Nutrition Crisis More than 576,000 (out of 1.1 million target of estimated SAM caseload) have already been reached with therapeutic care for treatment of SAM. Even though the lean season is now over, and the worse of the crisis has been weathered due to the emergency response and government action, the impact on vulnerable households remains a key concern.
Mali Complex Emergency UNICEF continues to respond to the needs of IDPs in Mali, and refugees/ host communities in Mauritania, Niger and Burkina Faso and returning nationals in Niger, in collaboration with UNHCR. The lack of a potable water, food and shelter, the prevention of epidemic diseases as well as ensuring a protective environment for vulnerable children and women continue to be the most pressing humanitarian needs.
According to UNHCR, the number of Malians seeking refuge in neighboring countries slowed with 23,500 in August, compared to 60,000 in July.
UNHCR reviewed of numbers in Burkina Faso from 107,929 refugees down to 34,877 individuals following the level 2 refugee registration (3 Oct); this includes 8,816 households including 19% of children under five years old or 6,627 children under five.
Emerging threats Heavy rains causing flooding and inundation along the Niger and Benue Rivers have led to the displacement of thousands of people and many fatalities in eastern Nigeria.
The risk of cholera outbreaks is decreasing with the end of the rainy season, but the flooded areas are still of concern.
Funding Fundraising is progressing, but with a funding gap of 44% (USD 105,037,061) of the total needs for the integrated response to the nutrition, Mali and cholera crises.
The 2013 Consolidated Appeal Process was launched in September. Partners in Mali, Niger, Mauritania, Burkina Faso and Chad are analyzing the impact of emergency scenarios on humanitarian needs in 2013, existing response capacities and funding requirements.