Minimal food insecurity outcomes expected as household food supplies increase
• As the majority of crops have reached maturity, poor rural households are meeting food requirements from their own production, and this is being supplemented with humanitarian assistance. Acute food insecurity outcomes through June are projected to be Minimal (IPC Phase 1!) throughout the country as household food supplies increase.
• Despite a number of production constraints experienced during the 2012/13 agricultural season, cereal supplies from own production is expected to be better than last year’s levels given that the cereal harvest is estimated to be 83 percent and 11 percent higher than the previous season and five year average, respectively.
• Findings from a USAID Food for Peace led rapid food security assessment indicate that most poor households in the Mountains and Senqu River Valley livelihood zones are likely to achieve an average food harvest for this consumption year. With humanitarian assistance planned to continue through December 2013, Minimal (IPC Phase 1!) acute food insecurity outcomes are projected among poor rural households between July and September.