Seasonal trends have generally resumed; food access continues to improve
Despite the persistence of civil insecurity and the residual effects of conflict in northern Mali since March, 2012, the status quo of the gradual recovery of economic activities continues. This has allowed trade and commercial networks to adapt and assure staple food market supplies. The precarious appearance of calm and stability has also promoted the gradual recovery of market-based income-earning activities.
Throughout Mali, cereals production during the 2012/13 season has been deemed greater than average. In the North, this is particularly the case in Timbuktu, where irrigated rice production is estimated to be 20 percent greater than average.
However, production of submerged rice decreased, particularly in parts of Gao, where production estimates are more than 40 percent below average, due to important losses from localized flooding.Throughout West Africa, cereals prices resumed their seasonal downward trends beginning in September and October, 2012. Millet prices are generally following their seasonal trends at both a national and regional level, but remain greater than their respective five-year average levels. This is despite recently price decreases on many markets. Local rice prices on the other hand have approached their average levels, particularly in areas supplied by the surplus-producing irrigated zone of Timbuktu.
Agropastoral household market dependence has reached its annual minimum levels in line with seasonal trends. Currently, these households have access to their own production and in-kind payments from day labor. In addition, purchasing power has improved given recent cereals price decreases, improving terms of trade, and the gradual recovery of income-earning opportunities and cash transfers via standard channels.