-The total estimated annual caseload of children under 5 with severe acute malnutrition is 100,000 children in 2012. A cumulative total 85,883 children have been treated between January and October 2012.
-The annual national nutrition survey using SMART methodology started in September 2012 with UNICEF technical and financial support and from WFP, World Bank and key NGOs as well. The validation of the results is expected by 30 November 2012.
-In November, 17 cases of measles and 0 deaths have been reported in Dori and Gorom Gorom districts in the Malian refugee camps. Most of these cases are atypical age-wise with 13 cases in people aged between 15 and 60 years, 3 cases between 9 and 14 years and one case at 6 months. None of the 17 people had been immunized against measles.
-In November 2012, 10 cases of cholera and 0 deaths have been reported in Dori district which is a net decrease from the previous month (77 cases and 4 deaths). No case has been reported in the Malian refugee camps that are far away from these villages. The proximity of the mining area of Essakane has led to intense disinfection coupled with communication activities to avoid the spread of cholera.
-2,294 children (1,052 girls and 1,242 boys) affected by the crisis and displacement have been receiving psychosocial assistance and participating in recreational activities.
-The Government, in close consultation with UNHCR, has decided to relocate refugees in Fereiro camp to Goudebou. This involves some 9,800 people and the operation has already started. UNICEF and partners are actively working to make services available in Goudebou to accommodate the increasing number of refugees. A supervision mission from 13 to 15 November was carried out by the Deputy Representative with the programme and the Dori based teams to appreciate efforts by UNICEF and its partners mainly in the fields of Education, Protection and WASH and to define main UNICEF activities for this relocation.
-UNICEF is also working on a contingency plan taking into account various scenarios of events in Mali for the coming months.