Crisis levels of food insecurity persist in conflict-affected areas of the northeast
The Boko Haram conflict, as well as a declared state of emergency, continue to cause population displacements, restricted market functioning, and reduced household income levels in Borno and Yobe states. Combined, these factors are making food access difficult and as a result, households in these states will face Crisis (IPC Phase 3) food insecurity until the next harvests in October.
Households who suffered flood-related losses to their productive assets and crop production during the 2012 rainy season have yet to recover their livelihoods. Due to an early depletion of household food stocks, below-average income levels, and atypically high prices, these households will be Stressed (IPC Phase 2) until the end of the lean season in late September.
Despite a slow start to the agricultural season in some areas, a normal main harvest is expected for September/October. This will replenish household and market food stocks, cause food prices to decline, and improve food access. Consequently, poor households across the country will face Minimal (IPC Phase 1) acute food insecurity during the second half of the Outlook period (October to December).