second year in brief
The Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP) was launched on April 22, 2010 after the 2009 G20 Summit requested that the World Bank establish a multilateral mechanism to address food security in low-income countries. The 2011 GAFSP Annual report covered key milestones that were achieved in the first 14 months of the program, including the establishment of an inclusive and transparent governance structure, and the awarding of US$ 481 million to 12 countries in Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean—Bangladesh, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Haiti, Liberia, Mongolia, Nepal, Niger, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Tajikistan and Togo—in support of prioritized investments identified by the countries to improve food security.
During its second year, GAFSP worked to raise awareness and to develop and expand its portfolio while incorporating lessons learned from the previous period. The program was featured at major global events such as the Busan High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness and other food security gatherings. Increased awareness helped to raise pledges from US$ 971.5 million to US$ 1.25 billion. Two new donors—the Netherlands and the United Kingdom—joined Australia, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Canada, Ireland, the Republic of Korea, Spain, and the United States in the fight against hunger and poverty.
GAFSP continued and strengthened its partnerships with CSOs such as farmer organizations, Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs), research organizations, and other stakeholders to effectively achieve its goals. CSO representatives on the GAFSP Steering Committee have actively worked to meet with local CSOs in GAFSP project areas, hear their concerns, and increase their capacity to get involved with GAFSP projects. As a result, GAFSP CSO Working Groups have been established as a coordination mechanism at the country level in Nepal, Cambodia, and Mongolia; and CSOs have been effective advocates based on their on-going involvement with GAFSP.
The Public Sector Window launched its Second Call for Proposals in January 2012. Six new countries received funds in May 2012 bringing the total number of countries receiving GAFSP grants to 18 amounting to US$ 658 million. This is expected to reach 8.2 million farmers and their families. In order to start implementing projects, countries, together with their selected Supervising Entity, carry out a detailed design of the project including a rigorous results matrix with clear indicators, financial and economic analysis, environmental and social safeguard analysis, defining implementation arrangements, fiduciary arrangements, and any additional national procedures and requirements. By the end of the second year, 11 GAFSP supported projects in seven countries have completed preparation with their Supervising Entities, and five countries have begun to receive funds to implement their projects. Some early indication of results include:
In Bangladesh, a series of field demonstrations for new production technologies have taken place through 375 livelihood field schools, with 758 Rabi season and 750 Kharif season demonstrations for farmers’ groups.
In Rwanda, the project has already reached 6,750 farmers (54 percent are women) and their families by providing improved farm methods and protection against soil erosion; and net sales from agricultural activities on targeted, non-irrigated hillsides have almost doubled.
In Sierra Leone, preparation for delivering improved extension services through 360 farmer field schools has been completed and will be delivered during the 2012 agricultural season on 180 demonstration sites; 193 Agricultural Business Centers (ABCs) are being rehabilitated; and the rehabilitation of 500 ha of inland valley swamps in five districts has begun.
In Togo, new lowland rice varieties supported by the projects’ quick start operations are being cultivated on 750 ha; simple soil and water conservation techniques initiated by the project are now practiced on 1,000 ha; farmers in the project area are carrying out group-based experimental learning activities in 200 farmer field schools; and 250 km of rural roads have been rehabilitated to improve farmers’ access to local markets.
On the Private Sector Window side, the First Call for Proposals was held in July 2011. As it welcomed two more donors, the governance structure and funding platform were revamped, and the Private Sector Window Secretariat was formally established at the International Finance Corporation (IFC) in January 2012. Even during the re-launch process, the Private Sector Window announced its first project in March 2012: a US$ 5 million loan to an agribusiness firm in Bangladesh concurrent with a US$ 10 million loan from IFC. The project will expand production capacity in response to an increase in the demand for packaged food products both in local and international markets. The project is expected to create over 1,200 new jobs in rural areas, and will source fruits, vegetables, and other inputs directly from over 1,700 small farmers, positively impacting their livelihoods.
The 2012 GAFSP Annual Report covers the program’s second year of operation (July 1, 2011– June 30, 2012) and sets out more details about GAFSP’s accomplishments during its second year, as well as foreseen challenges, as this innovative program supports the global effort to improve food security.