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Chad: Sahel Crisis 2016: Funding Status as of 15 April 2016

Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country: Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Gambia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal

Nigeria: Nigeria Emergency Operations - IOM Regional Response Situation Report | March 2016

Source: International Organization for Migration
Country: Nigeria


  • The biometric registration continued in Borno and Adamawa States with 98,209 and 26,618 individuals registered respectively as of 31 March. The registration has also started in Yobe State during the month of March.

  • IOM distributed 400 non-food items (NFI) kits in host communities in Bauchi and Gombe and 162 NFI kits to support the relocation of IDPs to Bakassi Camp in Borno State. 400 kitchen sets were also distributed in Bauchi and Gombe States.

  • During the month of March, IOM’s psychosocial team reached 6,832 displaced people in Maiduguri, Yola and Chibok through lay counselling, recreational activities, focus group discussions, and sensitization on SGBV.

Situation Overview

Since the beginning of 2015, the North-East of Nigeria has witnessed an increase in violence conducted by Boko Haram, causing a major humanitarian crisis. The intensification of attacks, as well as the counterinsurgency activities has resulted in chronic insecurity and violations of human rights and humanitarian standards, exacerbating the plight of vulnerable civilians and triggering waves of forced displacement. There are 7 million people in need of humanitarian assistance in Nigeria, including 1.9 million displaced by the insurgency. 92% of the IDPs are hosted by low-income host communities, bringing already-stretched services and resources under increased pressure. The armed conflict has directly affected four states in the North East: Borno, Adamawa, Yobe and Gombe. The current humanitarian response covers all four states, with Borno State being the most affected and the epicentre of military operations and displacement of civilians.

Following the humanitarian crisis in North East Nigeria, IOM responded to the needs of IDPs focusing emergency programs in Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM), psychosocial support and community mobilization and direct assistance. In addition, and as the co-lead of the ES/NFI and CCCM working groups, IOM is providing support to the authorities to coordinate life-saving activities

Burkina Faso: Assistance alimentaire d’urgence pour les personnes déplacées dans la province du Noumbiel

Source: Croix-Rouge Burkinabé
Country: Burkina Faso

La Croix-Rouge Burkinabé, avec le soutien du Comité International de la Croix-Rouge (CICR) a apporté son soutien aux populations qui ont fui les affrontements intercommunautaires survenus fin mars dans le département de Bouna, au nord-est de la Côte d’Ivoire.

Plus de 2016 personnes – en majorité des enfants, dont près de 300 ont moins de cinq ans - ont bénéficié d’une distribution de 15 tonnes de vivres (riz, huile, haricot, sucre, sel) effectuée du 10 au 12 avril 2016 dans les localités de Batié, Kpuéré, Kosso et Boussoukoula dans la province du Noumbiel, au Sud-Ouest du Burkina Faso.

Cette opération d’assistance en vivres devrait combler les besoins en nourriture pour 15 jours de ces populations déplacées et vient compléter l’assistance fournie par les autorités.

"C’est un devoir pour la Croix-Rouge de venir en aide à ceux qui sont dans le besoin. Cette assistance en vivres contribuera sans nul doute à renforcer la résilience des personnes touchées par cette situation." Précise M. Lazare Zoungrana, Secrétaire général de la Croix-Rouge Burkinabé. En outre, les volontaires Croix-Rouge Burkinabé continuent de sensibiliser les communautés sur la méningite et la nécessité du lavage des mains.

De l’autre côté de la frontière, la Croix-Rouge de Côte d’Ivoire a également apporté une assistance aux populations affectées par les violences avec l’appui du CICR, en soutenant les structures de santé de Bouna et Bondoukou dans la prise en charge des personnes blessées.

Informations complémentaires :

Asséta Sigue, Croix-Rouge Burkinabé, tél. : +226 70 24 52 94 / +226 78 097619, asigue2005@yahoo.fr / asigue@croixrougebf.org

Nigeria: Lake Chad Basin Crisis: IOM Response - April 2016

Source: International Organization for Migration
Country: Cameroon, Chad, Niger, Nigeria

Mali: At least one dead in Mali protest against foreign forces

Source: Agence France-Presse
Country: Mali

Bamako, Mali | AFP | Monday 4/18/2016 - 14:44 GMT

At least one civilian was killed Monday during a protest against foreign forces in the Malian city of Kidal, a UN source said, which saw demonstrators force entry onto an airport runway.

"Locals were protesting against harassment from MINUMSA (UN) and Barkhane (French) forces," the source within the UN mission told AFP, adding that "at least one civilian was killed".

A Kidal resident told AFP that UN forces had "fired on the crowd" in the troubled northern city, which provides a base for foreign contingents supporting domestic forces as they battle marauding bandits and a jihadist insurgency.

The UN mission in Mali, also referred to by its acronym MINUSMA, confirmed the demonstration had taken place but said in a statement that the facts of anyone wounded or killed were "being verified".

"The protesters forced their way onto the airport runway around 1000 GMT, a restricted area, ransacking the place and setting fire to security facilities," the UN force said in its statement.

The ex-rebels of Mali's Coordination of Movements of the Azawad (CMA), which has a significant presence in the area, said two protesters were killed and several injured.

A Guinean MINUSMA soldier told AFP the protesters were calling for the release of three men arrested by French troops belonging to Operation Barkhane, under which France has some 3,500 soldiers deployed across five countries in the Sahel region.

The French believed the trio had links with "terrorists who recently laid the mines that killed three French soldiers," according to the Guinean.

The number of French soldiers killed in combat during the two-year operation is now at seven following the deaths last week, according to French defence ministry figures.

The MINUSMA mission is the most deadly active deployment for UN peacekeepers.


© 1994-2016 Agence France-Presse

Mali: Mali: au moins un mort dans une manifestation contre les forces étrangères à Kidal

Source: Agence France-Presse
Country: Mali

Bamako, Mali | AFP | lundi 18/04/2016 - 16:03 GMT

par Serge DANIEL

Un civil au moins a été tué lundi lors d'une manifestation contre les forces française et de l'ONU à Kidal, dans le nord-est du Mali, illustrant les tensions entre troupes étrangères et populations, trois ans après le lancement de l'intervention internationale dans ce pays.

Les manifestants protestaient contre des arrestations effectuées par la force française Barkhane, qui traque les jihadistes à travers le Sahel, selon une source de sécurité africaine au sein de la la Mission de l'ONU (Minusma) et la Coordination des mouvements de l'Azawad (CMA), une ex-rébellion à dominante touareg.

A Kidal, "au moins un civil a été tué lundi au cours d'une manifestation contre les forces étrangères", selon la source de sécurité africaine, la CMA parlant dans un communiqué de "deux morts et plusieurs blessés dont un cas grave parmi les manifestants".

"Un groupe de manifestants, essentiellement composé de femmes rejointes ensuite par un groupe de jeunes +dénonçant des arrestations jugées arbitraires et abusives sur des individus dans la région+, s'est dirigé vers l'aéroport sécurisé par la Minusma", selon le communiqué.

La CMA déplore "un tel comportement de la part des manifestants" et appelle au calme, tout en exigeant de la Minusma "une enquête immédiate pour identifier les auteurs de tirs mortels contre les manifestants et attend la suite qui en résultera car rien ne saurait justifier les tirs à bout portant sur des manifestants".

La Minusma a confirmé la manifestation dans un communiqué, précisant que les informations sur d'éventuelles victimes étaient "en cours de vérification".

"Des manifestants se sont introduits par effraction vers 10H00 (locales et GMT) sur la piste de l'aéroport, zone d'accès restreint, saccageant et mettant le feu aux installations sécuritaires", selon le texte, soulignant l'importance de cette piste "pour l'approvisionnement de l'aide humanitaire, le soutien aux populations locales, ainsi que pour les opérations de la Minusma et des forces partenaires".

  • Touareg arrêtés par Barkhane -

La Mission de l'ONU précise être en contact avec les autorités nationales et locales "dans le but d'apaiser les tensions et de comprendre les circonstances des événements qui ont dégénéré ce matin" et s'engage à communiquer "en toute transparence" sur cet événement ultérieurement.

Le 27 janvier 2015, trois manifestants avaient été tués par des policiers de la Minusma à Gao, la plus grande ville du nord du Mali, lors d'une protestation violente contre la force de l'ONU, accusée par les participants de favoriser la rébellion.

Un calme précaire régnait à Kidal après la manifestation de lundi, ont rapporté des témoins.

Selon un militaire guinéen de la Minusma joint par l'AFP, "les manifestants demandaient la libération de trois Touareg arrêtés par les Français de l'opération Barkhane, accusés d'être complices des terroristes qui ont récemment posé des mines qui ont tué trois militaires français".

Trois soldats français ont été tués au Mali par l'explosion le 12 avril d'une mine au passage de leur véhicule blindé près de la ville de Tessalit, au nord de Kidal, ont annoncé les autorités françaises la semaine dernière.

L'attaque a ensuite été revendiquée dans un communiqué par le groupe jihadiste AnsarDine de l'ancien chef rebelle touareg devenu islamiste Iyad Ag Ghaly, actif dans la région de Kidal.

Le nord du Mali était tombé en mars-avril 2012 sous la coupe de groupes jihadistes liés à Al-Qaïda, après la déroute de l'armée face à la rébellion, d'abord alliée à ces groupes qui l'ont ensuite évincée.

Les jihadistes ont été en grande partie chassés par une intervention militaire internationale, lancée en janvier 2013 à l'initiative de la France, qui se poursuit actuellement.

Mais des zones entières échappent encore au contrôle des forces maliennes et étrangères, malgré la signature en mai-juin 2015 d'un accord de paix entre le camp gouvernemental et l'ex-rébellion, censé isoler définitivement les jihadistes.


© 1994-2016 Agence France-Presse

Cameroon: Cameroun : Est, Nord et Adamaoua - Qui Fait Quoi Où ? (Mars 2016)

Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Country: Cameroon

Cameroon: Cameroon : Minawao - Profil du camp, mars 2016

Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Country: Cameroon, Nigeria

Depuis le début de l’année, 4.422 personnes (340 personnes en moyenne par semaine) ont été enregistrés au camp de Minawao..

Au 31 Mars 2016, la population totale de réfugiés s’élève à 56.803 personnes. 60,4 % de la population totale du camp à moins de 18 ans et les femmes représentent 53,2%.

Avec une augmentation continuelle de la population du camp de Minawao, la capacité d’accueil du camp a atteint ses limites et crée de nouveaux besoins.

Ces besoins sont notamment l’approvisionnement en eau et en quantité suffisante, la construction de nouveaux abris familiaux, la mise en oeuvre des activités de prévention du choléra et le renforcement des mesures sécuritaires.

Principaux Challenges

Protection : La lenteur des procédures judiciaires et les conditions difficiles de détention.

Education : Besoin de construction de plus de 100 salles de classes supplémentaires.

Santé : rouver la meilleure stratégie de mener une large distribution de moustiquaires (MILDA) afin que les bénéficiaires les utilisent effectivement.

Nutrition : La mise en place de l’alimentation du Nourrisson et du jeune pour la prévention de la malnutrition aiguë dont 70% d’admissions est occupée par les enfants de 6-23 mois.

WASH : Le site est placé dans une zone de socle cristallin, avec une nappe phréatique pauvre.

Abris : La difficulté d'accès aux matériaux de construction; le bois et autres matériaux doivent souvent être transportés de Bertoua, à 1000 km au sud-ouest de la ville de Maroua.

Mali: Demonstration this morning in Kidal

Source: UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali
Country: Mali

A demonstration took place this morning in Kidal.

At around 10 a.m., demonstrators broke into the airport compound - a restricted area - ransacking and setting fire to security facilities.

Kidal’s airstrip is essential for supply of humanitarian aid, support for local communities, as well as operations for MINUSMA and its partners.

Some media have reported casualties among the demonstrators; this information is currently being verified.

MINUSMA is in contact with Malian authorities, local community and civil society leaders in order to ease tensions and understand the circumstances of the events which escalated this morning.

MINUSMA is to seamlessly communicate on this event later.

Mali: Addressing sexual violence central to Mali peace process, UN envoy says

Source: UN News Service
Country: Mali

18 April 2016 – Concluding her first visit to Mali, a United Nations envoy has stressed the need to make the issue of sexual violence in conflict a central consideration of the ongoing peace process in the African country.

During the 11-17 April visit, Zainab Hawa Bangura, the Secretary-General’s Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict, discussed a joint communiqué that outlines critical actions that must be taken in the areas of security, justice and services.

The communiqué will serve as a framework for cooperation for action in key areas such as fighting impunity that is essential for prevention; legislative reform and strengthening the justice system; and, specific action plans of the army and police.

One of the critical gaps that must also be addressed is the lack of adequate medical, psychosocial and other services for survivors. The sexual and gender-based violence sector is the most underfunded area of the humanitarian response for Mali, she stressed.

The Special Representative also emphasized that the unimaginable suffering of the victims must serve as a collective call to action.

“It is our sacred duty to survivors and their families to make this one of the central considerations of the ongoing peace process, because if we do not, it will undermine the possibility and durability of our efforts to resolve the crisis in Mali,” she said. “I stand in solidarity with the victims as well as all those women, children and men who remain acutely vulnerable to sexual violence in Mali and conflicts the world over,” she added.

During the visit, she met with Prime Minister Modibo Keita, and held extensive consultations with ministers of defence, security and civilian protection, justice, religious affairs, health and women’s affairs, as well as the heads of the army, police and gendarmerie.

She also met with the President of the National Assembly, the Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission, religious and community leaders, the diplomatic and donor community, women’s groups, human rights associations, service providers and UN staff.

Ms. Bangura also spoke with representatives of armed groups under Coordination des Mouvements de l’Azawad (CMA) and Plateforme who are signatories to the Peace Agreement, to tell them that they must make specific commitments to prevent and punish sexual violence crimes. A majority of violations are being perpetrated by armed groups, as well as the extremist or terrorist groups operating in Mali.

She received assurances from religious leaders that they will speak out against conflict-related sexual violence, particularly in the context of violations being committed by extremists such as Ansar Dine, the Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Africa (MUJAO) and Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM).

“As a Muslim woman, I understand the role religion plays and how it is being used in some contexts, including Mali, to further the strategic objectives of violent extremists groups,” she said. “They are using it as a recruitment incentive to entice fighters with the promise of women, or for fundraising through the trafficking and sale of women and girls. This is an affront to the most sacred and fundamental tenets of Islam.”

The Special Representative met with survivors of sexual violence when she visited Timbuktu, in Northern Mali, where a large proportion of conflict-related sexual violence cases have been documented.

“Not only do they endure the devastating physical and psychological trauma of rape, but long afterwards they continue to suffer as they and their children are cast out and shunned by husbands, families and communities,” she said. “Sexual violence is the only human rights violation where the stigma and shame are focused on the victims rather than the perpetrators. Everyone has a role to play to change this unacceptable reality and raise the cost and consequences for committing these crimes.”

Burkina Faso: Synthèse Globale des données des réfugiés maliens au Burkina Faso (au 29 février 2016)

Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Country: Burkina Faso, Mali

Mali: Humanitarian Implementation Plan (HIP) ECHO Flight (ECHO/FLI/BUD/2016/91000) Last update: 11/09/2015 Version 11

Source: European Commission Humanitarian Aid Office
Country: Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Mali

The activities proposed hereafter are still subject to the adoption of the financing decision ECHO/WWD/ BUD/2016/91000

AMOUNT: EUR 13 435 000

The present Humanitarian Implementation Plan (HIP) was prepared on the basis of financing decision ECHO/WWD/BUD/2016/91000 (Worldwide Decision) and the related General Guidelines for Operational Priorities on Humanitarian Aid (Operational Priorities). The purpose of the HIP and its annex is to serve as a communication tool for ECHO's partners and to assist in the preparation of their proposals. The provisions of the Worldwide Decision and the General Conditions of the Agreement with the European Commission shall take precedence over the provisions in this document.


ECHO Flight is a vital service for most humanitarian partner organisations operating in the some regions of Africa, as it would simply not be possible to implement many humanitarian projects without this service. ECHO Flight aims to open up humanitarian access by providing a dedicated, efficient, safe and cost-effective humanitarian air transport services to remote locations that would otherwise be cut off from the rest of the world.

The ECHO Flight action is implemented on the basis of a service contract. A framework contract ("contrat en cascade") was signed in 2014 with the two winners of the tender. Individual requests for service (or "bons de commande") are made to the first-ranked winner, namely DAC Aviation International Ltd, Kenya based operator. This company is currently providing and operating the planes required for the ECHO Flight operations.

In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) there are no regular, safe and reliable links, neither by air nor overland, between major population centres such as Goma, Bunia, Kalémie, Lubumbashiand Kinshasa or between the many remote destinations, particularly in North and South Kivu, Province Orientale, Maniema, Equateur, Katanga and Kasai.

In Northern/Eastern Kenya and Mali, ECHO Flight serves remote field destinations that are not easily accessible and are not yet covered by reliable commercial air operators or where road access is deemed unsafe. Access has even deteriorated during 2015 in terms of security.
ECHO Flight also contributes to humanitarian projects along the Ethiopian and Somali borders via destinations operated within Kenya.

ECHO Flight operates the following priorities for passengers and freight:

  1. Humanitarian projects funded by the European Union.

  2. Humanitarian projects funded by other donors, or development projects funded by the European Union.

  3. Development projects funded by other donors.

ECHO Flight's limited scale (at present six planes operating in specific country operations) and flexibility allow it to respond promptly to emergencies such as medical evacuations, security evacuations, or larger-scale requirements. ECHO Flight could be extended as and when required to other operational contexts if substantial needs for dedicated, safe and cost-effective air transport in support of Union-funded humanitarian projects were identified.

Chad: « Cadre Harmonisé d’identification et d’analyse des zones à risque et des populations vulnérables au sahel et en Afrique de l’Ouest (CH) » N’Djamena, 07-12 Mars 2016

Source: Government of Chad, Food and Agriculture Organization
Country: Chad

Résumé narratif des causes, du contexte et des principaux problèmes

  • La production céréalière définitive de la campagne 2015/2016 est estimée à 2 452 528 tonnes. Elle est en baisse de 11 % par rapport à la production de l’année dernière (2 748 668 tonnes) et de 9% par rapport à la moyenne des cinq dernières années (2 687 408 tonnes). Les baisses les plus marquées par rapport à la moyenne des cinq dernières années ont été enregistrées dans les régions du Batha (53%), Kanem (54%), Sila (24%), Wadi Fira (57%), Bahr El Ghazal (27%), Guera (26%) et Mayo Kebbi Ouest (24%).

  • Le bilan céréalier incluant les importations et les exportations, montre un déficit net de 77 330 tonnes. La disponibilité apparente est de 155 Kg par personne et par an ; elle est en baisse par rapport à celles de l’année dernière (170 Kg/personne/an) et de la norme FAO (159 Kg/personne/an).

  • La situation pastorale est globalement moyenne. En revanche dans certaines régions de la zone sahélienne, la dégradation continue des pâturages et le tarissement précoce des eaux de surface (mares, bas-fonds et ouadis) ont entrainé une soudure précoce dès février 2016. En revanche, la situation zoo sanitaire est relativement calme sur l’ensemble du territoire.

  • Les cours des céréales sèches en février 2016 sont supérieurs à ceux de la moyenne de cinq dernières années, dans la plupart des marchés des régions de la zone sahélienne ayant connu des déficits importants de production et des zones affectées par l’insécurité due à la secte Boko Haram au Sahel Ouest. Comparé à la moyenne de cinq dernières années, le prix du maïs en février 2016 a augmenté de 23% à Bol et 11% à Moussoro, celui du mil est en hausse de 12% à Biltine et 20% à Bokoro et le sorgho en hausse de 12% à Mongo et de 18% à Oum Hadjer.
    En zone soudanienne par contre, les prix sont globalement en baisse par rapport à la moyenne de cinq dernières années. Ils sont en baisse pour le sorgho de 26% à Moundou et 11% à Sarh et pour le mil de 7% à Koumra et de 6% à Moundou. Cependant, les prix du sorgho sont supérieurs de 31% à Bongor et 27% à Benoye, le mil de 10% à Benoye et le riz local de 55% à Kélo et de 32% à Bongor.

Uruguay: ACT Alliance Alert: Uruguay: Tornado in Dolores

Source: ACT Alliance
Country: Uruguay

Last Friday April 15, at 16.30, a tornado hit the village of Dolores, Dpt. Soriano, 15 km. from the Uruguay River, in south western Uruguay, without warning. Dolores has a population of approximately 20,000. The tornado, considered as an F3, cut through the middle of the town travelling from West to Northeast, destroying everything in its path for 800 m. A third of this citys population has been affected. Until now, we have registered 4 deaths, 12 persons disappeared, and more than 500 wounded, mostly children. A primary school, the secondary school and the local Hospital are seriously damaged, as well as near 1,000 houses and other buildings. Many of the damaged buildings are still at risk of collapsing. People have been taken in by neighbours and family, others in improvised shelters set up by local authorities. It continues to rain, causing some flooding, making it difficult to save personal belongings from damaged buildings. If the rain doesnt stop, there will be health problems in addition to the existing housing problems.

Central African Republic: Humanitarian Implementation Plan (HIP) Central African Republic, Chad, Cameroon (ECHO/-AF/BUD/2016/92000) Last update: 16/11/2015

Source: European Commission Humanitarian Aid Office
Country: Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad

The activities proposed hereafter are still subject to the adoption of the financing decision ECHO/WWD/ BUD/2016/01000

AMOUNT: EUR 61 800 000

The present Humanitarian Implementation Plan (HIP) was prepared on the basis of financing decision ECHO/WWD/BUD/2016/01000 (Worldwide Decision) and the related General Guidelines for Operational Priorities on Humanitarian Aid (Operational Priorities). The purpose of the HIP and its annex is to serve as a communication tool for ECHO1 's partners and to assist in the preparation of their proposals. The provisions of the Worldwide Decision and the General Conditions of the Agreement with the European Commission shall take precedence over the provisions in this document. This HIP covers the Central African Republic (CAR), Chad and Cameroon. It may also respond to sudden or slow-onset new emergencies in Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Sao Tomé and Principe, if important unmet humanitarian needs emerge, given the vulnerabilities of these countries.


Overview of the main humanitarian challenges in the region

CAR, Chad and Cameroon have in common structural weaknesses and significant exposure to natural disasters and epidemics. This results in chronic humanitarian emergencies and political fragility, a situation which has most recently been exacerbated by the conflict in CAR and the spill-over of the Boko Haram crisis in Nigeria, which have caused large population displacement and severely affected local economies. The Sahelian regions of Chad and Cameroon are highly food-insecure areas with malnutrition rates close to or exceeding emergency. The three countries are at the juncture of major crises (CAR, Nigeria, Libya, Sudan, South Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo - DRC), with cumulative displacement effects over time.

On ECHO's Vulnerability and Crisis Index score , CAR obtains the most severe ranking, i.e. 3/3. Chad has also a Vulnerability and Crisis Index score of 3/3. Three simultaneous refugee crises in a context of extreme fragility and limited international aid, in particular a sharply decreasing donors' interest in the protracted Sudanese refugee situation, warrant this to be classified as forgotten humanitarian crisis. While the overall Vulnerability and Crisis Index score in Cameroon is 2/3, high humanitarian needs have been identified among the recently displaced populations in the East. In the Far North, local populations are affected by a food and nutrition crisis categorised as forgotten.

World: Global Emergency Overview Snapshot, 13-19 April 2016

Source: Assessment Capacities Project
Country: Afghanistan, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Colombia, Côte d'Ivoire, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Fiji, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Lesotho, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, occupied Palestinian territory, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Swaziland, Syrian Arab Republic, Tajikistan, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, World, Yemen, Zimbabwe

Syria: In recent weeks, clashes between Islamic State and other non-government forces over the border area between Turkey and Syria have intensified. IDPs in camps located along the border are at risk: over 35,000 have fled the area since 14 April and are in need of protection. Additional displacement is likely.

Yemen: Flash floods in seven governorates on 13 and 14 April killed at least 24 people and displaced an estimated 19,000. 24,000 people have been affected and over 2,000 houses have been partially or completely destroyed. The displaced are located primarily in Amran, Hajjah, and Hodeidah governorates and are in immediate need of shelter, NFI, food, WASH, and medicines.

Ethiopia: On 15 April, 208 people were killed and 75 wounded in an attack by South Sudanese gunmen from the Murle ethnic group in Gambella's Jakawa area, which straddles the Ethiopia–South Sudan border. The assailants also abducted 108 children and stole 2,000 cattle.

Next week the GEO will be published from our new web platform – join the digital launch event here: https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/40290-new-platform-for-humanitarians?locale=en

Updated: 19/04/2016. Next update: 26/04/2016.

Global Emergency Overview Web Interface

Nigeria: Boko Haram-hit Nigerian state calls for help to rebuild

Source: Agence France-Presse
Country: Nigeria

Abuja, Nigeria | AFP | Tuesday 4/19/2016 - 13:27 GMT

A northeast Nigerian state, the worst hit in the country by the Boko Haram insurgency, needs greater international assistance for rebuilding as it faces funding issues and a food crisis, its governor said on Tuesday.

Borno state governor Kashim Shettima said "we need the whole world to rally round us" to help peace-building, rehabilitation and reconstruction after nearly seven years of violence.

A report for the World Bank has said some 20,000 people from Borno have been killed in the Islamist insurgency and put the cost of the destruction in the state at $5.9 billion (5.2 billion euros).

The World Bank has set aside $800 million to support rebuilding, as well as other programmes such as de-mining and waste management, Shettima told a conference on reconstruction in Abuja.

"But... $800 million is a drop in the ocean in a state that has lost almost $6 billion as a result of the insurgency," he added.

"We need far more support from our international partners to be able to complete the rebuilding of our communities."

"Monumental infrastructure and economic losses" have hit homes, schools, government buildings, water sources, power and telecommunications networks, he added.

But Shettima said those who have fled the violence were still affected, even as Nigeria's military regains control of captured territory and reduces the rebels' ability to mount attacks.

Some 2.0 million of the estimated 2.6 million displaced have remained in Nigeria. Most are in living in host communities, with about 10 percent in specially designated camps.

Many of the camps are located in and around the Borno state capital, Maiduguri, with others across the state to cater for those who have returned to their home towns.

The governor said there was a "crisis of feeding" and that 1,800 50-kilogram bags of rice were required every day for some 381,000 IDPs, not including other ingredients for a nutritious diet.

International aid organisations and the Nigerian government in Abuja were helping, as financial constraints have left the state authorities unable to act alone, he said.

Nigeria, Africa's leading oil producer, has seen revenues reduced drastically by the decrease in global oil prices since mid-2014, affecting funding to state governments.


© 1994-2016 Agence France-Presse

Mali: Mali: Tableau de bord humanitaire, 15 avril 2016

Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country: Mali, Niger


Dans plusieurs régions touchées par le conflit au nord et au centre du pays, l’absence de l’administration limite l’accès des populations aux services sociaux de base. Malgré les efforts des partenaires de l'éducation, depuis le début de l'année scolaire en octobre 2015, à ce jour 277 écoles sont toujours fermées dans les zones où l’insécurité persiste. Le Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les Réfugiés rapporte 60 262 réfugiés maliens au Niger, soit une hausse de plus de 1 500 par rapport à janvier 2016. Selon le dernier Cadre Harmonisé, malgré une bonne campagne agricole, plus de 2 millions de personnes sont en insécurité alimentaire au Mali. A l'échelle nationale, ce chiffre pourra connaitre une augmentation (environ 3 million) si rien n'est fait d'ici la période de soudure (juin-aout).

Mali: Mali: Humanitarian Dashboard (as of April 2016)

Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country: Mali, Niger


In several regions affected by the conflict in the North and centre of the country, the absence of the administration is limiting people’s access to basic social services. Despite the efforts made by education partners since the beginning of the school year in October 2015, so far 277 schools are still closed in areas where insecurity persists. The UN High Commission for Refugees reports 60 262 Malian refugees in Niger; i.e, an increase of more than 1,500 compared with January 2016. According to the latest Cadre Harmonisé, despite a good agricultural campaign, food insecurity is affecting more than 2 million people in Mali. Nationwide these figures may increase up to 3 million approximately if nothing is done during the lean season (June-August).

Central African Republic: West and Central Africa: Weekly Regional Humanitarian Snapshot (12 - 18 April 2016)

Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country: Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria



Seventy-five per cent of internally displaced persons (IDPs) want to return home, but are unable to do so mainly due to the perception of absence of administrative authorities and security forces in their home areas, according to a “Return Intention Survey” by the International Organization for Migration. The survey also indicates that 43 per cent of the IDPs have been in displacement since December 2013, about 19 per cent are displaced since September 2015 and 15 per cent had returned home before being displaced once more.



The Congolese authorities have granted aid group Caritas access to the southern Pool department where security forces have been carrying out bombardments against positions of a former rebel leader. The mission is expected to provide more information about the humanitarian impact of the security operations. The UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has voiced concerns over possible civilian casualties and displacements. Access to Pool region has been restricted because of the ongoing operations. In the capital Brazzaville, almost all those displaced by the gun battles earlier this month have returned home.



The Regional Humanitarian Coordinator for the Sahel, Toby Lanzer, on 12 April urged donors to increase their support to UN agencies and non-governmental organizations that are increasing their footprint in the north-eastern Borno State, which is hosting some 1.6 million people displaced by Boko Haram violence. Just 12 per cent of the US$248 million needed this year for humanitarian operations in northeastern Nigeria has been provided.



The number of children used by Boko Haram as suicide bombers has risen ten fold in one year, and more than 75 per cent of them are girls, UNICEF said in a report released on 12 April. Forty-four children were involved in suicide bombings in 2015, up from four the previous year. Between January 2014 and February 2016, Cameroon recorded the highest number of suicide attacks involving children at 21, followed by Nigeria with 17 and Chad with 2. Over the past two years, nearly 1 in 5 suicide bombers was a child.



No new cases were reported in the week ending on 17 March from Guinea and Liberia, where seven and three confirmed cases have been reported respectively so far. WHO and the ministries of health of the two countries have established an epidemiological link between the Ebola cases in Guinea and Liberia. Response is continuing in both countries to curb further spread of the virus. WHO has said that Ebola transmission in West Africa no longer constitutes an extraordinary event, that the risk of international spread is now low, and that countries currently have the capacity to respond rapidly to new virus emergences.

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