The Sahel crisis, with more than 11 million food insecure persons, has entered its peak with the ongoing lean season when poor households’ food stocks are exhausted and people face food shortages and high food prices until the next harvest in September.
The food security situation in northern Mali, northern Nigeria and neighbouring countries, where coarse grain prices continue to increase, are of particular concern.
The agricultural season started with delays due to irregular rains in most of the region. Consequently, the weather and agriculture situation should be watched carefully in the locations where late rainfalls occurred.
With the USD 113.1 million received so far in 2013, FAO is assisting more than 1.6 million beneficiaries with support to food and livestock production, domestic animal protection and related technical assistance. In order to reach the millions of affected people still in need of assistance a stronger commitment by resource partners is urgently needed, especially for livestock and agriculture off-season support.