1. Executive Summary
Chad is a landlocked country located in Central Africa, which is facing since several years many humanitarian, social, health, and economic challenges. These challenges are due in particular to the effects of climate change, natural disasters and ethnical conflicts. Political instability in neighbouring countries of Chad is leading to an influx of returnees and refugees fleeing the fighting in their respective countries. Health epidemics such as Cholera, meningitis and polio are recurrent and annual flooding experienced in the country has resulted in human and material losses. Over 1,000,000 in the north east of the country are food insecure and hundred of thousand of under age children are severely malnourished.
The Red Cross of Chad is as an auxiliary to the government in the humanitarian field and has nationwide presence which makes it the sole national organization able to respond promptly and provide humanitarian aid throughout the country. In 2013, the Red Cross of Chad (RCC) with the support of Movement and non-Movement partners responded to food crisis, floods, population movement as well as the management of Sudanese refugee camps through the provision of basic needs as well as initiated a community resilience project.
This plan of action(PoA) is the third year operational plan of a four-year long term planning framework(LTPF 2012-2015) developed by the country office of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies(IFRC) in Chad. The LTPF and this operational plan seek to “support the National Society to enhance its disaster management capacities, support Sudanese refugees living in the east(53,400 refugees living in Chad since 2004 and 20,000 newly arrived in mid 2013) and implement income-generating projects as well as nutritional education projects in areas affected by recurrent food insecurity. Additionally, through the programmes outlined in this plan, the IFRC country office will continue to support RCC strengthen its organizational, material and financial capacities in line with the standards of a well functioning National Society.