Minimal food insecurity among most rural populations
Light rainfall in early June are consistent with seasonal forecasts (by the ACMAD, the Regional Agrhymet Center, and the National Weather Services of CILSS member countries) for season-long normal to above-normal cumulative rainfall totals, particularly in the southern part of the country (the two Hodhs, Assaba, Guidimakha, Gorgol, Brakna, and Trarza).
The extension of previous assistance programs such as SAVS (village-level food security stocks) and government subsidized boutiques de solidarité has prevented a deterioration in food security despite the ongoing lean season in pastoral areas since April and the presence of 81,500 Malian refugees in southeastern Mauritania.
Markets are well-stocked with affordable staple foods, resulting in favorable terms of trade for sheep/cereal. With the improvement in farming and pastoral conditions, poor households will be experiencing IPC Phase 1: Minimal food insecurity by July.