’urgence humanitaire et de développement. A Maroua, elle s’est entretenue avec les autorités locales et acteurs humanitaires. Elle a également rencontré un groupe de réfugiés nigérians, de personnes déplacées internes et deux enfants victimes de la violence de Boko Haram. Avant de s’envoler pour le Tchad, la délégation a félicité le Cameroun pour les efforts investis dans la lutte contre Boko Haram et l’accueil des réfugiés sur son territoire.

Une mission conjointe de la Banque Mondiale et de la Banque Africaine de Développement a séjourné au Cameroun du 20 février au 3 mars en vue d’une opportunité de financement au bénéfice des réfugiés et communautés hôtes, dans le cadre de la disponibilité de nouveaux fonds pour les zones abritant des réfugiés. Accompagnée du HCR et des représentants des Ministères de l’Administration Territoriale et de la Décentralisation (MINATD) et de l’Economie et de la Planification et de l’Aménagement du Territoire (MINEPAT), la mission a visité les axes Meiganga-Djohong, et Batouri du 20 au 25 février. Elle y a procédé à une évaluation des besoins des populations locales et des réfugiés dans les localités de cohabitation. La mission s’est ensuite rendue à Maroua où elle a visité le 27 février, le camp de Minawao ainsi que les lamidats des villages hôtes de Gawar et Zamaï. La mission a ainsi pu recueillir directement auprès des réfugiés et des populations hôtes leurs besoins prioritaires.

Le 24 février s’est tenue en Norvège la Conférence humanitaire d’Oslo pour le Nigéria et la région du Lac Tchad, en présence de plus de 40 pays, de l’ONU, des organisations régionales et de la société civile. A l’issue de cette Conférence, les partenaires humanitaires se sont mis d’accord pour répondre aux besoins de développement sur le plus long terme et chercher des solutions durables aux crises. Une somme de 672 millions de dollars a été levée afin d’augmenter la réponse humanitaire et d’atteindre les groupes les plus vulnérables.

Le 1 mars, M. Kouassi Lazare Etien, nouveau Représentant du HCR au Cameroun, a présenté ses lettres d’introduction au Ministère des Relations Extérieures du Cameroun. Avant d’arriver au Cameroun, M. Etien était Représentant du HCR en République centrafricaine pendant quatre ans, période au cours de laquelle le pays a traversé de graves crises politiques ayant conduit au déplacement de plus de 400 000 personnes.

La Ministre de la Promotion de la Femme et de la Famille, Mme Marie Thérèse Ondoua Abena, a effectué une visite de travail le 22 février dans le camp des réfugiés de Minawao. Elle y a inauguré le second espace de cohésion des femmes financé par ONUFEMMES et s’est s’imprégnée de l’évolution des travaux de transformation en matériaux durables des espaces de cohésion de femmes.

M. Peter Drennan, Sous-secrétaire Général de l’ONU en charge des questions de sécurité, a effectué une visite de travail au camp des réfugiés de Minawao le 23 février. L’objectif de la mission était d’observer et d’évaluer le contexte et le dispositif sécuritaire en place. Il a rencontré et échangé avec les responsables de sécurité du Mayo-Tsanaga ainsi que les membres du comité de vigilance, et s’est entretenu avec une famille des réfugiés.

Région de l’Extrême-Nord


Le camp de Minawao compte un total de 62 033 individus (16 699 ménages) enregistrés. Les hommes représentent 46% de la population et les femmes 54%.


Un total de 60 nigérians (20 ménages) est arrivé spontanément au centre de transit de Gourounguel au cours de la période sous revue. Ces nouveaux arrivants proviennent des villages nigérians près de la frontière et arrivent pour des besoins de réunification familiale, de protection et d’assistance du fait des conditions de vie difficiles dans leurs lieux de provenance.
En vue d’améliorer l’environnement de protection des réfugiés, un total de 60 officiers de police de la région de l’Extrême-Nord ont été formés le 3 mars à Maroua sur la Protection Internationale et les droits des refugiés. Ceci porte à 180 le nombre d’officiers de police formés. Ces ateliers de formation impactent de manière positive l’amélioration des conditions de protection des réfugiés et Personnes Déplacées Internes dans la région.


Dans le cadre du programme de prise en charge des survivants de violences basées sur le genre et sexuelles, ONUFEMMES a distribué 338 kits économiques pour petit commerce et vente de céréales à 338 personnes vulnérables et victimes de VBG. Ces kits aideront à faciliter la réinsertion économique des victimes dans le camp de Minawao et dans les villages environnants.

Accès à l’énergie

Le Gouvernement du Cameroun, par le biais du Ministère de l’Eau et de l’Energie, a inscrit un montant de 231 millions de FCFA ($ 373 000) dans son Budget d’Investissement Public 2017 pour l’électrification du camp de Minawao. Une équipe de la Délégation régionale dudit ministère a effectué une descente au camp de Minawao le jeudi 23 février afin d’évaluer les lieux. L’électrification du camp à travers ce budget se fera sur appel d’offres passé par le Ministère des marchés publics. Cet appui du Gouvernement du Cameroun contribuera à réduire le gap relatif à l’accès à l’énergie de la population réfugiée. Coexistence pacifique
En vue de renforcer la coexistence pacifique entre les réfugiés et les populations des communautés hôtes de Gadala, Gawar et Zamai, un total de 5 800 personnes ont été sensibilisées (3 750 dans le camp et 2 050 dans les villages hôtes) sur la tolérance et la nécessité du vivre ensemble, ainsi que sur l’interdiction de la coupe de bois et de la chasse dans la réserve forestière de Zamai

Régions de l’Est, de l’Adamaoua et du Nord


Une mission du HCR s’est rendue le 4 mars dans la localité de Bétaré-Oya dans la région de l’Est où elle a enregistré 176 nouveaux demandeurs d’asile centrafricains (58 ménages). Chrétiens d’ethnie Gbaya, ces nouveaux arrivants fuient les exactions des groupes rebelles Peuhls dans la zone de Bocaranga en RCA. Ces nouveaux demandeurs d’asile seront pris en compte pour la prochaine distribution générale des vivres du PAM. Un screening médical et nutritionnel leur a été effectué et les cas de pathologies aigues ont été pris en charge.Ils seront soit transférés dans les sites aménagés, soit installés sur place selon les orientations des autorités locales.


Des uniformes scolaires ont été distribués, conjointement avec le partenaire CRS (Catholic Relief Services), aux élèves des écoles publiques de Ngbwakine et Mamma II dans la région de l’Est. Un total de 214 élèves sur 480 ciblés en a ainsi bénéficié. La différence entre ces chiffres est due aux irrégularités, absences et abandons scolaires des élèves tant le gap est élevé entre les statistiques des élèves inscrits et ceux des élèves effectivement présents en classe. Les acteurs humanitaires mettront un accent particulier sur les activités de sensibilisation des communautés sur la scolarisation des enfants et travailleront à renforcer la stratégie de maintien des élèves dans les écoles.

Sécurité alimentaire

Après le site de Timangolo, le programme Cash Based Transfert (CBT) a été lancé le 22 février dans le site de Lolo dans la région de l’Est. Ce programme s’inscrit dans le cadre de l’assistance alimentaire à travers les opérations de transfert monétaires. La distribution des téléphones et cartes sim se poursuit dans les deux sites. Un total de 1 730 ménages en ont déjà reçus à Timangolo et 3 582 à Lolo. Les commerces destinés à cette activité ont été identifiés et renfloués en denrées alimentaires, notamment en lait, riz, huile, cube aromatique, tomate et pâtes alimentaires. Les bénéficiaires recevront une demi-ration mensuelle, soit 4 400 FCFA ($7.50) par personne, du fait de la coupure de 50% de la ration alimentaire suite aux déficits budgétaires auxquels font face le PAM.

Chad: Tchad - Sud du Tchad : Mesures sécuritaires sur les axes pour les agences des Nations Unies (8 mars 2017)

Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country: Chad

Chad: Tchad - Région du Lac : Mesures sécuritaires sur les axes pour les agences des Nations Unies (8 mars 2017)

Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country: Chad

Chad: Tchad - Est du Tchad : Mesures sécuritaires sur les axes pour les agences des Nations Unies (8 mars 2017)

Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country: Chad

Mali: Joint Declaration by the African Union, the United Nations, the Economic Community of West African States, and the European Union on the implementation of the Agreement on Peace and Reconciliation in Mali from the Algiers Process

Source: ECOWAS, African Union, United Nations, European Union
Country: Mali

Addis Abbaba, New York, Abuja and Brussels, 7 March 2017: The African Union (AU), the United Nations (UN), the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), and the European Union (EU) -- in their capacity as members of the Mediation Team supporting the implementation of the Agreement on Peace and Reconciliation in Mali resulting from the Algiers Process -- commend the parties to the Agreement for the effective launch on 28 February of the interim authorities in Kidal and on 2 March in Ménaka and Gao. They encourage the parties to complete this process and urge them to overcome the difficulties that are impeding the establishment of the interim authorities in the Taoudéni and Timbuktu regions. The AU, the UN, ECOWAS, and the EU also welcome the successful conduct by the parties of the first mixed patrol in Gao on 23 February, within the framework of the Operational Coordination Mechanism, and call on the parties to extend said mixed patrols in Kidal and Timbuktu without delay.

Those initiatives represent important milestones towards the successful implementation of the Agreement and towards greater peace and stability and the return of state services.

In view of the important steps still to be taken, the AU, the UN, ECOWAS, and the EU invite the parties to the Agreement to continue to honour the commitments made, in particular at the high-level meeting of the Agreement Monitoring Committee held in Bamako on 10 February, presided by the Minister of State, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Algeria, Ramtane Lamamra, as well as to implement all the provisions of the Agreement for the interim period so as to support in a consensual manner the ongoing State reform and the new political and security architecture. In that regard, they call on the parties to establish without delay the National Commission for Disarmament, Demobilization and Reinsertion, the Integration Commission, and the National Council for Security Sector Reform which are key to advancing the peace process.

The AU, the UN, ECOWAS, and the EU also welcome the establishment of a consultative framework involving all parties as well as the international Mediation Team, under the auspices of the High Representative of the President for the Implementation of the Agreement. They also commend the progress made in preparing for the Conférence d’entente nationale and call for broad and inclusive participation for its preparation and organization, as recommended during the high level meeting.

The AU, the UN, ECOWAS, and the EU are deeply concerned by the deteriorating security situation in Mali, as evidenced by the increased number of deadly attacks and clashes, especially in the north and central regions. They strongly condemn the attacks perpetrated on 5 March on Malian armed forces checkpoints in Boulkessi, resulting in the death of several soldiers, and in Timbuktu, as well as, the terrorist attacks that took place in border areas in Burkina Faso and Niger. They call for swift action to bring the perpetrators of this heinous attack to justice.

They also call on the parties to the Agreement to work closely together to improve intercommunal relations, share information about security threats, and take concrete steps to prevent and counter violent extremism and terrorism and spill-over into the region. In this regard, they welcome the initiative of the G5 Sahel Member States to more effectively fight violent extremism in support of the Malian parties.

The AU, the UN, ECOWAS, and the EU reiterate their steadfast commitment to support, in coordination with the lead and the other members of the international mediation team, the implementation of the Agreement, including through the benchmarks for monitoring the implementation of the Agreement published by the UN Secretary-General in his report on Mali dated 30 December 2016, and their determination to counter those who take actions to obstruct or threaten the implementation of the Agreement. 

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