Despite improvements in humanitarian access, insecurity in the north remains a challenge. Security incidents, including acts of affecting civilians, continue to be reported. On 7 March, four civilians were killed in Timbuktu by armed men allegedly part of an armed group.
New displacements continue to be observed. Approximately 4,200 people have been internally displaced persons (IDPs) over the last several weeks around Talhandak (Kidal region). Assessments conducted on site in late February and March reveal urgent needs in food, water and sanitation.
As of 15 March, internally displaced persons (IDPs) were estimated at 271,465. This figure includes IDPs in Talhandak (4,200) and Tin Zaoutin (6,600). Malian refugees in neighbouring countries are estimated at 176,777, including 75,019 in Mauritania; 53,841 in Niger; and 47,871 in Burkina Faso.
About $152 million is needed to respond to identified priority humanitarian needs over the next three months. These needs were identified following the escalation of the conflict in central and northern Mali in January 2013 and include some projects excerpted from the CAP.