Food security conditions remain fragile in the Southwest
With the earlier than usual depletion of household food stocks and normal, seasonal increases in grain prices, households in Logone Oriental, Tandjilé, Logone Occidental, and the greater Mayo Kebbi area are currently experiencing Stressed (IPC Phase 2) food security outcomes. However starting in October when the new harvest occurs, all areas of the country will be in Minimal (IPC Phase 1) acute food insecurity, where they will remain through at least December 2013.
The rainfall deficits that were recorded earlier in the season (in June) were short-lived and delayed the planting of crops in certain localized areas by two to three weeks. These deficits were subsequently reduced by good rainfall in July and do not appear to have had any major or irreversible effects on crop growth and development.
Grain prices in the Sahelian zone are starting to rise with the tightening of market inventories, but are still below their five-year averages. However, household food consumption indicators are stable with the availability of milk and the starting up of normal assistance programs across the Sahelian belt.