Crisis (IPC Phase 3) levels of food insecurity persist in northern Mali, northeastern Nigeria, and the Central African Republic
Crisis (IPC Phase 3) levels of food insecurity continue in northern Mali, northeastern Nigeria, and the Central African Republic due to the effects of insecurity and market disruptions.
In southeastern Niger, west-central Chad, and central Nigeria, Stressed (IPC Phase 2) levels of food insecurity have been observed due to atypically high grain prices, civil insecurity, and/or 2012 crop production shortfalls relating to flooding. Other areas of the region are facing Minimal/None (IPC Phase 1) acute food insecurity.
Grain prices on certain markets in the eastern marketing basin 1 (particularly in central and eastern Niger, northern Nigeria, and Benin) are unusually high this year compared to average due to the effects of market disruptions in Nigeria. On the other hand, prices in the central marketing basin2 are similar to or slightly above the seasonal average.