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Niger (the): Monthly Humanitarian Situation Report, UNICEF Niger - November 2012

Source: UN Children's Fund
Country: Mali, Niger (the)


1) On 31 October, the Komadougou River burst its banks causing unprecedented flooding in the department of Diffa. As of 6 November, 41 villages have been completely swamped in Chetimari and Gueskerou. Approximately 3,000 people have been displaced and relocated to 4 spontaneous sites. On 8 November UNICEF delivered NFIs for 1,000 households and in collaboration with local authorities and partners carried out an assessment of the water and sanitation situation.

2) As of 4 November, 312,148 children under-five have been admitted to therapeutic feeding centres for severe acute malnutrition (SAM), while another 393,492 have been receiving treatment for moderate acute malnutrition (MAM). The average admission rate of 1000 new cases of SAM per day is maintained even in this post-harvest period.

3) As of 9 November, a cumulative total of 5,217 cholera cases and 109 deaths since the beginning of the year with a case fatality rate of 2.09 percent have been reported against 2,381 cases with 57 deaths reported at the same period in 2011. In less than one month, 330 cases have been registered. While the epidemic seems to slow down, UNICEF partners continue activities to contain outbreaks in Tillaberi and Tahoua regions.

4) The number of officially recorded refugees has reached a total of 65,012 (including 40,307 children) in refugee camps and other sites close to the Malian border. Since 30 October, UNHCR is carrying out its level 2 registrations to provide additional data on refugee profile. Registration of urban refugees ended in Niamey, and on 24 November the process began in the camps. Once completed, figures will be updated.

5) As part of overall sub-regional preparedness, UNICEF submitted its Mali+3 contingency plan to the Regional Office. This plan aims at enhancing key aspects of emergency preparedness in case of armed intervention in Mali to ensure a timely and adequate response. Among other measures, UNICEF replenished its contingency stock for approximately 100,000 people.

6) Education activities for approximately 3,000 refugee children are being implemented by UNICEF partners (OXFAM and Plan International) in the camps of Abala, Ayorou and Mangaize.

7) UNICEF submission to the CAP 2013 amounts to US$33,790,767 and covers the sectors of Nutrition, WASH, Health, Child protection and Education.

8) From 19 to 24 November, the National Mechanism for the Prevention and Management of Disasters and Food Crises held its first annual meetings to evaluate the preliminary results of the 2012/2013 agro-pastoral campaign and to review lessons learned during the response to the 2011/2012 food crisis.

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