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Niger: Niger - Albichir, Analyse approfondie des marché et de la sécurité alimentaire, No. 48, Octobre 2013

Source: Famine Early Warning System Network, World Food Programme, Government of Niger
Country: Niger

Albichir Analyse approfondie des marchés et de la sécurité a limentaire au Niger No. 48– Octobre 2013

Points saillants pour octobre 2013

• Une assez bonne animation des marchés issue de l'afflience des acteurs (producteurs, consommateurs, commerçants et éleveurs) en les marchés en cette période de Tabaski et de fin de récolte de la plupart des produits agricoles dans presque toutes les localités,

• Une poursuite de la baisse saisonière des prix des céréales sèches en raison de l’amélioration de l'offre consécutive au déstockage part endroit du reliquat de stock de campagne précédente et de la disponbilité des nouvelles récoltes dans la plupart des localités,

• Une poursuite de l’amélioration des opportunités d'importation céréales à partir des marchés du nord-Nigeria (Jubia, Illéla, MaïAdua et Maïgatari) et du nord-Bénin,

• Des prix nominaux et constants en diminution sensible par rapport au mois passé mais ils demeurent très élevés par rapport à la moyenne quinquennale, à la même période de 2012 et à celle d'octobre calculée sur 20 ans (1992-2012),

• Une amélioration des termes de l'échange bouc, niébé et oignion/mil sont en faveur des éleveurs et des producteurs des produits de rente (niébé et oignon).

Malawi: Southern Africa Regional Food Security Update: Malawi – October 2013

Source: Famine Early Warning System Network, UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, World Food Programme, UN Children's Fund, Food and Agriculture Organization
Country: Malawi


  • According to FEWSNET, the lean period started in October as normal in the south, but in areas in the central and northern regions the lean period began three months earlier than normal as a result of poor rainfall and poor harvests in the 2012/13 agriculture season.

  • The inflation rate in the country has further decreased by 1.6 percent points compared to the month before and is currently standing at 21.7 percent.

  • In October 2013, the national average maize price was 117.15 MK per kg compared to 58.29 MK per kg same time last year, showing an increase of 101 percent.

Mauritania: Education struggling to gear up in Mauritania’s Mbera camp

Source: IRIN
Country: Mali, Mauritania

MBERA, 2 December 2013 (IRIN) - Just 4,298 of the 14,000 primary school-aged children in Mbera refugee camp in eastern Mauritania are enrolled in camp schools, aid agencies estimate. Now that the UN refugee agency (UNHCR) is moving on from covering the emergency needs to longer-term issues, agencies are grappling with the challenge of getting enough schools built, improving education quality, and coming up with a continuum plan so that Malian refugee children have decent schools to return to when they go home.

In emergency responses, education is often deprioritized by donors and responders, and schooling in Mbera was no exception. “Since the start we’ve not had enough funding,” said Joelle Ayité, head of education for the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in Mauritania. “Since 2012 education has been a forgotten sector, despite the fact that half of the refugees are of student age.” Money has been coming in gradually, but “it’s not enough to cover the needs”, she said.

If secondary school-age children are included in the tally, just 17 percent of children in the camp are attending official schools, although some attend informal schools run by parents or retired teachers.

Donors funded 45 percent of the $3.1 million aid agencies called for in Mauritania in 2013; and have funded 42 percent of the $3.7 million required in 2014, according to UNICEF.

Momo, a refugee spokesperson in Mbera, is a retired teacher and education expert with decades of experience. His shelter is usually full of Tuareg notables and UNHCR staff discussing aspects of the aid response, or children who attend his private school. He is deeply familiar with refugee conditions in Mbera, having been a refugee here in 1997 during a previous Tuareg rebellion, when he served as quality inspector of the camp’s schools.

The official classes that have been set up are overcrowded – some have more than 300 children enrolled – overwhelming the teachers. There is a severe shortage of classrooms. Several of the initial schools were constructions of plastic sheeting over a wooden framework, and were ripped apart by fierce desert winds. A contractor team tasked with building more durable schools absconded with the funds, said Hovig Etyemezian, who runs Mbera camp on behalf of UNHCR.

An ambitious plan to build 88 semi-permanent schools using local materials is being implemented by UNICEF and its partner, NGO Intersos, but the project is still in its early stages.

Backott Ag Madelhadoui, a teacher, has 340 children enrolled in his class, though only about 150 were crammed into the classroom when IRIN visited. “There are many absentees,” he said. Nonetheless, “controlling such numbers is almost impossible,” he told IRIN.

Each teacher is paid US$60 per month by UNHCR and UNICEF, and receives additional food rations for his or her family, but most complain the remuneration is inadequate and Ag Madelhadoui said he could make more running a camp shop. “We spend six hours teaching each day and work every night to prepare lessons – we should be paid more. We have children to support,” he told IRIN.

Momo said, “giving 30,000 cfa ($60) is a way of saying: ‘we don’t worry about the results of your teaching’.”

But agencies are hard-pressed to pay more, given the lack of funds. Two of the 12 officially employed teachers in the camp are Malian state teachers and thus continue to receive salaries across the border – the rest are community teachers.

Oumar Ibrahim was a community teacher who responded to parents’ calls to educate their children at the school in their village just outside Timbuktu town in Mali. He teaches a class of 65 students aged 12-18 – one of the few secondary classes in the camp. His classroom was equipped with desks, each child had a notebook and pen, and they were drawing maps when IRIN visited. But teaching such numbers is hard. “We don’t have enough space. We need more classrooms,” he told IRIN.

Students in refugee camps in Mauritania, Niger and Burkina Faso follow the Malian curriculum, though some classes at Mbera are in French and Arabic. Some of Ibrahim’s students are Mauritanian, he said. Ayité notes that this is often the case in camps: “Everyone has a right to go to school, no matter where they’re from.”

UNICEF said it took a lot of encouragement and awareness-raising for some families to send their children – particularly girls – to school. “Now, more and more are starting to come,” said Ayité.

The majority of Malians in Mbera are nomadic or semi-nomadic and often do not send their children, particularly girls, to traditional schools. Many children attend Koranic schools, known as madrassas, as the secular state schools do not meet their priorities, said Momo.

UNICEF found that many children – 75 percent of them girls – aged 12-19 were illiterate and has set up literacy training groups for them. “It’s a very good opportunity to educate children who have not had the chance,” said Ayité. The idea is to train them in a trade that they can use back home.

Ten-year-old Mariama Wahlet Abdullahi told IRIN she had attended a madrassa in Nara, in the Timbuktu region of Mali, which she preferred. “There I could learn the Koran,” she told IRIN. But she is happy to be attending school in the camp.

“You need to create schools that are as good quality as those back home, if not better,” said education consultant Barry Segnan, who runs his own education NGO, Education Base.

Momo agrees. “There’s no point in just setting up a shell of a school – it’s not worth it. Schools need good teachers, teachers need lamps so they can plan their lessons, they need pens – these things that are logical for us are not a priority for others,” he told IRIN.

Segnan was assessing priority education needs in all the main Malian refugee camps, with a view to outlining short- and long-term solutions. He was worried about quality - no school can exist in a vacuum, its quality must be regularly assessed - but he also noted that “You can’t maintain quality over the same level unless you’re willing to pay for it.”

Ayité believes the responsibility for maintaining quality lies with the Mauritanian education authorities, with the help of UNICEF, Intersos, Plan International, and other partners.


Refugee education must be approached with an eventual return in mind, said Segnan, and that means focusing equally on quality in camps and in northern Malian schools, which have long been neglected and are currently floundering due to a lack of teachers.

An October assessment by UNESCO concluded schools were “barely functioning” in northern Mali, with just 52 percent of primary schools in Timbuktu running, and none having re-opened in Kidal.

A regional strategy must also stress keeping in school those nomadic children who never attended in Mali, he said.

Education authorities have long struggled with how to approach nomadic education: supporting schools on the move, or encouraging children to settle with relatives in towns or villages. Many Tuareg children attend community-led nomadic schools, where quality is very difficult to maintain said Segnan.

Most families Segnan spoke to said they wanted to make sure their children continued schooling back home. But northern Mali has the country’s lowest attendance rates according to Malian education officials.

UNICEF is working with the Mauritanian authorities to provide all returnee children with a certificate of attendance and validation of their course-work.

Segnan said there were other issues education providers in Mauritania, Burkina Faso and Mali should also be worried about, like what to do with the youth population, who are often neglected when it comes to schooling or training; and about coming up with a coherent teacher training package.

“We need youth centres. Give them training. Let the boys get driving licenses – it opens doors,” he suggested by way of example.

Rather than creating perfect, expensive teacher training programmes, “keep it simple” he said, pointing out that for $500 a teacher could be pretty well-trained in the basics.

Etyemezian admitted, “There is vast room for improvement” in the camp’s education, and the sector - specifically logistics and quality - is now one of UNHCR’s priorities.


Mali: Nord du Mali: attentat-suicide et manifestation touareg, la violence persiste

Source: Agence France-Presse
Country: Mali

12/02/2013 14:44 GMT

BAMAKO, 2 décembre 2013 (AFP) - Le nord du Mali a connu ces derniers jours de nouvelles violences et des tensions provoquées par des jihadistes présumés et des indépendantistes touareg qui illustrent une fois encore l'instabilité dans cette région malgré la présence de milliers de soldats étrangers.

Dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche, un kamikaze s'est fait exploser près d'une position de la mission de l'ONU au Mali, la Minusma, à Ménaka (nord-est), sans faire d'autre victime.

Selon le porte-parole de l'état-major de l'armée française, Gilles Jaron, l'attaque "visait un bataillon nigérien de la Minusma" de quelque 500 à 700 hommes, "dans lequel figure uniquement un détachement de liaison et d'appui de 24 soldats français".

Cet attentat-suicide à Ménaka n'a pas été revendiqué, mais il porte la marque de groupes jihadistes qui depuis fin septembre ont mené une série d'attaques ayant fait une dizaine de morts parmi des soldats tchadiens de la Minusma, des soldats maliens et des civils.

A cette violence de groupes jihadistes qui persiste en dépit de l'intervention internationale dans le nord du Mali initiée par la France en janvier, est venue s'ajouter celle liée aux indépendantistes touareg qui ont menacé de reprendre "la guerre" contre l'armée malienne.

Le 28 novembre, une manifestation d'indépendantistes touareg sur l'aéroport de leur fief de Kidal, à 1.500 kilomètres au nord-est de Bamako, pour empêcher la venue du Premier ministre malien Oumar Tatam Ly, a dégénéré.

La rébellion touareg du Mouvement national de libération de l'Azawad (MNLA) a accusé l'armée malienne d'avoir tiré sur la foule, essentiellement composée de jeunes et de femmes, qui criait "Vive l'Azawad" (nom donné par les Touareg au nord du Mali) et "Vive le MNLA". Selon le MNLA, il y a eu un mort et cinq blessés .

Le MNLA, un mouvement divisé

Une version contestée par le gouvernement à Bamako qui a affirmé que les soldats maliens avaient été "pris à partie à partie par des éléments incontrôlés" et "ont notamment essuyé des jets de pierres et des tirs d'armes".

Le gouvernement s'est étonné "de l'absence de mise en place, par la Minusma, d'un dispositif adéquat de sécurisation de l'aéroport et de la ville, en dépit de son information préalable de l'organisation de cette mission dont elle a assuré le transport".

Cette manifestation touareg qui a mal tourné est un nouveau signe de l'anarchie régnant à Kidal dont la sécurité est censée être assurée par les soldats français et africains de la Minusma, ainsi que par les combattants du MNLA.

Moins d'un mois après l'enlèvement, suivi du meurtre, de deux journalistes français à Kidal par Al-Qaïda au Maghreb islamique (Aqmi), elle prouve que l'Etat malien n'arrive pas à y asseoir son autorité et sa souveraineté et que le MNLA n'y contrôle plus rien.

L'annonce par le vice-président de ce mouvement, Mahamadou Djeri Maïga, au lendemain de la manifestation indépendantiste de Kidal qu'il allait reprendre "la guerre" contre l'armée malienne, apparait comme une simple déclaration d'intention et n'a pas été suivie d'effet à ce jour.

Créé fin 2011 avant le lancement en janvier 2012 dans le Nord d'une offensive contre l'armée malienne qui a précipité le Mali dans le chaos, le MNLA est un mouvement sans moyens militaires réels et profondément divisé entre partisans d'un dialogue avec Bamako et ceux de l'affrontement.

Moins de trois mois après le lancement de son offensive, il avait été laminé sur le terrain par les groupes islamistes armés liés à Al-Qaïda qui avaient pris le contrôle des trois grandes villes et régions du nord du Mali, Gao, Tombouctou et Kidal.

En dépit des affirmations de ses représentants à l'étranger, le MNLA n'est réapparu dans ces régions, et plus particulièrement à Kidal, qu'à la faveur de l'intervention militaire française fin janvier, ce qui a fait dire à plusieurs hommes politiques maliens que Paris jouait "un double-jeu" en collaborant avec le MNLA tout en soutenant militairement Bamako.


Mauritius: Southern Africa: Weekly Report (26 November to 2 December 2013)

Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country: Angola, Botswana, Comoros, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe

A cholera outbreak has been recorded in Cunene Province which has claimed the lives of dozens of people.

On 28 November 2013, heavy rains were recorded in Mauritius, however no major damage was reported. Some schools were forced to close and unconfirmed reports indicate that approximately 45 houses were affected by water damage, with a total of 279 people accommodated in emergency shelters.

Mali: Mali : 3W Présence opérationelle et programme - Qui fait, Quoi, Où (29 novembre 2013)

Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country: Mali

Yemen: Desert Locust Bulletin No. 422 (3 Dec 2013)

Source: Food and Agriculture Organization
Country: Algeria, Chad, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, India, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Oman, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Western Sahara, Yemen

General Situation during November 2013
Forecast until mid-January 2014

The Desert Locust situation worsened during November along the Red Sea coast and in northwest Mauritania. Locusts continue to gregarize and form hopper bands and groups of hoppers and adults in Mauritania, Yemen, and Sudan as well as in Eritrea where an outbreak developed unexpectedly. Afew swarms formed in Sudan and Yemen. Control operations intensified in all countries. Nevertheless, a second generation of breeding will cause locust infestations to increase further in December and January. More hopper bands and small swarms are likely to form along both sides of the Red Sea and, to a lesser extent, in northwest Mauritania. All efforts are required to reduce locust numbers and the potential threat to crops in the affected countries.

Chad: Chad struggles to prevent disease in midst of humanitarian emergency

Source: Guardian
Country: Central African Republic, Chad, Sudan

Chad hit by refugee influx from Darfur and Central African Republic as well as return of its citizens expelled from Libya.

Read the full report on the Guardian.

World: Global Emergency Overview Snapshot 26 November – 3 December

Source: Assessment Capacities Project
Country: Afghanistan, Angola, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Colombia, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Guinea, Haiti, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Myanmar, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, occupied Palestinian territory, Pakistan, Paraguay, Philippines, Senegal, Somalia, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, World, Yemen, Zimbabwe, South Sudan (Republic of)

In Syria, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that an estimated 126,000 people have died during the conflict, more than a third of them civilians. Meanwhile, Turkey and Iran, which support opposing sides within the crisis, jointly called for a ceasefire before the beginning of the peace talks, set for 22 January in Geneva.

In the Philippines, an estimated 14.9 million people have been affected by Typhoon Haiyan to date, according to OCHA. The number of displaced currently stands at 4.13 million, but people continue to move from the worst affected areas in search of aid, and humanitarian partners in regions VI and VIII indicated that assistance is not sufficiently reaching remote areas. The death toll currently stands at 5,632 people, with another 1,759 still reported as missing.

Seasonal rains in Somalia caused flooding in the plain of Middle Shabelle, where a major frontline between African Union troops and the armed group Al Shabaab is limiting the provision of assistance. To date, rising water levels and violence have displaced 90,000 people in the area.

Last Updated: 03/12/2013 Next Update: 10/12/2013

Global Emergency Overview Web Interface

Mali: Tombouctou : un projet d’aide de la MINUSMA aux agriculteurs affectés par la crise

Source: UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali
Country: Mali

La Mission multidimensionnelle intégrée des Nations Unies pour la stabilisation au Mali (MINUSMA), dans le cadre de ses Projets à effet rapide (quick-impact project ou QIP), a financé à hauteur de 50.000 dollars américains, un projet d’aide aux agriculteurs du cercle de Tombouctou qui doit leur permettre de terminer la récolte 2013-2014.

Cette aide se traduit principalement par une fourniture en carburant nécessaire au fonctionnement normal des stations de pompage qui irriguent les champs cultivés dans les trois plaines rizicoles d’Amadia, de Koroyommé et de Daye. Ces plaines sont gérées par des coopératives normalement approvisionnées en carburant de juillet à septembre. Du fait des conséquences du conflit les exploitants des plaines se sont trouvés dans l’incapacité de se prendre en charge jusqu’à la fin de cette récolte prévue en décembre.

Les coopératives d’Amadia, de Koroyommé et de Daye – fondées respectivement en 1997, 1993 et 1984 – sont des entités à but non lucratif, comme le stipule la Loi No 01-076 du 18 juillet 2001 qui a présidé à leur création.

En permettant de sauver une récolte compromise, ce QIP participe à la relance de l’agriculture et à la reprise des activités économiques du cercle de Tombouctou. Le périmètre d’Amadia compte 4 moteurs, celui de Daye en utilise 3, tout comme le secteur de Koroyommé. La consommation journalière de chaque moteur est 400 litres de gaz-oil (pour 12 heures de fonctionnement).

La riziculture est la principale activité agricole du Cercle de Tombouctou. La vente en détail du riz fait vivre beaucoup de femmes et de ménages de la région. De plus, le riz est l’aliment de base de la population et une pénurie ajouterait des difficultés à une situation alimentaire déjà précaire. Les résidus issus du traitement du riz sont également utilisés dans l’alimentation des animaux.

La principale mission des coopératives agricoles d’Aamadia, Daye et Koroyonme est d’appuyer les cultivateurs du cercle de Tombouctou en leur fournissant des intrants agricoles pour améliorer la productivité et, ainsi, d’atteindre l’autosuffisance alimentaire. Une autre mission de ce système coopératif est de favoriser l’entraide mutuelle entre cultivateurs.

La surface agricole totale destinée à la culture du riz, gérée par les coopératives, est de 1600 hectares (620 ha pour Amadia, 417 ha pour Daye et 563 ha pour Koroyommé). Les plaines rizicoles se trouvent à proximité du fleuve Niger. Les membres des coopératives sont les exploitants du cercle de Tombouctou, qui sont au nombre total de 1808 (945 pour Amadia, 840 pour Daye et 823 pour Koroyommé. Ces agriculteurs impliqués représentent toutes les communautés : Songhaï, Touareg, Arabe et Tamashek.

Il est important de signaler que la production agricole 2012-2013 a été lourdement affectée par l’occupation du nord du Mali, limitant ainsi la capacité des paysans du cercle de Tombouctou à financer la campagne agricole en cours.

Le succès de la campagne 2013-2014 permettra le redémarrage des activités agricoles et économiques. Les paysans seront ainsi en mesure de s’acquitter de la redevance eau de la campagne prochaine.

Lesotho: Lesotho: Food Insecurity - Emergency appeal n° MDRLS003 final report

Source: IFRC
Country: Lesotho

Period covered by this report: 10 December 2012 to 31 July 2013

Appeal target (current): CHF 1,119,000

Appeal coverage: 34%

Appeal history:

• This Emergency Appeal was initially launched on 15 October, 2012 for CHF 1,119,000 for 9 months to assist 8,000 beneficiaries (1,600 households).

• CHF 100,000 was allocated from the Federation’s Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) to support the national society in responding by delivering assistance.

• Operations Update no. 1 was issued on 31 October, 2012.

• Operations Update no. 2 was issued on 27 November, 2012.

• A six-month Update was issued on 31 May, 2013.


At the launch of this appeal, Lesotho was facing a food insecurity crisis which was affecting 725,215 people. This slow onset disaster became chronic in 2012, when the country experienced above normal rainfall, resulting in residual moisture through the months of May to August, which impacted on crop yield. Lesotho Red Cross Society (LRCS) launched an Emergency Appeal in October 2012 to assist with addressing the prevailing food insecurity situation across the country.

In the original plan, 1,600 households in five districts were to benefit from LRCS interventions through two components: relief distributions of food and non-food items, and food security activities. LRCS reached 1,200 through the first component, and engaged 1,900 in the second component.

The operation targeted disadvantaged groups including women and girls, who are at risk because of their gender; older people; people living with HIV or other diseases and disabilities; children and young people in difficulty, such as orphans. Registration of beneficiaries from the operation extended to households which comprised vulnerable people who were unable to physically work; in these cases, food distributions (including pluses, beans, maize and oil) took place in accordance with Sphere standards.

LRCS activities targeted both field and garden crops, with a focus on food-for-work land rehabilitation and conservation schemes. The conservation activities were identified by the communities as ones which would be of longer-term benefit to the community as a whole. To support the operation, LRCS provided agricultural inputs and associated training, demonstrated food preservation techniques, and convened community-based disaster preparedness activities.

The assistance provided through this Emergency Appeal enabled the targeted community to recover from the food crisis. It allowed some stability so that they started to rebuild their lives and commence on livelihood activities. In this manner, the recovery assistance minimised further damage and loss, contributed to psycho-social support, has gone some way to restoring livelihoods and has enhanced food security for possible future disasters.

Two planned workshops took place. A lessons learned workshop was held in Mafeteng in July 2013. The 15 participants included LRCS project officers, Red Cross volunteers and lead gardeners from the five Districts in Lesotho and Lesotho's Disaster Management Coordinator (LDMC). There was also a food security workshop that was conducted. As a result of under budgeting, an over expenditure was realised on the workshop budget line.

A balance of unspent funds remains. The Swiss RC funding approval was received in April and the programme prioritised to implement this earmarked pledge for the remainder of limited timeframe or the Appeal. Extension of the operation was deemed impractical since the activities being implemented were seasonal (rain fed) in nature, and the operation’s end in July coincided with the start of the dry season. Moreover, Lesotho’s food security situation improved tremendously in the current season (2012/13) according to the VAC report and confirmed by field monitoring activities under this operation. All households supported under the operation had a good harvest, even a surplus to sell. The unspent balance will be returned to the DREF fund..

Lessons learned:

· Food insecurity is in most cases a slow on-set hazard, which was the case in this situation where households slowly depleted their resources until they had little or nothing to consume. The situation was exacerbated by the government's delay in declaring a state of emergency (this declaration was made on the 9 August 2012).The major challenge was the delay in disbursing funds to Lesotho Red Cross Society to commence the land reclamation activities through food-for-work. Once approved, Appeal funds should be disbursed immediately, any delay in releasing funds will only exacerbate the situation.

· The LRCS took into consideration the training of volunteers to carry out the operation in an appropriate manner. To strengthen the training, a series of meetings were convened to remind volunteers, officers and stakeholders of their roles and responsibilities during a disaster period.

· LRCS has offices in ten districts, and should capitalize on the well-trained volunteers (lead gardeners and care facilitators), technical project officers, and divisional secretaries in these districts as well as strengthening the collaboration with other relevant stakeholders within existing structures. These structures will provide stronger management of future livelihood projects and the timely delivery of services by drawing on local staff with knowledge and experience.

· Longer-term livelihood projects should be considered to address the on-going food insecurity situation. Crop and small stock diversification would be appropriate. Consideration of other agricultural opportunities would help to increase the potential for securing enhanced livelihoods.

· In this vein, crop selection and diversification, options for drought tolerant crop varieties and improved seeds resistant to pests and diseases should be prioritized.

· LRCS should continue to educate and inform stakeholders on the mandate of the Red Cross Movement and its Fundamental Principles

· The number of the vulnerable households to be engaged in the food-for-work activities outnumbered available funding therefore these needed to be aligned.

· The area identified for rehabilitation is massive, and the remaining area to be worked is still huge

· Lesotho is experiencing extreme winters that hinders the growth of crops

· There was massive destruction of crops by army worm in some of the operational sites.

An external evaluation of this Emergency Appeal (along with other three food insecurity Emergency Appeals) is being arranged and will be facilitated by the Southern Africa Regional Office.

On behalf of Lesotho Red Cross (LRCS), IFRC would like to thank all partners that contributed to this appeal, including British Red Cross, Japanese Red Cross, Red Cross of Monaco, Swiss Red Cross and Netherlands Red Cross. Thanks are also extended to the volunteers of the LRCS for their commitment.

Mali: Mali : CAP 2013 - Suivi des Financements (au 03 décembre 2013)

Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country: Mali

Mali: Mali : Interventions des acteurs WASH interventions sur point d'eau et hygiene - Novembre 2013

Source: UN Children's Fund, WASH Cluster
Country: Mali

Mali: Mali : Points de suivi des mouvements de populations - Flow monitoring points (FMP) du 24 au 30 Nov. 2013

Source: International Organization for Migration
Country: Mali

Les points de suivi des mouvements de populations (flow monitoring points) ont pour but d’évaluer les mouvements de personnes déplacées du sud vers le nord du pays et du nord vers le sud. Les points FMP sont situés aux points d’entrée et de transit majeurs des villes de Bamako, Mopti, Tombouctou et Gao. Les équipes FMP sont composées de membres de l’OIM, de la Direction Natio-nale du Développe-ment Social et de la Direction générale de la Protection Civile.

Les données collectées par les équipes FMP ne visent pas à capter de façon exhaustive les mouvements de popula-tions mais à produire des tendances en terme de déplacement.

Du 24 au 30 Nov., 291 individus déplacés ont quitté le nord du pays pour se rendre dans le sud.

En parallèle, 3373 personnes déplacées sont retournées dans les régions nord.

La plupart de ces personnes se sont rendues à Tombouctou ( 1705 individus) et à Gao ( 1514 individus)

Mali: Mali : Rapport sur les mouvements internes de populations, 27 novembre 2013

Source: International Organization for Migration, Protection Cluster
Country: Mali

La Commission Mouvement de Populations (CMP) est un sous-groupe du Cluster Protection, dont l'Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations (OIM) est le chef de file et qui a été mise en place afin de recueillir et analyser les informations disponibles concernant les populations déplacées au Mali suite à la crise dans le nord en 2012. Les membres de la Commission sont: la Direction Générale de la Protection Civile, la Direction Nationale du Développement Social, HCR, OCHA, PAM, UNICEF, ACTED,
NRC, DRC, Handicap Interna tional, et CRS. Plusieurs autres entités participent régulièrement aux rencontres de la Commission.


A la date du 27 Novembre 2013, les partenaires de la CMP ont comptabilisés 254,822 individus, ce qui correspond à 39,245 ménages déplacés.

Mali: AfDB Board approves US $55.27 million for project to improve food security in Mali

Source: African Development Bank
Country: Mali

On Tuesday, December 3, the African Development Bank Group’s Board of Directors approved US $55.27 million for the Food Security Consolidation through Development of Irrigation Farming Project (PRESA/DCI) in Mali. The project aims at enhancing sustainable increase in agricultural output and productivity through efficient management of irrigation infrastructure and development of value chains for growth-oriented crop sectors.

It comprises two components – Development of farming infrastructure; Rehabilitation of irrigation infrastructure over 4,926 hectares with full control over irrigation water – and the development of value chains under three sub-components:

Development of value chains

Capacity building in programs on fertilization, mechanization, guidance-support, land tenure security, climate resilience, output and productivity, support for women and youths, support for value chains and authorities.

Promotion of technical innovations in programs on fertilization, mechanization, land tenure security, output and productivity, support for women and youths and support for value chains.

Support for local initiatives and governance in programs on mechanization, real estate security, climate resilience and the environment, literacy, support for women and youths, marketing and social infrastructure.

The project will rehabilitate or develop 4,926 ha of irrigated farm lands on three (3) sites, as well as reinforce and consolidate activities in the value chains. The three (3) sites concerned are: (i) the 274 ha irrigated area of Farabana within the Upper Niger Valley Authority zone in Koulikoro region; (ii) the 1,050 ha downstream area of Sélingué and its 50 ha extension, as well as the 126 ha Koutouba plain in Sélingué Rural Development Authority zone of Sikasso region; and (iii) the 3,426 ha central Molodo irrigation area and the 54.6 km drains of Kio and Bounouboua within the Niger Authority zone. Koulikoro, Sikasso and Ségou regions, which have a chronic malnutrition prevalence rate of over 30 per cent, are the most affected by this deficiency that affects over 843,000 under-five children.

Overall beneficiaries are estimated at 85,695 people including 5,700 households in the rehabilitated irrigation areas, 1,000 women in the market gardening irrigation areas, 2,100 youths and women from EIGs dealing with small-scale stockbreeding, fish farming, processing and marketing of agricultural produce, and 200 youths from agricultural machinery Economic Interest Groups. At full development, an additional output of 25,000 tonnes of paddy rice, 24 tonnes of fish, and 73 tonnes of broiler meat is expected.

The total project cost is estimated at UA 39.30 million* (CFAF 29.64 billion). The Bank’s support is in the form of a loan and a grant of UA 33.856 million (86.10 per cent of total cost) and UA 2.144 million (5.5 per cent of total cost), respectively. The Government will also contribute about CFAF 2.42 billion (UA 3.21 million) to finance mainly the operating costs, training, support for the economic interest groups, planting works and cadastral survey costs. Similarly, beneficiaries’ contribution in kind, estimated at CFAF 66.97 million (UA 88,800), will be needed for certain works related to forest planting and control of floating aquatic plants.

  • As of December 2013, 1 UA (Unit of Account) = US $1.53521 = 740.68041 CFA Franc BCEAO (XOF)

Mali: "La communauté internationale nous oblige à négocier avec un groupe armé" (IBK)

Source: Agence France-Presse
Country: Mali

12/04/2013 11:33 GMT

PARIS, 4 décembre 2013 (AFP) - Le président malien Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta a déploré dans un entretien au Monde mercredi que la communauté internationale "oblige" Bamako "à négocier avec un groupe armé", en référence à la rébellion touareg du MNLA dont le fief, Kidal, échappe toujours au contrôle de l'Etat malien.

"La communauté internationale nous oblige à négocier sur notre sol avec des gens qui ont pris des armes contre l'Etat", a déclaré M. Keïta. "L'Etat malien est contraint de négocier avec un groupe armé qui s'en vante, dans quelle commedia dell'arte sommes-nous?", a-t-il insisté, en évoquant ainsi la situation anarchique de la ville de Kidal, dans le nord-est du Mali.

Les troupes françaises et africaines présentes au Mali depuis près d'un an, après avoir chassé les groupes islamistes armés qui occupaient le nord du pays, "ont vocation à aider le Mali à recouvrer son intégrité territoriale et sa souveraineté. Nous assistons hélas à une situation où la présence de ces troupes a empêché le Mali de rétablir l'autorité de l'Etat à Kidal, alors qu'il l'a fait à Gao et Tombouctou", les deux autres grandes villes du nord du pays, a déploré M. Keïta.

"La rébellion touareg du Mouvement national de libération de l'Azawad (MNLA) est retournée à Kidal dans le sillage des troupes" françaises qui ont chassé les islamistes, mais l'armée malienne a été empêchée de retourner à Kidal, a-t-il accusé. "Pourquoi ? Serions-nous des barbares d'une autre époque qui, une fois à Kidal, se mettraient à massacrer tout le monde ? L'armée malienne n'est pas une armée de soudards", a-t-il assuré.

Malgré la présence de soldats français et de troupes de la Minusma (force de l'ONU), Kidal est en proie à l'anarchie et aux rivalités de groupes armés. L'Etat malien n'arrive pas à y asseoir son autorité et le MNLA, profondément divisé, n'y contrôle plus rien.

Interrogé sur l'enquête sur la mort des deux journalistes de RFI, Ghislaine Dupont et Claude Verlon, tués le 2 novembre par des hommes armés qui les avaient enlevés à Kidal, le président malien s'est dit "presque certain" que Baye Ag Bakabo, trafiquant de drogue touareg lié à Aqmi (Al-Qaïda au Maghreb islamique), "est bien le responsable de cette tragédie".

Le chef de l'Etat malien est à Paris pour participer au sommet de l'Elysée sur la paix et la sécurité en Afrique, qui se tient vendredi et samedi en présence d'une quarantaine de chefs d'Etats et de gouvernements africains.


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Mali: Mali : Aperçu Humanitaire (au 30 novembre 2013)

Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country: Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauritania, Niger

Le niveau de financement du CAP 2013 est passé de 47 à 50 pour cent du 30 octobre au 28 novembre 2013. Toutefois, six clusters (abris, santé, nutrition, protection, éducation, EHA) sur neuf sont financés à moins de 50%, ce qui limite leur capacité à répondre aux besoins identifiés.

Mali: La MINUSMA visite des détenus handicapés à la Maison Centrale d’Arrêt de Bamako

Source: UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali
Country: Mali

Le Mali, à l’instar de la communauté internationale, a célébré le mardi 3 décembre 2013 la "Journée internationale des personnes handicapées". A cette occasion, la Division des Droits de l’homme de la Mission multidimensionnelle intégrée des Nations unies pour la stabilisation au Mali (MINUSMA) a voulu évaluer la situation de prisonniers présentant des troubles psychiques et mentaux à la Maison Centrale d’Arrêt de Bamako.

Proclamée en 1992 par les Nations Unies, la Journée internationale des personnes handicapée, célébrée tous les ans le 3 décembre, a pour objectif de favoriser l’intégration et l’accès à la vie économique, sociale et politique des personnes handicapées. Cette année le thème retenu est : "briser les barrières, ouvrir les portes vers une société inclusive et un développement accessible à tous".

D’après les estimations des Nations Unies, il y aurait quelque 650 millions de personnes - soit environ 10 % de la population mondiale, dont approximativement 80 % dans les pays en développement - souffrant d’infirmité d’ordre physique, mental ou sensoriel. Les personnes handicapées sont souvent marginalisées et la discrimination à leur égard revêt différentes formes, du refus des possibilités d’éducation jusqu’à l’exclusion et l’isolement. L’ONU reconnaît que la défense des droits de ces personnes mérite une attention toute particulière et elle s’efforce d’améliorer leur situation et leurs conditions de vie. L’intérêt que l'Organisation porte au bien-être et aux droits des personnes handicapées est ancré dans ses principes fondateurs qui ont pour socle les droits de l’homme.

Pour marquer l’évènement, la division Droits de l’homme a voulu apporter son soutien aux détenus souffrant de déficience mentale et de problèmes psychiques à la Maison Centrale d’Arrêt de Bamako en compagnie du très réputé professeur Koumaré, psychiatre à l’Hopital du Point G.

L’objectif de cette initiative est de procéder à l’évaluation des traitements des détenus handicapés mentaux, pour identifier dans un premier temps les points de blocage et par la suite aider les autorités maliennes à mettre en place les mécanismes pour prendre en charge les cas des détenus ayants des besoins spécifiques.

Parmi les 2000 détenus de la prison centrale, environ une quarantaine souffrent de déficience mentale ou de problèmes psychiques. Selon l’administration pénitentiaire, la hausse du nombre de prisonniers ayant des besoins spécifiques s’est accrue avec la crise sécuritaire au nord du Mali.

Les insuffisances relevées sur place sont d’ordre logistique, et sont relativement facilement surmontables avec l’engagement, l’implication et la volonté manifeste de toutes les parties. Selon Arnaud Royer, Chef de la Division Droits de l’homme de la MINUSMA : "il y a des décisions à prendre par les autorités compétentes et l’accompagnement de la mission ne fera pas défaut pour améliorer les conditions de détention de cette couche particulièrement vulnérable de la population carcérale, en facilitant l’accès aux consultations médicales appropriées et aux soins que leur état de santé exige".

Photos disponibles a : http://www.flickr.com/photos/minusma/sets/72157638323077686/
Video en francais: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmeYXkp_CwM
Video en anglais: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuXUtULn23A

Senegal: UNICEF Monthly Humanitarian Situation Report Senegal - November 2013

Source: UN Children's Fund
Country: Senegal


· 2,200 new SAM admissions have been reported in October, reaching almost 17,800 so far this year, or 41% of the annual target.

· This month the French Red Cross has screened 86,875 for acute malnutrition in Diourbel with UNICEF support. More than 3,850 MAM were found, and 676 SAM detected and referred to health facilities. Diourbel has already reached 200% of its annual target two months before the end of the year.

· UNICEF has successfully advocated for health authorities to include screening for SAM and MAM in the December 2013 national vaccination campaign. This would allow to reach as many as 90% of children in Senegal (against 60% screening coverage of the national nutrition program)

· No additional emergency funding has been received this month. Thus UNICEF Senegal’s requirements of US$ 3,305,266 in the HAC remain 75% funded.

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