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Cameroon: WFP Cameroon Country Brief, April 2016

Source: World Food Programme
Country: Cameroon, Central African Republic


  • In early May, WFP will launch its first electronic cash assistance programme in Cameroon, targeting some 23,000 C.A.R. refugees in the Gado camp, East region.

  • In April, WFP resumed distributions of 30 days’ worth of food rations to C.A.R. refugees, after a rupture of resources in March forced WFP to reduce rations to half a month’s value. Additional resources are, however, urgently required to continue providing full-scale assistance in the upcoming months.

WFP Assistance

WFP responds to the simultaneous crises in Cameroon through a mix of relief, recovery and development activities. In addition to its ongoing emergency responses assisting refugees from C.A.R. and Nigeria, internally displaced persons (IDPs) and targeted local populations, WFP is supporting the Government in the implementation of its development and recovery priorities in the structurally poor northern part of the country.

EMOP 200777: The Emergency Operation addresses critical food and nutrition needs of crisis-affected households in areas of the Far North region impacted by the Boko Haram crisis, including Nigerian refugees, IDPs and targeted vulnerable local populations. In collaboration with the Government and partner agencies, WFP is transitioning a portion of assistance towards cash and recovery activities in 2016 to support livelihood assets creation and promotes self-sufficiency and resilience efforts.

EMOP 200799: Supports refugee populations located along border regions of C.A.R. (East, Adamawa and North regions) with general food distribution through food and cash transfer modalities. The first round of electronic cash transfers will be launched for 23,000 refugees in the Gado site in May. Children and pregnant and nursing women amongst refugees and host populations alike receive nutrition support aimed at preventing and treating moderate acute malnutrition. Additionally, WFP provides nutrition assistance to malnourished individuals living with HIV through the Food by Prescription Programme. WFP is introducing a new nutrition strategy in the first half of 2016, shifting nutrition interventions from a curative to preventive approach.

CP 200330: The Country Programme, implemented in the northern regions, aims to support the government's efforts in addressing food and nutrition challenges and mitigates the effects of climate shocks, supporting social protection safety nets and sustainable management of community grain stocks, and promoting primary education, especially for girls.

The Government supports the Country Programme through an annual in-kind contribution of maize.
UNHAS 200895: WFP manages a Humanitarian air service operation since November 2015, to ensure access, and safe and reliable air transport services to the humanitarian community. The flights link Maroua, Ngaoundere and Garoua from its base in Yaoundé, as well as N’Djamena with support from UNHAS Chad.

Niger: WFP Niger Country Brief, April 2016

Source: World Food Programme
Country: Mali, Niger, Nigeria


  • Cash and Food for Assets activities provided food assistance to 241,353 people, taking part in activities to recover more than 3,000 ha of degraded land.

  • Water mobilization is at an average implementation rate of 50 percent. The finalization is expected in July.

  • WFP organized a meeting to present the results of its PRRO (Protecting Livelihoods and Enhancing the Resilience of Chronically Vulnerable Populations) 2014-2016 and launched a debate on the strategic directions of the next programme 2017-2019.

WFP Assistance

WFP supports the government in implementing a multi-sectoral, integrated community based approach to household and community resilience aiming to reduce the impact of seasonal stresses and prevent a peak in acute malnutrition and mortality. The innovative integrated response comprises of food assistance for assets (FFA) (through food and cash modalities), coupled with nutrition prevention and treatment activities, school meals and related programmes (such as school vegetable gardens and local milling and processing initiatives) as well as localpurchases from smallholder farmers. This integrated safety net package is geographically concentrated in the most vulnerable area putting special attention on strengthening core capacities and skills of key institutions as well as communities.

Activities are implemented in the pre-and post-harvest period to assist rural communities in revitalizing infrastructure, improving agricultural production and diversifying rural incomes. Activities are linked to the promotion of local production and purchases. The resilience programme relies on a participatory process and a three-pronged approach (national, subnational and community levels) relying on the Seasonal Livelihood Programming and Community Based Participatory Planning.

The regional emergency operation catering for the Malian refugees came to an end in December 2015. As the insecurity in Mali continues and there has been no agreement catering for the safe return and integration of the refugees in Mali, the entire caseload was integrated under the existing PRRO. WFP continues to record the continuous arrival of refugees from Mali in all camps and hosting sites; this situation is likely to continue through the year.

The Food Security Cluster (FSC) has been active since 2010. WFP co-leads the Cluster with FAO and continues coordination activities with the government and other humanitarian partners. A monthly bulletin on the in-country response is compiled by WFP for partners.

The Regional Emergency Operation provides flexible assistance through conditional and unconditional food distributions and nutritional supplement for children aged 6-23 months. The assistance is provided to an increasing number of refugees, displaced (returnees and IDPs) and host populations affected by the insecurity in northern Nigeria. WFP is providing a mixed flexible response assisting refugees in camps and to the displaced populations and vulnerable host communities residing outside of the camps.

Niger: UNHCR Niger - May 2016 Factsheet

Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Country: Mali, Niger, Nigeria


4,050 Vulnerable displaced and host families living outside and inside the camps in the Diffa region received gas bottles in the month of May
1,902 Nigerian refugees assisted to voluntarily relocate from spontaneous sites to Sayam Forage camp in Diffa
910 Malian refugees assisted to voluntarily repatriate to Mali in 2016
400 Malian refugee families from Tabareybarey camp to receive land plots under the Urbanization project in Ayorou town



  • Nigeria situation: Throughout the month of May, UNHCR assisted 1,902 Nigerian refugees to relocate from the spontaneous sites at Chetimari and Gagamari on the Route National 1, to the refugee camp of Sayam Forage. They state that they wished to move to the camp due to a lack of economic opportunities, and due to the insecurity closer to the border.

  • Mali situation: In 2016 so far, UNHCR have assisted 910 Malian refugees to voluntarily repatriate to Mali. Approximately 5,000 more have registered their interest in returning in the coming months. UNHCR are providing information and will provide financial assistance during the repatriation process.


  • Mali situation: During the month of May, 100 youth in the camp of Mangaize completed a vocational training programme in skills including sewing, metalwork, and mechanics. They were all presented with certificates and starter kits to allow them to use the new skills they have developed towards generating income.


  • Nigeria situation: In the Kabelawa IDP camp, increasing levels of malnutrition have been reported. To respond to this a large scale screening campaign was launched in the health centre of the local town. Additionally, due to population increase in the IDP camp, health partner APBE have launched the construction of a separate health centre within the camp, to respond to the needs of the growing population.


  • Mali situation: In the town of Ayorou, 400 refugee families from the camp of Tabareybarey and 50 host families have been identified – based on vulnerabilities, as beneficiaries of service land plots under the Urbanization project, where they will be free to move and build their homes. The project provides a sustainable solution to refugees who do not intend to return to Mali. It additionally targets vulnerable host families, thus contributing to peaceful coexistence.


  • Nigeria situation: May marked the first distributions of gas outside of the camps, under a new project (SEED – Soutien Energetique et Environmental a la region de Diffa. This project is set to benefit 20,000 displaced and vulnerable host families in the Diffa region. In the course of the first month, a total of 3,650 families have already benefitted from gas distributions, while an additional 400 families in the camps also received gas bottles in the month of May.

Niger: La violencia de Boko Haram agrava la estación del hambre para medio millón de personas en Diffa

Source: Acción contra el Hambre
Country: Niger, Nigeria

  • Dos millones de personas sufren inseguridad alimentaria en todo Níger, 460.000 en Diffa, una región caracterizada por la inseguridad alimentaria y nutricional crónicas, que acoge a más de 241.000 refugiados y retornados de Nigeria como resultado del conflicto provocado por Boko Haram en el norte de Nigeria, desde 2013.

  • Acción contra el Hambre trabaja para responder a las necesidades básicas de la población desplazada y de las familias de acogida más vulnerables, así como para proteger y restaurar sus medios de vida.

Madrid, 08 de junio de 2016

Durante la última década, Níger se ha enfrentado a severas crisis climáticas causadas por la escasez y la irregularidad de las precipitaciones, a episodios de inestabilidad política, así como a crisis alimentarias y nutricionales en 2005, 2010 y 2012. Actualmente 2,1 millones de personas se enfrentan a una situación de inseguridad alimentaria en el país y en regiones como Zinder, Diffa, Maradi y Dosso la tasa de desnutrición se sitúa por encima del 15%, superior al umbral de emergencia establecido por la OMS. 400.794 niños sufren de desnutrición aguda severa y 709.003 niños y 272.000 mujeres embarazadas y lactantes están afectados por la desnutrición aguda moderada. Recientemente, el país ha padecido los conflictos internos de los vecinos Mali y Nigeria que está provocando un flujo permanente de refugiados y retornados, ejerciendo a su vez una creciente presión sobre la capacidad de absorción ya agotada de las comunidades de acogida en Diffa. Esta región, afectada por la inseguridad alimentaria y nutricional crónicas, así como por la falta de acceso a instalaciones de agua, saneamiento e higiene, acoge ya a más de 241.000 refugiados y retornados de Nigeria, dispuestos en 51 asentamientos.

Impacto de la crisis en los medios de vida
Las necesidades de la población son muy grandes, sobre todo debido a la inseguridad constante, que junto a la llegada de población desplazada, se han añadido a las debilidades estructurales ejerciendo una mayor dependencia sobre las actividades agro-pastorales y de pesca. Los recursos naturales en el lago Chad o el río Komadugú son inaccesibles, lo que agrava la escasez de medios de vida y priva a la población de fuentes de ingresos como la pesca y la ganadería. Las rutas de trashumancia se han interrumpido, aumentando la presión sobre los recursos de pastoreo y disminuyendo la producción animal. Tampoco se puede acceder a los campos de cultivo, lo que impide cualquier actividad agrícola en la zona y en consecuencia cualquier ingreso económico relacionado con la agricultura. Factores todos responsables de la vulnerabilidad y la pobreza que afecta a la población de Diffa, a los que las pocas organizaciones humanitarias presentes en la zona trabajan para dar respuesta.

“Antes del conflicto, la región de Diffa ya estaba clasificada como un área crónicamente vulnerable. Por lo tanto, incluso en las zonas menos expuestas a los ataques de Boko Haram, la situación alimentaria y nutricional sigue siendo crítica ya que estas zonas se enfrentan a un déficit crónico, incluso en años normales. Actualmente, las familias de refugiados o desplazados dependen en gran medida del apoyo de las comunidades de acogida para sus necesidades básicas como vivienda, alimentos, agua..., a pesar de que éstas ya sufren una fuerte presión”, señala Álvaro Pascual, responsable geográfico de Acción contra el Hambre para el Sahel. Un conjunto de población, desplazada y de acogida, que se enfrenta a grandes necesidades: alimentos, bienes de primera necesidad, agua, así como a fortalecer sus medios de vida y diversificar sus fuentes de ingresos.

La respuesta de Acción contra el Hambre
“Diffa es un contexto específico con una compleja crisis humanitaria en la que los repentinos e inesperados movimientos de población, condicionados por los ataques de Boko Haram, hacen que la respuesta de emergencia sea especialmente compleja. Nuestro trabajo debe integrar intervenciones a corto, medio y largo plazo, combinar acciones de emergencia con actividades de recuperación y desarrollo, y hacer frente así a las causas que originan la situación de vulnerabilidad en la zona”, afirma Álvaro Pascual.

En un conjunto de actividades destinadas a reforzar los activos individuales y de la comunidad, Acción contra el Hambre está prestando especial atención a la mejora de la producción agrícola y a la creación de oportunidades de trabajo. Así, a través de transferencias de dinero para resolver las necesidades alimentarias y de actividades generadoras de ingresos para apoyar la autosuficiencia de la población, se busca evitar un mayor deterioro de la situación, reducir la presión sobre las comunidades de acogida y reducir al mínimo la puesta en práctica de mecanismos de supervivencia negativos.

Esta situación está estrechamente vinculada a la falta de acceso en la región a agua potable y a servicios de higiene y saneamiento, que se ha visto agravada con la llegada de la nueva población de refugiados y de desplazados internos, con una mayor sobreexplotación de los limitados recursos de agua e instalaciones de saneamiento e higiene.

La respuesta de emergencia multisectorial de Acción contra el Hambre busca dar respuesta a las necesidades de agua, saneamiento e higiene, mediante la distribución de kits de higiene, la rehabilitación y construcción de puntos de agua y de letrinas, la promoción de la higiene y la prevención del cólera, así como de seguridad alimentaria y medios de vida.

Acción contra el Hambre es una organización humanitaria internacional e independiente que combate la desnutrición infantil a la vez que garantiza agua y medios de vida seguros a las poblaciones más vulnerables. Intervenimos en más de 45 países apoyando a más de nueve millones de personas. Nuestra visión es un mundo sin desnutrición; nuestro primer objetivo, devolver la dignidad a quienes hoy viven amenazados por el hambre.

Más información y entrevistas con portavoces:
Departamento de Comunicación Acción contra el Hambre-España
Carlos Riaza 91 771 16 72

Mauritania: Vulnerable People In Mauritania At Risk Of Missing Out On Life-Saving Support

Source: World Food Programme
Country: Mauritania

NOUAKCHOTT – The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) warns that without urgent financial support, it will be forced to suspend its vital food and nutrition assistance as of September to 415,000 vulnerable Mauritanians who are already struggling to have enough food to eat to lead a healthy life as the lean season sets in.

“We have already had to reduce food rations and narrow our areas of interventions from eight regions to six regions. Now we face the dire prospect of having to suspend our activities in support of vulnerable local populations altogether as of September if assistance does not come in time. This means that 415,000 people will miss out on food and cash assistance, and activities to tackle malnutrition,” said Janne Suvanto, WFP Country Director.

“We know that during the lean season – June to September – people gradually deplete their resources and need support. The latest food assessment led by the Government showed that 146,000 people are in severe food insecurity; and close to 500,000 people are at risk of becoming severely food insecure during the lean season unless they receive urgent assistance,” added Suvanto.

Though the 2016 agricultural production outlook points to a better food security situation compared to previous years, WFP is concerned that the lean season will push more people into food insecurity and malnutrition.

WFP requires US$ 10.2 million to respond to the needs of vulnerable local populations in Mauritania until the end of the year.


WFP is the world's largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger worldwide, delivering food assistance in emergencies and working with communities to improve nutrition and build resilience. Each year, WFP assists some 80 million people in around 80 countries.

Follow us on Twitter: WFP_WAfrica, WFP_FR

For more information please contact (email address: firstname.lastname@wfp.org):
Enrico Piano, WFP/Nouakchott, +222 26891399 Adel Sarkozi, WFP/Dakar, +221 776375964

Mauritania: La population vulnérable en Mauritanie court un risque de manquer d’une assistance qui peut sauver des vies

Source: World Food Programme
Country: Mauritania

NOUAKCHOTT, MAURITANIE – Le Programme alimentaire mondial des Nations Unies (PAM) avertit que, sans un soutien financier d'urgence, il sera contraint de suspendre son aide alimentaire et nutritionnelle vitale à partir de Septembre planifié pour 415 000 Mauritaniens vulnérables qui luttent déjà pour avoir une alimentation suffisante pour mener une vie saine tout en faisant face à la période de soudure qui vient de commencer.

«Nous avons déjà dû réduire les rations alimentaires et nos domaines d'intervention de huit régions à six régions. Maintenant, nous sommes confrontés à la sombre perspective de devoir suspendre la totalité de nos activités d’assistance aux populations locales vulnérables à partir de Septembre si l'aide ne vient pas à temps. Cela signifie que 415 000 personnes vont manquer de nourriture et d’assistance en espèces et ne plus avoir accès aux activités de lutte contre la malnutrition, » a déclaré Janne Suvanto, Directeur du PAM.

«Nous savons que pendant la période de soudure - Juin à Septembre - les gens épuisent progressivement leurs ressources et ont besoin de soutien. La dernière évaluation alimentaire menée par le gouvernement a montré que 146 000 personnes se trouvent dans une insécurité alimentaire sévère; et près de 500 000 personnes sont en risque de tomber dans une insécurité alimentaire grave au cours de la période de soudure s’ils ne reçoivent pas une aide d'urgence ", a ajouté Suvanto.

Bien que les points de perspectives de la production agricole pour 2016 concluent à une meilleure situation de la sécurité alimentaire par rapport aux années précédentes, le PAM craint que la période de soudure ne pousse plus de gens dans l'insécurité alimentaire et la malnutrition.

Le PAM a besoin de 10,2 millions $ pour répondre aux besoins de la population locale vulnérable en Mauritanie jusqu'à la fin de l'année.


Le PAM est la plus grande Agence humanitaire au monde combattant la faim dans le monde, fournissant une aide alimentaire pendant les urgences et travaillant avec les communautés pour améliorer la nutrition et construire la résilience. Chaque année, le PAM assiste environ 80 millions de personnes vivant dans environ 80 Pays.

Suivez nous sur Twitter: WFP_WAfrica, WFP_FR

Pour plus d’informations, contactez (Email: prénom.nom@wfp.org):
Adel Sarkozi, PAM/Dakar, +221 77 637 5964
Enrico Piano, PAM/Nouakchott, +222 26891399

Mali: Mission de formation de l'UE au Mali: nomination d'un nouveau commandant de mission

Source: European Union
Country: Mali

Le général de brigade Eric Harvent, de nationalité belge, a été nommé commandant de la mission de formation de l'UE au Mali (EUTM Mali). Il prendra ses fonctions le 3 juillet 2016. Il succèdera au général de brigade Werner Albl, qui occupait ce poste depuis décembre 2015.

La mission EUTM Mali aide à la reconstitution de forces armées maliennes efficaces et responsables, qui soient en mesure d'assurer la sécurité à long terme du Mali et de rétablir l'intégrité territoriale du pays, sous le contrôle des autorités civiles. À cet effet, l'EUTM Mali dispense des formations aux unités des forces armées maliennes et met en place une capacité de formation autonome. La mission fournit également des conseils aux autorités maliennes pour la réforme de l'armée. La mission a été lancée le 18 février 2013. Son mandat a été récemment prolongé jusqu'au 18 mai 2018. Elle a son quartier général à Bamako, Mali.

Cette mission s'inscrit dans le cadre de l'approche globale de l'UE en matière de sécurité et de développement dans la région du Sahel. Deux autres missions PSDC sont déployées dans la région: EUCAP Sahel Mali, qui aide l'État malien à garantir l'ordre constitutionnel et démocratique, à mettre en place les conditions d'une paix durable et à maintenir son autorité sur l'ensemble du territoire, et EUCAP Sahel Niger, qui soutient la lutte contre la criminalité organisée et le terrorisme au Niger.

Contacts avec la presse

Virginie Battu
Attachée de presse
+32 22815316
+32 470182405

South Sudan: Press Briefing - Near verbatim transcript, Wednesday 8 June 2016

Source: UN Mission in South Sudan
Country: South Sudan

Good morning ladies and gentlemen of the media, and welcome to the United Nations weekly press briefing broadcast live on UN radio Miraya from UN House, in Juba. A warm welcome to our radio listeners who have tuned in and the media from Torit, and also of course of very Ramadan Mubarak to our Muslim friends.

Today our guest speaker is Mr. Arshad Khan, the Country Manager of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in South Sudan. Mr. Khan will speak to you about the World Environment Day which took place last Sunday, 5 June. He will highlight the importance of taking into account environmental issues to achieve sustainable development, and stress the importance of wildlife, South Sudan heritage. Wildlife heritage is in fact theme of World Environment Day.

International World Environment Day

Let me start with some excerpts of the message of the UN Secretary-General in which he stresses the importance of preserving wildlife and fight against illegal trade. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has praised another African country: Angola which has declared it will "no longer tolerate the sale of illegal wildlife products, and is strengthening legislation and increasing border controls to restore elephant populations that were devastated by the country's civil war. Such action sends a strong message that wild species of plants and animals are a precious commodity that must be sustainably managed and protected from illegal trade”, the Secretary-General said.

The Secretary-General urged “people and governments everywhere to overcome indifference, combat greed and act to preserve our natural heritage for the benefit of this and future generations''.
Looting the wildlife heritage is unfortunately something also happening in South Sudan. In fact you may recall that on 25 May, the National Wildlife Service found frozen pangolin meat and elephant tusk ivory at the airport. Both elephants and pangolins are part of the wildlife heritage of South Sudan.
See more at: http://www.unep.org/stories/WorldEnvironmentDay/Stand-with-the-United-Nationsand-Angola.asp#sthash.u7XaeQsS.dpuf

Chad: « Moi Mariam, Fille nomade, cliente assidue de la ‘’clinique’’ de l’UNFPA pour sauver ma vie et celle de mon futur bébé »

Source: UN Population Fund
Country: Chad

Nous sommes au mois de mai 2016 dans la région du Lac au Tchad, plus précisément au camp de Daresalam, des réfugiés ayant fui les atrocités de la secte Nigériane Boko Haram. En cette fin de matinée, l'air est très chaud. Mariam Assafi, une jeune fille d'une vingtaine d'années, l'air timide, est assise sur une chaise à l'entrée de la tente plantée par l'UNFPA et servant de clinique de prestations de services de santé de la reproduction. Elle attend son tour pour être reçue par la sage-femme pour la Consultation Prénatale.

Mariam, nomade de son état, ne vit pas dans le camp de Daresalam mais y vient fréquemment pour la Consultation Prénatale dans « la clinique » de l'UNFPA. En effet, à 25 ans révolus, Mariam, déjà mère de deux enfants est encore en grossesse de 32 semaines.

Passant sans transition d'un sourire en coin à une mine grave, Mariam raconte émue, comment sa première grossesse contractée alors qu'elle n'avait que 15 ans suite à un mariage forcé, avait failli se solder par des complications pouvant entrainer sa mort et celle de son bébé.

Cinq mois après l'accouchement laborieux, son mari quitta le Tchad pour se retrouver du côté de la Libye où il est commerçant.

Au retour de son mari après une absence de 10 ans, Mariam contracta sa deuxième grossesse et accoucha d'un garçon actuellement âgé de 2 ans. Juste après la naissance de ce deuxième enfant, elle fût traumatisée par le décès des suites d'un troisième accouchement d'une de ses tantes. Pour elle, « ce que les mamans racontent souvent n'a pas de sens. Pour preuve, même après plusieurs accouchements qui se passent bien comme dans le cas de ma tante, une femme peut bien avoir une grossesse à risque si elle ne se fait pas suivre dans une structure de santé par le personnel qualifié».

C'est pourquoi, depuis qu'elle est à nouveau enceinte, elle est devenue une cliente assidue de la « clinique » de l'UNFPA du camp de Daresalam pour les séances de Consultation Prénatale. Elle confie qu'elle a essuyé les réprimandes de son entourage, notamment de sa propre maman quand elle lui annonça qu'elle venait se faire suivre dans ce « centre de santé ». En effet, les deux précédents accouchements de Mariam s'étaient ‘'bien passés'' en dehors des structures de santé au gré des pérégrinations liées à leur vie de nomade. La mort de sa tante l'a convaincu à changer de comportement. Aussi, est-elle plus que déterminée à aller de l'avant pour sauver sa vie et celle de ‘'l'enfant'' qu'elle porte dans son ventre depuis 32 semaines. « Ma vie et celle de mon enfant valent plus que tout ce que peut me faire ma famille comme réprimandes » lança-t-elle, l'air déterminée. Elle l'a affirmé de vives voix à la Sage-Femme qui la consultait.

« Je continuerai à venir me faire suivre jusqu'à mon accouchement pour la première fois dans un centre de santé par un personnel qualifié. Je suis confiante quant à ma survie et celle de mon futur bébé ».

Niger: Niger: Tens of thousands of newly displaced without assistance in the Diffa region

Source: Médecins Sans Frontières
Country: Niger, Nigeria

MSF is working to assist the recently displaced people with basic aid

Following an attack on the town of Bosso in the Diffa region on 3 June, most of the population of Bosso, as well as neighbouring Yébi and Toumour, have fled to find safer locations. The majority of these newly displaced, numbering in the thousands, had come to the area seeking refuge from previous attacks.

The raid, carried out by the group Islamic State’s West Africa Province (ISWAP) also known as Boko Haram, was one of the deadliest attacks ever in the region with dozens of soldiers reportedly killed.

After the initial attack on Bosso a large part of the population escaped to Toumour, a town a few kilometres to the west. People from several locations are now on the move again heading in different directions including Diffa, the capital of the region. The situation is quite dynamic and it is difficult to know where these people will settle. Also, as days pass, displaced people are becoming more vulnerable.

Since Saturday, MSF has witnessed an exodus of people leaving their localities. An MSF team has been conducting an evaluation to try and determine where people are fleeing to and respond to their most urgent needs.

“MSF is trying to help the displaced population – to provide basic assistance, including water and sanitation activities, shelter and healthcare,” says Elmounzer Ag Jiddou, MSF’s head of mission in Niger. “A lot of people are heading in different directions. Some are in the middle of nowhere and it is very difficult to assist them. Together with the different actors and the government, we need to see how to facilitate access and organise help.”

In Yébi, MSF was managing a health post providing assistance to the displaced population. The post was destroyed in an attack that took place on 19 May, but activities were resumed a few days later. However, the MSF programme in Yébi is currently suspended because of the ongoing security situation. MSF is still running activities in Nguigmi (another district north of Bosso) and in Diffa.

MSF has been working in the Diffa region since December 2014. The organisation is supporting several health centres there, as well as the main maternal and child centre in Diffa town and the Nguigmi district hospital. MSF is also providing medical care in the camp in Assaga. In 2015, MSF carried out more than 142,000 medical consultations in the region.

World: Mobile Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping (mVAM)

Source: World Food Programme
Country: Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Guinea, Iraq, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Niger, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, World, Yemen

What is mVAM?

The World Food Programme’s mobile Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping (mVAM) project collects food security data through short mobile phone surveys, using SMS, live telephone interviews and an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system. The project also includes an automated two-way communication system to give people access to real-time information for free.

What are the objectives of the project?

The mVAM project aims to:

• Provide high frequency, real-time data on food security to support decision making processes.

• Develop and share a sound methodology to run mobile surveys.

The mVAM story

The mVAM project started in 2013 at WFP offices in Goma, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Galkayo, Somalia, with a grant from the Humanitarian Innovation Fund. WFP’s first country-wide SMS and IVR-based food security monitoring system was launched in September 2014, when mVAM was deployed in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone to support the Ebola emergency response. The system has provided WFP with operational information in emergencies, overcoming obstacles related to restricted access and staff safety. In 2015, WFP also deployed the mVAM approach to monitor the food security situation in Iraq and in Yemen. Other countries employing the mVAM approach are Chad, Malawi, Niger, and Sudan.

Niger: Niger - Population displacements in Diffa region - ECHO Daily Map | 08/06/2016

Source: European Commission Humanitarian Aid Office
Country: Niger

Chad: Chad: ECHO Factsheet, June 2016

Source: European Commission Humanitarian Aid Office
Country: Chad, Nigeria, Sudan

Key Messages

  • As one of the world's least developed countries, Chad continues to face a complex emergency as a result of chronic food insecurity, under nutrition*, natural hazards which are expected to be exacerbated by the El Nino phenomenon, epidemics and massive displacement of populations.
  • The continuous attacks by the Boko Haram group from Nigeria along the border have led to the displacement of some 105 000 people with very serious humanitarian consequences.
  • The high level of insecurity across the Lake Chad area seriously hampers access to the affected populations and the delivery of humanitarian assistance.
  • Chad also hosts refugees and returnees who fled violence in neighbouring Central African Republic, Sudan (Darfur) and Libya. The protracted nature of these displacements puts an additional strain on the ecological and economical resources of an extremely poor population living in an underdeveloped environment.
  • The European Commission's humanitarian aid totals €50.2 million in 2016 and is significantly contributing to the treatment of acutely malnourished children, assistance to the displaced people, and to the distribution of in-kind food aid* and cash grants to the poorest families during the lean season

Sudan: Sudan: Humanitarian Bulletin | Issue 23 | 30 May – 5 June 2016

Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country: South Sudan, Sudan


• About 1,000 newly displaced people in Habila town, West Darfur need humanitarian assistance, according to an inter-agency mission.

• Humanitarian organisations continue to assess the needs of people affected by the Jebel Marra crisis and provide them with assistance and basic services.

• More than 70,000 South Sudanese have arrived in Sudan in the first five months of 2016 as a result of conflict and deteriorating food security conditions in South Sudan.

• 5 June 2016 marks five years since the conflict between government forces and SPLMN started in South Kordofan.

About 1,000 people newly displaced in Habila, West Darfur need assistance

On 29 May, humanitarian partners, in collaboration with the Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC) in Habila locality, West Darfur State carried out a needs assessment of an estimated 1,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Habila town. These IDPs arrived in Habila town from Chukum Chukum, Alfayga Kabir and Alfayga Arengei villages during the last week of May following inter-communal tension in the area. The interagency team identified food and non-food household supplies as the main needs of the new IDPs. Humanitarian partners in Habila are making arrangements to provide assistance to the IDPs.

Meanwhile, some residents have reportedly been leaving Azerni village in Kereinik locality, about 30km east of the state capital, El Geneina following an attack by unidentified armed men on a mosque in the village on 22 May. The attack left six people dead and several other injured. The security situation in Azerni village has remained calm during the past week. Some residents, however, were said to be leaving the area for fear of reprisals. The government authorities and traditional leaders from both communities are engaged in negotiations to resolve the problem and tensions.

According to the Strengthening the Rule of Law and Legal Protection in Darfur project of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), “the causes of the conflict in Darfur are multiple and complex, but weak governance, coupled with competition over increasingly limited natural resources (land, water, and livestock) essential for survival, underpin much of it. The spread of small arms has fuelled a situation where weaponry and violence often now define relationships between groups and communities”.

Compared to other Darfur states, West Darfur has seen significantly less new civilian displacement over the past few years, except for sporadic cases of short-term displacement mainly following inter-communal tension or violence.

According to humanitarian partners, 1,220 people were newly displaced in West Darfur throughout 2015. This was the lowest displacement figure among Darfur states during 2015.

Nigeria: Lake Chad: 'No day goes by without a child dying of malnutrition

Source: International Committee of the Red Cross
Country: Cameroon, Chad, Niger, Nigeria

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) says over 9 million people are in urgent need of aid in the Lake Chad region of Africa. More than 2.4 million people have fled their homes in four countries, Niger, Chad, Cameroon and Nigeria because of the conflict between government forces and armed opposition, which has lasted six years.

The situation is now deteriorating further, especially in north-eastern Nigeria, and the ICRC is scaling up its humanitarian activities throughout the region.

“There is a critical shortage of food. We can barely imagine the scale of hunger in some areas where humanitarian aid has not yet reached. Children are suffering especially. Not a day goes by without a child dying of malnutrition,” said the ICRC’s Director of Operations, Dominik Stillhart.

A string of attacks in Niger’s Diffa region during the last few days has led to around 50,000 people fleeing their homes. In north-eastern Nigeria, hundreds of displaced people are still arriving at different locations in search of shelter and food. In many cases, the evolving conflict across the region drives people to flee on multiple occasions, increasing hardship and making life extremely precarious. Most abandon their homes leaving everything behind, and lack the very basic necessities of life.

Since the beginning of the year, the ICRC and the local Red Cross Societies have distributed food to more than 300,000 displaced people and returnees in Nigeria, Cameroon and Niger, while 15,000 displaced people have received emergency shelter in Adamawa and Borno State in Nigeria. With access to health-care limited, ICRC surgical teams are supporting Diffa and Maiduguri hospitals. More than 800 patients, most of them war wounded, have received life-saving emergency treatment since January 2016.

With more and more people arrested due to the conflict, detention services are increasingly under strain. The ICRC visits detainees across the region to monitor treatment and conditions, which includes addressing cases of malnutrition.

"We are one of the few organizations present on the ground, with the capacity to act quickly. Our access to people affected by the conflict is growing, so we are reaching more and more people in desperate need. We have to provide more aid, especially food, otherwise more people will die," said Mr Stillhart.

For further information, please contact: - Sylvie Pellet, ICRC Yaounde, tel. +237 699 416 579 - Emmanuel Kagimbura, ICRC N’Djamena, tel. +235 252 03 16 - Oumarou Daddy Rabiou, ICRC Niamey, tel. +227 92 1991 85 - Denes Benczedi, ICRC Abuja, tel. +234 703 595 4168 - Elodie Schindler, ICRC Geneva, +41 22 730 2186 or +41 79 217 32 17

Nigeria: Boko Haram may not be Nigeria's biggest threat

Source: Institute for Security Studies
Country: Niger, Nigeria

Even as Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari claims to have ‘technically defeated Boko Haram,’ he’s facing another armed rebellion, from a completely different part of the country – and it may be even more serious.

Since the beginning of this year, an armed militant group that calls itself the Niger Delta Avengers (NDA) has been attacking oil facilities in the country’s oil-rich Niger Delta region.

In a recent attack on 2 June 2016, the militants killed two soldiers and destroyed two pipelines in Bayelsa State, vowing to end Nigeria’s production of oil.

The violence has shut down several oil wells, claimed dozens of lives and forced major companies such as Shell and Chevron to evacuate staff and halt production in some areas. It’s also had a devastating impact on production: Nigeria’s output of crude is at a 22-year low, falling below 1.7 million barrels per day for the first time since 1994, according to Bloomberg.

The Avengers claim to be fighting to bring prosperity and development to the region, which has not benefitted proportionally from its vast oil wealth. In their own words, as per a statement on their website:‘The struggle of the Niger Delta Avengers is a genuine affront to ensure that the Niger Delta is developed in proportions that are only measurable with the immense wealth from our region and our environment remediated to its original state.

‘Unlike the blood tasty kinsmen [a reference to Boko Haram] of Mr President [Buhari], we take no pleasure in claiming innocent lives hence our struggle is geared toward attacking the oil installations in our region and not the people. And we shall stop at nothing until our goal is achieved.’

Trouble in the Niger Delta is not a new phenomenon. For almost as long as Nigeria has been pumping oil there, portions of its population have protested against the environmental impact of the industry and a perceived failure for the region to share the spoils. Perhaps Nigeria’s most famous activist, Ken Saro-Wiwa, was executed for his outspoken criticism of the behaviour of both government and oil companies in the area. A similar and perhaps a more violent insurgency, under the banner of the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND), was only resolved by a controversial amnesty agreement in 2009.

A period of relative calm followed this amnesty, which provides for monthly payouts to former militants who accepted the deal. The ascension to the presidency of Goodluck Jonathan was undoubtedly a factor in this: from the region himself, he was seen as sympathetic to the Niger Delta’s concerns and, through his own patronage networks, co-opted and rewarded key political leaders.

But Buhari is failing to convince a new generation of militants that he has their best interests at heart – in fact, he has promised to go after them with force. It didn’t help that he was rumoured to be considering scrapping the amnesty payments, or that he does not enjoy the same close connection to the area as former president Jonathan.

‘We had predicted that if Buhari wins the 2015 presidential election, the Niger Delta issue is likely to come back,’ said Martin Ewi, a senior researcher at the Institute for Security Studies.

‘This was due to several “warning shots” – even when Jonathan was still president. The way he was removed from power in tense elections seemed to exacerbate Nigeria’s north-south and Muslim-Christian divides, and further infuriated the Niger delta militants, many of whom still hail Jonathan as a son of the soil,’ he explained.

Ewi warns, however, that given the critical importance of oil to Nigeria’s economy, the potential consequences of the Niger Delta unrest make it an even bigger threat to Nigeria than the Boko Haram insurgency.

‘The impact of attacks on pipelines in the Niger Delta is not just limited to the people in the area. Its effects extend nationwide; and it will be more serious than the Boko Haram crisis in the sense that every Nigerian is going to feel it. This is the nucleus of Nigeria’s economic future.

‘Sustained attacks on oil facilities will affect production and the cost of petrol. Prices will rise, and Nigeria will have to start importing petrol more than it does now. This might also lead to mass protests, which could destabilise the whole country. Nigeria simply can’t afford to sustain this insurgency for the same amount of time as it has done with Boko Haram,’ said Ewi.

Already, however, there are signs that this insurgency will be even harder to contain than previous outbreaks of violence in the Niger Delta. Two developments are particularly ominous as far as Buhari’s administration is concerned. The first is the public antipathy between the Niger Delta Avengers – whose members claim to be young and well-educated – and former MEND militants. The Avengers have been very critical of militants who reached any kind of accommodation with the government, especially of those accepting payments, which – if genuine – suggests that they may be harder to negotiate with.

The second is alleged links between the Niger Delta Avengers and the resurgent Biafran separatist movement. ‘The group … appears to have links to the pro-Biafra movement, which wants to establish an independent state of Biafra in southeast Nigeria. Biafra existed as a republic between 1967 and 1970, when it was reintegrated into Nigeria following a bloody civil war. The NDA has frequently called for the release of pro-Biafra activist Nnamdi Kanu, leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, who has been detained by Nigerian security forces since October 2015 on charges of treasonable felony, which he denies,’ reported Conor Gaffey for Newsweek.

There is considerable geographical overlap between the Niger Delta and the would-be Biafran state. Should the two movements join forces in a serious way, it could exponentially increase the scale of the threat to the Nigerian state. Given the ideological distance between the two groups, however, the challenges facing any such cooperation may be too great to overcome.

So far, Buhari’s administration has responded to the growing threat in an all-too typical fashion: with force and threats. On 30 May, five warships and 100 gunboats were despatched to the creeks of the Niger Delta, joining air force fighter jets and helicopters that were already there. Meanwhile, the army has been occupying key community centres and displacing some local residents, according to Vanguard newspaper. It’s far from clear that this strong military response will deliver results, especially given the complexity of the Niger Delta’s terrain.

However, civil society organisations (CSOs) in the Niger Delta worry that a heavily militarised response will only make things worse. A coalition of 21 CSOs from the region released a joint statement that called for both the Nigerian government and the insurgents to embrace peaceful conflict resolution, and urged both sides to avoid escalating the conflict.

Ewi agrees that urgent action is needed before the situation spirals out of control. ‘We should be seriously concerned, seriously worried, and now is the best time to take any action to prevent future bloodshed,’ he said.

Simon Allison, ISS Consultant

South Sudan: FAO South Sudan strengthening natural resources

Source: Food and Agriculture Organization
Country: South Sudan


Of all of South Sudan’s natural resources, forests are of particular significance to the country’s development trajectory. With an estimated 30% forest cover in the country, South Sudan’s forests harbor globally significant biodiversity, provide a globally significant greenhouse gas sink, and provide numerous other goods and services to South Sudan’s growing population. In particular, South Sudan’s forests play a significant part in the daily lives of South Sudanese, with more than 90% of the population directly dependent of forests for fuelwood, food and nutrition security and hydrological cycling services. Forests also support a wide diversity of wildlife habitats.

However, South Sudan’s forests and their associated ecosystem goods and services are also under significant threat due to unsustainable activities such as illegal logging, unplanned and inefficient agricultural practices, and an unregulated charcoal industry, serving ever increasing demand in urban centres.

“These activities undermine the health of forests and subsequently those that depend on them. It is important to build sustainable livelihoods. Furthermore, they compromise South Sudan’s resilience to shocks such as the impacts of climate change,” explains Serge Tissot, FAO Representative in South Sudan.

FAO South Sudan is working with both the central government of the Republic of South Sudan and other development partners to address the problems associated with deforestation and other unsustainable land uses. Since 2011, the Republic of South Sudan has been a UN-REDD Programme member country.

“Through this consortium of UNEP, UNDP and FAO, the UN-REDD Programme is helping South Sudan to lay the groundwork for recognizing and safeguarding forests as a key source of sustainable livelihoods and climate change mitigation measures,” highlights Abdal Osman, FAO Head of Programmes.

These initiatives were consolidated at the climate change talks in Paris December of 2015, where the South Sudan government reiterated its commitment to pursuing the reduction of emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD+) as a primary mechanism for achieving its forest conservation and management goals.

FAO is specifically assisting in the design of technical approaches to monitoring forest cover change, training, and engaging the government on issues of policy and practice in the land use sector. It is anticipated that this suite of activities will lay the foundations for a system of measuring, reporting and verifying emissions reductions from future REDD+ activities in the country. Also, at community level FAO is distributing fuel-efficient stoves to reduce forest and natural resource degradation. It also supports agroforestry initiatives for example, supporting a tree seed center in Kagdu Forestry Training Centre to facilitate sustainability.

Mali: UNHCR - West Africa 2016 Funding Update as of 31 May 2016 (All figures are displayed in USD)

Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Country: Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal

Mali: Bulletin mensuel - Marché du riz au Mali n°26- mai 2016

Source: Afrique Verte
Country: Mali

Pour les « Prix Producteurs»

Les prix collectés ce mois de Mai 2016, nous indiquent que :

  • Riz Gambiaka: le prix le moins cher est 300 FCFA/kg enregistré à Siengo et Klela, Niono enregistre 325 et 375 le plus cher à Sofara dans la région de Mopti.

  • Riz Adny11 : il reste stable avec 300 FCFA/kg à Siengo (Ségou), 325 à Niono (Ségou) et 330 FCFA/kg à Baguinéda (Koulikoro).

  • Riz BG : il se vend à 330 à Baguinéda (Koulikoro) et 360 FCFA/kg à Sofara (Mopti).

  • Riz Local étuvé : il est vendu à 400 FCFA/kg maximum à Niono variété Gambiaka, 300 à Siengo et à Sofara (Mopti) et 225 à Klela (Sikasso).

  • Paddy : les prix des différentes variétés se situent dans une fourchette de 150 à 170 FCFA le kilo dont le plus bas est enregistré à Niono toute variété et le plus élevé à Siengo variété Adny11.

  • Les Semences : les prix ont évolué entre 275 FCFA/kg variété R2 en passant par 300 pour la R1 à Siengo et 375 FCFA pour les variétés BG et Wassa à Baguinéd

Chad: Sudanese refugees in Chad must adapt or starve

Source: IRIN
Country: Chad, Sudan

How the needs of more than 300,000 Darfuris are neglected by the aid system

By Mahamat Adamou
IRIN Contributor

GOZ BEIDA, 9 June 2016

The Darfur conflict fell out of the headlines years ago, but more than 300,000 Sudanese are still living as refugees in neighbouring Chad, a country with its own problems of poverty, climate change, and insecurity. As humanitarian aid has dried up, how are they surviving in this harsh, arid setting?

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